2022 BMI situation

See also

  • https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/18661/stress-binge/

Goal — sustainably improve to and stay below 65.

Practice ctbz… effective in this battle.

— sugg: strict n longer fasting .. no starch, no meat, no nuts, no cooked veg, no controlled indulgence .. for half the (wall clock) hours, while the other hours are “normal” like the past 2 years.

Be prepared that if you are 10% below this mark, then you may see your weight continue climbing. In that case, I think the effort is still decent, worthwhile, healthy, just not enough to turn back the tide.

Intermittent Fasting has to be sustainable, not a torture.

— sugg: controlled indulgence .. important topic esp. under stress. Stressors tend to override other priorities
— sugg: delay all meals .. would be a more achievable tactic if strict fasting is  either ineffective or impractical, unrealistic.
— factor: work stress
Office stash is much easier to manage, explained in stash in Bayonne^ff^#1173 #unexpectedEnticing. So it is better to return to office after movie or yoga, and avoid working at home

— factor: blogg can induce hunger slightly.
— factor: recreational stock trading can require Sys2 mental energy and induce hunger slightly
Avoid having too many names pre-cleared at once.

— factor: workout for intimacy .. Am I willing to sacrifice it for BMI? No I won’t. Intimacy is more important than BMI.
— BMI ^ muscle ..  Dr Lau said muscle loss is more dangerous
— BMI ^ early sleep .. I feel BMI is more important in general.

sugg: sleep early to avoid late night hunger, but use other morning rewards.

Between eating the same food at night vs the next morning, I prefer the latter.

— BMI ^

## styling/formatt devices] wpress editor

Note: the styling is presented mostly in editor, less often in a viewer. I spend at least 60% of the hours in editor,

— big inset box .. using a single-cell table
— indented block .. i.e. block quote
— bullets .. html bullet lists@blog #style=”list-style-type: square;” including an invisible bullet

==== text styling

  • strike-through
  • background highlighter
  • font size + color(troublesome, overrated)

##[17] extra tCost – U.S.^SG lifestyle


What’s a better title?

Compared to other people, my happiness, stress level, career success, and ability to achieve my goals … are more dependent on the time available to me. In other words, the extra tcosts hurt me more than they hurt another guy of my age. It’s like an allergy. These tcosts are small costs that really add up. (On the other hand, I am unaffected by some common “allergies”[1] ) In this post, I will try to be rational and objective about the extra tcosts in the US.

  • + school work is less
  • + I might be able to work from home sometimes
  • – house repairs — I may have to DIY. Condo might be better. – car maintenance
  • – driving everywhere
  • – fewer holidays (but I still can take unpaid leaves).

— [1]

  • food choices,
  • clothes,
  • small home
  • lack of car convenience
  • average schools
  • hair loss

win10 passwd/account tips #renaming


— Microsoft account — avoid. Favor local account. So much simpler.
Microsoft account login and preferences are saved online and the synching is unreliable and not simple/straightforward.
— rename login .. poorly implemented. Folder name etc are unchanged. https://superuser.com/questions/371382/where-is-username-variable-defined explains some registry settings that are not updated consistently.

Based on this experience, I would never rename a login name in windows10. I’d rather remove the misnamed account and create a new. Note you may need up to 1GB just to create it.

== password hint — is more practical than password recovery question. (Therefore, I pick random questions and give rubbish answers)

Note password hint is only accessible in ControlPanel not the new interface 🙁

Warning: this feature doesn’t work on the unlock-screen

Sugg: You can jot-down the same hint on paper as reminders.

— If I need to give password to my son, I usually change it to a “safe” value and rely on password hint.

##self-reliance: 补习..

— yoga classes .. I have many blogposts.
— psychological counselling.. a behavior change is a long, often lifetime /adaptation/, mostly based on self-coaching, self-training.
Over-reliance on counselling? Not in my experience.
— resilience .. not about lone-wolf self-reliance. See other blogposts
— private tuition .. in the long run, learning outcomes depend mostly on the student’s self effort. Teachers can provide a range of support — correcting, guiding, motivating,,,

Counselling (separate section) is a simpler model.

Tennis coaching is a simpler model. The Williams sisters wouldn’t have made it by themselves, without expert coaching.

— self-starter .. a SWE job requirement
— welfare state .. PAP government doesn’t give handouts.
Some ethnic groups require constant assistance because they are not competitive or self-motivated.
— nanny state .. American families are less dependent on the state.
[[Nomadland]] is about self-reliance, including self-help groups. They don’t rely on nanny-state. See https://tanbinvest.dreamhosters.com/21488/nomadland-reflecting-american/
— funding for college .. Chinese parents often take on the responsibility, so the students don’t need self-reliance. I want to break away from that.
— eqMufu .. Rebecca of UOB said many private wealth clients use eqMufu. I prefer self-reliance, fine-grained control.
— open source project outside a corporation .. a form of self-organized non-profit group

socially awkward: Western context #inferiority

BillGates and MarkZ were described as socially awkward in school. I think the phrase has a special American meaning in the American context.

The context is 100% Caucasian. Even in a group of non-white Americans, basically the same judgement would be used. However, if the group consists of recent immigrants, then we would follow different criteria to judge if someone is socially-awkward.

I was very awkward in middle school. Slowly found my confidence in high school. Humor (and wit) is something I lack in most group settings. In Shiyan I had a bit of wit, but not humor.

Watching the Mr.Bean episode “Exam”, I recall that most western men strike me as contemporary and polished. But I beat most of them in studies (bigO), in self-discipline (Gary.G), in wellness, in brbr/FullerWealth, even in analytical writing.

Q: am I more or less awkward in the American context?
A: less. Am socially awkward by most cultural standards, but less so in American context.

— confidence .. For me, confidence is the key. With confidence, I become less self-conscious, less sensitive (I care less about other people’s reactions[1]). This is tolerable and can be a good thing when interacting with half-strangers. Not so harmless with extended family, colleagues and friends.

[1] Those close to me often remind me of the gravity of my insensitivity. Looking at my mistakes and my mom’s mistakes, now I think those people who feel hurt tend to be oversensitive. If there’s any hurt, I do NOT deserve 100% of the responsibility. My mistakes are usually mild and not hurting. I would rather err on insensitivity rather than over-sensitivity.

— shrinking .. The Chinese culture (perhaps Indian culture too) emphasizes “缩小自己” and become as invisible as possible like a bodyguard. If you always draw attention to yourself, then you are always socially awkward, as you stick-out

Shrinking requires observation of protocol. I’m never really good at that.

See also

unlimited desire: human nature


#1 theme of the blogpost: Buddha observed that human desires are satisfied only temporarily.

I don’t desire eternal youth. I do want healthy longevity. Limitless desire? Yes if scentifically achievable. About the only unlimited desire in me is healthy longevity. SuccessZ and successE, but not really a successC !

I don’t have endless lust or craving for novelty in sex life.

Financially, since 2018 I have felt satisfied with my current cashflow high ground. I do long for even more assurance of family livelihood, in terms of career longevity, inflation protection, healthcare assurance … The “assurance” appeals to my successE desires more than successC desires.

I am more and more aware that “financial livelihood” (including healthcare resources) is easier to control than personal health. So my current level of livelihood protections are adequate and I do not need to long for ever higher assurance.

— Q: So what imaginary role model do I envy most?
Not a big manager with his work/life balance and stress level. I guess cash flow higher ground is enviable, but I’m not that bad.

How about the founder of Xinmin School?

Quiet_Boredom: coblood waste@@

k_quietime  k_X_power_descriptor

In my 30s I first read an English essay about loafing in the woods, without understanding anything. In my 40s I read a short article in a China newspaper endorsing 发呆,头脑放假. I re-read later because it was contrarian and intriguing. Now in my late 40s I still struggle to get it, but am warming up and feeling somehow /enlightened/. I think this is a lifestyle improvement, mellowing up, personal growth

Q: At my age and my level of ffree, why do I still worry about coblood waste, and too much idle time?
A: Well, successE is not “complete” success as it captures one dimension of success. SuccessZ is another crucial dimension of success
A: spare time not really enough:
* piano
* yoga classes
* daily sessions with kids

Quiet idle time is also known as quiet downtime, quiet boredom (neutral connotation). Mostly we mean planned boredom.  To me, (planned/unplanned) quiet idle time is defined as a prolonged period of doing nothing, therefore completely unproductive, free of extraneous stimulations, similar to meditation. I guess quiet idle time could be a deeper recharge for some individuals, but today I will assume this deeper recharge doesn’t work for most of us.

Unplanned Boredom can be good, as a BBC program reported. Planned downtime/boredom can be free of pain.

I guess LKY in his twilight years decided to learn meditation, perhaps to reduce physical suffering.

I think quiet idle time is not bad for some retirees and some younger people. So far, I have limited appreciation for quiet idle time. Jacob of ERE pointed out the “freedom TO” challenge. 90% of the time, I still have goals, and purposes and I still push myself towards them. One growing purpose is the need to live longer for my kids. (Longevity requires long-term effort, practice and time.) I feel I can add value to their lives. If I live longer, I can better control my surplus assets and decide how to use it to help my children and possibly their children.

— Time wastage .. may not be quiet. Conversely, quiet idle time is often considered time well spent, not wasted.
Time wasted in pain, or other unintended wastes of time are always regrettable and should be minimized. Time wasted due to inefficiency is questionable.
— Healthy longevity may benefit from quiet idle time, which is not 100% same as traditional meditation. Meditation has a more strict /prescription/.
Even though quiet boredom is unproductive, it could restore harmony and health !
— harmony .. the boredom, idleness and “coblood waste” often leave me /restless/, but I can learn to live with them in harmony.
— A quiet quasi-idle time is a more broad category including musical instrument, calligraphy, painting/drawing, gardening, baking, wife’s handcrafting, knitting,,,
— planned quiet idle time can become a pastime, with a growing importance in my carefree ezlife. See 4 def@success