This kind of effort has been hard for boy. Here is my 2020 New plan: Every day, he can do something meaningful such as
- tiptoe practice
- Chinese
- workout
- help meimei learn math
- teach mom some English words
- help mom with chores
- math
- piano
- any proposal by boy?
Every day either deduct $5 [1] if “not met” or pay him $1 if “met”. These sums are designed based on the belief that the daily targets are easily achievable without parent reminding him
Once he hits a full week, there could be a bonus, possibly zero. It could be a random amount up to $100, perhaps using a coin or a program he writes.
[1] grandpa suggests $2.
— Update during June holiday
Each day if boy meets the study timetable, as confirmed by mom, then $20 reward. If boy does math practice given by dad, then additional reward. A full week completed deserves a bonus up to $100
— practical criteria for “meet”: 10m/day, Mom as witness
If on a given day we can’t verify and he gives a specific positive answer, then we assume he has hit the target.
My legwork — I have to ask him everyday “Did you meet the target?” It is a legwork I choose to take on. If one day I forget to ask, then by default we assume he has hit the target.
The bonus is based on a full week’s meets and need a bit more scrutiny. Dishonesty would be punished, not tolerated.
— It’s crucial that he agrees to the scheme.