##projection@ self-inferiority #schools,kids


If you are personally associate with something, be it a person, a school, or a country, then there’s a valid reason to notice, highlight, or discuss its limitations. But the negative focus is often obsessive, distorted, one-sided, out of proportion, driven by a projection of self-inferiority.

The pattern — whichever group I find myself in, I tend to worry about its calibre and quality.

A important sub-pattern: those who chose me

— My Physics and math positions in HCJC .. I considered myself a second class top student from China, so if HCJC picked me to represent the school, it’s only because HCJC was also second class…

In reality, HCJC probably produced some of Singapore’s top math and physics students of the year. They were my HCJC classmates.

How about Java/c++/c among competing languages? These are respected, upstream tech skills.

— individuals who praise my English … (spoken or written) There have been many over the years. I tend to cast doubt on their judgement, and their own standard of English.

When I was more fluent in British English, I often felt British English was losing ground to American English.

When I went to U.S. and became more fluent in American English, I started feeling that American English was lower in /standard/ and quality due to detrimental influence of immigrants speaking improper, imprecise and broken English.

Projection? my self-inferiority translates to a lower opinion of the style of English I have acquired.

— I also felt occasionally inferior about my parents’ professional standing… Some classmates seems to have “greater” parents in Shiyan, but now I don’t recall anyone in my schools.

— I also felt occasionally inferior about my kids’ physical development, athletic/artistic talents…
In reality, they are very good. Even if they are mediocre in everything, the inferiority deserves no place. There’s no need for any competition with other kids.

My son’s talents tend to get similarly played down, such as his talent with gadgets, maps, piano, bi-lingual,,,

Projection? My kids’ talents are diminished because they are my kids. The same talent in another young person would not get dimissed likewise !

— my chosen country ..
As a Chinese citizen, the inferiority was a national malaise. Remember [[丑陋的中国人]]. Similarly, I think Britons feel a national malaise, as their nation’s standing declines over the decades.

As an immigrant, after you choose U.S. as your new home you may also start to project your inferiority. Look at R.Xia and others.

Limitations? Every country has limitations. When we are outside our home country and describing it to to a non-countryman, we need to be fair to our country. We can criticize it, but we need to avoid bias.

If I’m a CAD patient in Japan, I may worry about my country’s quality of medical care. I would worry that Japan doctors are not fluent enough in English…

— Beijing relative to other big cities .. My own inferiority is frequently projected to my beloved birthplace, a city I’m associated with _forever_.

When I’m feeling inferior (like half the time 🙂 I tend to focus on its limitations esp. relative to Shanghai and Shenzhen. Every city has limitations. It’s hard to be fair to Beijing, but I still feel attached to my birthplace.


teams who chose me≠2ndClass

Background: https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/45218/inferiority-projection/ describes a broader pattern. As a specific sub-pattern, People who _believed_ in my potential are often perceived as inferior, unwise, second-class.

Actually, they are often successful/admirable/attractive.

— Sgp (ICA, government or the nation).. did choose me for PR/citizenship, and for my wife’s PR/citizenship. For decades I felt inferior about Sgp. I wanted to emigrate to Europe, or N.A. See my email on 2020 National Day.

— my employers .. are comparable to the “women case” desribed later — they chose me, therefore perceived inferior. In reality, many of these employers are iconic — NYSE, Macq, Verizon,, Many of them are highly selective in hiring — MLP, GS, MS,, Many of them were market leaders [mvea, Macq, GS, volFitter, EPA,,,]

Limitations of the employer who chose me? Every employer has limitations. However, when we are still paid by a company (either as employer or client), we need to be careful about bad-mouthing (painting a negative picture). It’s indirectly biting the hand that feeds you.

— my alma mater ..(母校) for many years I projected my inferiority to NUS, HCJC/Shiyan, and UChicago (nowadays I recognize them as prestigious elite schools, with long track record of competitive excellence.). I considered “my school” as second-class precisely because they accepted me!

Now I think even if I am one day accepted by MIT, I would still question the reputation of the school after I witness some limitations. There are comparative weaknesses in every college. Some weaknesses would support my skepticism. In reality, UChicago and NUS have real quality in teaching, students caliber, exams, research etc.

After we graduate, we become lifetime ambassadors of the college, unless we have been mistreated (UChicago treated me well). Therefore, whatever negative comments, whatever shortcomings, need to be handled diplomatically, as ambassadors do.

Q: Which school, like an employer, actually chose me for my background, my self-presentation, rather than my (anonymous and objective) benchmark scores?
A: (Not NUS and Shiyan). UChicago chose me in an admission exercise of 10% selectivity; HCJC chose me with a big risk.

==== women who liked me or some attractive quality in me (including some white and some ethnic Indian girls)

(A woman who chooses me can be classified as a one-person team.)

One of the earliest examples: From primary school to college, some girls would notice attractive qualities in me, without a crush. I immediately classified all “admirers” as unattractive, or leftovers. This is a projection of my inferiority self-image.

In reality, many of these girls were truly perceptive, intelligent individuals and sharp observers. ChunMei is one of few individuals I would name. We were not friends for long before she got to know me pretty well.

In early 2015, I met my first “girl friend”, a PhD medical researcher, another sharp and intelligent lady.

— As to my wife, she is the opposite of those young ladies. However, the same projection continued i.e. I often feel, at different times, that she is inferior as a person precisely becuase she chose me. This example probably shows the depth of my self-inferiority.

In reality, what did the “similar”girls choose as life partners? I would guess a businessman, a manager, or a government official wouldn’t automatically make a better match. In fact these Chinese guys are less likely to choose “a pretty women without a degree”.

— White women are an interesting case. For many years I had (or have) held a racial bias which assigned a superiority to white women. I don’t remember too many individuals but a few white women actually showed appreciation for some of my personal qualities.  Same result — immediately I classified them as .. less attractive.

In 1993, after we moved to Pasir Ris, our family met with a British Chinese lecturer in Architecture, and his British wife. Some days later, for some reason, my mom commented that the Caucasian women was probably not the most attractive women in her community (she didn’t say “leftovers”), because she had chosen a non-Caucasian husband! I immediately objected my mother’s projection of racial inferiority — “I’m inferior human species. You chose me so you are inferior too.”

— Zoe Tay married an air force pilot. If I were him, I would question why my wife, this glamorous woman, didn’t choose a rich businessman. Now I think Zoe is one of the smartest actresses. She didn’t need a rich businessman, full stop. Successful actresses often choose someone reliable. As the chosen man, I ought to feel proud of my character, rather than inferior to the rich businessmen that were brushed aside by my beautiful wife.

— ex-classmates’ husbands .. When I think of a specific female ex-classmate, I often ask myself what kind of husband she may have. I don’t know any of those husbands, but I usually assume them to be 高富帅. A self-invented inferiority!

  • How about BMI and belly? I bet more than half of them are inferior.
  • How about flexibility? I guess 1/3 of them are even worse than me.
  • How about active days/week? I bet most of them are inferior.
  • How about bonding with the kids? I probably fare better than half of them.
  • How about retirement healthcare and income, long-term inflation protection, stable rental income,,, to support the family?
  • How about career longevity?
  • What’s more important in a husband — brank or health?
  • if you are one of these women classmates, what kind of father and role model do you want for your kids?

So I think for many of these women classmates, choosing a guy like me is probably smarter in hindsight.

If that’s true, then we should all agree that I am a decent man.

##habit2brush-aside %%achievements + cohort

I have a habit to dismiss/brush-side/ my competitive achievements by … brushing aside the cohort ! I tell myself things like “矬子里拔将军”. However, this is a distorted perception of reality about the cohort. Most the time I lack minimum knowledge about the cohort to reach that assessment.

— eg (trigger): 2023 JPM5.6km | I won 2nd place among MLP runners but I tend to brush it aside by assuming that my peer group are not fit enough.

I was #344 among 6000 “visible” finishers, but there are total about 10,000 participants in Singapore. All participants are serious about CRE.

The large sample size gives credibility to the statistics, so my city-wide personal ranking is far more accurate than the company-wide personal ranking, but I tend to ignore this fact and brush aside even a large-sample, highly credible assessment.

— eg: 2026 Tyco sport event | #1 in 400m.
Whenever I am #1, I would brush aside the cohort automatically ! However, there were good runners! I have no justification to ignore it.
— eg: 1989~199x I was the top physics student in Shiyan (lower and upper years). I routinely brushed aside my entire Shiyan cohort, saying that Shiyan cohort was strong in math, not physics.

That perception of reality was unfounded. Math and (theoretical) physics talent are highly correlated.
— eg: 1993 HJC | AO level Chinese exam .. HJC was the strongest JC in this subject. The exam actually featured composition!
— eg: 1992 or 1993 HJC | American high school math competition | international champion team. I was the first among 4 or 5 team members to go on stage to receive the prize.

HJC was a powerhouse in high-school math across Singapore and SEAsia, and I simply ignored that and brush aside the entire Singapore cohort.
— eg: 2016 UChicago | GPA 3.75.. There is really no weakness in this cohort, but still I brushed aside the cohort .. _irrational_

Even if I were to score near the top in MIT or Stanford, I would still brush aside the cohort.
— eg: 2010 Citigroup superday | #1 pick ..
Q: is there any justification to brush aside this cohort? None. I actually worked alongside these guys later in Citigroup, so I know them personally.
— eg: Over the 2010s I was an elite WStC candidate. Then I was told that Europe candidates and WSBA techies were visibly stronger on average. Wholeheartedly I have since accepted the inferiority of the entire WStC cohort.

Basically, I brushed aside my cohort to devalue my own achievement and preeminence.

Putting on a critical hat, this perception of reality is flawed, unfounded and biased. My first-hand assessment of those “external” counterparts was unconvincing. Europe salaries are measurably lower than WallSt. Europe clusters (London, Frankfurt, Zurich,,,) won’t beat WallSt in talent diversity.

[24]good person: intent^impact #karma


see also

Kindness is one of the G3 (top 3) essential traits of a good person, a respectable person, or a high-quality person. You want kind individuals in your team, in your family, in leadership. However, this bpost goes beyond kind/unkind.

Trigger: Since my 40s, I often explain my “good life” in terms of good karma. I guess karma is about consequences but I feel karma is also about intent.

Trigger: Increasingly, I tell my family and friends (and I believe) that I’m a good person, but by what standard? We judge a person by her impacts on others around her, and her intentions. Kindness is one of the intentions.

Both Buddhism and Christianity share a tradition of forgiving and accepting ex-criminals, provided they are repentant/remorseful. Clearly, “Impact” is not everything, since intention is a big factor.

Penal systems in many countries recognize both damage (a form of Impact) and intention. In contrast, most awards focus exclusive on Impact, because noble intent is commonplace. Donors are ranked by donation amount.

Venkat of RTS is one of the rare examples of an unkind person.

— 恶有恶报 善有善报 — one of the most powerful “karma laws of the universe” is about kind/unkind.

Hinduism vs Buddhism vs Chinese beliefs after Buddism came to China …. have related concepts of karma. I will NOT include other religions …I’m less familiar. I think Buddist karma concept was developed After Hinduism, so the karma concept has been evolving and not cast in stone.

Q: On Judgment Day, when you stand before God or 阎王爷(Yan2wang2ye2), what things count? Your impacts or your intentions? %%A: Good or bad deeds done with intention.

There are countless unintentional acts we do without knowing “good or bad”. The impact may manefest later but no human (not even Buddha) has 100% foresight about every act. In my world view, karma doesn’t apply in these cases.

— morality .. more strict than kindness
A leader needs moral compass, so kindness is relatively less important. LKY is probably not the most kind person.

I’m also a good husband but not always kind to my wife. Many otherwise kind men are unfaithful to their partners!

In some positions (such as law enforcement), kindness is probably less important than fairness.

The western description of 江青 and many other politicians tends to focus on the personal character including unkindness. In contrast, Mao and many other communists have a respectable character.


[22]carefree:与众不同 #by half

k_tectonic … k_def_of_success

see also

This bpost needs a more distinctive, identifiable, less forgettable title.

When I don’t feel carefree, this analysis might provide clues + perhaps a few tips/nudges.

Q1: living my “carefree ezlife”, perhaps in my bubble, Why do I feel so alone and uncommon like “outlier” (与众不同) among my peers?

The answer is invariably a combination of distinct factors.  Each time we apply one of the factors below as a filter on the global cohort population, half (or at least 20%) of the remainder drop out. I used to joke that the qualifying population shrinks “by half”.

  • — G9 hard [measurable, visible, less subjective] factors underpinn` my carefree ezlife: (See also list in
  • [22]幸福:2precious cornerstones: breakaway)
  • factor: CPI inflation worries beyond retirement .. related to “citizenship” and “cashflow-high-ground”. “Half” my cohort across many countries seriously worry about living expenses doubling every 10~20Y, progressively eroding/shrinking their retirement nest egg.
  • G9 pillar: fully paid home of reasonable size, in a clean, safe, actively maintained neighborhood … Not so common esp. among younger peers.
  • G9 pillar: cashflow high ground .. (for family livelihood) ..  Rare among my peers. I won’t elaborate.
  • G3 pillar: my citizenship.. my appreciation[confidence/faith, gratitude] of my adopted country .. is rare among my peers. A subtle factor, this “shield” gives me a confidence (-}carefree) distinct from that of my WSt friends.
  • G7 pillar: career longevity (based on WStC) .. rare among techies [dev-till70], and also rare across the entire cohort. Bpost [1] has more details, so I won’t elaborate here
  • Layer 2 foundation: stable marriage + bonding with kids .. is shared with perhaps half my peers. I score a B+.
  • Layer 1 foundation: wellness .. (all aspects) .. Note BMI/fitness (also tech bodybuilding) require successZ, rather than “LG-carefree”…

(Pillars rest on layers of foundations.)

Q4: why is my wife not feeling carefree? Why the big contrast between husband and wife? See “half-empty” section.

— harmony .. part of successE (elaborated below).  I feel improving (albeit inconsistently) in my harmony, mellowing up, letting go..
— failureZ .. a common weakness among my peers, and therefore affects a majority of them. Note successZ definition is simpler than successE but still nontrivial.
Bpost [1] examined my continuous, self-driven learning habit

eg: My annual health screening is one example of how successZ underpins my “carefree”. (I won’t elaborate) bone density; heart-healthy diet; cholesterol control; low-sugar, low-salt; research into various conditions/risks;;;; You can never become complacent and let your guards down 🙂

==== utopian/bubble.. Many people would dismiss my (or PersonB’s) “carefree” as utopian, short-lived or fragile. That PersonB could be an engineer, an academic, an early retiree, a pensioner… because everyone’s bubble is fragile to some extent.

I still have (long or short term) stressors in my current job, BMI, parenting, investment issues,,, I still need inner strength, serenity, harmony, zqbx

Q3: level of Fragility of this carefree bubble?

Any analysis/investigation into “carefree” inevitably leads to questions of  fragility/impermanence/vulnerability/defenses//… These questions explain why “carefree” periods are so rare. However, this bpost will skimp on them.

— A very realistic “rude awakening” .. see the missteps/swans in https://tanbinvest.dreamhosters.com/12221/resilience-against-ffree-derailers/

— Jan 2023 update: Miles of Sonic team .. (See also Sonic+Sachin+Anurag) a story about utopia, fragility, storms/bubbles/derailers/// This case illustrates that at any time, for any reason, without any sign, we could lose our comfortable job, or our health etc. This case sounds like a swan event, but there was also a personal misstep (self-acknowledged). My compliance violations are also missteps. These swans/missteps are serious derailers of my carefree bubble, but now is the quiet between the storms, so the other factors feel like better answers to Q1.

This “quiet” feels like a dream, or inside a bubble, rolling on high rails.

— Update after Sep/Oct 2022 .. I feel my carefree ezlife is diminishing/declining/ in some strange way. It takes effort to explain it.

The DIYHI created lots of conflicts, self-blame, zsms about tcost, involution.

Then in Nov, kids’ math exam results ..

Then in Mar 2023, EDyw was a real blow according to the rmSelf, but for the xpSelf, Edyw didn’t /knock me out/ of my carefree zone.

In the grand scheme of things, these pains/unhappy episodes would pass. The “carefree” felt so short-lived to the rmSelf, but (to the xpSelf) it soon returned.

==== wrong priorities .. a key “soft” factor to explain “why so many peers are not carefree”. (In contrast, see the hard factors eralier.)

Some of my peers score higher than me in “cashflow high ground” or “career longevity” (I refuse to pay attention to them) but I feel most of my cohort are fixated on their “half-empty” glasses, while I tend to focus more on my “half-full” glass.

Breakaway .. is a power descriptor. See [22]幸福:2precious cornerstones: breakaway

— successE .. I feel my peers don’t appreciate successE that much. Therefore, my successE is /uncommon/.

Beware successE definition is subject to interpretation.
— zzcl .. I feel many, perhaps majority of, my peers are not mellowing up to zzcl. I think many aim higher and try harder than I do. In doing so, they experience more frustration, less contentment.

  • improve kids’ grades
  • get better job .. objectively, my jobs since 2017 were good
  • get bigger home .. objectively, my home is big enough

— focusing_illusion .. by focusing on the half-full, I feel more contented, more grateful, more lucky, more optimistic… These feelings /seed/ a virtuous cycle of wellness, generosity, kindness, forgiveness

If I were to explain “wrong priorities” , zzcl, failureE, failureZ, harmony ,,, in an essay,  it would involve many power phrases. Many of my peers may not understand these phrases. A  phrase is often subtle, low-power, or poorly defined, and my definition often abstract, unnatural and non-trivial. (Contrast them with those handful “hard” factors above.)

— life chances .. personal! I am contended about my life chances. I pursue the right life chances that are important to me, rather than the wrong priorities of other people

==== a nightmare .. in a 2022 nightmare, I rejoined Macq and was dismissed again. I did my best again, but again was shown to be the weakest in the team, although another set of job requirements may prove otherwise. In hind sight, the 2015/2016 Macq job requirement was simply too high for me, more than the Qz job or GS job. How about Ash.S in his CTO job? CSDoctor’s job? S.Liu’s job?

If I were to benchmark myself with these so-called peers, or try to increase my brank, and join the exclub, I would get derailed, lose my carefree ezlife, take on lots of stress.
If I try, could I become a software architect? Not my strength.
If I try, could I become a lead developer like Ash.S? Not sure.

At my age, I have an implicit self-conviction that most of the higher-paying positions are too stressful, with exorbitant expectations. What I’m unsure is the salary hike of a “jump”. (My EPA job could be worth SGD 160k in another company.) What additional income is possible? After tax, 80k/Y additional? Not worth it.

I told grandpa that my successE [carefree ezlife + harmony, based on wellness and comfortable livelihood] is rare among my cohort, not because I’m wealthier than them, but because I don’t focus on the wrong goals.

The nightmare scenario is much more severe, harsh, harmful than CB2022.

NUS^UChicago: %%grades



— my academic race during NUS vs UChicago years
In my initial NUS years I was confident about hitting A’s. I was well above average in my cohort of mostly NS-men. I started somewhere close to the Dean’s List but gradually dropped to just above average. In the crucial Year4, I scored lots of C’s and D’s. In hind sight, I was losing my position in the more important “second half”. I ended up with Upper2ndClass honors. Probably I was outshone by classmates who caught up from behind.

In UChicago, I had the reverse experience. I started with low expectations — a pass in every subject. Then I emerged well above average and scored mostly A’s. I maintained high grades all the way, finishing in AAAA-. In the beginning I felt “A is long shot; B would be good; C enough” Perhaps I moved up the competition over the 3 years.

Q: was my UChicago grades as-expected and a foregone conclusion?
A: Obviously not. As the oldest student, I was hoping for a few B’s and mostly C’s. I impressed and exceeded myself, largely due to my outstanding effort. So the top grades are a real ROTI.

— dean’s list fixation.. We all have limited laser energy, unable to examine every concept in depth. The NUS dean’s list concept is never critically examined , and allowed to roam free, and often dominate my self-assessment of JLCJ (江郎才尽). Similarly, the 1stClassHonors concept is also poorly examined, and served to reinforce the same self-assessment. A Dean’s List student (Kar Peo?) may also suffer a JLCJ inferiority. She may point out that she only won twice, out of luck. She may lament about her current income, or her interview performance,,,

I tend to dismiss or forget my book prize, my 2Y EDB full scholarship and my academic achievements before and after NUS.

20 years after graduating from NUS, one thing I remember about my NUS benchmark performance (relative to my earlier schools) was the 2nd-class honors.  In hindsight, I guess a big reason was the final year project (sinking), or perhaps having two D’s (sinking) automatically disqualifies me for first-class honors. There’s no point analyzing it, since we have no verifiable or inside knowledge.

After a good freshman year when I almost made it to Dean’s list, the NUS benchmarks gradually eroded/decimated my positive self-image as a top student, as benchmarked to my cohort. My self-evaluation went through an “NUS-recalibration“. In contrast, my primary schools, Shiyan, HJC, A-levels and Uchicago all gave me better grades than NUS. End-to-end, I developed very early a self-image (reputation too) as a competent, almost top student, up to NUS Y1, and finally revived it at UChicago.

I didn’t get near the top in NUS and finished just above average, but then in UChicago I scored well above average. In terms of GPA there’s no ranking but I assume I /finished/ near the top.

— the sinking feeling with the D’s .. As described in the “sinking feeling” blogpost, the two D’s in NUS brought down my hope of postgrad in a top university. I thought to myself “no chance for any postgrad in a top university, given the many D’s and C’s on my transcript”. In 1993, I missed the chance to get a branded degree. (K.Hu also mis chance, due to ill health.) By 1998, the prospect diminished further. I was lagging behind my peers, with their prestigious degrees in MIT, Purdue. The prestige really bothered me on and off for decades.

Shiyan also gave me a sinking experience in 1989 保送高中. Similarly, the Dean’s List is determined by the school based purely on academic competition (rather than students applying to an external entity). In this sense, UChicago treated me arguably better than Shiyan or NUS. Be Grateful to UChicago. 饮水思源.

— renaissance @ UChicago..

UChicago believed in me.. As explained in teams who chose me≠2ndClass, UChicago reviewed many applicants with self-statements and professor recommendations, and they liked my profile.

UChicago accepted my application despite my NUS grades. I ought to be Grateful. (I guess my application essay helped as it was very personal and truthful. ) My UChicago grades were mostly A’s with two B’s. Self-image restored. Grateful again. This qualifies as one of the G3 ROI’s of my huge allocation to UChicago.

Q: Between the two, do I rather have better grades at NUS or UChicago?
A: Obviously UChicago, because of the prestige and calibre.
A: also, I want my “last grades” to be highest, Ending on a high note. This result is much better than the alternative scenario: NUS [1st-class honors, Dean’s list] -> UChicago [mediocre grades]. I would have felt that I’m only good enough for Singapore , not strong enough on the world stage

Without uchicago uplifting, my mental self-portrait would be permanently blemished with tiny scars, labelled with a B .. all due to the NUS grades [2nd class]. Look at Venkat of OC, Gary.G and the Shankar of Polaris. No amount of professional accomplishment would be sufficient to overcome that permanent label. The most one can do about that label, is to look at the big picture and refuse to be enslaved by the label.

Q: how common and unremarkable was my benchmark improvement after NUS 江郎才尽? Would I predict the same for other bright but mediocre students like Venkat (OC), Rahul, Genn,,,?
A: I won’t predict the same for them.

Looks like I fared much better in math than engineering!

Q: Did I end up on a high note due to luck, effort, or something else?

— coding IV vs theoretical IV.. self-perception

  1. The NUS grades “re-calibration” cast a long shadow over my self-confidence, esp. in the crucial game(s) of tech interview.
  2. Once I entered WallSt 10 years later , I started cracking a series of QQ interviews and regained my self-confidence in my mental power.
  3. Then came the web2.0 CIV. So far I had mixed but slowly improving results, as recorded in the Pass/Fail blogpost. Those Fail experience echoes the NUS experience of re-calibration at NUS exams. In my discussions with friends, I have repeatedly linked these two experiences.

Note multi-threading CIV and Probability IV (not CIV) are my favorite games. BigO CIV is a second favorite. Math-oriented CIV is a third favorite, including geometry, counting permutation/combinations. In these games, most candidates have no clue no insight, but sometimes I have some. The more theoretical and abstract, the less likely I get outpaced by other candidates.

I want my UChicago (strong) grades to strengthen my self-confidence in future interviews. Self-talk, self-explanation is key.

##[21]higher ground than Catcha/Zed guys: pff+


This bpost is yet another free-flow historical review. Don’t aim for completeness. If I come up with one unique item it would be a gem. Let’s focus on higher_ground, related to carefree and my layers of protections and provisions, but I’m deliberately vague about higher_ground. Lower ground is 被动, defensive, struggling,,,

initial Trigger event: I recall my chat with Sonny Lim, and also my recent reconnect sessions with ex-colleagues of Catcha/Zed/NewSilkRoute.

Also Look at Partha or Rajesh. I don’t know where they are today, but the peak of our career is behind us. I feel that since Zed some of them didn’t move any higher beyond inflation. (Exception: Rajesh was promoted to team lead in the same team.) As I described to Grandpa, by default I would have followed similar paths. In reality, I’m on higher ground because of WSt. Mine is NOT a common career path, more like an exception to prove the rule.

Out of, say, a 2002 cohort of 100 male IT professional in SG, I guess 24 would leave technology sectors by now (around age 50), 25 would remain in tech, but hands-off (i.e. zero source code) including support/mgmt [Raymond,], and about half would remain hands-on, perhaps senior roles like XA.S. Nowadays, young guys gravitate towards web2.0 shops more than finDev, but I think less than 2% of my cohort are hands-on in top web2.0 shops.

Due to SG being a regional sales center, a significant subset would be client-facing [consulting, pre-sales, proj mgmt], and the hands-on subset would be smaller accordingly.

In terms of pff, I’m on higher ground (exclub) among the “hands-on” subset (superset of the SWE subset), but I have no insight outside that subset. I would say a broader comparison across my cohort would be statistically more meaningful if feasible, but actually not feasible given my lack of data, so I will primarily focus on the hands-on subset.

Q: why am I more carefree, on higher ground than those guys? There must be a few things my family did right since then. Let’s pin them down as precisely as we can .. the more specific the better. Let’s focus on deeper, less obvious reasons. Even a small pinhole observation could lead to big insights.

  • My bold venture to U.S. and WallSt .. life-changing journey that those ex-colleagues didn’t have.
    • career longevity -> quiet_confidence about family cash flow. My dev career is likely to run to 60’s, unheard-of outside WSt.
  • tsn? .. Thanks to my exploration (similar to “job dating”) I learned what jobs suit me better. Am more confident about my directions.
  • over the decades, coding test has become widespread. I happen to have some competence and a long-term hobby. Together they raise me to higher ground. Am not the strongest.
  • math and abstract thinking .. rigorous training since primary school… hugely important to high-end interviews. Am far from the strongest.
  • [20] wellness habits .. invisible effect except BMI and belly; frq of sickness; frq (I didn’t say “duration”) and absorbency of workout; insomnia; cardio;
  • .. diet control .. while 90% of my peers opt to resign (surrender) to the fate of BMI decline, I took the bull by the horns. Am not the most successful.
  • —- minor or obvious factors, or factors less relevant to higher_ground_than_peers.
  • thrifty and hardworking wife .. Not sure about some of their spouses, but I think mine is a rare gift from God.
  • my kids did put in effort .. piano, diet, tuition, homework. Not sure about their kids.
  • grand parents .. healthy, and financially self-reliant. Not sure about their parents.
  • [20] continually improving English? Crucial to my U.S. adventure. Note speaking was my key weakness.
  • .. Toast Masters?
  • .. Eng expressive writing in recoll (no blog software then)
  • SG citizenship .. a rising foundation (of my high ground), but largely invisible. The same foundation is shared with most of the cohort. 
  • UChicago credential .. fairly visible. It gave me higher ground in terms of insider insight into branded colleges. This credential is rare among my peers.
  • [20] books .. book ownership practices. Library immersion. Stealth-overtake over10Y explains why it matters
  • [20] economizing habit .. for money and time. Economizing is the essence of long-term planning + everyday execution.
  • [20] burn rate control .. cumulative effect! Note 1) portfolio and 2) nonwork income … (as factors) are overrated.
  • appreciation of my HDB home + Beijing home
  • [20] IV + delivery skills .. IV is part of job-hunting which includes trec
  • [20 = personal habit, skill,, over 20Y ]

Q: Are there someone on higher ground than me in some area, someone I can learn from? How about in anger mgmt, parenting, healthy habits?

CSASS: quick life-evaluation #fulfilment


My blogs feature many similar evaluations of my life. For them, a sound framework is the CSASS yardstick.

— the yardstick: “Imagine a ladder with steps numbered from zero at the bottom to ten at the top. The top of the ladder represents the best possible life for you and the bottom of the ladder represents the worst possible life for you. On which step of the ladder would you say you personally feel you stand at this time?” (Emphases are mine.) That’s how D.Kahneman introduced the CSASS [Cantril Self-Anchoring Striving Scale].

“The best/worst possible life” is always (to me) defined within a finite scope of possible lives. I feel the majority of the respondents (at least for my cohort) interpret the yardstick not as self-evaluation in isolation, but in comparison with other people of the time[1] in familiar countries. I don’t know Latam/African nationals so I can’t include them in my scope.

As explained in liv`with chronic conditions: wellbeing by xpSelf^rmSelf, most folks only does a quick-n-dirty evaluation once in a blue moon. (Intellectual writers like me and grandpa spend far more time, but we are a tiny minority.) Even if we try to be thorough and objective, the CSASS score would never be objective.

— (experienced) well-being^ fulfilment [satisfactory life]

Some respondents may say the question specifically asks how “I FEEL at the moment” i.e. experienced well-being, but to most respondents, this evaluation is more about fulfilment over “my entire life”, with lots of long-term effects of previous life events. Therefore, as Kahneman pointed out, this is all about the rmSelf, not the xpSelf.

  • eg: ill-health .. Kahneman pointed out (and I agree) some forms of ill health have a much stronger effect on experienced wellbeing than on rmSelf’s life evaluation.
  • .. however, liv`4decades with chronic conditions mentions that paraplegics have a normal experienced wellbeing but poor fulfillment. I think the difference is that paraplegics go through a painful adaptation and learn to live with a stable disability and become fairly healthy.
  • eg: healthy longevity .. (or the prospect thereof) is important to my evaluation and to my rmSelf, but not to my cohort.
  • eg: Education .. is one example factor Kahneman gave of high impact on the rmSelf’s life evaluation but possibly low impact on the xpSelf’s wellbeing. Kahneman said the more educated often report higher stress in experience sampling. I feel exclub[FOMO] is a big factor to both the rmSelf’s evaluation and the xpSelf’s wellbeing. The more educated are likely to work in highly paid jobs and have higher academic expectations of their kids… the highly-educated exclub. Their self-evaluation is likely to be dominated by peer comparison.
  • eg: academic kids .. weighs heavy in many Chinese mothers’ fulfilment and self-evaluation of life, but has lower impact for other parents. It is becoming slightly less impactful on my xpSelf.
  • eg: blogg system (dhost etc) .. has a huge impact on xpSelf but probably not much on rmSelf’s evaluation.

[1] We don’t compare with our grandparents. For some of us, we don’t even compare with our relatives 20Y older or 20Y younger.

相形见绌@interviews: wellness advtg

When I meet an interviewer (or join a new tech team), I often notice a few individuals with superior technical capabilities. Most of these “superior” geeks are plump, less fit, with less healthy diets.

A minority of them, regardless of English skill, are also better communicators than me, but mostly am focused on tech competence — where I often feel 相形见绌

To a lesser extent, I have similar experiences when I was trying out pre-sales and independent sales. I encountered many sales dragons. Similar experience when I meet an OC-effective peer like Shuo or Lunuo.Qiao.

Somehow, subconsciously and automatically I would brush aside the wellness differences, playing down my advantages!

Let’s fact it. Looking back from the deathbed or when already well-off (https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/wrong-priorities-after-becomwell-off/), what is more important? Personal Wellness or tech capabilities?

hist ^soul-search ^selfEval ^t_intro ^t_tectonic[def]

k_soul_search … k_tectonic

  • t_soulsearch .. is usually more broad, covers more than 2 domains (cf tectonic)
  • t_selfEval .. self-evaluation within a peer group or by a commona standard but not a competition, or https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/15615/sweepingEval/
  • .. Most but not all sweepingEval bposts also qualify as soul_search, but let’s avoid overloading those bposts
  • t_intro — these blogposts are deeper and most focused and most personal.
  • T_histScan — non-trivial insights from history… with a well-defined timeframe, often referring to specific years, at least a few years ago rather than the recent past.
  • T_histZoom — zoom in on one point, or from one specific angle.
  • .. eg: compare now to one point in history

Q: what if a blogpost covers 2 or 3 domains and is somewhat deep?
A: overlapping between t_intro and t_soulSearch. Judgement call.

— t_tectonic — is the simplest, purest tag among these related tags. These blogposts always cover at least four super-high level big domains[subset listed below], not a random list of low-level items scattered across these big domains.

  1. marriage, family harmony
  2. bonding with kids
  3. edu
  4. immigration .. GC, sgCiti
  5. (pre) retirement planning .. purpose, meaningful occupation, mental health, financial
  6. hobbies, recreations, time mgmt

Should be capped below the stated number of bposts.

A tectonic bpost is often a soul-search , and often a historical review.