week1@RTO: shift@focus #w1r2


“Self-care” is left without a clear definition, and includes some expressive writing such as parenting, stress mgmt.

— Q (asked in Jul 2020, and then in Aug 2021): the most positive elements of my first week back in office?

  • — my Jul20 answer
  • [1] no distraction. Is night hour at home comparable? I would say yes
  • .. [4] I now miss my kids again, rather than having “enough of them
  • no wrong-time temptations. When I feel 70% hungry, the food at home would be irresistible, but in Bayonne home or office, I have limited (and only healthy) food, so pushing-the-limit is now possible, and I find myself in control of the situation, and on the offensive against the temptations. However, the battle is shifted to “reaching home” or supper time.
  • [2] can call people (esp. grandparents) in the comfort of office, without distraction or stress. Also has good speaker phone.
  • [3] jolt: can print lots of blogposts+tech notes, and capture the absorbency for QQ/zbs, GTD, localSys. Printer proved a huge boost comparable to monitor.
  • — my Aug21 answer:
  • I can work out on carpeted floor .. more spacious. At home, I would do so in a playground.
  • I feel the energy to work out at riverfront
  • yes [2,3]
  • — my answer within a month into RTO
  • standing desk is much easier than at home.
  • mini-yoga can be easier at ACM lawn than TPY .
  • — my answer near end of Sep going back into WFH
  • yes [1,2,3]
  • — my answer in early Jan 2022
  • yes[2,4]
  • more yoga studios near office; more variety of jogging/workout locations. I can leave stuff behind and go out for a jog.

— reminders: Don’t break any MLP rule (like Rbh). Follow strictly.
— [1] The recurring loss of family harmony and quiet time .. is the most common need/purpose/value for the harbor (of office). The library/stadium/Interchange are also helpful, but harbor offers:

  • stay for hours
  • safely leave belongings behind when stepping out
  • possibility of work, workout, yoga
  • diet options
  • many workout options at office
  • printer, big screens, big table

— Historical scan: The two acute stressors that require the harbor of office — WW) job expectation/demand, HH) loss of quiet time, similar to [1].

  • In Dec 2021, I had HH alone. WW was very light.
  • In Jan 2022, I had WW alone.
  • But in Apr-Jun 2020 i.e. first lockdown, I had WW (heavy) + HH (kids HBL). That’s the worst months that required the harbor.

choose less tasty foods #veg++

Eg: between grape vs grape tomato (roughly same price), grape is more sweet and delicious so sometimes I should avoid it. If I get too used to tasty food then I have a harder time accepting the super healthy raw veg like celery.

eg: if I eat lots of tasty fruits like grapes, persimmons, melons then it’s harder to accept raw veg

Principle of “simple lifestyle” but not as extreme like 苦行僧.

  • eg: between chicken breast and drumstick, I should eat more skinless chicken breast
  • eg: between sweet potato and yam, i should eat less sweet potato
  • eg: among the raw veg, celery is the least tasty, so I tell myself to eat a little bit whenever I can
  • eg: In Singapore I developed my own habit of choosing the least tasty vegetables at mixed-veggie-rice stall, such as 苦瓜,羊角豆,毛瓜, 豆芽,because those are the vegetables I need the most

leafy salad: G3 practical tips

raw-vegetable salad is the most healthy food, even healthier than fruits. (Also low cost and often pre-packaged 🙂 .) The only problem is taste. The creams are all very bad and I find most of the vegetables hard to swallow. Here are some tips

  1. non-leafy vegetables are often more palatable — cucumber, radish, beet, pepper, cauliflower,.. If you dislike the texture of raw leaves, then don’t beat yourself up. Don’t forget the celery experience?
  2. popular raw salad ingredients (pleasant to many) can be extremely unpalatable for me, so there’s absolutely no need to pretend I enjoy them — celery; raw carrot; bitter lettuce;
  3. add fruits — Virtually all fruits are low-calorie.
  4. add egg white? Much better than cheese dice
  5. chia
  6. mushrooms
  7. onion
  8. roasted carrot
  9. —- beyond the top 9
  10. crab meat, fish ball
  11. air-fried potato chips
  12. add chicken breast
  13. avocado as creamy ingredient? See avocado: satisfying #veg-salad
  14. olive oil? Small amount is fine. See olive oil: less harmful than other fats, still harmful
  15. nuts and raisin?
  16. —- disqualified
  17. honey? Can it improve the taste?
  18. yogurt as dressing? Not really satisfying to me
  19. cheese? Not as wholesome as nuts and avocado

##mini workout sprinkled into daily life #crossfit

Mini-exercise is my adaptation of “crossfit”, probably not close to the original but never mind.

#1 attraction – at this day and age, time and motivation and, to a lesser extent, running $cost are the real problems. Mini-workout requires little time or resources. Can use the staircase, or outside your office building, or at home. I am lucky to live on 2nd floor, with a nearby exercise corner.

The Pure fitness trainer reminded me to include resistance training, esp. at older age.

I wish to stop the deterioration of my flexibility. I want to stretch my neck, lower back ….

Mini-exercise makes it easier to involve kids.

I think there’s not much positive feedback in my mini exercises, but never mind. Perhaps I could stop focusing exclusively on the lengthy endurance training like swimming/jogging. The short bursts of intensity training can be more effective at calorie burning. Here’s the list

  • –flexibility:
  • Luckily we don’t need a big block of time like cardio. I feel 10 minutes of serious stretch can be effective.
  • Luckily very little resources needed. Can do some stretch in many places, but quiet and nice surrounding can reduce the resistance in me.
  • [F] shoulder stretch
  • [H] downward dog, cat, standing fold, frog, and other basic poses
  • — strength: I am fairly successful finding time for strength training
  • Luckily my resistance level is lowest here.
  • [H] pull-up
  • [FH] push-up , possibly with kids
  • [H] hand gripper
  • — stamina, cardio
  • 2-hour block of time proved very good for me, but let’s see how to create mini exercise.
  • [H] sit-up
  • [FH] rope-skipping
  • [FH] lunge — tricky spelling
  • jumping jack
  • birdie
  • double-bar dip
  • [FH] squat
  • [H] shoot-up with kids
  • [H] jumping jack
  • [F] stepper
  • –the rest
  • gym: make good use of the super-convenience
  • [H = home]
  • [F = office]

##absorbency[def#2]: 难度rank #wellness,xx

See also my blogpost on profit lock-in.

  • Each individual has limited disposable time.
  • Each individual has limited physical+mental energy. In other words,
  • Each individual has limited absorbency
    • eg: Before the /advent/ of goggles, The amount of /abuse/ a top swimmer’s eyes can tolerate determines her maximum amount of monthly practice and her competitive performance …. See https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-37064144
    • eg: After doing a few hours of coding drill I usually find it hard to continue… mental /fatigue/.

After much soul searching, here is my ranking of toughest absorbency /endeavors/. I mix 3 “domains” diet^workout^gz, to rank across them.

Note the ranking fluctuates. In some month, chin-up feels toughest,  but after 2 months coding drill would become the #1 toughest

Note that sometimes I have no “power surge” in any of these domains.

  1. — current ranking by “Spicy” and difficulty, like a pyramid, regardless of value
  2. [f] gz: coding drill requires more absorbency than QQ.
    • don’t forget review, requiring lower absorbency
  3. gz: localSys self-learning requires the highest absorbency # harder than employer-assigned project.
    • [t?] helps protect this nice job
  4. diet: fight the wrong-time temptation esp. with home cooking. Office is easier. Stop eating after 11pm.
  5. workout: stretch is the toughest workout by far, but at home on MRT a few minutes a day is doable
  6. [f] workout: chin-up # Note strength training is important as we age
    • push-up is easier
  7. diet: starch+fat abstinence [1] # harder than increasing raw veg
  8. gz: experiment and refresh blog on c++, socket, java,,
  9. [f] workout: jogging in TPY stadium # harder than group sessions
  10. [t==relatively temporary or short-term, not so strategic]
  11. [f==some “endeavors” can hit lower /resistance/ so the effort can, incredibly, become free-flowing and rewarding]

[1] Note overall calorie restriction is a high-level long-term endeavor and doesn’t belong to this list.
[2] 10Y is a nice number. ROTI of any effort always starts “decaying” within months. See long-term-planning: doubter QnA #一劳永逸

Note these chores do not induce mental fatigue:

  • commute
  • healthy food preparation
  • research on investment, nutrition
achievable x% @52 weeks
uphill journey,
against gravity
strategic [2]
depletes absorbency
#fatigue after a while
Any gentler
uphill path?
gz coding drill 9 <- 22 % 5% #rare 7Y y on MRT; 温故知新
gz localSys/proj 11 % 21% 3Y self-img,
job protection
y print out
gz QQ 77 <- 88 % 60% y not really
BMI resist wrong-
time temptation
11 % 3Y yes effort avoid home
@dinner time
BMI starch abstinence 44 % 3Y y
健身 yoga 2m/session 44 % never 7Y y
健身 yoga 30m/session 4 % = 2/Year never 1Y y group sessions
健身 yoga class 77 % 33% 1Y n NA
健身 chin-up 11 % 1% 1y
健身 push-up 44 % 7y
健身 jogging 55 % 30% Y stadium
misc 应用题 facetime 19% no yes requires my patience
+his absorbency


what2go with raw celery: fat-binge damageControl #西瓜

I don’t need yogurt, dips .. since I can easily live without them. Best “enhancer” for raw veg are the handful of highly identifiable ..

.. foods I wish to but can’t live without :

  1. ice cream,
  2. peanuts,
  3. cakes — cheesecake, brownie …
    • Luckily I don’t stash them
  4. chocolates,
    • luckily I don’t binge it
  5. cold cut — usually higher calorie than i want, though one ham hits 90cal/100g
    • luckily not so calorie-dense

The harsh reality — if I abstain from these (albeit not-most-fattening) foods for too long I get restless… withdrawal syndrome.

Therefore, the raw veg lightens and cushions, if not neutralizes the nutritional + guilt impact of calorie-dense foods. A and B help each other but raw veg is giving more help and receiving less help !

So right now which calorie-dense foods need the most help from raw veg? 1) starchy cooking by grandma 2) ice cream 3) chocolate

For example, when I have bought too many peanuts and ice cream, I buy lots of (expensive) raw veg to help deal with the calorie footprint + the loss of control.

Metaphor — imagine a seriously polluting manufacturer contributing huge goodwill money (beside taxes) from its profits, so much so that local community more than forgives the pollution — locals actually accept and prefer the polluter to be there.

Celery remains the least palatable veg. Let’s try heating it and removing the bitter juice. After that, many dips would probably work.

Q: what to go with raw celery? Note the raw celery has lots of juice so the lighter “pastes” get terribly diluted. You can see the raw celery shrink to less than half after heating and losing the juice.

  • watermelon — goes well with celery, both of them very juicy
  • peanuts :):) overall better than ice cream and cakes
  • roasted chicken breast :):) — more healthy than 老干妈
  • spicy Chinese sauce 老干妈 :):)  esp. the chunky stuff
  • chocolate and meat, esp. dried meat :):)
  • BBQ sauce 🙂
  • guacamole is helpful though not strong enough… hummus is slightly more effective and more resistant to dilution.
    • Note everyone (except those trained) finds raw veg hard to swallow, so the standard practice uses various salad dressing. If small amount of dressing then the combination is still healthier than other food choices.
  • yogurt
  • honey?
  • 黄豆酱?
  • 凉拌酱?
  • yam paste
  • onion-chop omelette

Sold at Trader Joe’s, the chopped mix with onion is palatable almost without anything added. Additionally, I could manually mix with peas and nuts though they contain some small amount of starch and fat. Plenty of guacamole proved a good taste-booster too. Let’s remember some tough foods like liver and 苦瓜 are extremely unpalatable, even awful if eaten in big chunks — must dice up or cut into thin strings

! Remember our goal (Tough goal) — reduce starch so as to reduce overall intake; calories is a secondary goal.

Celery isn’t a life-saving medicine. If too hard to swallow, then just eat a bit. No need for struggle with an obsession.

!! hungry]morning,should I eat raw veg@@ No

Q: Without any morning craving whatsoever , should I still eat some raw veg?

If I do, I worry that it might induce appetite. 80% psychological 20% physiological reaction.

Keeping the fast in this situation will help short-term and long-term weight management.

My current thinking — Eating those raw veg doesn’t satisfy any craving or make me feel better, but introduces (suspicion of) a risk of induced appetite.


## 11 raw veg I often eat+!condiment or juicing

Half ranked by unfamiliarity

  1. shredded cabbage #washed
  2. steamed broccoli — easy
  3. celery is the toughest, least palatable, but see suggestions below
  4. bell pepper slices — i ate it often in subway, more palatable than broccoli, carrot
  5. carrot — one of the toughest unless heated
  6. radish — (including the white) unique sharp taste
  7. spinach?
  8. onion
  9. lettuce
  10. tomatoes, with sugar. Grape tomato is often considered a fruit.
  11. cucumber

celery and carrot — see raw-veg: top5″relief”foods #questionable reputation and what2go with celery+carrot #give up if too hard

I feel proud and strong about my raw veg diet. I hope to increase the variety. How about

  • eggplant
  • pumpkin
  • garlic