s/sheet: git^gCloud^recoll #goodTech


spreadsheets and Word docs can now be saved in github / gDrive / recoll. [ Abundance of choice (no s) ]

As of 2019, My preferences for s/sheets:

  • github as a “master” — is temporary like a few months ( no need to be precise ). Good for “hot, active” files like assets.xlsx
  • recoll — By default, all s/sheets should be mastered in recoll due to these justifications:
    • convenience, efficiency… (no need to elaborate) which is 90% available in github
    • offline access. No login required.
    • full, personal control of backup, including by email
    • no worry about “mysteriously missing”
  • gDrive — is the default if a sheet is often accessed outside home
  • gDrive — integrates well with blog
  • gDrive — acceptable if a sheet is updated from various computers. If seldom updated, I don’t mind leaving it in google drive.

Note both github and google sheets provide automatic backup + versioning. Github even lets me add a commit message 🙂

— The file name should indicate “{gDrive” or “{git” or “{recoll”. This is important when the same file is maintained in multiple locations and not always kept in synch. Why “multiple location”? Because editing is easiest iFF in recoll .. See justifications earlier.

— googleSheets

  1. [a] Main advantage of googleSheets — no MSOffice (license) needed. Chrome becomes a spreadsheet editor!
  2. [a] auto-save
  3. [a] basic text highlighting similar to wordpad

— gDrive .. detailed in google drive #phrasebook – btv-open

  1. == Pros and cons:
  2. [a] can embed a URL-to-gDrive-file in blog and open it easily
  3. [a] one-click to view, immediately
  4. [a] version history
  5. — lesser factors:
  6. [d] hard-to-remove: even after I remove a sheet from google drive, the “recent list” still shows the sheet name. https://support.google.com/docs/forum/AAAABuH1jm0p1AnbFMpJPY/?hl=en&msgid=NI2sIaCdAgAJ&gpf=d/msg/docs/p1AnbFMpJPY/NI2sIaCdAgAJ
  7. [a] privacy levels:
    • can be completely view-able to all, like github. Good on MS network ?
    • can be view-able to anyone with the address
    • can be private among named individuals
  8. [a] saves disk space — no MSOffice
  9. [a = advantage
  10. [d = disadvantage]

To be able to edit documents, spreadsheets … offline on mobile devices, you need the Google Drive app, as well as the apps for Docs, Sheets…

  • location — File->DocumentDetails shows “location” (??)

dual_earning=THEIR main advtg over me



This is a recurring sentiment about my US cmc peers. Most of my U.S. cmc peers have double income, well above me in terms of household income.
Jolt: Now I feel that’s about the only advantage they have over me.

  • wellness .. am better than majority of them
  • family harmony .. they are not better. Look at my bonding with my kids. YY.Tao?
  • marriage .. mine is more stable than many of them. H.Yi?
  • edu credentials .. mine is higher than most of them
  • long-term financial support by the state .. my gov is better than theirs by a large margin
  • pff .. despite their higher income, I don’t feel they are actually better off. This is just like latency race .. what’s enough? If we are well-off enough, then why envy those 50% richer?

— new: unstable marriage of two high flyers
[[Divorcing couples: a profile analysis]] finds “dual-earning couples often struggle with the management of multiple demands placed on them — earning money, the responsibility of maintaining a home and raising kids.” I have never questioned the advantages of dual_earning. Now I think there are a few DISadvantages.

  • the wife would be busier and have less time for kids
  • the husband must take on more parenting work
  • the wife (perhaps husband too) is more tired on more days
  • more conflict in marriage, leading to insecurity in kids.

Given the income disparity in my marriage, my wife is mostly supportive, rather than competitive and independent. Our parenting duties are well-organized.

Q (posed in 2020, 2021 or 2022): given the cashflow high ground, how could H.Y improve their marriage and communication.

A: professional couple counselling. This service costs a lot in the U.S.
A: hire a maid to reduce the home-making workload on each parent

Perhaps emigrate to a lower-income country where systems are less complex and everyday life simpler and more convenient.

Surprisingly, the high ground doesn’t provide enough of a buffer of protection against marital risks. The high ground improves risks related to family cashflow, but the high-earning wife is also very independent and doesn’t want to play a supporting role to the husband. Not a risk factor in itself, but in some cases, this can indirectly create new risks. Many divorce cases involve two high-income earners.

A lower-class stable couple (earning 100k/Y) look at the higher-class the Yi’s with envy. But would the Yi’s envy the stable marriage of the lower-class couple? I think Yi’s xpSelf would.

Now 100k/Y is well above the median household income, so why would this couple still envy the Yi’s. Would a $400k couple envy someone still higher? It’s endless like the low-latency arms race.

##types@wood #bamboo

  • — ranked in typical strength and typical cost, though additional features/treatments of the material increase cost
  • Plywood
  • OrientedStrandBoard
  • MidiumDensityFiberboard
  • LowDensityFiberboard aka particle board

— bamboo feels lighter than wood, and harder than most (low-cost) woods

— natural timber has directions. Along the direction it can splinter. No such thing in LDF/MDF

— MDF is the most homogenous of all wood materials .. no grains
eg: my foldable table… fairly durable

MDF is stronger, more durable, more water resistant than LDF.

But MDF has worse screw holding capacity than LDF.

— LDF is usually cheapest and weakest. My stand`desk table top has 10Y guarantee, though any pinpoint damage to the LDF surface shows expansion due to water.

— OSB .. expands less in moisture, compared to LDF/MDF

— plywood … some categories include “external plywood” and “marine plywood” so the technology is versatile. See https://www.woodworkingtrade.com/plywood-vs-mdf-vs-particle-board-vs-osb-pros-cons/

However, the regular plywood we actually use may not have those special treatments/capabilities.

[17] interpreting cholesterol: suggestions

Doctors don’t unanimously agree on the ratios, so my Total/HDL ratio of 3.5 is not a problem according to Dr Soo.

Doctors don’t unanimously agree on statins.

Dr Soo felt LDL needs to come down to 100 (twice the HDL). He suggested taking half a Lipitor pill each time, not 1/3.

Dr Soo said total cholesterol reading is not so meaningful as it adds good and bad numbers. In Sep 2023, a Healthway TPY doctor echoed that. I guess the total reading is a tradition, perhaps outdated.

LDL is the #1 focus of many doctors.

[24]Siloso staycation #recharge

Somehow, I didn’t feel /recharged/ during Siloso or (as I told colleagues) PEK May vacations. These days it is becoming increasingly impratical hoping to feel recharged after a break . What would make me feel ..
* recharged? workout; coding drill; tech xx; coaching kids
* relaxed? reading; learning; chitchat. After checkout, my quiet hours in office was relaxing

check-in check-out conf# ref# price $468.82
3p Fri 14/6 12p Sun 16/6 1284293173 32589448381 paid by SCSC

— priorities for myself + family

  1. daily pills
  2. Be there for the family (esp. kids) [3]…
  3. daily workout .. take the opportunity to swim and jog.
  4. personal quiet time .. tough in this small room with limited storage space
  5. enough sleep, early sleep .. tough LGlp. I’m able to get _some_ sleep
  6. $cost control .. LG-no-guilt. I was decisive with the taxi fare on Sat night
  7. delicious meals .. LGlp. basic healthy is better for me

[3] If I check my utlization of each day (used to be “each quarter”)… A lot of my time spent was part of being a father. That ROTI is the biggest goal, biggest yardstick,,, of this staycation.

— well done.. twisters preferred

  • spent lots of time with meimei (boy too) in pool, even though she didn’t really practice swimming
  • Had some tense moments with each kid. I managed to reconcile with each
  • no quiet time, but I was able to find a quiet space in corridor.. facing bubbling water, fish
  • food quality/quantity .. was careful each meal. No unhealthy food taken. Felt hungry after each meal 🙂
  • eco .. reusing towels
  • good try .. late night movie. I was able to find anywheel to come home after movie
  • I did come to office early on Friday
  • I did the right thing to come back to hotel on Sunday morning to help out

— thank God… twisters preferred

  • both kids enjoyed the pool, even though they didn’t “practice” seriously. The fun in the water is non-zero practice. Meimei looked forward to it every day and swam every day.
  • Even though I came to office around 10am, I was able to leave early as planned. Had precioius 1 hour on beach before sunset
  • .. had a low-stress day in office
  • Even though there was light rail suspension, we were able to reach Vivo by 9.20pm. A first-ever night movie experience for wife
  • Hotel kindly provided extra chairs + hangers + charger + extra key
  • 3-head charging cable worked well
  • saved on monorail .. about $4 x 5 saved
  • nothing lost or damaged
  • no injury or sickness
  • no quarrels
  • no bullying, no short-changing
  • nothing overcharged

the cool, posh, well-connected power elites #G.Maxwell

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghislaine_Maxwell is linked to father https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Maxwell and partner https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Epstein, two fraudsters.

Q: how reliable, how accurate is the wikipedia content? Legal case details there in should be reliable.

Even though G.Maxwell is more of a socialite, somehow these individuals remind me of the (all-male) high-flyers in and outside my /circle/:

  • the MDs, the CTOs, the executives
  • the bbcy enterpreneurs or executives
  • the start-up legends
  • ##[20] Stealth-overtake since1998 described others types of enviable high-flyers
  • ^^ 95% of the time, I have precious little knowledge, insight about these mere /acquaintances/

Look at G.Maxwell’s photo on wikipedia… posh, graceful, sophisticated and highly educated, gentle, well-spoken, upper-class, almost manipulative. (In contrast, my wife is simple, unsophisticated, not highly educated, and lower-middleclass.)

The fact that she is associated with two fraudsters didn’t bother me, because so many people and the mass media held her in high regard, given her education and business success.

I have always seen myself as a socially awkward nerd, a /minion/ on the slow track, out of limelight, without ambition and (after q3SG episode) without a promising future.

From my (low) /standpoint/viewpoint/perspective/, I have always admired the grace, the interpersonal/networking skills, the business skills of those high-flyers.

Well, I have zero understanding of the darker sides of those “advantages”. Essentially these individuals tend to have too much power [clout, prestige, position, credentials,,,]. Using this power, these smooth operators seek even more power and wealth, hungrier than before.

On the other side of the coin, the power corrupts them. A pure and simple heart is rare among the power elite of politics and business. (Pat.Liew) I think the iBank MgD are similar. If you aren’t hungry for power, then quit this game.

(Talking about “power… In the same vein, every Chinese communist party official is viewed as corrupt. They had too much power and not enough counterbalance for that power such as indepdent judiciary, free media, or opposition parties. )

After q3SG my self-image has remained, but my evaluation thereof has improved.

— communication skill, As XA.S mentioned in the 2000s, this skill is widely seen as more important, more valuable, more strategic than IV skills, GTD skills..

Posh .. is largely based on oral English. I remember a tall middle-aged shop owner/manager in Paragon, with a Singaporean posh accent. I guess he is proud of his location in Paragon. I can’t imagine (but there are) power elites having limited English proficiency. The elite status is mostly about appearance.

##where a branded degree matters #Gary.Guo

See also email to Gary Guo.

NTU engineering may be better quality in edu, and more research output than NUS engineering, but in terms of reputation, recognition,,,, a longer history does matter. Same for SUTD engineering. When I meet a SUTD grad vs NTU grad from the same major, how do I perceive their talent/capabilities?

— biggest usage of a branded degree.. is (traditionally) employment, but employers increasingly look at recent jobs (for anyone 27+). For tech jobs, employers use tech screening. Nowadays the biggest usage might be

  • dating
  • immigration .. see below
  • applying to postgrad
  • — other usages:
  • lending credibility to a work team.. The team can say “Among team members we have some XXX graduates”, where XXX must be a G5 well-know name.

— immigration: Sg immigration does consider your alma mater …

HK, UK and other gov have special immigration schemes for “Global top 100 university and their grads”. The officials in charge of selection would reference respectable global rankings, but still have control over their final “G100” list. The ranking is usually based on academic research output.

If your college wants to be included, then you need to be well-connected to the global network of academia.

% International students is a key factor. I think international faculty is another key factor. short-term exchange scholars too.

English (feasibility of coping without local language) is factor affecting foreign students/staff.


健忘: error-free trips #realistic expectation

k_short_term_mem_challenge … k_mellow

We all hit forgetful accidents when we go out[1], and we end up losing personal items.

For many adults, as we grow older there will be more forgetful accidents.

I won’t surrender passively, but I won’t hold on too tight either. I think grandma has many such memory accidents since midlife. Grandpa also has some. They are normal individuals. Given my recent forgetful accidents, I really need to avoid carrying expensive items when going out such as

  • extra cash
  • expensive watch, jewelries
  • expensive phone or two phones
  • expensive specs

jolt: Somehow, the retainer loss ($200) felt less painful than pouch loss. Pouch loss requires lots of legwork.

— When hsbc movie card balance = 2, buy a new card but don’t carry both. Risk is running out of card balance by accident.
— on the go: avoid unnecessary checking .. on phone, wallet, laptop etc when outside home/office. Probability of “accident” is slightly worse when outside due to distraction, but cost of accident is significantly worse. Each time we check, an valuable object is at risk of loss or damage. Some item could drop into a bad location or break.

For 0.txt printout, accident is less likely as it is in a low-risk pocket?

— retainer .. don’t wear every day n night. Let the gum rest.
don’t ever leave it on the table, even at home. Develop a strong habit of always keeping it in pocket or container. If you think you are forgetful, then remove before going out.
— realistic expectation
Q: Out of 20 flights you take, how many percent of them would be error-free? What’s a reasonable target?
A: 75-80%. I once left behind jacket, hand luggage (Bali); and missed connecting flights twice; took wife’s passport;;;

Compare to other “experiments”, a flight is typically longer duration, with more moving parts and “error-prone” moments.

Q: Out of 100 commute trips, cinema trips, library trips, how many percent of them would be error-free? What’s a reasonable target?
A: 90<-95%. I often left behind phone, mrt card, wallet,,,

Q: Out of 10 family outings, how many percent would be error-free? What’s a reasonable target?
A: 85<-90%.

Therefore, it’s unreasonable to expect 99% error-free. An unrealistic expectation creates excessive pain, burden of guilt, burden of blame, zsms,

Analogy — in a bottling plant, 2% of the the liquid is spilled during the bottling process. If you try to reduce that to 0.1%, then your precision equipment would increase the cost per bottle by more than 2%, completely unworthwhile.

— [1] Some risk-averse individuals may choose to reduce going out. I have an alternative — travel light i.e. carry fewer expensive items. We can also carry cheap spares.

It’s worth pointing out — Even at home, I have lost some items due to misplacement, but so far nothing valuable.

— compare to exams .. in Shiyan and other top schools, many students aim for 100%. Takes years of practice. I think it’s worthwhile if the results actually determine your college admission.

In SG, for each subject there’s only A/B/C not 3-digit scores. Some forgetful accidents may not affect the grade.
— compare to software testing .. except calculators like tax or interest calculators, most realistic software systems can’t achieve 100% test coverage.

Unlike exams, software testing is not primarily about forgetfulness, because there’s a system to generate and track all corner cases. Therefore, the SWE who are less forgetful (about minor details) have an advantage that’s much smaller than in the China exams.

def[background heat] car ownership considered harmful


Classic background heat is invisible and persistent stress of some large difficult project like Quarz, annual tax filing,,, See also recurr stressors2live with

The current trigger: Singapore consumer education promotes public transport, walk, cycle, rather than private cars.

The (mental) wellness impact, and to a lesser extent the eco factor, are (harmful) “background heat” — a home-grown term not laden with meanings.

Some frequent drivers (7+ trips/week) may pass all health screenings. If you are one of them, you may not care about the background heat. You may feel your “system” can cope with the harmful background heat. However, over decades the heat tend to grow /heavier/, less negligible, and accumulate an enduring/permanent effect on a person’s life chances and well-being.

— eg: losing valuables as tourist .. a prime example of background heat and constant worry.

Carrying passports on a daily basis in China .. is a background heat. Losing passport has huge consequences for a professional on a short vacation.

— eg: standing desk .. many people find it easier to stand when they work on physical (sys1) rather than (sys2) mentally demanding tasks. Those sys2 tasks generate background heat.

— eg: calorie-restriction .. a sys2 stressor and background heat

[21]shift`fixations since q3SG #othRisk

It takes too much time to keep this list. In each item, there are too many important details.. like pulling out a thread from a knitted sweater:( … Once I start pulling I can’t stop pulling.

  • [early 2016] renzi
  • [mid 2016] boy ownership, heavy workload, efficiency, kiasu parents,
  • personal finance, including bx and property investment
  • [Mar – Sep 2016] fitness including yoga
  • [Sep 2016] (after coming back from Beijing trip) marriage – risk of break-up
  • [m] UChicago
  • [m] c# body building —- ended in 2013. I tried several US jobs.
  • Saxo/Oanda —- subsided after my Saxo options expired in Nov 2015. Failed experiment
  • [!m] FSM —- more than 3H/week for most of 2013 – 2016
  • boy Eng reading —- Late 2014, before his P1, we enrolled in Mind Stretcher and KentRidgeTutors. In P1, we engaged home tutor mostly for English reading (and writing).
    • [m] renzi —- In P2, my focus shifted to renzi. I brought boy out on weekends to read on MRT or in library. Very poor ROTI.
    • ownership^bmark —- initiative, efficiency, study habits … was a focus since early 2016.
  • [m] Jill’s, BGC and Phnom Penh — minor focuses
  • b@a —- dominant focus after the chat with Ilya Oct 2014 – Mar 2015. Went to office on many weekends
  • post-b@a —- dominant focus Mar – May 2015
  • ramp-up at Macquarie —- major focus for Jun – Dec 2015. Weekends…
  • H1 —- dominant focus from Dec 2015 to Mar 2016. This includes all the analysis, discussions and decision-making.
  • yoga —- became a minor focus in Feb 2016. Took up lots of time and energy.
  • unstable marriage for a few weeks after waigong came.
  • Boy fitness —- signed up with flexifitness in Jul.
    • [m] my jogging —- I started jogging with them then with Ashish. My ROTI is excellent. This also includes yoga and swim.
  • [m=measurable target]

In hind sight, overspent on boy, investment, basically same tendency in HIS19 !