## unnoticed #1 concern in/of…

  • returning an Optional.java from a method — it is the risk of returning null
  • dev-till-70 — it is physical health (according to Jenny, Sudhir and grandpa), rather than SnD
  • ffree for our mere mortals — it’s passive income rather than windfall.
  • bmi — availability, temptation, esp. wrong-time temptation. See temptation=#1(short-term)challenge4weight watcher and fullness^availability: hunger

##underrated j4blogg

Background: the blogg t-allocation is increasing year on year.  I often receive zsms.

Key benefit: We grow wiser via adversities + reflections [including expressive writing]. Without reflections, the growth is slower. We may even forget the details of the adversity and fail to learn from it.

broad but vague benefit: blogg→evaluation@life→more satisfactions

https://www.huffpost.com/entry/benefits-of-journaling-_b_6648884 lists several underrated benefits.

  • [d = true, but often neglected, discounted, dismissed]
  • blogg can stretch your child’s IQ. One of the best single measures of overall intelligence as measured by intelligence tests is vocabulary.
  • Writing has critical connections to speaking. I need more improvement in speaking than writing.
  • [d] Blogg increases chance of achieving personal goals…
  • [d] Emotional intelligence (both self and inter-personal). Even without sending out my writing, whenever I write down another person’s perspective, I get a better understanding.
  • [d] Blogg can spark your creativity, esp. when facing a tough challenge that requires creative problem solving.
  • [d] Blogg can enhance self-esteem and self-confidence. Reflections on positive experiences can build a catalog of personal achievements that you continue to go back to. Indeed I revisit my positive experiences
  • via blogg. I also blog about negative experience for learning and coping.

— In the Nov 2022 parent-teacher meeting, I told my daughter’s English teacher that I write everyday.

Background: She said reading for fun doesn’t help kids improve English, even if the kid reads a lot. I said I had many classmates in secondary school who read a lot but didn’t write so well.

For writing, the most effective learning is daily writing.  Even if no one reads it but yourself, writing (and reviewing) periodically can improve your thinking, writing, IQ.

Humans learn and understand complex things through words and sentences (not pictures), so sensitivity with a rich vocab improves overall intelligence.

## fire-n-forget +!confirm`

A pattern worth remembering

  • eg (classic): I’m in a hurry so I leave the home door unlocked, and I shout to my family member “Please lock the door for me.” What I often forget to do before leaving is to confirm the person actually hears it.
  • eg: after you hit winKey+L, we often walk away assuming windows would lock screen
  • eg: after I run “gd2” I often walk away, assuming …
  • eg: after I click “restart” I often walk away assume windows would restart, but quite often it couldn’t.
  • eg: after we sent a phone message or email (say, a short ye/no answer) we often put it aside assuming the recipient has seen it.

hour-level time freedom #failureZ,retire,successE,,

k_quietime k_def_of_success

Overall, time-freedom is a vague phrase, not a memorable impact phrase.

— financial freedom vs time freedom
Time-freedom is the Level 4 of ffree, and a part and parcel of ffree. Jacob of ERE asked

Q: freedom to … do what?
A: Jacob’s question was presumably about time freedom measured in months .

My idea of time-freedom is more granular, like hour-level:

  • blogg
  • successZ: techXX for career longevity and to keep the mind active
  • successZ: workout
  • failureZ: screen addiction, including random news and curiositySou
  • recreational reading, but for-a-purpose
  • recreational investing
  • see other energySinks

Like ffree, time freedom is highly personal. Once you have a better understanding of what it means to yourself, you may realize that you could realistically enjoy time freedom while employed, at least for a while.

Soon after retiring, you may realize that you want the _freedom_ to work in a team, on a engaging project i.e. return from retirement.

See also trading time for money, in the context of sustainable jobs.

— failureZ (flip side of the same coin known as time-freedom).. too much time freedom leads to unhealthy sleep patterns
Some retirees lose their daily schedule…

— successE … I feel hour-level time freedom is a non-trivial component of successE

flexible work hours can lessen work stress, esp. if workload is lighter.

== retirement
— time-discipline due to work
If you love your job [personal interactions, engaging, purpose, in-demand,,,,], then yes your job will impose some welcome “time-discipline”.

Many retirees lose that discipline, and decline in health. See Lawrence Wong quoted in my blog

— daily commute .. a huge factor to _MY_ sense of time freedom. Paradoxically, some people treat the pockets of commute as personal quietime, as explained in the CNA article

Similarly, Flexible work hours prove to be another factor to my time freedom.

wikipedia++ for recreationalXX


See also

  • https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/56137/warehouse-curiositysoudef/

–“Wikipedia++” is defined as

All the non-technical sites out there including but not limited to UGC [blogs, personal sites, bbs], but excluding news sites.

— disadvantages .. If you are serious about recreationalXX, then wikipedia++ is not the most effective.

  • You need to refresh! Print media is better, but see the “advantage” below.
  • Majority of wikipedia++ content (that I read) lacks editorial QC.
  • You can’t highlight a phrase as with print media.
  • If the topic is big, then you need many reading sessions. Wikipedia is often too brief. This has not been a problem in my experience.
  • Worst part of wikipedia++ for learning is the tendency to get distracted by curiositySou.

— Some advantages of wikipedia++ for recreationalXX

  • easy to blog
  • refresh and re-read by bookmarking



Language matter. If a Chinese immigrant to U.S. is unfamiliar with the language of the hypnotherapist, then the patient won’t be easily influenced and hypnotized. Even if a Chinese hypnotist is brought over, it won’t work well if she comes from a different province or cultural background. For the language to build a bridge, both sides must tune in to the same frequency.

— active ^ passive listener

Sometimes the listener gets hypnotized involuntarily (sys1), without paying attention. (I may have a psychic block so my sys1 is not easily hypnotized.) Most listeners need to pay some attention (sys2) to be hypnotized.

However, a hypnotist knows how to attract your attention at a subconscious level (sys1), and turn a passive listener into an active, engaged listener.


— movies .. so fake … often require a (sys2) willing suspension of disbelief

Similarly, If you feel  a set piece or a sales presentation or preacher comes across as too predictable, then it’s hard to get yourself hypnotized or fired up…. Psychic block

— usage scenario: persuade your partner to have more intimacy

— usage scenario: listen to instruction during labor

— usage scenario: instructor-led relaxation exercise, or hypnotherapy

adaptations: boy’s BM, earlyDinner #EDyw

Precise vocab is valuable, nearly indispensable, in describing psychological issues and attitude/perceptions. I’m still working on the vocab.

— Trigger event: 30 Jun 2022 my son saw Dr Nancy Tan again. I don’t recall exactly what they said, so I am retelling the story in my own words. My son’s body has to adapt to diet change [much higher water, veg/fruit intake, more frequent meals spread out,,]. She described that BM [ bowel movement ] varies among individuals, so each person need to deal with the signals that  bowel/bladder send to the brain. This signal can feel like random attacks, so the individual learns defensive tactics.

Hopefully, the individual gradually grows used to the signals and the underlying physical process. Perhaps a BM soon after a meal becomes the norm. Perhaps two BM a day becomes the norm.

— late night hunger .. Dr Nancy mentioned something about early dinner. I think she said that many people can finish dinner early and have no supper. I brought up the consistent hunger signal I receive at night. I told Dr Nancy that even if I have dinner at 8pm, I would still get the signal 4 hours later, around midnight. Therefore, anticipating the signal, I dare not take early dinner.

I said this is perhaps similar to my son anticipating urine/BM. The anticipation informs and affects our planning. But perhaps it doesn’t have to. The brain can adapt (be trained) to “deal with”[1] the signal, possibly suppressing it. This has been hard for me.

— OCD and phobia.. My son also brought up his OCD concerns to Dr Nancy. Later I told him my zip-checking OCD experience. I told him that nowadays I don’t care about my unzipped fly even in public — successful adaptation.

On the same day, I happened to pick up a book about OCD, and the author also discussed phobias — two related issues. Later I told my daughter about insect and needle phobia.

Again, the brain receives fight^flight signals and could over-react.

— EDyw and other sexual difficulties due to aging
As long as the individual adapts to the change and doesn’t let it affect family bonding, self-esteem, fulfillment of biological needs,, then successful adaptation. Some guys accept ED as a fact or life, but work to improve the situation. That’s also positive adaptation.

Some guys are fixated on ED, and therefore let it spill over to work, relationship, etc… Poor adaptation.

— [1] adaptation and harmony .. Dr Nancy used the phrase “deal with”. I call it adaptation, lifestyle adjustment and coping. Adaptation is crucial to harmony and carefree (successE). A common theme in my blogs. Adaptation has become a cliche in the mass media. Organizations (firms, schools,,,), industries, cities,,, must adapt to changing times.

In my son’s case, daily routine needs adjustment. Sometimes, we just need to get used to a change in the body, without lifestyle adjustment.

As long as the individual adapts to the change and doesn’t let it affect school, work, social life,,, then successful adaptation.