[19]clarity@think` =non-trivial strength]self-mgmt

clarity of thinking is a non-trivial strength in me. Many friends say I’m very reflective and demonstrate Grade-A self knowledge and self analysis.

I feel many “peers” don’t show clarity of thinking. My sis, dad… show clarity. I think my son may have it.

Vocab .. a top-3 factor and can help a lot when a generic phrase is ambiguous and confusing. To my surprise, many clear thinkers seem to use mostly a small pool of words but many phrases.

Am /endowed/ with a decent vocab in Chinese + a growing vocab in English. They /complement/ each other.

I explain my content very clearly to myself, not always so clearly to an audience. In my view , clarity of thought is mostly a self-management skill, so I don’t worry about “them”. See blogposts on list@points.

Brevity .. perhaps a top-5 clarity factor. I tend to be good in brevity of writing but Some verbal-type individuals show exceptional clarity. Genn?

My spreadsheets .. a top-10 factor and a visual sign of clarity

##[15]Hedgehog 看家本领 Saved%% job+selfEsteem #self-learn

k_X_power_descriptor  k_tectonic

Despite my lack of OC-style effectiveness, I have survived many things. Below are the personal skills that saved my job and self-esteem/dignity

  • — unsorted
  • caring heart for my kids and my wife, even when I’m under work pressure . Not every man has it.
  • focus .. on work projects, localSys, learning, IV prep,,,, (collectively considered “deep work”); on writing an appeal;;;; Grandpa had the same 看家本领.
  • quality_focus .. developed over 20Y, I rely on my quality focus to avoid mistakes even when juggling multiple issues. I have earned colleagues’ trust.
  • wellness successZ — diet, exercise –> free from most illness that my cohort suffer
  • studies — Beijing transcript –> qualified for Hwa Chong JC
  • studies — physics and math –> earned me lots of respect from fellow students, teachers, and other parents.
  • studies — math, physics, English, Chinese –> qualified for NUS
  • studies — strong foundation + hardwork –> survived MSFM
  • resume-writing
  • unix learning –> i learnt unix quickly and moved up from programmer to unix SA
  • java learning –> i rose from a $2400 programmer to get a $5k Pac Net job in half a year (after I met Apple)
  • java learning –> in-depth java interviews ] 2007
  • JIV capabilities -> self-esteem
  • .. JIV competence .. not directly tested over the past 4Y, but I still think it is more important than OTJ competence.
  • GTD tech skills, including my “camp out” habit.
  • debugging skills -> salvaged my reputation, my project during production outages caused by my defects at GS, MS, NYSE integrated feed,
  • conserver lifestyle burn rate control -> housing -> self-esteem saved when my peers owned multiple properties (FOMO)
  • conserver lifestyle burn-rate control. For these few years I’m blessed with windfall in salary + pre-inheritance but I know it will end someday so I remain a converver
  • English –> saved my self-esteem. I put in so much effort for so long. i guess that’s instrumental to my resume and interviews
  • English –> crucial in dealing with FSC, CPS, NAVH, IMH
  • learning –> continuous, self-driven learning, with plenty of DRAM refresh/reinforcement, and note-taking –> to move out of perl, LAMP, ,,, into finDev –> saved my self from FOLB

Other qualities — not really “skills”, or didn’t exactly “save” me

  • education and … –> found a woman of my dream