HK: discussion with German

Parents face way too much pressure from schools. Even primary schools conduct admission interviews on kids and parents. I tend to dismiss this factor but it is important to some (well-qualified, internationally mobile) individuals.

Immigrants who originally came from impoverished background probably won’t complain. but their 2nd/3rd generations experience decline in livelihood (esp. housing), and complain. I told German that HK is still a wealthy city, but
the complaint could be more than 无病呻吟.

HK Government is seen as 无能(wu2neng2)/incapable. Used to be an effective middleman negotiating with central gov and with the HK residents, but the current gov is bending towards one side only.

Driven by central gov, the HK gov introduced many changes (filling gaps in legal system). They were implmeneted too fast, not well-thought-out. The authorities don’t seem to learn from mistakes.

HK is traditionally a place people came to make money. If the residents lose some freedoms but still experience improving livelihood, then protests would not gain support. I doubt democrasy is that important to HK residents.

LKY said international competition is talent competition. HK is slowly becoming just another Chinese city, and losing non-Chinese talents. At the same time, it is attracting more mainland Chinese talent but I think this is not good enough as a compensating factor. In the long run, it would lose to Shanghai.

I guess the property boom is fueled by mainland hot money, similar to Shanghai?

##def[WinUp]: unavoidable persistent annoyanceS


A winup problem is, similar to the windowsUpdate problem, AA) recurring BB) without simple and reliable solution CC) without alternative routes DD) irritating to ME more than it irritate others. As such, these problems are esp. annoying, smelly and stress-inducing

This blogpost collects a few challenges sharing some common characteristics, without deriving fruitful insights. I hope in the future we will see some fruits.

For the original winup problem, the only solution I found so far is landGrab. I felt silly to spend hours setting up the tools to support landGrab. zsms! The zsms is annoying to say the least.

— accept the imperfect:  spending “excessive” (poorly defined) hours on winup or the windows license expiration is worse than accepting nagging popup reminders.

Life is never perfect, esp. with these new technologies and devices.

— coding drill .. AA/BB/CC
I feel CSY’s view on coding practice is similar in that he probably feels silly to spend months on it, but he just couldn’t find any better solution to this huge and immediate problem.

Insight — accept the reality that this obstacle won’t go away. Be prepared for a life-long struggle. If you don’t give up you will become stronger than the majority because they don’t take on such a problem.

insight — accept yourself that you are more affected than other people. You could say you are more vulnerable on this front.

In contrast, Deepak has a positive attitude. Some may say that over 3 years, Deepak won’t improve to get ahead of CSY, but who are we to judge. Life is full of surprises. Deepak will improve as long as he keeps up the practice, and someday he will get lucky.

In theory, someone who doesn’t practice can also get lucky, but I don’t believe it. This is my bias towards hard work. Luck favors the deligent like Deepak

Actually, my windowsUpdate situation is better than CSY’s situation, becasue I have a working solution.
— deep-dive QQ interviews for Deepak… CC/AA/BB. Deepak hit this type of interviewer repeatedly and he loses his cool. He tends to focus on the personality rather than the style and the selectivity of screening.
— driving .. CC/BB/AA. When living in the U.S. Driving is a big, unavoidable problem. I will choose to live in walkable communities with subway.
Some women drivers are more scared than me, and only drives on local streets.

The non-driving lifestyle in Beijing, SG (perhaps HK) is half relevant.
— long commute in NY area .. BB/CC
— WordPress block editor.. BB/CC
disposable batteries: family mindless buying .. not a “big” annoyance

prudent estimates #HF.Sun

Hi (name removed for privacy),

I think you are more precise in your estimate than other people, so let me improve my precision of the estimates I shared with you. I was formally trained as an engineer and mathematician, so I appreciate your precision.

— You mentioned a friend aspired to generate enough dividend income to replace salary. I estimated 4% dividend yield for her (or him). That’s too conservative.

I like U.S. stocks. Some reputable U.S. stocks pay higher dividends than 4%. A less pessimistic estimate is 5%. To support SGD 60k/Y family burn rate, SGD 1.2M needs to go into stocks. How many of us can afford to invest SGD 1.2M into stocks , stop working and live on the dividend income indefinitely?  I still feel this plan is impractical.

In many stories, a dividend stock can grow in NAV. Your friend may buy at $100 and receive 4% yield, while the stock grows to $150, paying out $6 a year, i.e. 6% yield computed from initial investment. However, based on my observation, I believe such success stories are rare even in the U.S.

High growth and dividend yield seldom co-exist. Your friend must be lucky (or skilled) to hit such a hero stock.

U.S. dividends are taxable incomes, but I’m unfamiliar. I did receive tax return documents from my U.S. broker, showing the dividend incomes. Assuming 20% marginal tax rate, then the 5% dividend yield becomes effectively 4%.

— We discussed cash payout “yield” and You asked about mine in my portfolio. I bought (or in the process of receiving) rental properties, private equities (i.e. high yield debts), stocks, unit trusts … paying above 4%. ( I will exclude those investments paying out below 1%. ) So a more precise average payout is 6-7%. A more conservative estimate is 5-6%.

My “weighted average” calculation is dominated by realized rental income. Realized rental income is much lower than gross rental income, due to vacancy, commission, taxes, FX conversion, condo fees etc.

I think Singapore private residential properties are unlikely to generate 4% realized rental yield. However, Singapore property NAV often grows, so realized rental yield could grow beyond 4%. Not familiar. I don’t think the rental amount grows as fast as NAV.

I used 4% as a benchmark partly because CPF-SA/MA/RA pays 4%, also because the U.S. mainstream view on dividend uses 4% as a criteria for high-dividend.

— I estimated my developer career to end in my 70’s. It might end in my late 60’s, depending on demand and my health.
Some WallSt developer colleague (Shanghai guy in his 50’s or 60’s)  told me “If you enjoy coding, then you can work remotely, so colleagues don’t care about your age.” This theory will extend my developer career by a few years, but I don’t look forward to telecommuting.

— My target life span is 95 years. I will not give a more prudent estimate. (Prudent means planning for longer lifespan like 99.) Instead of “more prudent”, here is a more substantiated estimate: shows that for a male Singaporean of my age, there’s a 11% projected likelihood to live till 95. If I am among the 11% most long-living males in my age group, then I would hit my target.

Q: how many percent of Singapore guys in my age group can work till their 70’s in a white-collar knowlege intensive job?
A: I think it’s below 11%, perhaps mostly in legal, architecture, healthcare(钟南山, same age as my dad), academic/education (like my father and many of his classmates)…

Therefore, my dev-till-70 career longevity goal is harder than my live-till-95 longevity goal. My father said both targets are realistic, if I work towards them. I believe my father and I believe in myself. sayd 1/3 of Singaporeans would live beyond 90. I think this 33% is a conditional probability given that “you are a Singaporean aged 65 now, regardless of health or age”

your hunger could be completely different from mine

— eg: breakfast

For decades, i seldom felt hungry in the morning.

Some told me to try and feel the hunger, create the appetite

Some said breakfast would help delay the hunger at lunch time. Completely wrong prediction in my case. Breakfast always intensifies, not decreases appetite at lunch time.

— eg: lunch timing:

Some said a decent lunch would suppress hunger in the afternoon. Completely wrong in my case. The obvious fact in my case is, even if eat a resonable lunch at 2pm, by 5 I would experience real urge to eat

— eg: dinner timing

Some said early dinner creates a gap between dinner and sleep, which helps you lose weight. Completely wrong in my case. I always feel hungry around 10 – 12, even if I eat dinner at 6, 8 ,or 9pm.

##my unconventional choices #optimist #eg@@

I’m sure some of my unconventional choices backfired, but today’s focus is on the successes.

  • [o] 文化程度 in spouse ??????? No I Chose a girl not highly educated but with decent learning attitudes, able to /instill/ the right attitude into my kids
  • [o] 老牌资本主义 U.S./Europe/Australia ????? No I Chose the upstart Singapore. Like my dad, I remain optimistic about Singapore government. See my email drafted around 2020 National Day
  • [f] big, new house on high floor in quiet clean estate ??? No I Chose a small, run-down hdb home in a noisy location
  • [fo] SG local private properties ??? No I chose multiple small overseas prop in very emerging countries. I focused on current yield rather than windfall
  • [go] stable VP job in a big bank ????? No I chose contractor career. Am optimistic about job security.
    • What I got? peace, security.
  • [go] You can’t remain a hands-on guy at your age. Need to improve leadership and comm ??????? No I chose to remain hands-on dev.
    • What I got? dev-till-70
  • develop interpersonal comm skills such as chitchat ??? No I chose to focus on written English esp. vocab
  • build personal network ?? No I never did it on purpose.
  • [w] take care of your appearance like hair, skin… and don’t look so old, as wife told me ??? No I chose to focus on wellness including waistline, stamina
    • What I got? many wellness habits
  • [w] pay attention to your breath ? No I chose to focus on dental health
    • What I got? more “sunshine” on dental health
  • [o] In the U.S. you must embrace driving ??? No I chose to stay in places that don’t need a car. I relied on a bicycle.  Am optimistic that I can limit or remove car dependency if I choose my location.
    • What I got? more healthy lifestyle, carefree in terms of car ownership
  • [??.. =the more question marks, the more doubt I have about the conventional wisdom]
  • [w=wellness]
  • [g=gz]
  • [f=per finance]
  • [o=demonstrates my optimism]

leisure reading ^ blog review

Leisure reading, though fresh content, is less ROTI than blog review. Therefore, I now allocate close to zero hour each week to leisure reading such as but not limited to

  • [[读者]]
  • 刘墉
  • [[Fortune]] [[Time]], newspapers
  • listen to BBC

! Warning — beware risk of becoming self-absorbed, self-isolated, disconnected, inward-looking in my outlook, with permanent blind spots. For this reason, it’s good to have some soulmates, but reading can be more effective.

Tech reading is not same as leisure reading.

Blog review is comparable to leisure reading. I think it’s much more relevant to my pains, my goals, my satisfaction,,,. However, I don’t need to compare blog update — a different activity altogether.

SG wordy problem: negative effects@me

in Singapore primary school math, the notorious wordy problems have a negative effect, if not an overall negative aspect in the Singapore education system.

It has a negative effect on my wife and me. If we are in the U.S. the math training may be too simple but no such unnecessary anxiety.

For years I try to be rational about these wordy problems but I find myself trapped, unable to escape.

Since c++US days, I have told myself to avoid this topic.

CSY’s BostonU kid

Shanyou’s son has academic talents in high school but refused to study. He “only” managed to earn a half-scholarship to study comp science in Boston University. Shanyou felt “what a waste — he could have got into ivy league”.

I’m feeling the same about my son. As I criticize CSY for his parenting attitude/perception, I have to admit that I am in the same trap — 五十步笑百步.

This is one of the elements of reality I have to accept.