##[18]time well_spent= productive,roti,Burn,,

k_soul_search  k_tyrant_of_rmSelf  ……   k_therapeutic_reflective_blogg … k_mellow

See also fixation@ROTI@tech-xx : too result-oriented and burn=materialistic_ROTI + self_discipline

A progressive, mellowing, fundamental change in my attitude —

Only a tiny percentage of my daily hours need to be, so-called, productive.

However, as I told my son, a bit of time each day should be spent on self-improvement. For his age, even 10 minues could be good enough.

As a side note, those earning more usually don’t spend more than 8 hours working or studying. However, for me studying and working are often therapeutic, providing meaning, vocation (passion) and occupation (killing time). I think grandpa may have a similar view on his vocation.

I no longer try so hard to make every hour “count”. I am now 100% sure it’s just unrealistic to be productive for more than 12 hours a day. In hind sight, even on a busy workday, or busy weekend, most of the hours are not really productive.

The “O2” and coblood concepts I developed myself (since my late teens?) No longer valid.

The chore^pleasure framework is more useful. The chores are often productive but some productive activities can be pleasurable.

The burn-or-rot concept is a more important element of “productivity” than roti. Burn means challenge, pushing yourself, beyond the comfort zone.

roti vs productive ?Productivity to me means some tangible output — 收获/fruitful . However, lots of productive activities have no measurable roti or no roti whatsoever.

  • my reflective blogging, including those long emails I don’t require my recipients to read?
  • my weight and chin-up improvement in late 2018 ranks as one of the greatest personal victories of my adult life. I spent months of personal time.
  • learning localSys — high ROTI though not increasing my income
    • in contrast, coding drill is definitely productive
  • Einstein’s violin? He would consider it highly productive though it doesn’t produce entertainment value to anyone but himself
    • Grandpa’s longing for recreation and hobby
  • piano practice with kids? Apparently many parents have very clear answers. “When parents are gone, piano remains a lifelong companion to the child”, Cheng Lan said “a gift to their lives”.
  • piano practice for myself? Yes burn!
  • yoga | lower body flexibility tiny, temporary improvements — hugely productive because that’s my weakest weakness
  • news or leisure reading? yes tangible output
  • quality family time
  • quality conversation with grandparents
  • — some examples as listed in my google sheet on freeday]SG
  • ikea trip with boy? unproductive with high tcost, though boy enjoyed it

grow`blog2fuxi @@ How2

Q: with growing number of worthwhile blogposts. How do I remember their existence?

  • method — promote powerful descriptors
  • method — use abbr and Chinese in titles of those worthwhile blogposts, so as to squeeze in memorable keywords
  • .. Chinese is shorter, but need to provide sufficient English translation to aid search
  • .. convert some hyphenated-phrases to camelCase
  • method — suffix the title with # annotation1 #annotation2
  • method — memory pegs: conversation, question/phrase. Create blogposts.
  • method — mass print-out once a while for DRAM-refresh; keep old printouts.
  • method — prune pre-emptively
  • method — memory pegs: actively use t_fuxi tags, esp. t_fxt

— paradox:

  • (fire-n-forget) keeping a big dairy but without review — inefficient, wasteful, primitive. Tolerable for tech content in the recrec blog.
  • blogg with lots of review — mounting tcost

Strike a balance ! The tcost of refresh is growing with the volume of my blogs. If I don’t incur the refresh tcost, then a lot of the initial effort is quickly lost.. Fast decay.

othRisk^overspenT ^fuxiTitle ^ tcost@DramRefresh #200w

In the “open” blog, I will maintain multiple tags related to overthink as the oth risk is highest and more visible in this blog than recrec or tanbinvest blogs

The overspend grows with the blog volume.

— These 3 tags all cover tcost of blogging esp. overthink, over-analysis.

  • overspenT — overall tcost Already overspent, including fine-tuning, critical reviews, dram refresh…
  • tcost@DramRefresh — specifically about dram refresh.
  • … Some of these blogposts have vague titles instead of unique, original content. Consider deletion. Apply t_fuxiTitle
  • othRisk — Risk…. NOT a recorded incident.
  • …. Some othRisk items also have t_fuxi and t_fuxiTitle

See the tag descriptions.

Blog posts in the “log” and “effi” categories are prone to overthink.

— Soul-search and historical reviews
Similarly, most of my t_tectonic/T_defense blogposts are big, sweeping commentaries, not addressing an immediate question/decision.

They tend to get vague titles + too much dram refresh.

Each blogpost often starts with a seed and builds up incrementally. So it can take a lot of laser focus, care and feeding.

In a way, this is similar to the challenge faced by a creative writer (BoRong?)

— eg: bedbug blogposts: I spent hours reviewing bedbug lessons in my blog, years after the traumatic experience. This deep review is crucial. Similarly, After the SARS outbreak and the Asian financial crisis, Singapore government had serios reviews.

xref=#1 goal @ tag/category



Basic challenge — too many blotposts. When I write a new blogpost on an old theme, I often fail to recall some previous blogposts that are highly relevant.

re-visit and creating xref between blogposts — are positive, value-enhancing, value-creating. cross-pollination. Paradoxically, this effort increases overall tcost and can lead to overspend, in non-tech domains. I guess wellness blogging is considered tech domain.

The main purpose of tags and categories is cross-reference from “this blogpost” to “related blogposts”. There are other ways to facilitate cross-reference

— long titles including many keywords

4formats: directed_link between blogposts