3]1 printers #dependency@@


3-in-1 print/scan[1]/copy is what I need since 2017. My priorities:

  1. low-maintenance .. mostly about outages. Cartridge-replacement is LG2
  2. initial cost .. small amount actually
  3. total consumable cost over a unit’s lifespan (2Y typically)

maintenance ^ TCO trad-off …. For my “occasional printing”, inkjet likely wins on TCO while Laser has a slight edge in terms of maintenance.

Jolt: Once again, the mainstream priorities are unimportant to me, such as print finish, wireless print, even consumable cost

I don’t need any fancy features. I just need basic printing. All features come with headaches [reliability, set-up,,, ]

— feature: outage .. laser beats inkjet, but both types hit outages including scanning.
sleep mode is an outage when I need to access the LCD and power cycle the device ! However, if I can easily see the sleep mode, and easily wake it up, then not an outage.

Printer companies offer _onsite_ repair .. a testimony to the poor MeanTimeBetweenFailure in printers. There are more moving parts in the inkjet model, and more outages.
— feature: consumable replacement t-cost.. (including shopping, refill) laser beats inkjet. A light-duty laser toner can last 1000+ pages before replacement, but (Jolt) a heavy duty inkjet cartridge can last up to 800 pages if not drying up. Some Canon printers can configure for drying.. see below.
— feature: consumable cost… laser beats inkjet. This is LGlp, because I have a low “lifespan” expectation for both inkjet (1->1.5-2Y) and laser models (3-4Y) –> Jolt: As soon as it starts giving problem, I would want to terminate the pain and abandon it. So during the short lifespan, our consumable cost can’t escalate.

A laser toner costs about SGD 40 and can print 1000+

A 300-page Canon cartridge (original) costs SGD30. To reduce cartridge cost, you can get a $7 refill at a Simlim shop. Canon Singapore estimates that for 1080 prints [30 prints/M * 36M] ink consumable costs $100 … inferior to laser consumable. However, there are inkjet models with $0.0018/page. High-end inkjet can rival laser in consumable cost.
… Now I feel the simlim trip to refill is too t-costly. New cartridge can be bought near home.

— feature: initial cost… inkjet beats laser hands down. This cost difference /dwarfs/ the consumable cost difference
! The cheaper, the less baggage.. In 2019, I bought a USD 25 print-only model.

price range .. inkjet is much cheaper than laser in initial cost (also including consumable).
* Laser: [SGD200-300].
* inkjet: [SGD 69 – 100]

— feature: weight and size… inkjet beats Laser.
Lighter models can be moved easily and mounted on a higher shelf. Easier transport for repair
— feature: dry-up .. laser beats inkjet since there’s no worry about “dry-up if 3M no use”.
— [1] Need for scanning .. many people use camera but once a while we still need a “proper” scan of an important document like transcript, certificates.

— new advanges of inkjet over laser

  • energy .. inkjet printer uses (up to) 85% less energy
  • paper jam .. reduction, thanks to lower heat!
  • less bulky therefore easier to fit in.

water-proof? New inkjets are Completely safe, though my low-cost models may not
— $50 HP 2723e details
Android installer download takes a few minutes. The install requires 🙁 🙁 an HP account (Ldn 2011 with one metachar). This printer offers utterly unimportant features [wireless printing, instant ink] that require non-trivial set-up involving wifi capabilities that I don’t have or don’t know.

However, the $50 is a bargain price for the basic functionalities (I ignore those fancy features), so no complaints.

Wireless printing might be useful to wife. Need to confirm with her. Newer printers may have this feature too. Next buy can include this optional requirement.
— $69 Canon MG2570S (PG-745XL cartridge) details
PrintingPreference -> Maintenance -> Custom -> InkDryingWaitTime
~ Canon Pixma printer cartridge replace
🙂 no computer required, but stay powered
open the front cover. See youtube.
cartridge would automatically move to the middle for your access.

— Printer driver install
After driver installation, sooner or later, we need an initial connection between the hardware. A common juncture of failure.

If cable is loose or printer is off, then you can check using device-manager — unplugging/turning-off will remove an item immediately from device-manager; plugging/turning-on will add an item immediately to device-manager. Windows may also beep 🙂 These are good signs. If you don’t see any of these signs, then driver is broken or windows is broken.

Note Device manager is more low-level than Printers-n-scanners-page. It is able to show the new device earlier than PnSP can. Windows restart may be required before PnSP shows the new device.

Insufficient diskspace can mess up the installation in some strange way.

I prefer test-printing a single dot (notepad file).

==== 2-printer low cost set-up is one of the top 20 lifestyle improvements since 2020, but ..
Q1: will it be _needed_ in the long run? Probably for a few years
A: I choose to focus on the next few months

Q2: is it lifestyle creep?
A: depends on total cost [the dollar amount + the furniture support]. I think it’s worthwhile

Q3: is it unhealthy dependency?
A: also depends on “availability”. When I can’t have these printers, I will cope fine.

2-printer set-up proved to be surprisingly cost-effective and worthwhile, even though it entails lots of shelf space, wiring, power socket..

— j4: reflective writing.. 2-printer is useful for reflective writing.
When it’s available, I tend to print out, annotate, update online, then print out again.
Reflective writing is part of my wellness-driven life.
— j4: standing .. 2-printer also helps me stand more.

## effi^Dependency #weakening

Now I think most of my efficiencies, my peers’ efficiencies, organizational and government efficiencies are built on (“dependency”) some technologies. Dependency and efficiency might be the two sides of a coin.  In economics, another team for efficiency is productivity, largely correlated with technology. In this blogpost, I choose to focus on a specific theme “efficiency^dependency”, to avoid creating a vague, boundless blogpost.

Economics is about choices. If a /resource/ provides a new choice to achieve a goal, vs an older choice, then we compare the two choices in cost and benefits. I propose an acid test — A dependency is an _unhealthy_ choice if either
– costly .. more costly than alternatives, in t$
– or not dependable .. [including unavailable] in some important contexts

Q2: does it matter if no one else depends on this thing?
A: not much beyond my 2 criteria. The self-learning endeavor is slightly resource intensive.
.. Jolt: Most people in my community are not serious about this endeavor so they make do with a tiny screen ! This is similar to my attitude on cooking — I make do with simple healthy food as I don’t care about taste.

Q3: does it matter that the dependency tends to weaken our self-resilience? Walking stick is low-cost but not always available.
A: Yes I have seen it throughout my life and I try to reduce the weakness. But ..
.. Jolt: Consider King’s speech.. his dependency on his speech therapist makes him resilient rather than weak. The King is a symbol of fortitude. Costly and imperfect availability, but he has no better choice.

  • eg: 5-laptop set-up .. (all active). It sounds like over-dependency, but I would argue that the incremental benefit/cost is favorable at each acquisition. Cost and dependability both acceptable.
  • eg: dependency on office/McDonald/MRT as /harbors/ .. enhance my self-care, well-being. Cost tolerable. When unavailable, I was coping with some difficulty.
  • — blogging, learning .. See Q2
  • eg: printout for work/learning .. (in general). It does enhance my efficiency, proven over 20Y. When availability is a non-issue, this dependency is tolerable.
  • eg: 2-printer home set-up… does enhance my efficiency. See separate blogpost
  • eg: printout for paper-blogging .. does enhance my efficiency. (In this example, I want to focus on printout for _blogging_.) Consider the cost and reliability of basic printers, I feel this dependency is lower than the online-blogger’s dependency or the offline blogger’s dependency.
  • eg: my dependency on books .. inexpensive but not always available. I functioned well without books.
  • — wellness, where (jolt –> ) the “cost” of managing ill health is much higher
  • eg: yoga studio. See separate blogpost likes [21] 3M$450 PlatinumYoga reboot
  • eg: see the blogpost on $7.50 salad
  • eg: With dental hygiene, I rely on frequent dental scaling to compensate for flossing. The t$cost@scaling is tolerable in SG but will someday become less available, and resemble the yoga situation.
  • eg: The jogger backpack enhances convenience at a small cost. The purist can say it is an unnecessary convenience, but I disagree. See also Q2.
  • — economies
  • eg: SG and many governments rely on e-gov technologies .. efficient. Not costly when you consider the efficiency benefits.
  • eg: many economies have a serious dependendency on fossil fuel. Questionable Dependability. However, the alternative solutions are often more costly and less dependable.

— eg: tuition centers… Many say “unreliable” because sooner or later we must become self-motivated. Well, how about dependency on school?
Many adults still choose to go back to school and learn something, including me, Rahul, 金庸. The alternative of self-learning is neither efficient or effective.

##reduce dependencies @tech #wpress, WPS

Scope .. we could talk about all forms of dependency, but to give this blogpost a lasting meaning, we have to restrict ourselves. Just dependency on technologies please.

Managing this dependency is a lifelong struggle.

Technology is supposed to enhance our lives. I think healthcare and transport technologies are poster boys, but most of the technologies in our everyday life is just for convenience. It could breed over-dependency and weaken our self-reliance.

Technology reliability is improving, but still less reliable than traditional solutions.
— printer, with all the consumables + repairs
Prefer office printer, but ideally  .. “use to the max, but don’t bleed all over if unavailable”
— touchscreen .. on external monitor or laptops
— dual monitor at home .. After I return to office, I could put away the external monitor.
— wpress and git-blogging
Dhost is not free 🙁

Online blogging is dependent on connectivity 🙁 Git-blogging is slightly better.
— email is a better dependency than chat apps. Outlook is a big dependency. Gmail is a lighter dependency.
bold !
— MSOffice is reliable, familiar, but not free. As my cashflow high ground rises, there’s a lifestyle creep tendency to “just pay lah”. It does pre-empt some stressors, since I can pay once and use the same license across my 4+ laptops

Should try WPS office. zqbx, successZ, adaptation

===== above are infocomm dependencies. Below are other technological dependencies
— aircon
— washing machine .. less eco-friendly than manual

[21]choosing a personal trainer+diet coach

In 2018, I set a budget of USD 10k to hit+keep 60kg #Kyle. Bindi said $100+/session. She said a package costs $1-2k with quantity discount.

I believe Bindi that once I pay such big amounts, I would feel motivation and commitment, providing the last 10% boost I need to reach my target.

Q: unhealthy dependency?
A: On my deathbed I would probably say NO.. It is worthwhile
A: costly, poor availability/sustainability but what are the other choices?  Without trainer, the choice is stagnant BMI.

— xp: Piano .. Do I regret spending the money? Not much.
How about UChicago experience? Yes regretful .. too much t$cost

— criteria: trial session. Bindi said “Yes possible to have trials with that many trainers.” I think they would trust me as I look serious. Free trials are the standard practice, and a standard part of doing business.
— criteria: session count and frequency
— criteria: his/her preferred locations. Ideally TPY or RFP
— criteria: cost per month. Will fundamentally influence my commitment
— criteria: age, gender .. non-issue. I probably prefer the very young or the part-timer.
— criteria: email reader. The trainer can respond by brief emails or phone apps
— criteria: friend referral? Avoid !
— criteria: what if a trainer is a jack of all trades? Not sure maybe he/she could help me.
— criteria: qualification for nutritional .. Need a coach/counsellor rather than an expert nutritional specialist.
How about referral by the polyclinic dietician? To get subsidized rate, need to get referral by a polyclinic doctor!

The Raffles Doctors said that doctors are specialists on disease prevention, while trainers are specialists on welleness enhancement. Many doctors don’t know how to improve wellness [weight or fitness…] Trainers can have more knowledge than doctors in those domains. They would provide diet + workout professional guidance on your journey to BMI goal.

— goal: muscle-up
— goal: flexibility? LG2 I don’t think I can improve much. I think this topic will pop-up and take up lots of hours, so best discussed by mail.
— goal: 62.0 -> 60 kg sustainable for a month. Achievable. Have been too tough to do it myself.
I told Bindi this is probably the #1 goal.

— input from a Raffles doctor .. This doctor reiterated that trainers can be effective for my BMI goal.
A trainer may hear your goals, and still suggest more muscle build-up. BMI may increase

yoga: dependency^self-practice

This reflective blogpost .. written after in-depthdiscussion with Platinum yoga salesman.

— I once said that “a dependency is unhealthy if costly or non-dependable”.

Well, in many places commercial yoga would be unavailable (not dependable).

As I told Platinum salesman, U.S. and Philippines both offer cheaper classes. Even there, price is still a luxury, unsustainable. What if one day I move to a location without classes, or what if I can no longer afford? Admittedly, the current cost is some small percentage of my income, but I stand resolute against that view. I aim to save 70% to 80% of my income so this cost is a big chunk of my disposable income, something like $100/M.

A secondary factor is the tcost. I have to pick the session, commute, arrive in advance, wind down. Total tcost was about 3 hours in Bayonne. Even at 2H/session, it’s very hard to maintain 2 sessions/week for months.

— self practice .. For a sustainable practice, I must rely on myself.

The Platinum salesman had a valid argument that my self-practice is far from enough, so I told him “Climbing one flight of stairs 5 times a week, or even one squat 7 times a week consistently … is also far from enough but challenging and beneficial for some.”

It’s harmful and counterproductive to be fixated on an unrealistic target. As long as I fail to practice enough hours of weekly yoga, the commercial trainers would always say “You need to practice more”.

In reality, 99% of guys in my age group won’t do 3 sessions a week (not even once/month), so these centers are basically implying that “Most of you need to pay someone to help you achieve what you should (but can’t) achieve by yourself.” Harmful propaganda, similar to the brainwash by tuition center or weight-loss supplements.

multi-cockpit design: #OOSOOM


Having 2 cockpits (with 2 printers) is a luxury, but I do appreciate privacy in some cockpit. During off-work hours, the ultimate privacy cockpit is office.

A real cockpit needs many small bins including drawers

— cockpit1 to get MLP monitor?
🙁 will reduce standing time
🙁 moving the desk out to access the wiring would be harder
🙁 desk rather small

— pain relief: reducing the acute dependency on home cockpits.
Aha: If I can sleep earlier on most days, then more public cockpits (never mind office cockpit) are viable.
Aha: If I can use minimalist cockpits, then more public cockpits are viable, and I can let meimei sleep in her room and have more intimacy even after wife starts working
Aha: avoid eating while working on computer. This way, minimalist cockpit is more viable.

Q: the most important j4 cockpit?

  1. OOSOOM .. see below
  2. big table to lay out my personal stuff .. Not possible in public cockpits
  3. some (small) rack as overflow storage

— minimalist cockpit .. easier to relocate

  • Depend on a rack in cockpit? I have reduced this “dependency” to a tiny (or smaller) overflow storage
  • Depend on a printer or external monitor? Luxury. I now delay printing to office
  • Depend on big desk in cockpit? Can hold big monitor. Can hold food tray while work on the laptop. These features are luxuries not essential.

I used to rely on a minimalist “public cockpit” in MRT , bus interchange, library or a fast-food restaurant. I think that practice would tend to increase my dependency on WPress.
— cockpit_0 in living room..
distraction — see cope with distractions, stick out]cockpit1
— cockpit2 in room 2 but tablespace too limited
— cockpit3 in master room if meimei sleeps in her own room. I need to stand ready to relocate my cockpit2.
🙂 built-in shelf space in the nearby wardrobe, but no enough
— cockpit1 in boy’s room .. not sure if boy will accept it, so unwise to install 4 power points.

Avoid eating if big monitor is set up.

— OOSOOM.. Opening example: when wife scolds ah-boy, even when I was locked into my cockpit#2, I would often decide (unwisely) to come out and scold ah-boy. Slippery slope… losing my concentration, if not losing my cool in the end —

I often under-estimate the importance of oosoom due to boy’s (but never meimei’s) misbehavior.

Out-of-sight-out-of-mind is the Main j4 privacy and advantage of cockpit#2. For this purpose, I need to remember the earphone. See ##private corners during lockdown

==== makeshift cockpit4: laundry room with unique “privacy hours”

  • Can  set up wall-mounted (glue) shelves as overflow storage, but wife may not like, and tcost could be prohibitive
  • suction hooks
  • natural lighting is better than lamp during morning, evening and cloudy afternoons. Night time can use either the super-bright laundry ceiling lamp or the toilet ceiling lamp.
  • .. If too bright (not sure how often), then paste something on window, or turn the screen
  • need to avoid rain
  • need a real stool for occasional sit-down. Alternatively, can unplug n carry laptop to any table.
  • use power extension bar for now. Later consider adding 2 permanent power points right below common bathroom window. Monitor, laptop and Printer can all use power strip.
  • kitchen door to block out noise. TV is further away. OOSOOM beats #1173
  • signal strength.. Try
    1. 0-tiger when available. At late night, the hotspot is more usable at cockpit4, though the visible bars look bad
    2. power line devices .. ctbz [periodically power off to prolong service life]
    3. vivo hotspot .. _b_u_t_ Beware the huge risk of leaving home without it
    4. mlphone hotspot … _b_u_t_ need to monitor mlphone data usage, though I have a justification to use it in my “new, unfurnished cockpit”
    5. use a “bridge” laptop hotspot in 2.4GHz .. with/out power saving. No consumption of mobile data 🙂
    6. moving to the dining table at night … _b_u_t_ I won’t be able to stand

Q : (introspection) If cockpit1 is “guaranteed”, what do I value in cockpit 4 beside connectivity?

  1. A: standing desk. Am treating the standing desk as worth $400. Standing is self-care
  2. bigger desk .. for big monitor [efficiency], among other things. In contrast, Cockpit 1 has a smallish desk, but I can adapt.

Q : (introspection) If cockpit4 is there, what do I value in cockpit 1 beside connectivity?

  1. A: noise/privacy
  2. A: Air-conditioner. Saving grace — Water tap is near cockpit4.. better than #1173 living room
  3. shelf space… but I don’t feel deprived in cockpit4

solo person #Schopenhauer #retire


k_X_power_descriptor  k_soul_search

I’m a solo person, not a social person. Schopenhauer : “The capacity to be alone is one of the most distinctive marks of a high intellectual being.”

— dependency on other people .. Many Buddhists advocate detachment, self-reliance and the impermanence of close relationships. Stay Connected in bad times like covid19? Sure but watch out for overreliance.

Many depend on other people[service providers,,] to keep them /entertained/ and engaged. Though total independency is impractical, it is reasonable to depend on print media or offline electronic content, or depend on musical instrument, painting equipment… Without any justification, I feel offline movie (VCD) is reasonable dependency, but cinema would be over-dependency.

A job would provide better connectedness, though it is still a dependency on other people.

— too much free time .. I seldom have “too much” free time but when I do have that luxury, I tend to spend the precious free time in /solitude/ (rather than with my little bundles of joy) on

  • #1 reflective blogging including diary + recoll
  • personal investment
  • solo exercise
  • reading

— reflective blogging 4 solitary personality
Jolt on sightseeing .. I used to envy those ex-classmates, ex-colleagues who travel widely for sightseeing. Now I think they resemble my boredom-stricken kids — they are to various extent dependent on the new experiences to keep them (stimulated and) feeling alive. More than half the intellectuals I admire are not so dependent on sightseeing. My father is the best-understood example. He enjoys sightseeing but is completely fine with the (pandemic) travel restrictions.

Writing/blogging, painting, sculpture, music-making, reading, some singing (in my experience) .. is solitary. My long emails are semi-solitary. Social media apps are not. They require another person to respond in real time. I’m a solo person, not a social person. I seldom have “too much” free time but when I do, I tend to spend the precious free time by myself (rather than with kids) on

  • #1 reflective blogging including diary + recoll
  • personal investment
  • solo exercise
  • reading

— sunset years[晚年].. solitude (rather than loneliness) is a positive thing. Physical self-reliance is probably the foundation of solitude. [[Nomadland]] is an introspective journey about solitude in old age.

Depending on their health, many old women have varying degrees of active social lives including grandchildren duties. In contrast, many old men (+a few women) sit in bus interchanges to avoid loneliness. My father might be a victim of “loss of social interaction”. Some 10-20% of old folks have no meaningful interaction with their children or grandchildren.

What’s my profile? I am very chatty and tend to spend lots of time chatting/emailing with friends. As I prepare for my sunset years, it’s plausible to reduce that dependency.

Harmony: Instead of “avoid”, I want to prepare [well in advance, as a role model] and live with solitude, serenity and zqbx:

  • sugg: seek activities with periodic seminars and meet-ups
  • .. recreational stock trading, within some *community*
  • .. recreational AMB
  • .. buy supplements and join the sponsored clubs
  • .. buy insurance from different companies. Agents tend to follow up periodically.
  • .. church group
  • .. workout groups
  • sugg: live close to grown-up children, and bring a big nest egg
  • sugg: roaming retirement
  • sugg: prefer warm locations .. easier to go out and meet people
  • .. sugg: prefer walkable locations
  • sugg: teach
  • sugg: volunteer
  • sugg: dev-till-70 and beyond

A.Brook’s 2019 article also pointed out the final years of Bach vs someone. It seem to paint a bleak picture of sunset years in solitude.

[[King’s speech]] resilience despite dependencies

There are individuals who don’t need to rely on others. They appear to be resilient in the lone wolf sense, but I don’t know how common they are, or how strong they actually are.
I guess in most cases, resilient people tap on a “support network” rather than act as lone wolves.

One of the most intimate illustrations is counselling, like sexual issues, phobias, obsessions, addictions, behavior issues. Optimism (in the Lone-wolf sense) is just a word, often a weak and ineffective word by itself. Positive thinking is .. ditto. In half the non-trivial cases, the individual needs guidance and a helping hand. Dependency yes, but that’s real resilience for real people.

Emotional intelligence and Resilience are two misunderstood concepts.

  • EQ is way more than empathy; its foundation is self-awareness…
  • Resilience is not bulletproof, as explained in resilience #WhyFactor

Today I want to focus on resilience in spite of dependency.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_King%27s_Speech#Plot says the King’s speech therapist was always present at King George VI’s speeches during the war… ?! When I look at it with my red hat or black hat on, I would say Bertie was a failure and weakling with a constant need for (permanent dependency on) his therapist.

Such a hostile, /derogatory/, pessimistic assessment is unfair to King George, who became known as a symbol of British determination to win the WW2. The King demonstrated tremendous inner strength during WW2 and the post-war /disintegration/ of the British Empire.

It’s not necessarily a sign of weakness to rely on outside help, on a daily basis, as long as the individual is making a real effort, fighting her daily battle.

  • eg: Think of a weak student who needs constant help but also works hard on her own. I was a truly self-reliant student who doesn’t need as much help as my classmates, but that doesn’t make me a resilient student. In fact, those classmates (who depended on help) could come out on top, thanks to their resilience.
  • eg: I think many musicians and creative artists are dependent on drugs, alcohol, smoking… I would say some of them are capable, productive in their creative domains.
  • eg (fictional): Bane with his dependency on pain relief apparatus … is somehow feared as a strongman, but his dependency was proven to be his Archile’s hill when Batman attacked the tubes.
  • eg (specific) : Chairman Mao is a strong man, but also a chain smoker i.e. substance dependency.
  • eg (within my circle): Rahul is a determined, hard-working teammate I observed for a year+.  However, you could say he has a mild addiction to gaming and tobacco.
  • eg (within my family): my sis is a strong, tough, resilient woman. However, she had mild addictions to tobacco, overspending. I know her better than I know the other examples, but I tend to pass heavy judgement on her.
  • optimism and longevity .. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/10/study-optimists-are-more-likely-to-live-past-age-90-heres-why.html says leveraging social support is associated with optimism. These optimist women are less likely to go it alone when facing adversity.

resilience #WhyFactor #to merge

See also

  1. the 2013 blogpost [13]success hinges on resilience; success+!setback, a completely unrelated discussion on resilience.
  2. [[[King’s speech]] resilience despite dependency #EQ

https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/w3csyv0l is a WhyFactor production on Resilience

  • top level of resilience is the support network available to an individual.
    • The more supported we feel, the more resilient we tend to become. However, some individuals (children esp.) become dependent on external support and less resilient.
  • middle level — most familiar level of “resilience” is psychological resilience.
  • base level — biological resilience — how in distress you maintain your sleep, fitness, diet, immunity, serenity.

— jolt: resilient people are often those able to articulate and ask for help

Resilience is not bulletproof (invulnerable is another word). I would say everyone goes thorugh fears, pains, stress, setbacks,,,. If you like to be one of those who don’t “break” easily, then I think we first need to stop pretending to be strong, and stop aiming to become stronger. The hardest material tend to be rigid and brittle. SPRaja told me about “bend and sway” — that’s resilience.

“True resilience is accepting help”, proclaims one resilient African women featured in the WhyFactor. I explored in this blogpost on seeking help . When we talk about “true resilience” we often refer to oversized huge blows including covid19. The biggest blows in one’s life is often too big to handle by oneself, when it is crucial to have developed the skills to articulate and seek help.

pay premium2live close2jogg`track #effort hurdle

Compare two homes for sale. AA is 2 minute away from a jogging track (park, stadium .. not roadside), while BB is 10-minute away, perhaps due to a traffic junction. I have lived in BB locations many times in my life, so I know.

Most people believe such a small difference is not worth SGD 10k, but now I’m considering 100k, due to the effort required to overcome the “inertia hurdle”. If it’s easier, however slightly, to work out, then many motivated individuals (like me) would work out more. As a real example, I observed and declared in my 30’s that I only need to persuade myself to reach the stadium gate. I don’t need to set a (daunting) goal of x minutes of workout. Once I reach the stadium, the chance of me working out for at least 10 minutes is above 99%. The big effort required is really on the “going” not the workout.

related eg: teeth brushing — when I had two toothbrushes PREpared with tooth paste on them, then my frequency of tooth brushing increased 50-100%.

As I age I have more appreciation of the inertia hurdle. This hurdle is human nature, affecting everyone including the “stronger” individuals among us. If you really prioritize exercise as a lifestyle, and you value the amount of “quality” time you spend exercising, then be prepared to pay a real amount and live near a jogging track.

Let’s explore the AA^BB question critically.

— Q: How about paying $2k/Y for a gym membership?
A powerful argument, but I still prefer the jogging track due to 24-hour access. More importantly, I feel much better jogging in open air than on treadmill.

Q: how about a class including yoga?
Yes $2k/Y would be worthwhile indeed, so AA + reliable exercise classes is more worthwhile than BB at a 100k premium.

The class schedule would be a recurring reminder.

— In terms of long-term motivation and lifestyle improvement, living close to a jogging track is more effective than experiencing a death in the family. The latter can help you overcome inertia for a few months at best.


— Q: is it over-dependency on external resources?
Well, even though some resilient people are strong enough to need no help, most resilient people tend to rely on external help as revealed in the WhyFactor production on Resilience.

Similarly, seeking help from Cinga counsellors doesn’t automatically make me an incompetent parent.

So in reality, BB can be life-enhancing for me despite the associated dependency on proximity to jogging track.