[21]long battles won/done →fat_n_happy

I fought the EE-DL battle, then the FCH battle .. Now I won it with UChicago degree.

k_quietime  k_soul_search  k_tectonic

Compared to …

… this blogpost is unique in its emphasis on fat-n-happy and on extended battle. Fat-n-happy doesn’t means “battle won”.  See also ##progressive growth: 江河日下, written around the same time.

fat-n-happy is almost the opposite of zqbx …

To avoid becoming another vague, all-encompassing list, we need to careful about what NOT to include (more than what to include) in this list. Even though I’m careful what to include, the focus is shifting to the on-going battles where no fat-n-happy exists. This shift threatens to homogenize and commoditize this once-unique blogpost.

The Trigger — nowadays I feel fat-n-happy, not engaged in too many of those long drawn-out.  battles/struggles like IV, PIP,,,

When I say “battle”, the adversaries are usually not human enemies, but difficult systems, complexities, high bar, or myself.

How specific? With some battles, I want the analysis to be very low-level and specific. With other battles like personal finance, I don’t want 88 specific battles, but I can list them in the section below the table.

— burn or rot? Not rotting. Am more serious about wellness, parenting (and pff), less about gz

— 躺平 ? My fat_n_happy / mellowness are marginally related to the 躺平 movement, and only in the career dimension.
When I think about the 躺平^内卷 (involution) struggle, I realize my non-trivial success [not luck] in 1)cashflow 2)career 3)credentials.

However, these pair of Chinese terms are abstract, arcane, not widely understood even in China, and therefore hard to use in any writing. They may become largely unrecognizable within 10 years.

==== Now the list of battles
[p=personal battle, mostly inside my own world]
[m=mellowing up]
[e= improved my “position” mostly due to personal effort, rather than external factors like luck. See locus@control]

battle years         headline sub-items or related items won/done/
notes #detailed notes.. below table
1990s-2006 [e] sexual needs won
2010s-2017 marriage stability NB
2010s-NOW [p]wellness: BMI heart risk[family history]; visible belly fat; body fat%
2000s-now [mp]yoga,pull-up.. weekly workouts;
2010s-NOW boy 沉迷
2010s-now boy academic mtv winning
P2-P6 boy’s grades done worry subsided
2000-2019 [p] competitive IV career longevity, churn, scarce quietime4self-study won
2007-2016 [em] PIP GTD, PIP .. were the battle of my finDev career done
2000s-2019 [em] FOLB brank, fake role models done
   ———— — minor battles, and unrelated to fat-n-happy or mellowing —
2000s-NOW tech churn done now I focus on c++, coreJava
2010s-2017 aging #as dev IV; on-the-job won
2000s-2017 [mp] per finance housing(high rent]U.S.); medical inflation, bx, won
P1-P6 boy’s diet, BMI won
2007-2009 [p] U.S.commute SG: won
2007-? [m]car dependency see numerous blogposts done
birth-2017 branded degree 2nd-class honors in a world 2nd-tier college won
1991-1999 English listening comprehension; speaking; won expr writing = rewarding
1990s-2020 [p] stay organized EMC/visio, mgmt of own content won
2000s-2010s [mp]book ownership won
till age 6 妹: 边喂边看 wife worried about underweight won
1990s limited 关系网 self-identified as 不合群 done growing confident

— IV battlefield ..
For example, see https://btv-gz.dreamhosters.com/2016/10/30/civ-weaker-than-java-introspection/. Now I no longer try so hard to enter a tough field like quant or HFT.
— survival on the job .. struggled in GS, Stirt, Macq only. I chose well.
— battles against tech churn, aging and out-sourcing .. affect livelihood in two distinct contexts 1) competing for jobs 2) keep-the-job (promotion is never a concern to me)
I always emphasize (1) over (2).
— stay organized .. is a common battle as our belongings and our personal content keep growing
I feel things stabilized after kids grew up.
— marriage .. now I realized how important wife is to the kids
— pff .. Why the struggle? I subscribed to the brainwash/propaganda, and carried the burdens of SDXQ housing etc.
Inflation was portrayed as so high that you simply can’t beat it with your paltry salary and savings (need investment).

However, my suffering was lighter thanks to my brbr[saving, conserver/minimalist]. My struggle was smaller than my peers’ struggles.

My family livelihood needs are well taken care of. This battle is largely symbolic…
— wellness
Contrary to conventional wisdom, Cholesterol is a long but small battle. Didn’t require tough lifestyle changes.
— sexual needs [searching, courting] .. a decade-long battle. Fierce competition (battle) for the desirable women. In college I was coping fine, but not the decade after. See involuntary celibacy + sexual needs since 2000s. I feel lucky now.

Why not labelled a “personal” struggle? I actually engaged in courtships many times. I had to position myself and adjust it frequently.

Why I consider it my own effort? I chose well. After years chasing the wrong targets, I chose the right woman to satisfy my (not all selfish) needs.

bigPict@boy’s3issues #phone++

Hard to find a short title for this bpost, but I will try anyway. If I keep trying I’m sure I can find a better way to manage this title:)

addiction(吃喝玩乐), poor initiative +mtv. lack 上进, 奋发图强. self-responsible #excl mtv aggression + abusive
diet, exercise, piano misplaced; urine eg
health; academic; confidence.
People can’t trust him with important objects.
Also shared resources get messed up.
threats and harm to others how serious
#2: benchmark #3 #1 hurtful remarks (脏话) mother’s concern
#1: addiction #2: effort/mtv LGlp #3 my concern
phone lock-up fines phone; kneeling for 脏话 typical discipline
targeting self-mtv targeting maturity not applicable sunshine (optimism, patience)
Yes. Patience needed yes immaturity no due to his immaturity?

Excluded (for better focus) from the table: minor lies. Grandpa pointed out 他善良随和,没有和父母作对, refusing to communicate or cooperate.

David of Cigna said his most important focus is the communication channel. He as a father invests hugely to keep the channel open.

##[20] filling yet light: superfoods]%%xp

See also ##[18] weight-watchers: safe2overeat

Most of the OK-to-overeat foods are tasty yet non-fattening — hallmarks of superfood.

With watermelon (and some light smoothies), I feel very safe in the sense that even though I could be very full after overeating, most of the stuff would go “out of my system” soon and I would not put on weight.

[1] “Filling” — for a drained 100g-portion, how effective can it help fend off the wrong-food temptation? If good, it may even guard against (the elephant in the room) wrong-time temptation.

[2] non-fattening means low-guilt

! — means G3 surprises on this page

filling[1] FEELS non-fattening[2] OK2overeat calorie density ez? costly?
excellent excellent excellent. I never eat a lot egg white light excellent
 ! filling excellent. I only take up to one scoop.
no risk@overeating,
protein(or dairy)
OK #watery good
good excellent Not OK tuna]h2o OK Excellent
good good Not OK chicken breast skinless ok hard to cook
good OK good fish, lean meat #no fry OK HARD to cook
 ! YES good low risk@overeating
congee 稀粥
starchy but
OK if diluted
hard to cook
excellent excellent excellent watermelon very light
hard to carry
good good if plain.
Softer are better
OK iFF plain.
Softer are safer
PLAIN tofu light iFF plain and
more diluted
raw or cooked
filling but not
excellent not so tasty chia overstated excellent
OK with chia good good lotus root
powder 藕粉
excellent good ? lotus root slices 藕 ? rely on wife
———- ———– ———– ———- ——— ———
filling[1] FEELS non-fattening[2] OK2overeat calorie density ez? costly?
no 🙁 excellent not so tasty low-fat milk|yogurt light #watery excellent
excellent bad 🙁 Not OK potato high-carbs
good OK Not OK avocado smoothie
with chia
high fat,
but diluted
yes bad 🙁 Not OK nuts – a lot very high
no 🙁 good nuts – few pieces

##absorbency[def#2]: 难度rank #wellness,xx

See also my blogpost on profit lock-in.

  • Each individual has limited disposable time.
  • Each individual has limited physical+mental energy. In other words,
  • Each individual has limited absorbency
    • eg: Before the /advent/ of goggles, The amount of /abuse/ a top swimmer’s eyes can tolerate determines her maximum amount of monthly practice and her competitive performance …. See https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-37064144
    • eg: After doing a few hours of coding drill I usually find it hard to continue… mental /fatigue/.

After much soul searching, here is my ranking of toughest absorbency /endeavors/. I mix 3 “domains” diet^workout^gz, to rank across them.

Note the ranking fluctuates. In some month, chin-up feels toughest,  but after 2 months coding drill would become the #1 toughest

Note that sometimes I have no “power surge” in any of these domains.

  1. — current ranking by “Spicy” and difficulty, like a pyramid, regardless of value
  2. [f] gz: coding drill requires more absorbency than QQ.
    • don’t forget review, requiring lower absorbency
  3. gz: localSys self-learning requires the highest absorbency # harder than employer-assigned project.
    • [t?] helps protect this nice job
  4. diet: fight the wrong-time temptation esp. with home cooking. Office is easier. Stop eating after 11pm.
  5. workout: stretch is the toughest workout by far, but at home on MRT a few minutes a day is doable
  6. [f] workout: chin-up # Note strength training is important as we age
    • push-up is easier
  7. diet: starch+fat abstinence [1] # harder than increasing raw veg
  8. gz: experiment and refresh blog on c++, socket, java,,
  9. [f] workout: jogging in TPY stadium # harder than group sessions
  10. [t==relatively temporary or short-term, not so strategic]
  11. [f==some “endeavors” can hit lower /resistance/ so the effort can, incredibly, become free-flowing and rewarding]

[1] Note overall calorie restriction is a high-level long-term endeavor and doesn’t belong to this list.
[2] 10Y is a nice number. ROTI of any effort always starts “decaying” within months. See long-term-planning: doubter QnA #一劳永逸

Note these chores do not induce mental fatigue:

  • commute
  • healthy food preparation
  • research on investment, nutrition
achievable x% @52 weeks
uphill journey,
against gravity
strategic [2]
depletes absorbency
#fatigue after a while
Any gentler
uphill path?
gz coding drill 9 <- 22 % 5% #rare 7Y y on MRT; 温故知新
gz localSys/proj 11 % 21% 3Y self-img,
job protection
y print out
gz QQ 77 <- 88 % 60% y not really
BMI resist wrong-
time temptation
11 % 3Y yes effort avoid home
@dinner time
BMI starch abstinence 44 % 3Y y
健身 yoga 2m/session 44 % never 7Y y
健身 yoga 30m/session 4 % = 2/Year never 1Y y group sessions
健身 yoga class 77 % 33% 1Y n NA
健身 chin-up 11 % 1% 1y
健身 push-up 44 % 7y
健身 jogging 55 % 30% Y stadium
misc 应用题 facetime 19% no yes requires my patience
+his absorbency


prefer slim^brank@@P2 #completeLife

brank[11] mediocre
basic degree slim fitness: endurance,
commute beautiful wife
complete[1] complete complete complete No. 95%
No. 99.9% complete complete No. I would
feel unsatisfied
dismissible? tough tough no no no no no
painful[2] ? tough pain pain overweight
would be pain
pain tolerable pain intolerable
just how
bad most peers have it self-image For 30Y I have felt
defective about my
Y-junction flexibility
I have never
got used to it
note: prestige
peace [3] blissful peace peace unhappy “30Y” unsatisfied unsatisfied
but at peace

I see a fundamental difference between Brank and Slim. The same difference is explored by several related questions:

[1] Q: is your life complete without this “thing”?
[2] Q: Is your life tolerable without it after a while? Yes/No question. No “maybe” please.
[3] Q: can I live with peace and blissful happiness without it?

Conclusion — even without brank, my 50Y remaining life can still be full and complete but without slim body shape I would feel bad for decades to come.

Conclusion — lack of brank is not a pain I must “manage”. In contrast, Body shape and inflexibility are.

Once one of us retires early then there’s no brank to compare.

[11] How about robust career prospect till age 70? Not sure if it belongs to either category but my contract career is more robust than most of the brank careers. Ask Honglin.

milo+almond milk beats skim+whole milk#BMI

Half cup of skim milk + half cup of regular milk was my default “healthy” combination for years. In multiple offices, I enjoyed it for years often with microwave heating.

To my surprise, there’s a tastier yet lighter combination, thanks to my research.

choice: milo almond milk total at 50/50 realistically
70 cal + 60 cal/cup =
130 cal 70+50=120 #if less almond
choice whole milk skim milk default is 110 calorie fatter ↴
150 cal/cup + 90 cal/cup = 240 cal 150+80=230 #if less skim

–debate over BMI impact

https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/is-dairy-bad-or-good#obesity-and-diabetes says whole milk, not skim milk, is associated with reduced obesity.

However, my family is not obese. For us, skim milk probably improves BMI.

##starch/protein relief foods2stash away

Stash-away creates an unwanted, almost hazardous temptation at home, but it is effectively a delay tactic. Stash-away is still better than consuming right away.

Best food to stash away are 1) non-perishable 2) throwaway price 3) not addictive like ice cream and nuts 4) healthy and tasty

filling,relief@low-cal? cost nutrition shelf life easy2store easy2cook raw veg helper binge? remark
—- others —
—- starch —
🙂 perfect 🙂 fiber + protein frozen peas months freezer 🙁 microwave safe OK for 配菜
ok 🙂 frozen price fiber frozen cooked potato+veg mix months freezer 🙁 microwave yes safe
ok ok fiber + protein cooked lentil months freezer 🙁 cold or microwave no safe hi
ok 🙂 fiber sweet potato weeks cool places microwave 🙂 small piece ok very tasty
so-so 🙂 fiber millet months easy rice cooker no binge 🙁
so-so 🙂 no fiber quick noodle months very easy ok 🙂 ez portion control OK for 配菜
so-so ok a bit fiber wheat cracker months very easy 🙂 no safe
relief but caloric ok 藕粉 months very easy 🙂 sage
—- protein —
no relief
🙂 fiber chia years very easy no cooking no safe
relief but caloric ok century eggs years very easy no cooking ok safe
🙂 🙂 low fat no carb tuna in water years very easy no cooking safe
ok ok fresh eggs a month+ fridge 🙁 ok ok safe nothing bad added 🙂
🙂 relief ok sliced ham a month+ fridge no cooking 🙂 safe processed
🙂 perfect
ex 🙂 low-cal egg white 10 D fridge 🙂 ok safe

html-table: sample post; border control

“safe blogg” means blogg in office without breach. No posting. Mostly printing.

Above is a single-cell table. Below is a full table.

better leave first row and first/last columns empty

resizing should be disabled ..

— control html table borders. This solution was unknown to me for years. Then in 2025 I searched online, found countless ineffective solutions, before I stumbled on a real solution. Check out theme -> customize -> additionalCSS->

td, th {
  border: 1px solid #bbb;
  padding: 0px;

The solid color value can range from (dark) 000 to 999 to fff (white)