##G3deep一叶障目 misperception


Abraham Maslow explored perceptionOfReality in self-actualization. I like the concept of perceptionOfReality [and 一叶障目/ tunnel vision], but this blogpost is likely to remain forgettable, unless we overinvest mental energy to make it slightly less forgettable.

— one of the deepest, most prevalent and poisonous mis-perceptions is the wrong peer group

Brank is not something I absolutely NEED in order to feel completely satisfied with my life.

OC-effectiveness is not for my role.

BMI=sole yardstick

== The above are some of the most acute pains, where I need “1stAid” ==
— Another deep-rooted mis-perception is the count of ‘burn’ hours in my spare time. See beating up myself over fuck`ROTI

This prejudiced perception/framework has long dominated my weekend planning, my self-review, … but is it holistic or even fair?

— most  erosive, decimating mis-perception in my psychological “system” is PIP, the fixation on the one manager’s assessment of me. This one manager (such as deMunk) can override all of my colleagues + other managers combined. More fundamentally, this person’s view wipes out my self-assessment. 一叶障目.
— m2m return as the only yardstick in equity investment
— China dating fixation on 1) 身高 and 2) 文化背景.
— parents’ fixation on benchmark exams
— net worth, top schools

— necessity for car ownerhip in Sgp

##Recurring sense@PERSONAL strengths #specific

English speaking

English writing

k_soul_search k_tectonic

I won’t bother to make the title more /identifiable/. To make this blogpost more unique, we need to be even more specific, perhaps very low-level. The most interesting, memorable items are all highly specific. Let’s avoid the big common items that feature in 30 other lists in my blogs.

Q: which among these items are the most long-lasting?
Q: strength is usually felt relative to other people… is there any exception? See [v]
Q: when do I feel weak? Another blogpost?

  • [g=I feel strength when I manage to overcome a common resistance like gravity. This is almost a defining feature]
  • [a=absorbency. This implies strength-against-gravity]
  • [n=relatively new strength. May not last but that’s fine]
  • [v=strength felt as compared to an earlier version of self]
  • when I count the number of laptops I have, I realize they have provided time-saving convenience, at a fraction of the cost …
  • when I enjoy the convenience of git-blogging, dhost, Rbh … which required effort and knowledge
  • [g] when I realize my cohort tend to watch a lot of TV/netflix , providing no self-improvement
  • — some examples of vague sense of strength
  • [n] when I write down my observations of the U.S.^SG systemic weaknesses .. A personal strength in experience. I don’t have specific examples
  • when I realize I have SG and U.S. as two bases for my career and my kids’ education
  • — wellness .. ought to be the biggest category
  • [anv] when I jog on the street and I feel few people, even the younger ones, are able to do 5 times a week
  • [anv] when I eat lots of raw veg () and fruits, and when I manage to reduce starch intake by 80%
  • [gn] when I managed to reduce my weight to …while most people are unable to
  • [gnv] when I could sit in lotus on MRT every day, overcoming years of resistance
  • [anv] when I could do 15-30 minutes of self-yoga practice outside office.. something unthinkable for all my life.
  • [a] when I stand more (hours per month) than most of my cohort, in office or at home.
  • [g] when I walk up the stairs while others queue up to use the escalator
  • [g] when I hear the addictions of my cohort like substances, gaming, spectator sports
  • [n] when I show off my nutritional knowledge, which is not common among my cohort.
  • [n] when I tell people my healthy longevity target + my career longevity target (thanks to WallSt)
  • [g] when doctors tell me my bone density is good, perhaps due to jogging.
  • [g] when friends point out my small belly is rare at my age.
  • — pff
  • when I look at my [n] brbr, FullerWealth, nonwork income
  • [n] when I gain insights from exp recon while my cohort are clueless about their …
  • [gn] when I explain to peers why I don’t save up for top colleges for 2 kids .. strength of insight, strength to resist herd instinct, peer pressure
  • [n] when I count my DYOC winners, I feel strength as such high payout rate is rare in any asset, among my cohort. I didn’t experience such high payout for my investing career except some HY/PE, at high credit risk.
  • [nv] when I count the variety of my assets.. I feel proud of my risk-appetite
  • [nv] when I count the number of stocks.. I feel lucky, smart and a bit of strength
  • [n] when I write down my definition of liquidity .. an intellectual strength. I feel most investors have only a vague understanding of their own risk profile
  • — gz
  • [a] when I could absorb (absorbency) so much dry tech stuff
  • [a] when I could revise boring, old tech stuff including CIV, and learn something new.. 温故知新
  • [a] when I could get into the zone on weekends and focus on work for as little as an hour. I feel proud and strong.
  • when I camp out in office during a “honeymoon”

t_tectonic requires four domains, including 3 big domains and many minor domains

def[spare hours]: G2cur_allocation #blogg/pff

See also blogpost on Luke Su and spare time accounting

— First let me present my practical (hopefully valuable) quantification of

spare time := the hours excluding required work time (+commute), essential family-support (+repairs), bio-time (sleep, nutrition/preparation)

— Second, let’s name the G3 non-overlapping allocations excluding the hard-to-estimate unused time. Note Blogging is a “mixin”, and someday should be excluded.

  • — no sorting required
  • 20% pff.
  • 10% wellness  .. workout [intimacy-prep], research, meal prep
  • 30% other emailing + blogg

If I put in more than 3 items, then I tend to spend too much time fine-tuning the estimates but these estimates are not so useful in hind sight.

— an earlier account:

  • 20% pff. Am reducing it from 40%
  • 20% parenting including seeking help. Am increasing it from 5%
  • 20% workout + wellness research; tech xx including localSys + body-building
  • 40% other blogging


##time-honored but challeng`guidelines #wide-rang`#w1r2

Important life lessons taught by our mothers, a random list:

  • study well before the exams. Avoid cram.
  • — personal finance
  • After a windfall, /squirrel it away/ rather than spending a bit chunk of it (or all of it)
  • periodic expense recon
  • — wellness
  • floss every day, brush (hopefully twice) every day
  • early rise (weekends too), to avoid morning noise
  • aim at 5 workouts a week
  • some yoga practice every day. I would aim at 1 min
  • [d] eat at consistent timing
  • [v = too vague to be “hard to implement”]
  • [d = discredited. Not really necessary ]
  • — less noteworthy items
  • don’t eat if not hungry
  • take the stairs rather than escalator
  • distinguish needs vs wants i.e. lifestyle creep
  • pay off your entire credit card balance every month, and avoid incurring interests

— encourage compare-out with ordinary folks beyond your local community, and feel grateful. Control the compare-up with high flyers. See the blogpost in recrec

This guideline proved challenging but I am gradually putting it into practice. Look at my blog posts in 2019-2021.

— spend more time with kids now, until they grow up and prefer their friends.. but I find it fruitless

[[lifespan development]]: job competency

Lifespan development, as a subdomain of psychology, is centered on the self, rather than OC-effective, leadership, soft skills, communications, organization, interpersonal, and all the things emphasized in the corporate world. However the domain relies on objective, evidence-based, data-based looko methodology, rather than introspection.

Lifespan dev is fundamentally a comparative study of segments of the entire human population. There is often special attention on disadvantaged segments.

Lifespan dev is about self-mastery but more than that.

Lifespan dev is about personal and family wellbeing, not so much about community wellbeing.

— On-the-job effectiveness .. not a central theme in this domain, but examined as as a foundational factor in personal wellbeing. There’s no prejudice against the individual-contributor. In fact, many individual contributors derive more wellbeing from the same employer than some managers do.

The textbook provides a comprehensive framework. Based on this framework, I think other (possibly more fundamental) factors include:

  • (G3:=a top-3 factor)
  • G2 wellness and healthcare support
  • G7 stress coping capacity and habit; resilience
  • G3 family .. harmony, family support
  • education .. as a life chance determinant
  • G5 occupation .. (distinct from on-the-job effectiveness)  a meaningful, desirable job as reliable source of income, self-esteem, a vocation AND an occupation


Many blogpost titles are “still vague” even after I tried to improve it. (If a title has yet to undergone “renovation” then use t_vague not t_stillVague.)

Sugg: accept it. I may need 2 hours to come up with a less forgettable title but the blogpost may get merged or removed.

Sugg: I can apply more tags to a stillVague blogpost, but it may remain stillVague !

Sugg: don’t try to downsize this t_stillVague tag, but do endeavor to improve quality of titles

##..is_fragile: job security, harmony,

The compliance issue reminds me … job security is fragile

“Life is fragile” .. a common phrase, _always_ used in specific contexts. I think Buddhism has a lot to say about it and about impermanence.

Q: Do I feel XX) 幸福 or KK) 快乐 about each item below?
A: fragility usually implies temporary happiness (KK), but see below.

— job security .. (at a particular employer like MLP) can be fragile esp. if it feels like a very stable job. See preClearance misstep #Zeng. Job security is the #1 fragility on my mind. Paradoxically, I still feel XX about my current job.

In contrast, my /adopted strategy/ of dev-till70 is less dependent on a particular employer… slightly less fragile.

— carefree ez life .. More /loosely/, my sense of carefree, my easy life.. is quite temporary and fragile, but I feel XX.
The most tangible part of my carefree ez life is my barebones ffree. See ##random derailers@ffree #resilience. Fragile, but I feel XX.
— a kid’s perception of acceptance/belonging, self-esteem .. can be fragile during a certain phase
— family harmony .. should not be fragile but I often feel it is fragile. I feel KK.
— the precious trust and open communication with my teenage son
— wellness .. is fundamentally fragile, but luckily we are fundamentally aware. I feel XX.
sexual vitality .. fragile, but kind of non-essential in old age. I feel KK
chin-up .. my current condition is fragile. I feel KK
good sleep .. fragile, but I feel XX
BMI .. fragile, but I feel XX
— SG .. national livelihood, racial harmony, even security .. can be /vulnerable/, though many Singaporeans actually choose to retire in SG. Fragile but I feel XX.
In contrast, big economies like U.S. and China are seen as less fragile, but I say it’s very loose, imprecise, uncritical thinking.

==== Now some counter examples that aren’t so “surprisingly fragile”.
— burn rate for basic livelihood .. (jolt) fairly secure in my view. See livelihood[def2] x-class #S.Liu. I feel XX.
— wealth preservation .. ( till my passing, not for my posterity)
Jolt: If we avoid and contain strategic missteps, then the (external) hazards do not loom so large in my mind at this stage. These hazards hit everyone and are widely studied and monitored. Most of them are actually financial rather than physical hazards.

[20]G6 PERSONAL traits4carefree feat #ffree++


For a background on my current carefree status, see

see also ##lifelong Habits i wish to pass to next generation

In contrast to G4 PERSONAL advantages: Revealed over15Y #byHalf, this current blogpost explores a (hopefully) diverse range of “traits”.

Q: The attachment question — am I holding on to these “things” too tight?
A: yes to financial assets, health

If I must name top 3 (personal/non-personal) factors for my ffree relative to my peers, then 1) citizenship 2) burn 3) credit risk taking. However, this blogpost is more about personal traits for my self-made carefree status (I didn’t say “ffree”). In other words,

Q: Look at my (no-mean) achievements over the last 20Y in terms of “carefree”, what personal qualities, not external factors, do I attribute them to?

Shorter and specific answers best. Roughly ranked

  • [bp] 1) absorbency — joy of learning + body-building, esp. valuable in U.S. and c++/java market , not support or sys-admin or web dev.
    • [b] body-building success
  • [p] 4) self discipline, self-improvement, motivation (not “ambition”), focus on my priorities and giving up many battles.
  • [p] 6) focus on spare time — I got so much achieved in my spare time
  • —- the big, familiar items
  • [p] 2) wellness habits — confidence to keep working productively till old age
    • [bd] wellness condition
  • [bp] 3) burn rate — a frugal wife was my blessing
    • Avoid debt. Live within my means
  • [dp] 5) steadfast focus on non-work income, rather than windfall. My non-work income is key to my bare-bones ffree
    • calculated risk-taking, esp. credit risk
  • — other interesting traits
  • [p] resilience — (not “optimism” exactly) I have had my share of setbacks, adversities,,,
  • [p] reflective blogging habit — as a coping method. Self-knowledge
  • boycott to FOMO — see separate blogpost

Now, below are some of the personal qualities that I would not include in the heavy-hitter list. Some don’t contribute to ‘carefree‘ exactly. Some don’t qualify as ‘personal‘ qualities.

  • [p] careful planning of career and cash flow — to be elaborated
  • [bd] Singapore citizenship — (not so personal) esp. housing, CPF-life, resilient currency,, Some would name this as the #1 “carefree” factor but vast majority of Singapore citizens are not carefree.
  • [bd] stable marriage — my dumb luck or my karma? Doesn’t sound like a personal quality
  • [!d] credentials — UChicago and NUS, reputable ibanks. No attachment 🙂
  • [d] hand-picked collection of bx plans — (not a personal quality) medishield, eldershileld,,,
  • [b=a blessing]
  • [p=personality attribute]
  • [d=holding too tight, so detachment needed]

##[15]anxieties over last 10Y ranked

–anxieties ( I didn’t say “stressors”) ranked roughly by … health effect

  • * [CI] #1 boss warning about performance. tremendous Blow to self-confidence. In GS, I used to get up in the morning feeling worried about my projects.
  • * [A] forced to look for new job. Remember GS and the shitty job at OC
  • * [AI] bitter quarrels with wife or parents
  • * [A] moving home
  • * [A] personal trading like FXO gone wrong. Requiring constant watch. Worst when it’s too big and complex
  • * [I] kids’ school marks .. (far) higher stress than non-academic subjects. See https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/2016/07/04/exam-pressure-without-valve/
  • * [I] weight (once 71 kg) and diet. I tend to have reasonable control.
  • * worry about specific health conditions. I tend to manage them systematically.
  • * [A] UChicago exams. See https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/2015/12/16/uchicago-study-does-add-to-the-stress/
  • * [C] kids’ weight problem and unhealthy diet
  • * [C] not making progress learning anything serious
  • * [AW] kids on a rampage
  • * too much stuff at home, clutter
  • * [W] too much stuff hanging everywhere in home
    [A=acute, usually over a short term]
    [I=widespread and deep implications]
    [W=unique to wife]

–small stressors that don’t make the list, but could add  up

  • * [A] kids lagging behind academically. No such problem. Lucky we have bright kids.
  • * kids’ poor reading habit. Now much better.
  • * kids unable to become more careful@exams
  • * [A] accident – something broken
  • * low retention rate in UChicago — more like disappointments, negative feeling, rather than anxiety
  • * FSM poor return
  • * accident – misplaced something
  • * [A] accident – bought something wrong.. regret but unable to get rid of it

##[19]living%%dream life #wide-rang`

k_bedBug_wisdom  .. k_tectonic .. k_detach

See also

The shorter the better.. preferably the heavy hitters Only — the elements of the dream life I envisioned 10..20 years ago.

Note this blogpost, published in 2019 in the New York, is about dream life, something similar to ‘carefree life’.

Q: Can we feel satisfied yet reasonably detached? I think it’s beneficial to consciously strive for Deeper detachment.

  1. — G9 heavy hitters
  2. [A] beautiful wife — #1 part of my lifelong dream. In contrast, kids are not part of my original dream life
  3. [fa] cash flow high ground (brbr, FullerWealth) though salary lower than FTE, and no bonus prospect (at peace)
  4. [gA] convincing trec in a elite profession with growth and more importantly…. market depth. Note market depth also means large number of decent choices, something not available in Singapore or China !
  5. [gA] compared to China and Singapore, WallSt contract market is age-friendly to older guys like me, providing a real prospect of dev-till-70
  6. [ga] robust career longevity in a stable domain, arguably higher security than the FTE. See G5 Shields@family_livelihood #workout #600w for more details.
  7. [wa] vitality — sleep, appetite, bmi, belly, fitness ..
  8. [fa] Singapore’s affordable healthcare + medi-shield
  9. [f] debt-free + passive incomes on appreciating assets. Personal balance sheet projected till retirement
  10. [f] concrete, spacious, well-located, low-maintenance home, paid off
  • —- the most fundamental parts of a person’s dream life are often “freedom from unwanted …”:
  • [w] no bulging belly, no other weight problem
  • [w] freedom from physical or emotional pains such as sleep, tooth, neck, plantar fasciitis
  • [wa] freedom from no-pain-but-worrisome health conditions
  • [f] freedom from mortgage + other debts #overlap with another item but a different angle
  • [f] freedom from cash-flow strain #overlap OK
  • [f] freedom from worry about retirement, medical, college funding
  • [g] freedom from immigration concerns … complex unknowns. I can Feel the collective pains of thousands of immigrants from China, India, East Europe, …
  • freedom from two long commutes each weekday eating into my precious spare time and rest time. A huge pain for me.
  • [g] freedom from PIP, damaged goods…
  • [w] freedom from unsustainable work stress #not strictly [w] or [g]
  • [g] freedom from monotonous yet tiring job
  • freedom from conflicts with wife, in-laws, or kids
  • no criminal record
  • [wa] no sexual difficulty
  • [wa] no deteriorating eyesight or stiff joints which are common at my age.
  • —- short-term (and specific) factors of my current dream life
  • [w] no stigma (deadliest pain) due to PIP, bonus, boss pressure
  • no tough decision
  • carefree ≅ plenty @ t$buffer
  • —- other specific Details of my dream life
  • no bedbug
  • no green card worries
  • no credit report anxiety
  • [w] diet and weight under control. No craving for starch or fat or sugar
  • [w] affordable yoga + exercise classes
  • [w] cheap fruits and raw veg
  • [w] living close to exercise park
  • —- factors NOT part of my current “dream life”
  • [a] ? promotion?  isn’t part of my current dream life.
  • [A] ? keeping-up-with-the-Joneses? isn’t part of my current dream life.
  • [a|A = too much attachment ]
  • [w = wellness]
  • [f =financial health, over long term]
  • [g =gz i.e. robust career, over long term]