I told dabao that I love him. That’s sincere. But at times I really want him to feel punished and fearful.
I feel I am enduring and sacrificing so much. I want him to feel my pain and suffering.
see blogpost
I told dabao that I love him. That’s sincere. But at times I really want him to feel punished and fearful.
I feel I am enduring and sacrificing so much. I want him to feel my pain and suffering.
See also
Q: given our rising cashflow high ground [salary, int,,,,], at which pain points could I find /leverage/ to spend a bit more judiciously to reduce my (and wife’s) growing stress? Warning: Slippery slope .. towards overspend and regret.
Many U.S. employers hire commercial providers to provide common stress relief for employees.
Many (too many) stress relief items here are … “personal assistance”
— [c = lifestle creep, creature comforts, against my zqbx and adaptation goals] .. Sharp question:
Q: are these suspects of lifestyle creep?
%%A: in the selected cases, I weigh the costs and benefits and make a conscious (sys2) decision to embrace the creep.
— I try to assign 1/3 of the items to each of the three categories. Very few items would “belong to” two buckets
— [4] xp: I did my due diligence and decided that without the $69.88 fee, HRblock couldn’t file some uncommon forms (stock sales?). Afterwards, I couldn’t verify that the $70 would really make a difference. In the past, I would always require this verification, or demand a confirmation from the vendor (I trust them). This time, I had too many stressors to clear. I didn’t want to keep the entire (filing) process held up, waiting for this verification.
I accepted the risk that “HRBlock misinformed or short-changed me .. the $70 fee made no difference.” I paid the fee to remove (“prevent”) this and other stressors.
See also email to Gary Guo.
NTU engineering may be better quality in edu, and more research output than NUS engineering, but in terms of reputation, recognition,,,, a longer history does matter. Same for SUTD engineering. When I meet a SUTD grad vs NTU grad from the same major, how do I perceive their talent/capabilities?
— biggest usage of a branded degree.. is (traditionally) employment, but employers increasingly look at recent jobs (for anyone 27+). For tech jobs, employers use tech screening. Nowadays the biggest usage might be
— immigration: Sg immigration does consider your alma mater …
HK, UK and other gov have special immigration schemes for “Global top 100 university and their grads”. The officials in charge of selection would reference respectable global rankings, but still have control over their final “G100” list. The ranking is usually based on academic research output.
If your college wants to be included, then you need to be well-connected to the global network of academia.
% International students is a key factor. I think international faculty is another key factor. short-term exchange scholars too.
English (feasibility of coping without local language) is factor affecting foreign students/staff.
Q: which risk is the bigger risk .. too much or too little tempting food at home?
%%A: 80% of the risk is the too-much risk
In the too-little scenario (too little healthy comfort food at home), I could end up eating ice cream, or toast+peanut butter, or quick noodles, or peanuts
In Bayonne, I had too little food at home and I coped well.
Economists, sociologists, policy makers can measure economic progress and rank countries by ..
I will add a few yardsticks of my own
How about inflation-adjusted average household income reported in official statistics?
==== growing richer but not happier
“Compared to the post-war era or pre-modernization era, we are substantially richer but no happier.”
This is a dominant [widely shared] observation in many countries, at both a societal and a personal level.
In contrast to satisfaction and fulfillment, “happy” is a short-term self-assessment/rating. Re hbA1c vs FPG.
Here are some random factors
— reason::oblivion .. I think most people won’t bother to focus or reflect on everyday forgetable happiness, including those doses of delight. Most people have no bandwidth and have to to focus our mental energy on the problems to solve. Therefore, we tend to remember our adversities [sufferings, difficulties, frustrations, setbacks, declines]. The longer we live, the more difficulties we encounter. Our happiness self-rating would tend to decline. Therefore, improving longevity reflects economic progress but tends to affect happiness rating.
reason:: BNH [Basic-healthy nutrition] .. our increasing wealth makes BHN easily achievable. Ratio of medHhIncome/BhnCost reflects economic progress. However, in majority of the local population BHN bring minimal happiness, largely due to FOLB.
— reason::stress:: faster pace demanded at work .. (rather than 细水长流 ).. Many older workers lament that managers expect faster turnaround compared to earlier eras. End users expect speed + quality, which generates stress across the service sector. Singapore service sector is know for speed + quality.
— reason::stress:: sleep_easy .. physical wealth seldom gives the individual better sleep, but granted, wealth can bring you a quiet home and flexible work hours.
— reason::tech:: tech churn in personal tech .. I think many (esp. older) adults don’t want to keep learning, adjusting to new tech. Many feel forced to do so. The GUI is often designed for and tested with younger users.
— reason::tech:: isolation due to digital communication. Digital comm is a big part of economic progress, but it doesn’t make me happier.
— reason::lack of meaning in our jobs.. In earlier eras, jobs are simpler and often more meaningful like manual labor, local service provider. With technology and automation taking over many simpler jobs, the more “human” jobs are more complex but lacking in meaning/engagement/stability.
— reason:: More years spent taking care of sick parents.. Watching their decline somehow makes me feel less happy For Them.. pessimism.
How about mom and dad after selling the home? I think they would indeed get a better quality of life in the luxury retirement home. Grandma would become happier .. I choose to be optimistic for both of them.
— reason::financial::inflation .. (rent, medical, transport, fashion, entertainment,,,) creates long-term worry in any age group. I think in previous eras, the average people don’t save so much, and don’t live so long
— reason::financial:: delayed and prolonged retiremenet phase
Unwanted obligation to save for retirement… is a decade-long thankless job and constant sacrifice.
This obligation, sacrifice, stewardship, due diligence, risk-management,,, affecs our simple happiness. We are forced to stay on our toes.
People in poor living conditions don’t need to save that much for retirement, and their retirement years are shorter.
Involuntary delay to retirement .. often due to inadequate retirement plann
As stated in eg@宝山battle over supper, the “better control” is usually lost when I face the 10x hazard rate. Having said that, office does offer better control:
Below there is a sharp question I asked myself in 2016. On a similar note, in q3sg, I spend average 5 hours a week on tech learning. Now it’s below 1hr. Also, my academic coaching is much less than before. My wife stays home to take care of chores … where did my 40h extra spare time go? My 2021 answer:
Can find a lot of raw data in the weekly ROTI blogposts, but it would take lots of time.
— burn or rot: .. The apparent shift of focus from learning, academic coaching … —> family leisure, wellness … is natural, commonplace, logical for my age, but not completely good and ideal. I want more burn i.e. materialistic roti + self-discipline. I hit internal resistance but I will work on them.
The sharp question below is somewhat idealistic and naive. My MSFM study hours (also my self-study in quant domains) is hardly productive in terms of materialistic ROTI. It is more productive than other efforts only in terms of a tangible achievement.
What about my real role models (very few beside my dad… Steve of Macq)? I think they too waste a lot of personal time, so in terms of time utilization, who am I to blame my son?
— Q: Officially, MSFM took up about 20-30 hours a week in my last quarter. After graduation, where have those 30 hours gone? Here’s my 2016 answer:
5 : renzi + swim
2 : analyze and discuss boy renzi situation
3 : yoga + exercise
1 : 1-2 hour/week addition on personal investment
1 : bx analysis
2 : c++, algo, math
3 : more time in office, since I was taking leaves to attend lectures.
1 : meeting with friends
2 : pingpong trips to office (each time about 4 hours)
Still 10 hours unaccounted for. I think this is to be expected.
Elementary school kids need emotional support? Same commentator can say that my son needs help on math wordy problems.
But I realize that he has way more help than he needs. The only help he wants seems to be somebody to finish his homework so he could blindly copy without making any effort. Such help is unhelpful.
I think my son has a don’t-care attitude, therefore not so vulnerable.
Both: the blogpost Must be a question.
— t_sharpQ is for well-defined, short-n-sharp (jolt) often yes/no questions
— t_stickyQ is for non-trivial questions to be reviewed periodically due to real risk of crowding out.
Reality — Mental energy is limited. You can’t focus on many things for a long time.
— T_fertile overlaps with stickyQ, when the question is important, and not yet fully explored.