family outing #random reflections

Family outing is high “cost”. Almost everyone involved is busy and each has to make adjustments to make it happen.

For years, I resented the huge hours lost after a movie — time spent shopping or at nearby playgrounds. I realized that after a family movie, I should go straight home. Then in 2022 I slowly changed my behavior. After a Stadium trip, we spent hours in Decathlon.
Around Xmas 2022, we went to IMM to buy a pair of shoes but spent 5 – 8 hours there ! Still regretful but less painful.

13 Nov family outing trip was very low productivity, “rot”.
Somehow I avoided the burn-rot trap of self-hate.
I used to be a hostage. The high standad of productivity was simply unrealistic with family outing.

In contrast, I think a corporate team-building event could be (would be) benchmarked for efficiency, but that’s for the organizer.
Most participants would be too relaxed and fail the benchmark.
Family members are more like the participants rather than the organizers.

— Travel with kids .. means loss of huge amount of precious private time. Quiet time at MRT is valuable. Even at bus stop i can read or use smemo

passive disobedience: strict penalty@@

In 2021 Paramjeet Kaur was charged for her defiance towards mask-wearing regulation. Appearing in court, she only wore mask below her nose. If I were the judge, I might interpret it as contempt of court, and mobilize the police in the court room to enforce the regulation.

Well, the defendant may have a reason for passive disobedience.

How about my treatment of my son’s passive disobedience? Once I ordered him to stop reading and go to bed by 11.45. He refused by passive disobedience. I warned him that every minute past 11.45 would count as one shout.

Now I think we can reduce the penalty by half.

how much trust in wikipedia: techie++

Today I was researching on monads and came upon After a few minutes I decided to pay a bit of attention to the highly visible warning “This article may be too technical for most readers to understand.” A valuable warning, but easily removable ! It made me think about the quality control in the wikipedia (volunteer-editor) model. The traditional model is the TR (technical review) model, also used in many major news agencies. We can also compare the OSS vs commercial software dev model. SOF(Stackoverflow) is another emerging model of quality control.

The Learn how and when to remove this template message page has some relevant details on quality control.

Q: which individuals have proven expertise + care-taker responsibility over the free content? Note with a lesser-known topic the talent pool shrinks.

In TR model, the “editors” are formally trained (with credentials), individually coached, groomed, watched (by the community), promoted/appointed/elected … over years. Each individual usually has substantial publications in respected media. Affiliation with universities, research institutions and major corporations is a common credential. Compare them to doctors, professors, lawyers.

One level closer to wikipedia model, the committers in a major OSS project are somewhat similar. These committers have to earn their position in the project. No affiliation no publication required. (Commercial software dev model doesn’t have reviewers at all… less relevant to this blogpost.)

One level closer to wikipedia model, SOF model doesn’t designate technical reviewers. I think if you earn enough reputation points, you gain more “editing” power.

In wikipedia model, any child, any crazy person has the same power to edit any page (unless protected). Therefore, we rely on the warning described in the beginning.  So who has power to add or remove the warning? Well, anyone !

Nigel.C: Really_Important_Thing


See also

Background .. In an informal 2016 chat, my young Macq colleague Nigel Chan commented that once he identified TRIT [the really important thing] for a given goal, then he would focus on it and work on it. (It’s related to k_career_leverage in the gz blog, but this bpost goes beyond career.)

I was unconvinced about its utility/applicability, and immediately gave an extreme example — “If TRIT to personal success is body flexibility, then I’m doomed, since I am physically inferior. My flexibility is something of a handicap and demands a superhuman effort. Better accept personal limitations like these. Perhaps look for a different goal.” Nigel was amused but unfazed. He simply said in that case he would just work on flexibility…. no choice. His unspoken assumption — effort (almost) always bears fruit.

As a quant, Nigel presumably applied Principal Component Analysis.

Q: which def@success?
A: Nigel’s original context was successC, in a competitive field.
A: successZ is front-n-center, but to me, successE is equally important. It is behind the scenes and a counterweight to successZ. The serenity prayer hints at successZ/E and includes “wisdom to know the difference”.

eg: LKY wanted Singaporean Chinese mothers to have more babies. It was TRIT to arrest Chinese population decline in Singapore. It was too difficult, so he shifted to alternatives like immigration.

— eg: what if TRIT is English proficiency, like in job hunting? Many of my China tech friends had this handicap.

It is too hard for them when they are above certian age. Some are better off focusing on alternative goals.

In this case, I disagree with Nigel’s statement.

— eg: what if TRIT is relationship/comm with boss, like in the “goal” of job longevity? In this case, I chose alternative goals like total income, personal wealth, livelihood, carefree ezlife,,

It was hard to change my comm style. Since my 30s I did mellow up gradually.

In this case, I agree 49% with Nigel’s statement.

— eg: what if TRIT is personal charisma and attractiveness to girls, like in the dating game during my 20s? Getting a beautiful woman was my biggest dream and desire during those years. I had to accept the reality and stay single. It was too hard to work on TRIT.

However, some beautiful women did find me attractive.

In this case, I agree 49% with Nigel’s statement.


pre-teen phone addiction

  • more (clear) agreements with boy and wife on daily screen time limits
  • even minor improvement in father/mother consistency can be worthwhile. A parent’s Understanding of the consequences is the key.
  • Instagram addiction .. is a social problem.

— camp 0
Grandpa’s advice can be valid. It depends on the child’s personality and /circumstances/. Remember the one-year penalty? In general, this strategy is more valid for my generation rather than the new generation.

What if boy shows improvement but not enough by my standard?

Q: is 30m screen time too low? My camp 0 is not same as Sachin’s.

  • no control Outside home
  • no control on mom’s phone
  • no control on music playing
  • not applied on computer screen time

— alternatives to phone
🙂 He is a good reader.


#1169 storage


See also reno+DIYHI, move_home. Current bpost is about severe storage shortage during/after the house move.

In #1169, there are perhaps enough drawers + super-high pigeonholes. Therefore, storeroom shelves (my effort) provides precious shelf space that’s accessible [below tiptoe level].
(In #1173, there are more pigeonholes somewhere lower.)
==== EMCs [storage /resources/, storage locations, ]
Q: We will inevitably have a few spare EMC resources, so exactly which EMCs are suitable?
A: prime locations, with or without structure
A: external EMCs are suitable spares.. Beware of rain.
— emc::my wardrobe::middle section.. spare capacity at a prime location
— emc::my wardrobe top shelf.. spare capacity
— emc::kitchen cabinet top (multiple) shelves ..
spare capacity for wife?
— emc::above fridge .. highly accessible
wife wary of grease
— emc::above white wardrobe, kids’ desks .. contingent spare capacity at a prime location
— emc::ext::inside firehose door (public space)..
ladder? Neighbor may complain
— emc::ext::beside staircase
put an open rack with plastic cover. I think the neighbor may not like it but it’s a relatively big space
foldable wardrobe is more water-proof but can’t hold heavy stuff
wall mounted shelf (not allowed), but make it compact and presentable to the neighbor or inspector
==== “50 bins for 50 mini-categories” .. together they wouldn’t take up too much space iFF bins are well-sized

Luckily, I slowly carved out storage space in meter room, corridor etc. They help me locate items more easily than “50 categories all in store room”

Open trays are accessible given a flat surface, while hangable clear bags are more visible and space-efficient.

  • — half-ranked by quality [visibility,,,]
  • hangable magazine bags .. excellent visibility
  • hangable fabric bins .. limited strength
  • meter room hooks .. see below
  • ikea display .. “hidden” pigeonholes
  • taobao shoe cabinet.. has tiny compartments
  • small containers in storeroom shelves .. transparent boxes, bags,,,
  • wardrobe pigeonholes .. too deep
  • TV console drawers or bins .. see below

— emc::ext:: meter rooms .. esp. door hooks for clear plastic bags … valuable resources carved out, but let’s not go there too often.

one of our ikea bags
— emc::TV console drawers .. not so “open/transparent”, even though not so deep

==== — item::impDoc .. need more than one drawer
* wardrobe drawer
* spill over to glass bookcase drawer (can put on lock)

— item::spare bags .. too “big” for one EMC
* big, less used bags -> storeroom top
* small ones including pouches -> (meimei) wardrobe top

— item::non-foldable empty containers
big ones (too numerous too big for storeroom) -> Omar
small ones (growing):
-> top of ikea room divider
-> top of meimei wardrobe

— item::bulky_sport.. high volume, high variety, low cost, and often unused and to be dumped
* badminton: hang on door
* skates .. Omar hanging, but bags can collect rain water
* heavyweights: lower shelf, but not touching tiles
* lightweights: top shelf
* be flexible not strict with classifications. Over time, we will remember where to find each item. Bulky items will be easy to find.

— item::soft paper [toilet roll, kitchen towel, tissue] .. together they would be too big for (almost) any single locations [except Omar], and they are too big to get “lost”, so it make sense to split them up
* most toilet rolls + some tissues -> storeroom
* bulk packs of tissues, kitchen towels -> Omar or storeroom

— item::bikes .. bicycle bay with cover
— item::hardware tools .. (growing)… Storeroom is best for the growing volume. May need to keep some items in living room or master bedroom
— item::foldable_table.. Beside water meter room? rain 🙁
— item::ladder .. bathroom or laundry room
thin, so can consider squeeze into narrow space like above A/C trunking or beside fridge or behind pipes
common areas behind doors
==== ctbz in storeroom .. ctbz and optimization can create excessive stress due to perfectionist and self-beating, but how much value is at stake? I guess in shoeboxes (HK?) this type of ctbz would be more relevant than in my home. I don’t need to operate like a shoebox resident.

What “type of storage space” is more needed in the storeroom? (In the long run, mostly big shelves for bulky items listed in this bpost.) During the move, Perhaps there are not so many bulky items for the storeroom, but many small items will go in here, so I need 50 sections including hangable sections. After the dust settles, we won’t need these many.

  1. — store room shelves .. priorities
  2. personal safety when we climb up, or during install
  3. stability of the structure .. imbalance, overload
  4. ctbz space utilization
  5. flexible and maximum utility during the move.

xp: #1173 storeroom is not well-utilized despite my repeated “adjustments” each taking hours. Result?
* the time spent was enjoyable, satisfying to the xpSelf (but inefficient to the rmSelf)
* space utilization level was like a B-, but No disaster

— 内卷 / diminishing return / fine-tuning / optimization /perfectionist .. The railroads + all four racks … are major features. After those are in place, I notice diminishing return in my additional ROTI to create additional rack space

  • planks mounted on the side [4] .. (tall rack [5] would be a faster, sturdier alternative)
  • [2] projection to the side the big brown alone .. less stable
  • [3] short plank mounted on ikea railroads [3] .. requires sawing
  • taobao silver trays .. need tbudget to control ROTI. Nice little addition.
  • Daiso railroad + mounting arms + plank .. too much effort and low utility

Q: why I feel such a thirst to create more rack space just for the move?
A: the #1y stressor of every house-move

Note hanger system is inferior to rack space but better ROTI.

[5] A tall rack can involve huge initial tcost [shopp, measuring, moving, constructing, endless fine-tuning (esp. a sturdy metal rack),], and there is real fear of damaging something New. (This initial cost was incurred long ago for my existing racks, so I now value those existing racks.) I really need to draw a line in the sand and declare

This level of optimization is good enough (like latency tuning). No more enhancement please. We need to move on. There will always be room4improvement, but I will live in peace.

~~ width of wall on both sides of the folding door: 53.5cm vs 54cm.. Like a quick sand — appears simple as a ctbz optimization area
[3] better use mounted shelf if cut to the width… I have bought a hand saw. Beware perfectionist tendency, as this DIYHI “project” sounds easy but will invite endless optimizations, with questionable ROTI.

[2] Otherwise, need to extend out from the big brown… less effort than the previous, but will similarly invite endless optimizations, with questionable ROTI
* [4] [once implemented] use ikea bracket to mount 80 cm plank on the big brown, facing the original door, but overloading can affect balance
* use thin plank beneath the original long plank? unstable so only a make-shift thing during the move.

[done] strengthen the modified bar... The lower screw is not really bearing weight. On the contrary, it is pulling down on the top screw, adding load along with the payload.
Sugg: Tie one (later four) L-shape thing between the bars and MWLR. It 1) provides weight-baring support for the modified bar, and 2) prevents bending of the plank (needs long horizontal arm)
sugg [implemented]: drill a new hole anywhere along the bar such that the screw bears weight. Avoid moving the big brown.

school hol ROTI

ROTI priorities :
… power surge? QQ; library books; CV update

  • CV update
  • HRblock
    • Thu 3H
    • Fri 3-4H
  • exp recon:
    • Mon 1h
  • — traditional targets:
  • standing:
    • Fri 12 – 4
    • Sat 3- 10 (except jogging)
  • help kids on workout etc
    • Wed bike
    • Fri racing with meimei
    • Sat bring boy to Healthway
  • coding drill: 0m
  • QQ: 0
    • Mon 15m java@mrt
    • Tue 2H on andThen()
    • Tue 60m python with Alina
    • Tue 30m in central library
    • Wed 30m blockchain
    • Thu 5m Python discussion with Alina
    • Fri 2H read on MRT, lib, blogging
    • Sat: 1h on qsort, 1H on py
    • Sun: 2H c++ research on AshS emails
  • office project: 0m
    • Sat 5H
  • stretch 30m #xxx m is good target.
    • Mon 15m lotus@mrt
    • Wed 15m lotus@mrt
    • Thu 15m lotus@mrt
    • Fri 20m lotus in library, cinema
    • Sat 10m lotus@mrt
  • power + strength 10m # in terms of current priority: flexibility > strength > jogging
    • Wed 15 chin-up
    • Sat 10 push-up + 20m in GbtB
  • jogging 30 min #reasonable goal
    • Tue 3km jog to meet Alina
    • Wed 4H bike
    • Thu G-20
    • Fri raced with meimei over 4 flights of stairs, carrying weights
    • Sat 4km
    • Sun 2-30

— diet log

  • Friday light breakfast, light lunch. Waited until 7 or 8pm to have dinner with family (A bit too much starch, but I had 3 carrots !) Shared a froyo with kids. At home, had half a watermelon.

[18]drawbacks@ blog4keep`notes #gmail

  • For personal note-keeping, my default choice is still [ text editor + recoll folder ], though network-inaccessible.
  • My 2nd choice is blog. Its biggest inconveniences are
    1. editing multiple documents — I had to create many temporary bookmarks, and use multiple windows
    2. the slow and inconvenient persistence. I tend to update title, date (for sorting), category etc. Too many clicks.
      • to edit date — use listing page
      • to edit title — use listing page
      • to save — I click on title textbox or a dummy category, then Enter. Any shortcut key? Nothing found
  • A middle-ground is gmail. J4: persistence
  • alternative: is git offline text editing. J4: en-route.
  • alternative: is windows sticky notes
  • alternative:
  • alternative:
  • alternative: smemo @tww — light, low-dependency.  discovered in my 20’s. Should try more.
  • alternative: voice recorder — per Zhurong. Should try more.
  • alternative: notepad @phone