disposable batt: family mindless buy`#winUp #todo

This is another WinUp type of problem… AA) recurring BB) without solution CC) irritating

— The main problem: I suspect the “easy and lazy” practice of many people (esp. spoilt kids) is to use exclusively-new batteries. Therefore, once they put a new battery into an apparatus, they won’t ever bother to save it in a stash for reuse somewhere else, even if the apparatus is used only that one time, and the new battery in it is only used for 5 minutes /from cradle to grave/. Saving it in a stash requires sys2 effort [/organization/, discipline, compliance…. ]

I find this habit unacceptable esp. in my family. If my kids gets into this habit, I become upset.

The subsequent problem:  Sometimes, they buy a pack of 8 batteries, use 3 then mix the remaining 5 with other batteries including used ones. Then they don’t know which batteries are new. So they end up buying another pack of 8.

— problem: many batteries expire after 3Y (alkaline up to 10Y) even if unused, so they can appear like half-used.
To preserve new batteries, store them separately from old batteries.

— problem: batteries are heavy, so we tend to throw away when we have too many new ones.

— sugg: buy 16-pack and split it into 2-packs. Shrink-Wrap each.
~ how about  stapler on my tiny zipbag?
~ how about transparent sticky tape-wrap? You can write  “NEW” on the tape.

— sugg: buy cheap throw-away batteries in many small (original) packs like doubles
Goal is to discourage them buying expensive “regular price” batteries.

— sugg: after 3 batteries are shown to “fail” once, feel free to discard without guilt, even though one of those batteries could be good.

— sugg: keep new batteries segregated from used battery, so I could use the “old” batteries
Rationale: when a battery fails to work in some apparatus, we really need to try a new battery to be sure. Therefore, new batteries are valuable.

The total cost of this “segregation” is a bit too high

Compliance — family tend to ignore it.

— sugg: battery tester ….. to reduce the effort of separating used vs new batteries. However they are not always accurate. I think tester will get misplaced, and disappear due to disuse.

— sugg: rechargeable ….. as a solution to the mindless buying and excessive storage cost: doesn’t work in my family, as other family members lose the rechargeable batteries
I will keep a pocket-size single-charger.

SBH: door closer: unexpected success #durability untested

A bit of obsession with horizontal, stability (multiple screws),,, but hey it was an unexpected success , which deserves scrutiny.

— Up to three parameters to adjust. See https://laforceinc.com/blog/how-to-adjust-a-standard-door-closer-in-6-steps/

  • latching speed .. slow down to avoid slamming to door frame or …. fingers [THE original motivation]
  • backcheck .. avoid slamming to the surface behind. Can also reduce the number of magnets required to hold the door open
  • closing speed .. easy to control using hydraulic. I think all door closers has this feature

— j4: personal injury…. Non-negotiable.

After removing door closers, I noticed more than one door slams by boy and wife. Each slam could result in an injury (never mind door damage). Family members are so used to the protection by the door closer, that we now depend on it.

Fact: Most homes don’t have soft-closing doors. Some families put on bumpers to protect the hardware but not for injuries!

— very high tcost of shopp around (online/offline), install, adjustment .. $cost is minor in comparison

The high tcost felt like a winUp problem. Now I have invested hours to acquire the skill + confidence [drilling metal door frame]. Looking back I think it is worthwhile.

Initially, I thought my 10Y living with the oversized Dorma on my room2 door was powerful motivation to find a better solution for the new home. Therefore, I spent hours researching online/offline all during the final stretch of my runway! One of Singapore’s biggest door accessory shops told me in writing (whatsapp) “410mm minimum needed. Your gap is only up to 350mm so no door closer can fit”.  Well, I didn’t give up and I kept investing time, despite professional advice.

— choice: Dorma thin model

Sims Ave thin model is 40cm thick.. trustworthy.

— choice: one-arm hydraulic
Don’t choose cheapest model, as durability is the most likely derailer. Now that I have invested hours in learning, I am confident/comfortable about buying a higher quality, and reusing the holes (The four holes are worth many times more than the hardware.) or drilling new holes.

I could install a second unit if not enough protection, or if first one stops working.

— wear-n-tear .. Dorma lasted about 10Y, before one of the units had _some_ wear-n-tear. The door contractor instructed me to throw it out (I had no use of it), but in hind sight, I think it is still usable as a spare.

One-arm hydraulic may have a shorter lifespan… 2Y would be good enough.

Rough handling would definitely damage either the door closer or the door. This is part and parcel of every door operation. There’s powerful force in every door. Soft-closing solutions also need comparable powerful force. These forces can cause harm to users or the hardware [door, wall,,,]

winUp: landGrab #cpuHog #MSff



I believe all of my win10 laptops suffer from unwanted windows udpate.

I was told that winUp could deactivate MSOffice. You might hit (and get stuck in) “not activated” indefinitely.

WinUp can mess up hardware drivers. The previous touchpad settings are reset or cleared when the Synaptics Touchpad legacy driver is updated. This occurs after the Synaptics driver is downloaded and installed through Windows Updates.

In my $399 Lenovo laptop, this WindowsUpdate “service” seems to be taking lots of CPU. I managed to disable this service and it seemed to help.

  • sugg: Now I set the “service” as disabled. I also use a “nobody” local account for service log-on. After a restart it is still disabled as of now on Lenovo, but on some computers like Acer156, it self-activated again.
  • sugg (to turn diskspace crunch into an advantage): put in big landgrab files so there’s no space for the downloads?
    • See also disk-hogs to delete #win10 land-grab
    • if I leave too little free space (like 50MB), then I am frequently /interrupted/ and urged to free up storage.
    • if I leave too much free space (like 1000MB) then winUp could kick in.
    • ^^ so I now operate in a band of 200~600MB

— millions of suggestions online
So far, landgrab is the only solution I feel “somewhat” reliable, but it requires a few tools (contig, treeSizeFree).

There are many online tutorials, but so far, they don’t work in my case. I’m tired of trying “one more suggestion”.


##def[WinUp]: unavoidable persistent annoyanceS


A winup problem is, similar to the windowsUpdate problem, AA) recurring BB) without simple and reliable solution CC) without alternative routes DD) irritating to ME more than it irritate others. As such, these problems are esp. annoying, smelly and stress-inducing

This blogpost collects a few challenges sharing some common characteristics, without deriving fruitful insights. I hope in the future we will see some fruits.

For the original winup problem, the only solution I found so far is landGrab. I felt silly to spend hours setting up the tools to support landGrab. zsms! The zsms is annoying to say the least.

— accept the imperfect:  spending “excessive” (poorly defined) hours on winup or the windows license expiration is worse than accepting nagging popup reminders.

Life is never perfect, esp. with these new technologies and devices.

— coding drill .. AA/BB/CC
I feel CSY’s view on coding practice is similar in that he probably feels silly to spend months on it, but he just couldn’t find any better solution to this huge and immediate problem.

Insight — accept the reality that this obstacle won’t go away. Be prepared for a life-long struggle. If you don’t give up you will become stronger than the majority because they don’t take on such a problem.

insight — accept yourself that you are more affected than other people. You could say you are more vulnerable on this front.

In contrast, Deepak has a positive attitude. Some may say that over 3 years, Deepak won’t improve to get ahead of CSY, but who are we to judge. Life is full of surprises. Deepak will improve as long as he keeps up the practice, and someday he will get lucky.

In theory, someone who doesn’t practice can also get lucky, but I don’t believe it. This is my bias towards hard work. Luck favors the deligent like Deepak

Actually, my windowsUpdate situation is better than CSY’s situation, becasue I have a working solution.
— deep-dive QQ interviews for Deepak… CC/AA/BB. Deepak hit this type of interviewer repeatedly and he loses his cool. He tends to focus on the personality rather than the style and the selectivity of screening.
— driving .. CC/BB/AA. When living in the U.S. Driving is a big, unavoidable problem. I will choose to live in walkable communities with subway.
Some women drivers are more scared than me, and only drives on local streets.

The non-driving lifestyle in Beijing, SG (perhaps HK) is half relevant.
— long commute in NY area .. BB/CC
— WordPress block editor.. BB/CC
disposable batteries: family mindless buying .. not a “big” annoyance