##locus@control: carefree high ground mostly due2effort
— fruits:
Many fruits are probably safe for weight watchers. However,
Note these foods can increase your weight in the short term. See weight reading can be unstable !
My problem was, after eating lots of high-fiber foods I still felt a craving for starch. I have since reduced the craving with the help of hummus, fancy fruits, meat, egg-white … I think this will be a long struggle as I have been a starch-fed boy.
Compared to ##加分不够: effort,improvement… this blogpost is mostly about wellness. In all of these personal experiences, the improvement, however small, required an disproportionate effort to overcome really tough obstacles. I deserve a lot of reward. Same for my son.
Avoiding calorie-dense foods is far more important than eating lots of healthy foods. My risk of malnutrition is extremely low.
Therefore, my diet planning+research effort is 90% focused on the avoid-list and 10% on choice-list. There are precious few favored food categories :
#1 veg,
#2 fruits
# fish, protein powder, egg white
— highlights from https://www.huffpost.com/entry/effective-weight-loss_b_866676
–slimming habits
–fattening habits before I recognized them
https://www.shape.com/healthy-eating/diet-tips/most-deceiving-foods-they-have-more-calories-you-think lists many OK foods that cost too much calorie
I think what’s not “OK” — by convention wisdom — are the highly processed foods. The more automated more mass-produced, the more negative media coverage it attracts. I think this can become rather irrational.
Convention wisdom is fickle and often turns out to be fad. To the weight-watcher, I think we need to be careful not to blindly follow the media coverage. Those “OK” foods can often increase your weight.
Critical thinking —
! High-fiber foods could also contribute to weight, even if they pass through your system not stored. See https://www.livestrong.com/article/507954-gaining-weight-when-drinking-water-and-eating-fiber/ and weight reading can be unstable !
! Therefore to reach 60 kg I might need to cut not only starch and protein, but I may need to reduce fluid, fruits, fiber… questionable and probably unhealthy. See non-energy foods reduce weight long term
Note a strict fasting often eliminates fiber, fruits, milk
Don’t be brainwashed by marketing labels like “healthy” or “light” or “slimming”. By those manufacturers’ standard, mayo, cakes, deep-fried curry puff can be healthy!
These foods are more healthy only when compared to the worst foods but many of them are way below my relatively high standard — raw veg; raw fruits; high fiber; … but not necessarily zero-calorie.
I believe for many athletes, weight cycle is more effective, meaning “works better”:
My views are controversial and not based on enough evidence. The researchers seem to be unsure about the health effects.
However, I’m totally against crash diet and temporary water weight loss. I consider those “noises” rather than cycles.
To the naive purist, ascetic is stronger and most effective but if there’s a contest the ascetic may not win. Remember the wushu master vs the freestyle boxer.
I guess the ascetic would not eat any meat, fish or egg white.
it’s crucial to differentiate crash diet from controlled intermittent fasting such as 55-2.
I’m yet to read these online resources: