##[18] weight-watchers: safe2overeat

  1. chia seeds? My appetite can only accept a spoonful and it would make me feel full for hours
  2. raw carrot, cucumber, radish, onions, celery
    • many cooked vegetables are safe to overeat if salt, sugar and oil is truly limited
  3. egg white — fat-free, carb-free, low-calorie… and satisfying !
  4. low-fat milk and yogurt? moderate calorie but luckily my appetite would limit my intake 🙂
  5. non-fried fish (and lean meat), without fatty additions
  6. protein smoothie — with fruits + moderate sugar. High water content
  7. congee — starchy but luckily my appetite would limit my intake 🙂

— fruits:

  1. apple lovers see https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/how-apples-affect-weight
  2. oranges, (green) bananas are all fairly safe.
  3. grapes — low calorie, but more expensive

Many fruits are probably safe for weight watchers. However,

  • green machine? high sugar
  • mango — relatively high carb
  • banana — relatively high carb

Note these foods can increase your weight in the short term. See weight reading can be unstable !

My problem was, after eating lots of high-fiber foods I still felt a craving for starch. I have since reduced the craving with the help of hummus, fancy fruits, meat, egg-white … I think this will be a long struggle as I have been a starch-fed boy.

examples: earn/deduct points unfairly #wellness++

Compared to ##加分不够: effort,improvement…  this blogpost is mostly about wellness. In all of these personal experiences, the improvement, however small, required an disproportionate effort to overcome really tough obstacles. I deserve a lot of reward. Same for my son.

  • eg: When I was unsuccessful for months with weight loss, I felt a crushing load of guilt. However, when I endured tough diet regime and finally achieved some visible weight loss, the satisfaction didn’t last more than a day  — unfair
  • .. see 63kg was very hard for 20Y
  • eg: Yoga offered a similar illustration. I wanted to continue yoga after arriving in the U.S. I was unable to and felt deeply guilty and disappointed with myself. When I finally restarted yoga practice and managed to keep it up for a few months, the satisfaction lasted only a few days — unfair


Avoid-Heavy imt Eat-Healthy

Avoiding calorie-dense foods is far more important than eating lots of healthy foods.  My risk of malnutrition is extremely low.

Therefore, my diet planning+research effort is 90% focused on the avoid-list and 10% on choice-list. There are precious few favored food categories :
#1 veg,
#2 fruits
# fish, protein powder, egg white

see also diet: top achievements #beyond weight

gr8article: liposuction^calorie restriction^workout

— highlights from https://www.huffpost.com/entry/effective-weight-loss_b_866676

  •  Mike Boyle, Boston’s world famous strength and conditioning coach, says that an effective weight loss program is 80% diet and 20% exercise.
  • Restricting calories alone has a much bigger impact on weight loss than exercise alone.
  • Liposuction best serves the patient who has mastered the caloric equation and has achieved a desired weight but is left with focal areas of excess fat

##slimm^fatten`habits through%%life

–slimming habits

  1. consistently saying NO to oily social snacks though attractive and socially popular
  2. consistently saying NO to mayo or salad dressing
  3. no interest in alcohol, coffee, sugary drinks,,, despite peer influence. Prefer water.
  4. I seldom even look at vending machines, which sells mostly fattening snacks, any time you want them. Vending machines are not attractive to me at all.
  5. consistently using pull-up and push-up to gauge my strength relative to weight
  6. more fruits than I want to
  7. vegetarian — as of 2003 I had repeatedly declared myself 80% vegetarian; in 2012 home dinners I often leave the meats behind.
  8. spot the visible fat. I believe every tidbit counts. I hate paying such high calorie “price” to gain basically nothing.
  9. self-restraint on oily foods like creamy, deep fried ,,, despite my natural tendency
  10. [f] delayed dinner. Some people eat dinner early and don’t feel hungry at night, but my body is different
  11. —  good diet habits beyond slimming
  12. picking vegetables that I seldom eat or hate to eat. My body probably need these nutrients more

–fattening habits before I recognized them

  1. late night big meal. Since Dec 2018, I can control the portion size.
  2. starch. Since Nov 2018, I can reduce daily intake by 30% (up to 70%)
  3. nice peanuts; ice cream; cheese in anything is attractive
  4. “finish off” a residual amount in home meal
  5. reluctance to discard food
  6. on social occasions accept peanuts that aren’t tasty at all
  7. cake-history buns once a day — once formed, this habit was hard to break
  8. heavy afternoon snacks of nuts, starch ..
  9. [u] pizza
  10. [u] creamy soup, white sauce
  11. [f=intermittent fasting, against the wrong-time temptation]
  12. [u=U.S. only]

“OK” foods often increase weight!

https://www.shape.com/healthy-eating/diet-tips/most-deceiving-foods-they-have-more-calories-you-think lists many OK foods that cost too much calorie

  • cheese? many articles say it’s OK
  • nuts? many articles say it’s OK since it’s fairly “natural”
  • starch? many articles say it’s OK
  • meat? many articles say it’s OK
  • potato salads? many articles say it’s OK since it’s fairly “natural”
  • visible fat? Some people (i didn’t say “articles”) say it’s OK

I think what’s not “OK” — by convention wisdom — are the highly processed foods. The more automated more mass-produced, the more negative media coverage it attracts. I think this can become rather irrational.

Convention wisdom is fickle and often turns out to be fad. To the weight-watcher, I think we need to be careful not to blindly follow the media coverage. Those “OK” foods can often increase your weight.

##biggest food categories for MY weight watch

  1. — Ranked  in terms of contribution to my weight
  2. #1 starch? based on experience, this is the #1 contributor (perhaps 50%-90%) to my weight gain. I now believe that if I cut starch by 1/2 I could lose a few pounds.
  3. vegie and fruits? I sometimes eat a lot of fruits and quite some vegie. Do they contribute to weight? The low-cal items should not but reality might be unmeasurable. See weight reading can be unstable !
  4. protein including tofu, beans and nuts. I eat small amount of these foods.
  5. fat? including ice cream, fried, oily food, skins, usually combined with starch. I actually eat very little of these, because they are the most tempting and harmful (weight/heart) foods for me. We need to exercise caution when using them for short-term motivation.

Critical thinking —

! High-fiber foods could also contribute to weight, even if they pass through your system not stored. See https://www.livestrong.com/article/507954-gaining-weight-when-drinking-water-and-eating-fiber/ and weight reading can be unstable ! 

! Therefore to reach 60 kg I might need to cut not only starch and protein, but I may need to reduce fluid, fruits, fiber… questionable and probably unhealthy. See non-energy foods reduce weight long term

Note a strict fasting often eliminates fiber, fruits, milk

so-called “slimming” foods: often targeting the obese not me

Don’t be brainwashed by marketing labels like “healthy” or “light” or “slimming”. By those manufacturers’ standard, mayo, cakes, deep-fried curry puff can be healthy!

These foods are more healthy only when compared to the worst foods but many of them are way below my relatively high standard — raw veg; raw fruits; high fiber; … but not necessarily zero-calorie.

some of the leanest athletes go through weight cycles !!ascetic


I believe for many athletes, weight cycle is more effective, meaning “works better”:

  • able to hit lower weight targets
  • faster to hit a given weight target
  • able to hold weight target for some months longer
  • more sustainable

My views are controversial and not based on enough evidence. The researchers seem to be unsure about the health effects.

However, I’m totally against crash diet and temporary water weight loss. I consider those “noises” rather than cycles.

To the naive purist, ascetic is stronger and most effective but if there’s a contest the ascetic may not win. Remember the wushu master vs the freestyle boxer.

I guess the ascetic would not eat any meat, fish or egg white.

it’s crucial to differentiate crash diet from controlled intermittent fasting such as 55-2.

I’m yet to read these online resources: