unusual j4 S$7.50 salad

For the 2nd time I bought the $7.50 Novena salad.

J4: I would say the home cooking $cost of an equivalent meal is $2-5 but some of the ingredients are unavailable at home!

At home there are almost always some temptation like wrong-time, wrong-food temptations. By paying extra to the salad shop, I “buy” a small level of protection from these temptations.

This is a dependency on salad to fend off the temptations. This dependency is a weakness I choose to accept. Counselor Bindi asked “What would you tell the 10-year old TanBin?” I would tell him that everyone is weak, so everyone appreciates and often needs protection from temptations. No one is pure and impeccable in self-restraint.



Q: EastCoast family outing — in what contexts would I “be there” with family at McDonald’s without eating the wrong foods like ice cream?

( It’s revealing that if I don’t go near McDonald’s then I won’t feel any appetite, but if I spend more than 3 minutes there with family, the (wrong time) temptation would “get me”.)

A: if I’m more than 95% full then only I would feel no appetite for the ice cream. The level of physical fullness is a very poor predictor of appetite!
A: if I spend only half a minute at McDonald’s, without prior planning.

Bao3shan1 — eating one ice cream is not /destructive/ if I don’t continue eating 5 more.

G5 tips@burnout

  • 1) first do the right things, and then do things right
  • 2) sleep earlier, go to work earlier .. this is obvious but still worth repeating
  • avoid stress-binge -> zsms
  • read a bit of Buddhism etc
  • frequent stretches, as an alternative to active exercise like strength and endurance
  • meditation? 发呆?

starch binge after jog-swim-jog

[F] Now I think the long jog contributed to the “genuine” hunger. In a later review, this contribution may be negligible or it may be significant.

🙂 [F] before the jogging I had only one bao with lots of iceberg lettuce
🙂 [F] after the jog I didn’t go for the ice cream as planned, even after 9.45pm
🙂 [F] I came home and had some watermelon, in an effort to fill-up.
🙂 [F] then I turned away from the oily Chinese bing3 and had lots of soymilk instead

Then I decided to eat just half a bing3. Some may point a finger at it and say I gave in to the temptation, just like the hundreds of surrenders. However, this time I was deliberate in my decision —

I often carefully choose to concede to the temptation and hold the next line of defense as in Bao3shan1 battle. This is exactly such a case. I have often chosen to yield to ice cream, or the bing3 at ShandongDabao. This food is probably lighter than an ice cream (with water), and much lighter than a creamy cake or tart. Therefore, not exactly a wrong-food temptation.

After that half piece, I had further concessions — finished the other half and had two yam buns.

⭐ This is Not another case of the most common wrong-time temptation or wrong-quantity temptation.

⭐ I didn’t lose control in this case.

⭐ I didn’t take in too much calorie, partly because of the earlier fillers.

⭐ After a long jog, sometimes I don’t take in a lot of calories, but most of time I do have that tendency. To counter that tendency is another daily battle.

It’s crucial to take into account these factors + those ‘F’ factors , before I zero in on the alleged “surrender-to-temptation”.  The /concession/  is actually a small albeit crucial part of a far more complex experience.

am I zen about bmark rat race: long^short horizon

When you sense your simmering frustration (反感) with ah-boy’s motivation, attitude, effort,,,, you should tell yourself to cool down for an hour and ask yourself

Q: Let’s Be honest, are you zen about the peer comparison rat race?

Grandpa is more zen.

I’m slightly more zen about the longer horizon than the shorter horizon. I CAN improve on both horizons.

[19]clarity@think` =non-trivial strength]self-mgmt

clarity of thinking is a non-trivial strength in me. Many friends say I’m very reflective and demonstrate Grade-A self knowledge and self analysis.

I feel many “peers” don’t show clarity of thinking. My sis, dad… show clarity. I think my son may have it.

Vocab .. a top-3 factor and can help a lot when a generic phrase is ambiguous and confusing. To my surprise, many clear thinkers seem to use mostly a small pool of words but many phrases.

Am /endowed/ with a decent vocab in Chinese + a growing vocab in English. They /complement/ each other.

I explain my content very clearly to myself, not always so clearly to an audience. In my view , clarity of thought is mostly a self-management skill, so I don’t worry about “them”. See blogposts on list@points.

Brevity .. perhaps a top-5 clarity factor. I tend to be good in brevity of writing but Some verbal-type individuals show exceptional clarity. Genn?

My spreadsheets .. a top-10 factor and a visual sign of clarity

yoga = different from stretch` #goal

I have a American book on everyday stretches in the office..

  • diff: availability of teachers and classes
  • Diff: breathing is central to many if not all yoga practices
  • Diff: In terms of goal, yoga is NOT so focused on reaching a particular range of motion. For me, I don’t aim at that at all, though I may achieve that as a by-product.
  • Diff: hard stretch for athletes and dancers often feel like painful tortures. I now believe yoga should NEVER feel torturous. You need effort, not brute force willpower.

blogg]ff #+home

— Q: What to do when I have valuable ideas captured during home hours?
A: Try to capture in git-blog. Then after chewing in git-blog for a while, update WP in bulk … see prefer bulk-operationS #G3 blogg`insight { 2010

gmail is an (rarely worthwhile) alternative … if I update on home laptop only

— Q: ideas captured during work hours, before 7pm?

Slippery slope — is dangerous in git-blogging on workPC or my laptop, but worst in web blogging

[score 80] alternative : paper blogging including printout, smemo. I can update either at home or on github.com. Eliminates merge conflict + slippery slope

[score 90] alternative : MSOL soaking/chewing/brewing

  • first capture raw content in mslo task/draft. Can’t easily transcribe to git-blog.
  • Some content I can chew over in MSOL then post to WP outside work hour, but risk is slippery slope
  • Some content I should simply send to gmail and post from home
  • For the rest, Over weekend, select some content and transcribe to tmp NEW file on github, then sync to laptop. NEW file reduces risk of merge conflict.

[score 50] git-blogging in pantry/lotus. I always follow a hard time limit.

[score 30] alternative: github.com-blogging? Reduces merge conflict. Feels uncomfortable and inefficient

… after 7pm?

[score 60] alternative : WP-blogging after 7pm

[score 50] git-blog on workPC, perhaps After 7pm. Smaller slippery slope than web blogging, but worse merge-conflict risk

Q: is git-blogging@workPC better than using my laptop in the pantry?
A: controversial. Using my laptop, beside better merge conflict, I always follow a hard time limit.