##energy_sinks of free time

review QQ, CIV, localSys
academic coaching .. hardly a sink
emailing with friends
recreational reading
blogg on r-ikigai
sticky bposts


— Current sinks: Right now (2020-2021), I have an unprecedented (excl. bachelor years) amount of spare time but whatever disposable time there is tends to get suck into the “energy sinks” below. See also ##hobbies mid19-21 #Zeng/Fenix. I had better control some of the sinks such as pff. (Liberal use of text highlighting encouraged in this blogpost.)

  1. — current sinks, half-ranked by hours
  2. [s3] pff, including analysis and selection of asset
  3. .. eg: reading books on stock picking .. increase. Need sunshine
  4. .. eg: stock picking ..
  5. .. eg: FSM .. reduce
  6. .. eg: exp recon .. reduce
  7. family outing/movie + family discussions + other family time
    1. family movie could provide talking points with boy
  8. other blogging .. a hopelessly vague item to be included here, though it does “sink” a lot of time.
  9. DramRefresh of non-tech blog/email.
  10. frenDialog.. Note email drafting is a sink but more efficient more satisfying than meet-up.
  11. curiositySou.. including wikipedia or news reading. Control it but don’t feel ashamed!
  12. [s1~s5=strategic value]
  13. [c=need to capture absorbency to feel the joy]

So my sinks are not so good, but miles ahead of my cohort, largely due to my awareness. Millions of my cohort waste their spare time without knowing. I think their sinks include videos, drinking + overeating,  sight-seeing/shopping, sports channels, gaming/gambling,,,, but I don’t want to speculate.

Q: What’s in common between:
* comparison-shopping for tiny savings
* curiosity search (see above)
* lots of time spent on FSM, robinhood,,, with small trades, but crucially… without growing insights!

All of these are pleasurable, leisurely, and common well-accepted recreations.
All entail huge cumulative tcost, low ROTI, therefore they are “luxuries ” in terms of tcost.

— I want to create some new sinks and revive some old sinks. Note proposed sinks by definition are enjoyable, engaging,,, If some proposed sink is not, then it require tweaking. Often I hit a stone wall

  1. DramRefresh of tech + [s3] wellness + [s4] parenting + Vocab blogs — will make me feel good about my past blogging
  2. vocab (Ch/En) .. read new and refresh old
  3. recreational reading
  4. game with meimei
  5. academic coaching with meimei
  6. [s5] experiment to establish sustainable lifestyle for yoga, chin-up etc
  7. piano

— (irrelevant comparison) sinks of free cash flow — FSM low-risk funds. Perhaps I should consider U.S. index funds as another sink.

— Below is a 2021 email. For this discussion to be meaningful and add any value, I want to be strict with my criteria for a “hobby”. To see which bobby takes up more time /comparatively/, I need more precise criteria about what kind of time spent falls into each “bucket”.

Hi Kevin, You asked what hobbies (兴趣) I have. (Daryl and FenixOne founder also asked me the same question.) I have many. Some are important to me but “light” in terms of time usage, such as workouts, parenting research, and wellness research. Anyway, below I rank my current hobbies (since mid-2019) in terms of time usage from light to heavy.  ▲▼ indicates buy/overbought recommendation.

[85=can last till I reach 85, when grandpa complained about lack of hobby]

  1. ▲parenting reading and blogging .. Reading is less effective compared to self-reflection on trial-n-error.
    • Note Parenting trial-n-error by itself is too tough to be a “hobby”.
    • Note time with kids is not a personal hobby but part of my job as a parent.
  2. [s▼] video and online recreational reading .. often unplanned and without time-limit.  For example, I spent many hours on ▼curiosity searches, or reading ▼Trump.
  3. [s▲85] workouts and wellness research… This hobby includes blogging. Healthy food ▼shopping too, which is relaxing but time-consuming. In general shopping trips are no hobby but 20% of food trips are part of this “hobby”.
  4. library trips ..  and /experimental/ [s▲85]stay-home reading vacations for recreational reading. Topics are light, including news, ▼show-biz, history… These trips are planned, with a time limit.
    • Whenever I read finance, wellness or serious subjects like career, parenting, the activity falls into the more specific categories below.
  5. [s▲] tech learning .. and blogging, interview preparation. Unrelated to work, therefore a “hobby”. Occasionally I do a bit of coding drill. See self-renewal in the blogpost after Fenix IV
  6. [s 85] pff .. research, trading, and blogging. This wide-ranging hobby also includes real assets, country-comparison, tax research, retirement, inflation, college funding, home purchase (U.S.), car ownership. Some “chores” are not part of a hobby.
    • I don’t think this hobby is the “heaviest“, as I sometimes tell others.
  7. [s▼] “the other” misc blogging, ▼emailing .. to friends on _fun_ topics. This hobby also includes meet-ups and calls (loved ones + friends overseas), which are becoming rare nowadays. I prefer emailing.
    • when the discussion is finance, career, wellness, parenting … then the hours fall into the more specific categories.
  8. [s 85] DIY home repairs .. including minor (often surprisingly /rewarding/) improvements. Am a slow, /reluctant/ handyman at home. 51% of the time it is an enjoyable hobby without time pressure. See ## DIY. This hobby also includes home-reorganization, which is 49% a hobby.

I guess one common thread is reading + blogging. Some important areas are hard to achieve personal growth by reading alone [1] and require plenty of trial-n-error, like in stock trading, wellness, and parenting. I remind myself I’m not reading/blogging for fun. Indeed about half of the listed hobbies have a practical target, but I have managed to add fun into the effort and turn them into hobbies. When I don’t hit any target, I would soon feel regretful about the time spent.  See also ##plateauing growth: 江河日下,自强不息

[1] otherwise the bookworms like the tanbin in my 20’s would become role models.

##[22]increase^reduce: t-allocation ] ezlife #starv`=optimal

Fact: for some of us, we always feel insufficient allocation to this or that aspects of our lives. (To be fair, occasionally we do feel some over-allocation.)

Our t-allocation decisions are dynamic, fluid and largely run by System1, therefore never precise and /impeccable/. I feel the need to constantly review my allocation decisions over short and long histories, and adjust. I mean Allocation of time + System2 resources [attention, energy, absorbency…] The higher ground I want to push toward is a situation where I find very few items constantly starved/underserved, and ideally the short-term “starvation” is more evenly spread out across [3].
On this higher ground, I would really remember a few (temporary) success stories of adjustment. The success stories empower me to endeavor to correct/adjust my allocation strategy, and avoid the familiar “powerless guilt” driven by the /tyranny/ of perfectionism.

[3] Aha-Insight: starvation=optimal. Simultaneous sunshine/time starvation across multiple tectonic_plates is the essence of optimal allocation. This observation is similar to the “simultaneous saturation” in optimization.

Since 2022,

  • I have decreased tech xx including deep_work, compared to years ago (partly due to diminishing return), replaced with practical scripting, automation, localSys,,, nearly optimal
  • .. Whenever I spend some spare time on QQ or CIV, I do feel fitter, “more prepared”
  • I have 🙂 reduced fren dialog t-spends and created temporary starvation… optimal
  • I have 🙂 maintained workout t-spends .. optimal
  • I have 🙂 increased family time, esp. with boy and meimei .. nearly optimal
  • I have experienced increasing demand (on my Sys2 resources) from BGC, Cambodia, US tax, US stocks, USD TD, calc recon on EGA/RBBT,, nearly optimal
  • I have increased blogg (and other efforts) as self-care…. nearly optimal. As noted in the blogpost on I-statement, my type of blogging is not easy, not lazy, takes training and effort.

^^ Now I don’t feel the burn [self-discipline, with materialistic gains]
My father, in his twilight years, would probably prefer quiet peaceful time,,, not burn.

Perhaps my current t-allocation is nearly /optimal/, based on the successE definition

jolt: now I have relatively limited bandwidth allocated to tech learning or work projects. In contrast, MSFM period was visibly high intensity “burning” but in hind sight, was it worthwhile?

Q: how do we make this blogpost more unique, rather than just another t-allocation blogpost?

In the current life stage marked by carefree job, brbr, fulltime wife taking care of 2 kids,,,, I see an interesting array of initiatives competing for limited absorbency and bandwidth (in terms of time,  mental energy)

I don’t know if my carefree life has brought me to this new “comfort zone”. I used to feel the traction/engagement/accu on tech learning, wellness, parenting. Most of these “domains” require effort or absorbency. I felt the burn and ROTI. Since 2020 (?) my focus has gravitated towards per-finance. Sometimes I’m pulled into news or curiosity searches. See the sink.

It’s always useful to pair up a Increase piece with a Reduce piece.

  • — Reduce
  • [v] reduce/maintain t-allocation to the growing fuxi items in git-blog
  • ?slow down blogging outside the specified topics below — git blogging, blog review
  • reduce friend sharing
    • [v] meet-up is most time-consuming. Always prefer jogging before meet-up.
    • [v] slow down email; reduce t-allocation to email backlog .. Nearly optimal
  • reduce and postpone per finance like SIA, FSM, FWD,,,  I feel this is growing and taking up more and more bandwidth.
  • [v] reduce news reading/watching — a popular, approved diversion. In the carefree phase, it may be more practical to allocate some spare time to these legitimate leisure.
    • [v] reduce leisure reading despite my growing library of free books.. Nearly optimal
    • [v] reduce or warehouse curiosity searches. Optimal
  • —- now the domains
  • — wellness
  • [an s3] maintain (increase if possible) jogging, or increase t-efficiency with shorter workouts as substitute
  • [n] more frequent yoga. more classes? Time consuming and stressful due to penalty. Perhaps wait till restrictions relax
    • ([a] maintain yoga self-practice)
  • [n s2] maintain nutritional research and experiment
  • — parenting
  • slow down: read more books on parenting
  • review my blog
  • ? bring kids out more often
  • — career/安身立命
  • [a s1] c++ critical mass maintenance — thick-> thin, 温故知新. Decline is probably faster than coding drill, therefore more strategic.
  • [an s1] coding drill refresh — to keep in shape, 温故知新. As I told ChengShi, I had an ideal of continuous practice which may demand a lot of absorbency and concentration. Is it sustainable?
  • [an s1] more localSys fuxi — I had the bigGun/laserGun concepts, among many blogposts that I revisited. I may need to remove some other “initiatives” so as to concentrate on localSys
  • — other
  • [a=absorbency required]
  • [s1~s3=strategic value. “Not strategic” by default ]
  • [n=candidate as a new driver]
  • [v=starvation can be optimal]

long^near-horizon Stressors


The long-horizon vs near-horizon framework is simple, but I found it often more effective if I actively include motivators, positive stressors, (proactive) destressors/reliefs.. as /counterweights/ to stressors.

About half the items require prioritization, sunshine and time-allocation.

todo-list updates can go into 1) 0.txt 2) 0.txt printout 3) here

Q: where can we get on the offensive to pre-empt the stressors?

— stressor profile .. moved to 0.txt

— immediate (not surefire) stress relief, actionable priorities..
— look forward to … If we review this list too many times (like 3), then many of the items would lose their impact and their morale-boosting power.

For the same reason, I put my books in bookshelf reversed, and hide the title from view.

  • reading/blogg vacation .. history, econs, science,,
  • underwater bonds recovery and release

— any minor or crisis stressor?

  • how to use sticky flag effectively (https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/7066/t_fuxi-tag-pending-status-etc/)
  • starhub recontract
  • —– past crisis stressors
  • [$=money can cushion, relieve or delay the crisis stressor]
  • [a=annual leave can help, though my balance is running out]

— near-horizon stressors

  • +ve: BGC insurance
  • .. title where?
  • ICON .. after Mar trips, ask about earlier appointment
  • —— under my radar
  • destressor: realYoga class credits to be used up (before they relocate) .. not relaxing
  • destressor: utilize commute time to remove real stressors .. mlphone; print out part of a task, so I can chip away on MRT
  • [a] destressor: tww: consider half-day weekday leaves for recreational reading, library, swimm+jogg, blogg. Even without using leaves, I can carve out a bit more quiet time… early rise; early in cinema, fastFood, library/stadium or downstairs

— 3M++ long-horizon concerns .. Let’s keep this category (nearly) empty

  • find handyman for floor damage under the gate, kitchen door
  • print some coding questions for commute
  • close FSM acct
  • —— under my radar
  • +ve: consider SGD/PHP swap with NCT
  • motivator: cny balance in BOC to be converted to SGD when rate drops
  • [a] +ve stress: tww: update boy’s bank account .. https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/63971/23boys-bank-account-ownership/  .. tbudget 1-2h
  • [a] proactive destressor: free up some space in storeroom(and corridor rack)

##powerSurge:which t-spends Feel strategic,here+now

This “framework” used to have quick intuitiveness as the main advantage.

“Strategic”/roti are loosely defined here. At any time I would be the jury and judge and I don’t need to be consistent.

Some of these things below are tough (in the burn/rot sense). So without a “power surge” I won’t look forward to them.

  • tip: BMI .. sunshine on intermittent fasting, raw veg, smoothie
  • tip: early rise. Q: How to get positive reinforcement?
  • tip: stand more ] ff.. Start in the early morning. Q: How to get positive reinforcement?
  • plan gym trips with boy
  • — some headaches to clear
  • HR-Block
  • BGC (Heverly) .. wait till paid up, then proceed with the next tenant.
  • — not so strategic
  • PNB: find some deposit account type
  • call police about Jill’s case
  • book more yoga classes
  • tip: reduce movie trips (conflict with yoga). Consider weekend movies (with or without kids)
  • DIYHI items … possibly time consuming
  • tip: utilize commute time to remove real stressors (mlphone)
  • — the low-power, easy items
  • compliance: move off Robinhood .. pick more names;

##[20] current quadrants


See also

This /sweeping/ analysis is _different_ from earlier quadrant /analyses/ because of context i.e. the current carefree easy life. The quadrants function as a snapshot/profile. The profile of an “average” working adult life would be heavier, possibly darker, than my profile. This is evident in my items positioned in each quadrant. Proved to be a wholesome exercise of critical thinking.

Note text size, color (and background color) are especially useful in this blogpost. I chose a range of grey, grey, blue, blue, blue, blue , blue, blue

[t = not obviously, Time is a key factor in this item ]
[d= ##dissatisfaction blackholes ]
[e = long-term struggle/endeavor (space shuttle), not an immediate to-do]

— in Jul 2022, I feel overburdened (context switching):

These stressors are kinda mild by historical standard. Below are my solutions, possibly minor but effective

  • movies… reduce unless they motivate me to work harder on the big rocks.
  • maintain harmony in family, in myself.. My screen time control can backfire.
  • sleep early if possible, but no zsms no blaming boy or wife. Learn resilience [flexible]
  • don’t worry so much about BMI. Permit comfort foods.
  • prefer workout that really reduces stress .. such as CRE

— quadrant-II i.e. important (half ranked), non-urgent. Limit to 5? Leverage items?

  1. USD TD: too much legwork. Consider longer TD
  2. compliance: move off Robinhood .. pick more names;
  3. — — long-term items, unranked —-
  4. more S27 orders .. value averaging
  5. [e] BMI .. sunshine on intermittent fasting, smoothie
  6. over-dependency on Wpress
  7. use up realYoga quota
  8. — — past items
  9. road crossing  counselling
  10. CPH counselling

— quadrant-UU i.e. not-extremely-important but no-wait-please. Note some items fall into “urgent” only because they require daily action without delay.

  • DIYHI items
  • BGC (Heverly) prepare to meet Aleris; go through BGC record for  NCT.
  • more yoga
  • — — past items
  • $1550 claim
  • L399 set-up

— quadrant-ICU i.e. important and urgent .. This quadrant shouldn’t be too empty.

  • use named tuple to rewrite github scripts
  • ? use A95 in cockpit1, but L399 needs a “probation”
  • mosquito + ants
  • — — past items
  • help kids with math competitiveness, foundation skills .. demanding in terms of time and inner strength.
  • keep up 5/wk for intimacy
  • rate hike plann
  • help meimei with rounding, reduce wife’s worry
  • find serenity against site-block

— quadrant-NN i.e. non-important non-urgent, but these items still need some sunshine

  • stand more ] ff.. Start in the early morning or evening.
  • 5/wk … increase variety.. basketball, swim, lunges
  • relocate bposts from https://draft.blogger.com/blog/posts/24802532
  • $700 handout for wife: wait for SMS -> a week later check eligibility
  • DinersClub voucher + CDA use up
  • reduce overlap between need4reflect and roti@blogg
  • [d] BGC insurance .. see blogpost on why not-important

##t-allocation frameworkS #0project tag

Note Many but not all of these “systems” are focused on spare time allocation.

At any juncture, I can pick one of the frameworks to serve as quick reminder to prioritize, focus, and get my act together. For this purpose, I like tried-n-tested, intuitive frameworks. However, does it lead to any “permanent” change in behavior with lasting impact on family’s life chances ?

— Q on spare time: more spare time can”buy”me__@@ #XR .. new concept
— Q on spare time: Energy Sink a.k.a. collector of disposable time
— Q on spare time: plowback]ez life
— Q on spare time: historical analysis ## where I want2spend spare time #^bachelor
— Q on spare time: historical analysis [16]spare time accounting #Luke Su
— Q on spare time: historical analysis “spare”time allocation history since 2006
— Q: get on the offensive #proactive
— dashboard 0_project category
— dashboard per-week blogpost
— dashboard 0.txt .. might be harder to sync across machines???
— framework (medium-horizon) –> quadrant
Many items are hard to classify.
— framework -> Sunshine ##strategic areas!!receiv`enough”sunshine”i.e.time
— framework (short-horizon) –> more or less — more time on X, less time on Y. Simple yet effective. Therefore frequently used.
##[16] too much/little time spent on and [20]how 2 allocate bandwidth #carefree phase are examples.
— framework -> absorbency and powerSurge
##which t-spends feel strategic,here+now #powerSurge is one example.
absorbency ranking — is another eg
— framework -> ##[17] long^near-horizon stressors: simple framework .. impacting time-allocation

##[20]plowback@ free Time ] ezlife #w1r7

See also

During the 2020/21 carefree “easy life”, my disposable time usually hit the energy sinks, but I want to see some plowback like …

  • — half ranked in terms of unique, original or innovative ideas of plowback
  • [s1] DIY — can be a livelihood protection
  • [s1] AMB as a recreation
  • call Bj and sister — more often
  • [s2] piano as recreation — a time-consuming plowback with excellent /retention/. See other blogposts.
  • [s3] cpf (long-horizon) cash flow planning
  • dram-refresh — spend the extra disposable time on dram-refresh of wellness + tech blogs. How about parenting blogposts? 温故知新 is more effective for me than others
  • [a] blog optimization
  • .. wordpress hosting — operational efficiency in self-care, problem-solving, decision-making
  • —- classic/proven or familiar plowback
  • [s1] bonding with kids — spend the extra disposable time building bond with kids. reduce his smartphone addictive tendency and replace it with more wholesome hobbies
  • .. to a lesser extent, academic coaching
  • [s2] localSys — great plowback during office hours
  • [s1] fitness — improve BMI and build stamina, strength, flexibility… remains the most strategic plowback, despite the limited accumulation
  • [a s2] personal finance — such as stock picking? Control needed. Tcost is way too high, so ROTI of this plowback is extremely challenging. Most people end up buying indices !
  • [a=obsessive becoming negative addiction]
  • [s1~s3=strategic value. “Not strategic” is the default ]

— plowback to achieve some batt accumulation — is crucial
— plowback to build more layers of defenses + alternatives?
if nothing noteworthy to add, then just leave this question open.

— this blogpost is paradoxically both 1) an oth risk and 2) a valuable question that deserves revisit.



##strategic areas !!gett enough Sunshine +patience #

Image: precious ground flowers overshadowed by tree. Sunshine needed.

Original title: [15]strategic areas!!receiv`enough”sunshine”

“Sunshine” means time, laser energy including absorbency, patience. Sunshine has no expectation.



Pattern — I get preoccupied with emailing/meet-up, personal finance ,,, and neglect some strategic areas.

Q: What I feel is important but not receiving enough sustained “laser” focus i.e. mental energy:

  • — strategic areas:
  • localSys
  • C++ critical mass maintenance,
  • driving practice
  • ( the obvious items as of 2021: flexibility; strength; )
  • — short-term items also needs sunshine, though not the focus of this blogpost.
  • more standing at home
  • lasik

— emails left in inbox + blog pages left open in my browser tabs … receive more sunshine.
Similarly, paper under my 玻璃板

I have physical radiators such as palm-sized display holder

— too much sunshine on these items below. Note this is a high-level list featuring some low-level examples.

  • land grab alerts in all my laptops !
  • mechanical pencils
  • light bulb optimization
  • disposable batteries .. separation of used vs new
  • per finance
    • reduce monthly exp tracking?
    • FWD insurance?
    • credit monitoring, due to emails from B@A, CreditKarma etc
  • friend sharing
    • meet-up is most time-consuming. Always prefer jogging.
    • slow down email

— The quadrants .. the important-non-urgent need more sunshine; the urgent-unimportant gets too much sunshine.

Compared to me, my cohort tend to have busier day jobs, sometimes more dependents .. and tend get swamped in the “sunshine low ground” in terms of wellness, parenting etc.

— Sunshine is a scarce resource. The real scarce resource is time+absorbency, not money. How do I trade money for time?

  • capture the power surge (blog)
  • pay to reduce commute
  • git-blog on laptop
  • use outside tutors, and reduce facetime?

— sunshine+patience
When giving more “sunshine”, it’s often unwise to expect (slow but) visible improvement

Sunshine is necessary but insufficient condition. You often need patience to wait for a long time to see some improvement.Wee need patience to see the absorbency growing stronger.

Also, you need to spot/notice and celebrate every small (even if temporary) improvement in your kids or yourself.
— Q: In which area do you give much-needed sunshine but majority of your peers don’t bother to?
The question asks me to name where I give sunshine, so it’s impossible to surprise myself, but I will still try to name unsung heroes.

  • driving experience review
  • tech Dram refresh
  • career longevity + healthy longevity
  • flexibility
  • Eng and Ch vocab
  • current income? Not really “much-needed”
  • exp recon
  • tax-like expenses

Q:Is now a period@bored^absorbency def[PowerSurge]


See also chore^pleasure hours and my superior-aborbency domains. When I find myself in a period of motivation, I really want to capture the motivation and absorbency, because most of the time I have no real power surge in any of these domains. — No guilt please

  • periods of motivation+absorbency for localSys or work projects
  • periods of motivation+absorbency for coding drill
  • periods of motivation — before/after an IV. Instinctively I capture the motivation by cutting sleep …
  • periods of motivation for diet
  • periods of motivation for yoga
  • — Pleasures:
  • periods of motivation for QQ
  • periods of motivation for jogging
  • periods of productive blogging about parenting, career, personal finance ..

Now, when I’m in the mood for yoga, it’s kinda stupid to beat myself up on the low absorbency for coding drill. It’s wiser to accept the human condition, and celebrate the current (and fleeting) absorbency for yoga and capture it fully.

— profit lock-in

“Profit lock-in” is a catchy phrase as a blog title. When I notice a temporary “power surge” in self-efficacy/absorbency/ , when I feel so powerful that I could overcome anything… I had better stop and ask myself “Which tough jobs are becoming Spicy?”. We had better aim to capture that power and lock in a “profit”.

  • plowback
  • extend my lead in the pack
  • solidify my investment and critical mass in quant, c++ etc
  • [15%] occasionally the wrong-time temptation becomes clearly more manageable as I feel more in control of my appetite.
  • [21%] Sometimes I get in the mood for localSys or company projects. Should consider camp-out.
  • Frequently, jogging becomes physically enjoyable (30%) or at least sustainable (60%). It’s dangerous to expect this “peak” to last. Danger in terms of disappointment.
  • [25%] Sometimes coding drill gathers momentum and become sustainable on a weekly basis. Enjoyable is rarer like 5%.
  • [9%] Once a while my internal resistance to chin-up or yoga home-practice improves so much that I could do it on a Daily basis, but it seldom stays at that optimal level.
  • [19%] Sometimes my patience/capacity and … for wordy problem coaching improves. This /space/ is a high-stake game, and remains highly unstable as I continue to lose grip and experience limited self-understanding. This is now the most challenging domain.

chore^pleasure[def] hours of a day


See also ## retirement disposable time usage #reading@@

My 24-hour day can be regarded as spent on either C or P. “Chores” are (self-)imposed tasks that I had better get done to stay out of trouble, or tasks to earn me Pleasure. Let me drive it home with a question:

Q: why the heck do we work so hard on the chores? To get the pleasures

  • pure Chore hours include paid jobs [2] || clean-up || shower (pleasure?) || …
  • pure Pleasure hours include family grocery shopping || wechat (not me) || …

As listed above, Some hours are purely chore hours; Some hours are purely pleasure hours but most of my hours are a mix of the two

  • reflective writing[1] including ffree, rental prop == 1%c+ 99%pleasure
    • can take up dozens of hours a week
    • [1] emails, blogging
  • wellness and investment research such as FSM (about 5 percent of the tanbinvest blog) == 40% c
  • [2] day jobs — can be (if lousy) pure c and no pleasure. Fundamentally, Even a enjoyable job is mostly “chore” because we are bound by a professional commitment where we are paid a lot of money to do a job for them.
    • As a student, study is also something like an (imposed) job duty
  • yoga alone == 111% c ! Rahul urged me to make it more enjoyable/pleasurable … leading to higher “productivity” and better results.
  • yoga alone in my old age == 90% c since I would have more time and few other chores
  • yoga classes == 90% c + 10% p
  • other classes == 70% c
  • jogging == 70% c
  • driving == 80% c for me
  • commute — can be pleasurable if I have a good read with a SEAT. Blogging on train is one of the most pleasurable.
  • flight for reunion == 30% c + 70% pleasure, so I often look forward to it
    • return flight == 60% c + 40% p .. less pleasurable
  • — The 3 items below can occasionally provide great examples of burning pleasure
  • body-building coding drill == 50% c + 50% pleasure. Absorbency!
  • body-building QQ study == currently 45% c + 55% pleasure. I think for XR and others it’s less pleasurable
  • localSys learning == 95% c

Introspection — X% c doesn’t always measure absorbency (effort) required. For example, jogging is 70% c vs 100% c for laundry. Laundry takes less effort but has 0% pleasure.