wechat auth #recovery @new|exist`device


— G3 strategies to cope with catastrophic risk of wechat “loss”

  1. use whatsapp/email more, uese wechat less, esp. with wife. Those tidbits of vita info will be less likely locked up in wechat
  2. DRD log-in on “new” phone to flush out any log-in issues, which remain hidden if you remain authenticated for years. If you log in once and never log out for years, then you are bound to forget your mobileNum, password, email address etc.
  3. save chat history to SD card etc .. see https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/16003/wechat-history/

— minimize Wechat usage .. Wechat is now growing into a dependency for me, but strategically I need to move more stuff from wechat to whatsapp, email or SMS.

  • whatsapp and email data are on-server and easy to recover
  • wechat has horrible tech support (located in China), esp. for log-in/access or history recovery. Whatsapp and gmail have global user base.
  • wechat restrictions/controls are dictated by PRC government (Tenchent is not exactly a private company). Overseas users are treated as second-class citizens during the “due diligence”.

==== account recovery on a phone where my login id (xxx5241) is already registered

3 trusted friends?

— Using passwd alone .. in Feb 2025, I was able to enter se8 to log in. Note the acccount identifier was pre-populated as xxx5241

— Using voice recognition… (least useful) In Feb 2025 and 2023, I was able to read a prompt in English to log in, but this method is useless when you switch account or set up on new phone.

==== account recovery on new phone, with no prior wechat account

The single most important thing to remember ….  mobileNum. Using smsOtp (without passwd) you can recover your account on a new phone.

MobileNum is +86-xxx5241. My account id is tiger40490 but useless for account recovery.

log in xxxx5241/se8… standard passwd preferred because I prioritize access rather than privacy. In other words, I worry far more about losing access rather than chat content leak

— Using mobileNum + smsOtp  .. in Feb 2025, I was able to enter xxx5241 first, _then_  smsOtp to log in.

— Using mobileNum + passwd  … in Feb 2025, I was able to enter xxx5241 first _then_ se8 to log in

— Using registered email addr … in Feb 2025, I “forgot” my passwod. I entered my gmail and received a link to reset my wechat password

## periodic pruning #



This blogpost is related to (like subset) reduce annoyances b4 stress_Spike #preEmptive

[L= Travel-light .. mutually exclusive with [e]]
[e = electronic pruning… comparatively lower urgency than physical pruning, which reduces physical weight for travel-light]
[r=pruning tcost has low Roti]

  • [L] imp docs .. I tend to put more and more papers into this “drawer”. Ideally, it should only contain truly important docs
  • [e] outdated payee list in DBS/SCB/MB///
  • unused credit cards
  • growing heaps in corridor shelf
  • [L] books/magazines .. (esp. free ones). Actually, relocations always forced me to do involuntary pruning.
  • [Lr] old laptops, phones,
  • expire bottles in fridge …
  • [Lr] toys
  • [er] email folders like fuxi, todo
  • [er] contact_large.txt .. I think I can remove some of the recruiters (that I have stopped working with). How about some of the ex-colleagues and ex-classmates who I feel don’t like me?
  • [er] linkedin contacts .. cost of maintaining a linkedin contact — hinders my search/browse.
  • [er] browser bookmarks
  • [er] photo album in smartphone

— [e] blog ..

##energy_sinks of free time

review QQ, CIV, localSys
academic coaching .. hardly a sink
emailing with friends
recreational reading
blogg on r-ikigai
sticky bposts


— Current sinks: Right now (2020-2021), I have an unprecedented (excl. bachelor years) amount of spare time but whatever disposable time there is tends to get suck into the “energy sinks” below. See also ##hobbies mid19-21 #Zeng/Fenix. I had better control some of the sinks such as pff. (Liberal use of text highlighting encouraged in this blogpost.)

  1. — current sinks, half-ranked by hours
  2. [s3] pff, including analysis and selection of asset
  3. .. eg: reading books on stock picking .. increase. Need sunshine
  4. .. eg: stock picking ..
  5. .. eg: FSM .. reduce
  6. .. eg: exp recon .. reduce
  7. family outing/movie + family discussions + other family time
    1. family movie could provide talking points with boy
  8. other blogging .. a hopelessly vague item to be included here, though it does “sink” a lot of time.
  9. DramRefresh of non-tech blog/email.
  10. frenDialog.. Note email drafting is a sink but more efficient more satisfying than meet-up.
  11. curiositySou.. including wikipedia or news reading. Control it but don’t feel ashamed!
  12. [s1~s5=strategic value]
  13. [c=need to capture absorbency to feel the joy]

So my sinks are not so good, but miles ahead of my cohort, largely due to my awareness. Millions of my cohort waste their spare time without knowing. I think their sinks include videos, drinking + overeating,  sight-seeing/shopping, sports channels, gaming/gambling,,,, but I don’t want to speculate.

Q: What’s in common between:
* comparison-shopping for tiny savings
* curiosity search (see above)
* lots of time spent on FSM, robinhood,,, with small trades, but crucially… without growing insights!

All of these are pleasurable, leisurely, and common well-accepted recreations.
All entail huge cumulative tcost, low ROTI, therefore they are “luxuries ” in terms of tcost.

— I want to create some new sinks and revive some old sinks. Note proposed sinks by definition are enjoyable, engaging,,, If some proposed sink is not, then it require tweaking. Often I hit a stone wall

  1. DramRefresh of tech + [s3] wellness + [s4] parenting + Vocab blogs — will make me feel good about my past blogging
  2. vocab (Ch/En) .. read new and refresh old
  3. recreational reading
  4. game with meimei
  5. academic coaching with meimei
  6. [s5] experiment to establish sustainable lifestyle for yoga, chin-up etc
  7. piano

— (irrelevant comparison) sinks of free cash flow — FSM low-risk funds. Perhaps I should consider U.S. index funds as another sink.

— Below is a 2021 email. For this discussion to be meaningful and add any value, I want to be strict with my criteria for a “hobby”. To see which bobby takes up more time /comparatively/, I need more precise criteria about what kind of time spent falls into each “bucket”.

Hi Kevin, You asked what hobbies (兴趣) I have. (Daryl and FenixOne founder also asked me the same question.) I have many. Some are important to me but “light” in terms of time usage, such as workouts, parenting research, and wellness research. Anyway, below I rank my current hobbies (since mid-2019) in terms of time usage from light to heavy.  ▲▼ indicates buy/overbought recommendation.

[85=can last till I reach 85, when grandpa complained about lack of hobby]

  1. ▲parenting reading and blogging .. Reading is less effective compared to self-reflection on trial-n-error.
    • Note Parenting trial-n-error by itself is too tough to be a “hobby”.
    • Note time with kids is not a personal hobby but part of my job as a parent.
  2. [s▼] video and online recreational reading .. often unplanned and without time-limit.  For example, I spent many hours on ▼curiosity searches, or reading ▼Trump.
  3. [s▲85] workouts and wellness research… This hobby includes blogging. Healthy food ▼shopping too, which is relaxing but time-consuming. In general shopping trips are no hobby but 20% of food trips are part of this “hobby”.
  4. library trips ..  and /experimental/ [s▲85]stay-home reading vacations for recreational reading. Topics are light, including news, ▼show-biz, history… These trips are planned, with a time limit.
    • Whenever I read finance, wellness or serious subjects like career, parenting, the activity falls into the more specific categories below.
  5. [s▲] tech learning .. and blogging, interview preparation. Unrelated to work, therefore a “hobby”. Occasionally I do a bit of coding drill. See self-renewal in the blogpost after Fenix IV
  6. [s 85] pff .. research, trading, and blogging. This wide-ranging hobby also includes real assets, country-comparison, tax research, retirement, inflation, college funding, home purchase (U.S.), car ownership. Some “chores” are not part of a hobby.
    • I don’t think this hobby is the “heaviest“, as I sometimes tell others.
  7. [s▼] “the other” misc blogging, ▼emailing .. to friends on _fun_ topics. This hobby also includes meet-ups and calls (loved ones + friends overseas), which are becoming rare nowadays. I prefer emailing.
    • when the discussion is finance, career, wellness, parenting … then the hours fall into the more specific categories.
  8. [s 85] DIY home repairs .. including minor (often surprisingly /rewarding/) improvements. Am a slow, /reluctant/ handyman at home. 51% of the time it is an enjoyable hobby without time pressure. See ## DIY. This hobby also includes home-reorganization, which is 49% a hobby.

I guess one common thread is reading + blogging. Some important areas are hard to achieve personal growth by reading alone [1] and require plenty of trial-n-error, like in stock trading, wellness, and parenting. I remind myself I’m not reading/blogging for fun. Indeed about half of the listed hobbies have a practical target, but I have managed to add fun into the effort and turn them into hobbies. When I don’t hit any target, I would soon feel regretful about the time spent.  See also ##plateauing growth: 江河日下,自强不息

[1] otherwise the bookworms like the tanbin in my 20’s would become role models.

##passwd: site traits #bank++


See also

  • ##passwd: special sites
  • https://tanbinvest.dreamhosters.com/11453/noway2protect-against-remote-brute-force-hacker/

This is a loose guide on how to characterize various sites.. No perfectionist please.  “Enum” style classification is time-consuming, unnecessary, impermanent,,,.

“Site” := any authentication system, including smartphone.

xp [citi.sg,,,]: If you have already come up with a unique password for a site and use it long enough to build an “association”, then you can stick to that forever. However, there’s a risk of leak.

Considering the site_trait list, here are the most vulnerable sites, half ranked by AUM

  1. maybank khm .. has kill counter
  2. PNB.. has kill counter, and is set up on single device only. No 12H cooling off.
  3. BofA .. has kill counter + 2FA / 3FA [emailOTP, 6-digit ATM PIN]
  4. citi.NA .. has kill counter

— site_trait::restriction 🙂 2FA .. less dangerous (but still dangerous) to have a stock/shared password.
* Most banking sites use 2FA-on-logon.
* Many banking sites use 2FA-on-unrecognized-device .. Citi.NA, Robinhood,,,
— site_trait::restriction 🙂 kill counter .. a G2 crucial server-side protection. Financial sites are /trigger-happy/ and vigilant — would lock you out after a few failures. If a financial site lacks this feature, then it is inadequate, a sitting duck.

Smartphone has it.
— site_trait::restriction 🙂 12H cooling off after adding payee, account contact changes, transfer limit increase,,,
— site_trait::restriction 🙂 daily quota .. ATM card
— site_trait 🙂 passwd Dram-refresh  #Can help us remember other sites’ passwords 🙂
LAN passwd; Singpass; Poems;;;
— site_trait 🙂 easy passwd reset, with local /in-person/ support
eg: banks with local branches
.. in contrast, Many overseas webank/mobank are hard to reset 👎, like PNB, Maybank.khm.  See ##special sites’ pw/userid
eg: UChicago is better .. had received huge school fees from me, and has a decent IT department to service alumni network.

— site_trait: some require complex 👎 passwords, but luckily inaccessible from open internet[3] 🙂
tip: Use explicit hints
tip: Save more explicit hints in blog and recoll
— site_trait::restriction 🙂 [3] inaccessible from open internet
eg: ATM
eg: … eng xxxxxxxx !1
eg: mlphone
eg: mlp RSA pin
eg: personal or company computers
===== security traits /beyond/ password authentication
— site_trait::restriction 🙂 money lock
— site_trait::restriction 🙂 transfer to 3rdParty unsupported .. Poems (better double-confirm)
— site_trait 🙂 kill switch by self-service or 24h hotline
— site_trait: essential .. I tend to feel a large number (like 30) of sites are essential, but I had better pick no more than 10 as really critical, and think carefully about them.
* github: access; tampering
* overseas banks: access
* Rbh .. access;

personal_UGC [blog,gmail,,] #xp,tips

k_UGC,,, k_disk_hog

UGC was discussed in the Rolia bpost and other bposts, but here I’m boldly (no shame) expanding its scope to includes personal exchanges and personal notes.

Perhaps, system/solutions of UGC vs personal_UGC have overlaps?

j4 this bpost .. I spend 10h+/week on blogg + email. More than half the hours are using my personal archive.

incremental_update .. A G5 essential goal , although it sounds irrelevant to an archive system…  incremental_update across months, even years [see those w1r6 bposts]. This goal is highly relevant when I jot down “content” for planning, problem solving, analysis, self-help etc. Dozens of pieces to update in any week, disqualifying many “simple” systems like paper, smartphone, email drafts.

archive_search .. A G5 essential goal of personal or team’s archive (even a “national archive”). For me, gmail+MSOL, Jira, wiki are more relevant than blogs. Paper folders are suitable if they come in the letterbox. Common challenges include [archive_proliferation, outdated_content, x_ref,,,]

Terminology .. x_ref is a technical /challenge/, but not a “problem”.

==== 温故知新 .. including DRamRefresh is a G2 goal for my “system” . Finding long-forgotten pearls of insight. Common challenges include [x_ref, outdated_content,,]
I now rely more on blog tagging (a system adjustment ) for x_ref.
* A big tcost and real complexity is categorization. I have invested a lot in my category hierarchy.
* A challenge is … tag_proliferation. I have invested into header keywords as an innovative adjustment.

As a system adjustment to help the SEng[search engine], I allocate time to bpost title drafting and continuous adjustment. Search result only shows blog title!

A common challenge is … archive_proliferation i.e. “too many Drams to refresh”. My t_fuxi tag + sticky flag, and fuxi files in git blog are not very effective but still a worthwhile ongoing adjustment. Post-it and print-for-refresh are time-honored techniques.

nuts ##forgettable truths .. is an example of a tradeoff. After a few years, the valuable content (a “Dram”) deserves a welcome refresh but until then, we have to keep it as “outdated, low-value baggage”.

As I age, this goal and its challenges will grow. May become a #1 goal.

For devTill70 and career longevity, DRamRefresh would be crucial, as I use personal_UGC to record technical/localSys/past project content.

— a common challenge is … outdated_content. Most emails and bposts beyond 10Y prove irrelevant.
I now allocate some effort (adjustment) tagging them as outdated.

To reduce noisy search and to reduce storage footprint, I actively remove (adjustment) outdated content from blog and email archives.

In Rolia, only hand-picked conversations are preserved in 精华区 (system adjustment) for years, but a good post was often followed by low-quality comments 🙁

xp: dozens of bposts on diet/nutrition/BMI; dosens of bpost on parenting…

For these goals, A simple “write-n-archive” system without adjustments would soon prove primitive.

— xp: my recoll. Many purposes, including incremental_update and 温故知新. Stopped using it in my early 40s, because … (among other reasons) hard to access from outside home. “Title” space too limited 🙁 No version control

For localSys notes, I still rely on recoll.
— xp: I used blogger and free wpress for years. Limited tagging. Date editing too cumbersome.
— xp: wpress post comment and “updates” on page top .. are simple adjustment for incremental_update
— xp: wpch[wpress commercial hosting]  is my current system
GitBlogg “noblog” files .. as an adjustment and a archive, dramatically reduces my pain of creating/updating too many bposts, but at a small cost ! The noblog Dram doesn’t get enough refresh, but I can live with that.
— xp: English vocab and Driving blogs
DramRefresh is non-essential. Blogger, recoll,,, would probably sufice, though wpch offers additional benefits
— xp: personal email archive, esp. in my Gmail. I seldom use Gmail for active DramRefresh, because largely immutable, and archive_proliferation. I sometimes notice valuable /conversations/ in this 20Y worth of email “haystack”, thanks to the advanced SEng [search_engine]

To reduce noisy search and to reduce storage footprint, I invested in multiple adjustments to clean out worthless letters. Described in a separate bpost.

wechat/whatsapp messge personal archive is used by many individual users… poor cousin to email archive. Limited screen; no subject; limited history.For important data, better send email to myself.
— eg: A Goldman colleague shared his “team best practice” .. saving all email discussions in some /undisclosed/ knowledge archive, which proved effective for finding long-forgotten pearls of insight.  I see multiple imperfections

  • lots of the content are duplicated/repeated,
  • Some of the content is low quality, even incorrect/misleading
  • alternative spellings and (rare) misspelling would mess up the poor SEng

ExpertExchange and Quora suffered the same. Stackoverflow has many adjustments to reduce those pains. Those features are costly and complex.

A corporate wiki is better maintained but still lacks an effective SEng.

— innovative adjustment : /disposable/ blogging
* tcost: updating existing bpost .. obligation to find the _most_relevant_ bpost. After that, often need to integrate new content into existing.
* tcost: creating brand new bpost… obligation to choose category/tags and draft good title
* tcost: noisy wpress search /against/ increased haystack;
* tcost: overcrowded category/tags

When I have too much content in git-blog, a recommendation is … disposable blogg i.e. expressive, reflective, therapeutic writing in git-blog (or wpress), and later move content into those fuxi_*.txt files

Email with friends .. is an exemplification of such reflective writing and comparable to disposable blogg. “Thrown away” into gmail archive. better tcosts. Eg: in early 2024, I did such an reflective writing on “adaptable retirement”. These emails are kinda worth a dramRefersh once a while, but … Should they go into my blog as four-liners? Only a selected few.

Need to go through the fuxi_* files once a while or they would keep growing, but that’s a tradeoff.

Sugg: split fuxi_ files by subject


liv`with chronic condition #ADL

How about CAD, t2dm

k_rmSelf_vs_xpSelf  .. k_X_focusing_illusion  .. k_CAD

This blogpost started with a ADL/TPD focus and included some less severe but still chronic conditions detrimental to quality_of_life [wellbeing] in old age. Now I feel the ideas in this blogpost are relevant to a wide range of  (medical or non-medical) long-term conditions related to old age, like loneliness, gradual loss of mobility.

  • eg 2: Christopher Reeve
  • eg 9: In 2007, XXX.Hou (L.Hou’s dad) described himself as struggling-with (he sounded more like defeated-by) multiple conditions in nervous system, 内分泌 system, respiratory system, circulatory system, reproductive system, etc. Since then, I have always concluded that his life experience in those years was miserable, and he was suffering through those years, but really?
  • Paul Allen may have suffered ill health for much of his later years, but … “Paul deserves much more time.” Unlike Bill Gates, we outsiders often hit DurationNeglect and fail to realized that Paul’s xpSelf wanted to live longer, albeit in a form of unhealthy_longevity (defined later in this blogpost).
  • eg: in 2022 I jogged past a a street poster (treatment ads) showing a man’s upper body with dozens of skin lumps. What if the condition is chronic and can’t be treated? I think this condition is much less severe than ADL/TPD, so yes we will get used to living with it. The older we get, the more “appearance deterioration”will become chonic… including drooping, skull elongation, obesity.
  • eg: My mom, always scared of losing mobility permanently in old age, is now positive about her will to live with that, but she said she would prefer to die if she falls into /vegetative/ state.
  • eg: Ken.Lew‘s “desperate” workout… He is battling his long-term “condition” with long-term strategy. We outsiders (our rmSelf) tend to see his struggle as hopeless (he said “desperate”), but is his xpSelf suffering as if tormented day in day out in a prison? I don’t think so.
  • eg: Rong.Zhu also described to me his chronic back pain — the “condition”. Well, it never disappeared, but he got used to it, exactly as Buddha predicted. Similarly, in the early 2000s, the 领头羊 young man described to me and ML his chronic migraine (the “condition”).

eg: 5k/M to support living with ADL is the main (but low probability) “condition” of this blogpost. Some people speculate that with 2 ADLs (or Total Permanent Disabilities) our quality_of_life is guaranteed to be  intolerable, and not worth living, so we probably want to end the suffering early.

I find this “guarantee” a very questionable evaluation by the rmSelf, largely influenced by mass media portrait of severe disabilities. Similarly, in the desparate: healthy lifestyle context, some would say Kenneth is desperate fighting a hopeless battle. “Is it worth fighting?” … the rmSelf asks itself.

In this kind of forecast and for most individuals, the rmSelf is the decision-maker. The xpSelf has no voice and is routinely neglected, but it deserves a lot of attention. The xpSelf ought to take the lead and decide whether such a quality_of_life is worth living. The evaluative rmSelf had better shut up and stop playing a backseat driver.

In my prognosis, I would surely /adapt/ to the ADL limitations (or TPD) and learn to enjoy a much reduced level of well-being and /satisfaction/fulfilment/. I believe my zqbx strength will shine through.

In reality, ADL limitations (or TPD) is not equal to “loss of all limbs” or “total loss of sight+hearing like Helen Keller”. Many ADL individuals live years of fulfilling life, in spite of their disabilities. (One of the first traction-secrets is refusing to compare with the able-bodied.) See Reeve.

Suppose from age 80 to 90 you have lived with fulltime nursing due to ADL or TPD, and now a family member tells you she is considering a similar insurance and asks:

Q: If you could choose a second life between two tough choices, do you prefer your kind of life (with the ADL) or a life that ends at 80, before the ADL event? In other words, would you rather be killed by the event? Is the 5 DALYs [from 80 to 90, but adjusted with a factor] worth nothing or worth living?

A layman on the street, considering the prospect of ADL, would probably choose the shorter life, believing (the “guarantee”) the final 10Y would be endured in misery. However, after living through the 10Y, you probably know it is a net-positive experience and therefore may choose to relive the same 90Y.

A disability-adjusted life year could be 2 twilight years spent disabled, but is worth more than zero.

With eg 9, XXX.Hou knows that his final decades (with multiple conditions) has been a net-positive and therefore may choose to relive the same life.

With eg 2, Reeve said he was “glad to be alive, not out of obligation to others, but because life was worth living.”[79]

on P405-6, Kahneman gave a few pointers around the Focusing_illusion[2] over serious and chronic conditions.

  • He pointed out that rmSelf’s evaluation of wellbeing (like CSASS) tends to compare the current life against life before the condition or agaisnt healthy people. I agree. The average person doesn’t “evaluate” her life every month, but when she does[2], indeed a comparison is automatically performed by System 1, often grossly incomplete. System 2 often does a quick review and approval, so she completes her quick-n-dirty evaluation, which usually reflects the condition. I would expect to see a below-average score on the CSASS.
  • He pointed out experienced wellbeing (like hedonimeter or experience sampling) of paraplegics and colostomy patients is similar to healthy people !
  • He pointed out that for many serious disabilities, there’s a large discrepancy between experienced (hedonimeter) vs evaluated (CSASS) wellbeing.
  • .. I think the thought and imagery of myself (or a loved one) becoming disabled is depressing and pessimistic .. “a life not worth living”, partly because it is largely a comparison with the able-bodied quality_of_life. However, if I don’t dwell on[2] [constantly evaluate] my condition then my experienced wellbeing can be close to normal.
  • .. to a lesser extent those with minor conditions are well-advised to avoid dwelling on it, including excessive reading and frequent testing.  If the condition won’t go away but receives adequate medical attention, then the fixation on it can create unnecessary suffering [loss of happiness and increase of dissatisfaction]. The xpSelf’s experienced wellbeing could deteriorate.
  • He pointed out at end of paragraph1 on P406 — It appears that the (evaluative) rmSelf (of colostomy patients) is subject to a massive Focusing_illusion about the quality_of_life that the xpSelf endures quite comfortably. If you reflect on your condition, it’s tragic and you would rather have a shorter life “next time”; but if you don’t dwell on it, then it feels superficially fine.

It echoes the Buddhist insight of impermanence “Every pain and every 快乐 (bliss, satisfaction of desire) will die down.” In some unfortunate cases, the victim dies before the pain dies down (my mom’s mom). In all other cases, our biological systems adapt themselves to progressively reduce that pain/joy signal. After months or years, eventually we will learn to live with it (like covid19). We may no longer notice it, until we compare with the able-bodied.

positive eg: if after 10Y, a faithful couple continue to enjoy intimacy (even though the passion dies down somewhat), then they are lucky.

[2] https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=549&action=edit describes — Focusing_illusion can be tricky to describe and understand. Here’s a striking example. Remember the story “We complain about our shoes / When some people don’t have no feet.” Is that a good habit to compare that way and feel less unlucky? What if one day you lose your foot? That habit is a double-edged sword and can amplify the negative self evaluation due to the Focusing_illusion.

3]1 printers #dependency@@


3-in-1 print/scan[1]/copy is what I need since 2017. My priorities:

  1. low-maintenance .. mostly about outages. Cartridge-replacement is LG2
  2. initial cost .. small amount actually
  3. total consumable cost over a unit’s lifespan (2Y typically)

maintenance ^ TCO trad-off …. For my “occasional printing”, inkjet likely wins on TCO while Laser has a slight edge in terms of maintenance.

Jolt: Once again, the mainstream priorities are unimportant to me, such as print finish, wireless print, even consumable cost

I don’t need any fancy features. I just need basic printing. All features come with headaches [reliability, set-up,,, ]

— feature: outage .. laser beats inkjet, but both types hit outages including scanning.
sleep mode is an outage when I need to access the LCD and power cycle the device ! However, if I can easily see the sleep mode, and easily wake it up, then not an outage.

Printer companies offer _onsite_ repair .. a testimony to the poor MeanTimeBetweenFailure in printers. There are more moving parts in the inkjet model, and more outages.
— feature: consumable replacement t-cost.. (including shopping, refill) laser beats inkjet. A light-duty laser toner can last 1000+ pages before replacement, but (Jolt) a heavy duty inkjet cartridge can last up to 800 pages if not drying up. Some Canon printers can configure for drying.. see below.
— feature: consumable cost… laser beats inkjet. This is LGlp, because I have a low “lifespan” expectation for both inkjet (1->1.5-2Y) and laser models (3-4Y) –> Jolt: As soon as it starts giving problem, I would want to terminate the pain and abandon it. So during the short lifespan, our consumable cost can’t escalate.

A laser toner costs about SGD 40 and can print 1000+

A 300-page Canon cartridge (original) costs SGD30. To reduce cartridge cost, you can get a $7 refill at a Simlim shop. Canon Singapore estimates that for 1080 prints [30 prints/M * 36M] ink consumable costs $100 … inferior to laser consumable. However, there are inkjet models with $0.0018/page. High-end inkjet can rival laser in consumable cost.
… Now I feel the simlim trip to refill is too t-costly. New cartridge can be bought near home.

— feature: initial cost… inkjet beats laser hands down. This cost difference /dwarfs/ the consumable cost difference
! The cheaper, the less baggage.. In 2019, I bought a USD 25 print-only model.

price range .. inkjet is much cheaper than laser in initial cost (also including consumable).
* Laser: [SGD200-300].
* inkjet: [SGD 69 – 100]

— feature: weight and size… inkjet beats Laser.
Lighter models can be moved easily and mounted on a higher shelf. Easier transport for repair
— feature: dry-up .. laser beats inkjet since there’s no worry about “dry-up if 3M no use”.
— [1] Need for scanning .. many people use camera but once a while we still need a “proper” scan of an important document like transcript, certificates.

— new advanges of inkjet over laser

  • energy .. inkjet printer uses (up to) 85% less energy
  • paper jam .. reduction, thanks to lower heat!
  • less bulky therefore easier to fit in.

water-proof? New inkjets are Completely safe, though my low-cost models may not
— $50 HP 2723e details
Android installer download takes a few minutes. The install requires 🙁 🙁 an HP account (Ldn 2011 with one metachar). This printer offers utterly unimportant features [wireless printing, instant ink] that require non-trivial set-up involving wifi capabilities that I don’t have or don’t know.

However, the $50 is a bargain price for the basic functionalities (I ignore those fancy features), so no complaints.

Wireless printing might be useful to wife. Need to confirm with her. Newer printers may have this feature too. Next buy can include this optional requirement.
— $69 Canon MG2570S (PG-745XL cartridge) details
PrintingPreference -> Maintenance -> Custom -> InkDryingWaitTime
~ Canon Pixma printer cartridge replace
🙂 no computer required, but stay powered
open the front cover. See youtube.
cartridge would automatically move to the middle for your access.

— Printer driver install
After driver installation, sooner or later, we need an initial connection between the hardware. A common juncture of failure.

If cable is loose or printer is off, then you can check using device-manager — unplugging/turning-off will remove an item immediately from device-manager; plugging/turning-on will add an item immediately to device-manager. Windows may also beep 🙂 These are good signs. If you don’t see any of these signs, then driver is broken or windows is broken.

Note Device manager is more low-level than Printers-n-scanners-page. It is able to show the new device earlier than PnSP can. Windows restart may be required before PnSP shows the new device.

Insufficient diskspace can mess up the installation in some strange way.

I prefer test-printing a single dot (notepad file).

==== 2-printer low cost set-up is one of the top 20 lifestyle improvements since 2020, but ..
Q1: will it be _needed_ in the long run? Probably for a few years
A: I choose to focus on the next few months

Q2: is it lifestyle creep?
A: depends on total cost [the dollar amount + the furniture support]. I think it’s worthwhile

Q3: is it unhealthy dependency?
A: also depends on “availability”. When I can’t have these printers, I will cope fine.

2-printer set-up proved to be surprisingly cost-effective and worthwhile, even though it entails lots of shelf space, wiring, power socket..

— j4: reflective writing.. 2-printer is useful for reflective writing.
When it’s available, I tend to print out, annotate, update online, then print out again.
Reflective writing is part of my wellness-driven life.
— j4: standing .. 2-printer also helps me stand more.

幸福:2cornerstones #breakaway^goodLife

k_mellow k_def_of_success

See also

This bpost needs more clarity, to avoid becoming yet another forgettable analysis.

TJ.Lin: comfort zone guarded by internal^external protections is a simpler, earlier version of the GG+BB framework. GG is an external driver of my 幸福. BB is an internal driver.

— /genesis/ and intro .. In Sep 2022, when grandpa once against said my 幸福感 was precious and admirable, I realized that my 幸福 [peaceful contentment, successE, fat-n-happy, carefree ezlife] is rare (among my cohort) in two ways — GG) “good life” BB) breakaway. Both are impermanent in the Buddhist sense…. but I’m slowly growing confident.

As to the English translation, I feel /contentment/ is the more apt word than satisfaction.

— GG) By many objective yardsticks (data-based), my current life is a precious good life, not common even among the WSt elite.

However, I try to keep my feet on the ground — this “good life” is impermanent and utopian.

This “Good life” is more successE[cashflow, wellness, harmony] than successC.

— BB)  there are numerous imperfections in my “good life” that are commonly perceived as less-than-enviable, but as if by magical power I have progressively /neutralized/ and embraced them, and gradually mellowed up, breaking away from the common wrong priorities of the rat race.

Breakaway requires bold, independent thinking, honest and incisive self-evaluation, serenity, relying on self-knowledge advantage.

A small subset of the imperfections are listed below. Sometimes I perceive these imperfections as character building, tests of conviction, hard lessons.  Serenity is still badly needed whenever I find my blissful bubble derailed into a storm. There have been no big storm since 2018… reminds me of the long peace after WW2. A minor storm — boy in late 2023.

Crucially for my current 幸福 , my center of gravity is progressively shifting away from the wrong priorities [successsC, exclub,,,] towards wellness [including mental], successZ+E,,, I refer to it as a bold breakaway.

— Q1: What specific elements in GG or BB have improved (starting sometime in 2018) that give rise to my current 幸福感?

  • (BB+GG) anxiety/disappointment about boy….  Boy improved, but more crucially, I mellowed up more than his mom.
  • (GG) PIP .. appr by manager.
  • (BB) FOLB… I had many discussions with S.Liu, YY.T.
  • — for decades, above are the big-3 derailers/stressors across my tectonic plates. Below are Additional items:
  • (BB+GG) marriage, bonding with meimei
  • (BB) 5/wk workout .. improving my successZ
  • (GG) commute

For this bpost title, I chose “cornerstone” rather than “pillars”. Cornerstone is secure, not precarious.

noHunger到家..appetite out@ctrl

See other analogs in in libido ≅ Availability situation

— Analog 3: you sustain an injury [like a bruise] during a basketball game, you notice the pain when you take a shower, or carry a chair. The fixation of your attention during the game tends to numb your nerves and protects you from the physical pain, so the physical pain wasn’t felt. When the fixation is removed, the pain invariably kicks in. This has nothing to do with weakness or loss-of-control. In a similar way, I sometimes come home not feeling hungry because 1) been preoccupied with office “engagements” 2) no unexpected enticing foods in office stash. As soon as I reach home, the recent memory reminds me to look in the fridge.

  • If (on the rare occasion) there’s nothing enticing, then I would be disappointed yet relieved. Unaffected by any appetite out of control.
  • if there is some nice food I have avoided for a while, then usually the separation has intensified the craving.
  • if there is any nice food even if recently eaten, then automatically, naturally, in an entirely healthy and human process, the suppressed appetite wakes up, and derails my diet plan.

Q: However, in Bayonne home, my fridge did have enticing foods, so why was I in better control of my appetite?
A: unexpected foods ! Those Bayonne foods [ice cream, pudding..] were carefully chosen and well-hidden in my stash so that they won’t wake up the suppressed appetite.

The noHunger sensation is unreliable. It’s unfair to accuse myself as a weakling, based on complete misperceptions. The appetite on rampage is completely natural, and triggered by identifiable stimuli.

— reaching home after dining out
Q: re the unexpected food in the home stash, why it’s not a problem when I come home after a buffet?
A: no prolonged separation. no compensation-seeking.

Jolt: If a previous restaurant meal was a controlled_indulgence i.e. not satisfying enough, then the unexpected food in home stash would still awaken the appetite !

— prolonged endurance, on the verge
Analogy 2: after a 24H connected flight, I often felt “not sleepy”, but I would fall asleep often as soon as I reach home. It proves that the noSleepy sensation was unreliable.

Similarly, after fasting 16 (or even 20) hours, I often felt “no hunger”, but as soon as I release myself, the suppressed appetite would emerge. The noHunger sensation easily wiped out by any unexpected enticing food. It is on the verge, but a healthy human could maintain that sensation for probably a few days, pushing the limit of endurance.

As explained in prolonged separation intensifies attraction, a prolonged separation could appear to weaken appetite significantly, but the appetite is dormant.

— watermelon in Bayonne ^ TPY
In Bayonne home, when I return home after yoga and feel hungry, I sometimes eat lots of watermelon + other fruits to satisfy the hunger. Why doesn’t it work in TPY home? My answer is the availability of many unexpected enticing foods. Some hit separation->attraction. You can call it wrong-time, wrong-food, wrong-quantity temptation, but is very natural reaction.

warehouse curiositySou[def] esp. when”working”



Scope of this bpost .. is mostly about curiositySou, esp. when engaged in some task at hand[1]. Reading news frequently triggers a curiositySou and is (loosely) related to the topics below.

Q: why do I spend so much time analyzing and blogg about curiositySou?
A: the weekly total hours spent on curiositySou (+ online news) is staggering for myself and family

[1] CuriositySou would make us put down what’s on our hand 🙁

Personal Statistics — when I look back at my google searches, most of them are low value and zero urgency. I wonder if you can ask google to show your own search history.

case study: when I researched on “richest country of latam”, I was drawn into the different ways to measure national wealth. Unplanned. Energy sink !

Many coworkers (including my managers) have a habit — immediately search on-line when a particular news catches their attention. Or it could be a name, a product, a jargon, a question, something search-able, but something not related to their immediate task and don’t require immediate investigation.

If we warehouse the curiosity, very often we realize Aha that curiosity topic is not worthwhile. This Aha is similar to a help desk’s unpublished policy:

“Depending on the urgency, wait N minutes before reacting to a request. When you do reach out to the user, she will likely need it less urgently than if you ask her now.”

This guideline requires self-discipline, something most adults and kids lack.

This guideline applies not only during office hours. It applies whenever you need concentration including deep_work. Non-trivial learning is one major area affected. This is esp. important when we find ourselves in the absorbency/engagement mode. Therefore, we need to train ourselves to identify it, like identifying fatigue while driving.

How do we warehouse?

  • Write it on a piece of paper
  • take a picture
  • voice recorder

— topics, problem patterns to notice and target our “treatment”

  • [u=curious search usually ends up on wikipedi++ or UGC rather than published by an organization with editorial QC]
  • Google Doodle is a classic nudge for curiositySou, esp. when it appears to be about your compatriot, your profession,,,
  • [u] a memorable detail in a movie plot or movie scene,
  • .. a subtle act of a character
  • .. one of hundreds of details intentionally planted in movie scenes.
  • a memorable part of a lyric
  • a title of a book, play, story, or a characcter therein … often suggests “must be in wikipedia++
  • a historical event, personality or place
  • a well-known city, river/late, mountain or country
  • celebrity news .. we don’t need to search. The important news would find its way to me.
  • a witty phrase, or a trendy phrase,
  • an unfamiliar English word/phrase/idiom to confirm its nuances, connotations and appropriate usage
  • any curious jargon, statistic,,,,, Influencers/marketers like to drop these “names++” as a nudge for curiositySou. Don’t fall into those traps.
  • a news .. This category deserves a section “news junkie”

— news junkie .. See also Lia’s comment below. I think reading a quality newspaper [CNA, printed newspaper] is a socially acceptable recreation, better than many “addictions”, and better than many other curiositySou topics.

Q: how is curiositySou different from (encountering and) following a curious (news++) article  title in print media?
A: with print media, if you are curious about something mentioned in the news, you can’t immediately search
%%A: less tendency to get sidetracked
%%A: curiositySou often involves filtering search results and discarding irrelevant info. Reading news for an hour, we don’t discard so much.

— https://www.becomingminimalist.com/limited-curiosity/ blogger says “I am a supporter of intentionally discerning what is appropriate to be curious about…. Our information age has made unbridled curiosity a constantly available distraction…. We would be wise to limit our curiosity. We simply don’t need to know all that we want to know.”

As to news junkie, reader Lia commented “I haven’t watched or read the news for about 10 years. Instead I trust that if I need to know something that it will come to me through friends…. The one exception to this is before an election, at which point I seek out information through web searches and talking with friends…. I can’t think of something important that I’ve missed because of it.”