##[19] 2+1 current endeavors #奋进号

Current list of my personal endeavors, the simpler and less verbose the better:

  1. body-building for IV — more long term impact, more direct impact on family wellbeing
  2. make careful decisions about next job in SG

Second-tier endeavors:

  • wellness
  • research on income generators — a pet project with OTH risk!
    • need more effective control on distraction i.e. Oth of trading+investment accounts, credit scores ..

I like the word “endeavor” as the name of a space shuttle! 奋进号

## recent personal efforts -} tangible payoff


These positive experiences are the precious positive feedback loops I seldom see in people’s lives, supposed to reinforce positive behavior change but in reality not so motivating. (Reality in human nature is far from ideal.) Very likely the positive behavior will stop, replaced with shopping, leisure surfing, movies, gaming, binge, or loafing.

  • — Strictly-visible progress —
  • coding drill and c++ QQ muscle building -> more tech wins .. MS and SCB offers
  • muscle building -> higher income at MS
  • burn rate is kept rather low
  • weight loss and pull-up
  • massive, huge perseverance -> a few yoga poses improving slightly
  • improvement in lifelong eating habit — raw veg diet
  • improvement in lifelong eating habit — skip and delay meals, a form of intermittent fast
  • improvement in lifelong eating habit — starch dependency reduction
  • improvement in lifelong eating habit — no food after 10pm except fruits and raw veg.
  • improvement in lifelong eating habit — sleep before the dreaded appetite kicks in, a form of intermittent fast

## consistent effort may show Slow results #yoga,algo

It depends on the domain and the individual’s absorbency, among other things

  • coding drill — Youwei felt if I put in a few months of coding drill, then I should be able to crack the FB interview. I doubt it
    • However, without the effort it is very unlikely.
  • yoga — for my body, even a year of weekly practice may not get me into some of the toughest poses like … no examples needed
    • However, other poses are showing visible progress
  • stamina — I think most people can improve in terms of lung/heart/mental capacity
  • chin-up — (+ other strengths) i think most people can improve
  • … now the most important domain
  • weight via calorie — I think the body can be gradually conditioned to get slightly more used to calorie restriction.
    • “More used” may not be noticeable.
    • Impossible to measure. Only you know if you are “more used”. If you have a pessimistic attitude you won’t notice the “more used”.
    • I believe the body does get used to it — Buddhist philosophy. If you are left alone on Mars for x months your body would get used to low calorie.
    • Many people give up and relapse, but before the replace weight does improve.

[18] 20 uphill breakthroughs #wellness/IV/xx


Top 5 unexpected big wins is a similar analysis

I will use A/B rating for “effort  |  result”. Note achieving a “B-” is a huge effort like an Oscar nomination.

  • A-|A+ [Sec 2, age 14] Chinese compo
  • B|C [1992] English listening (including BBC), much harder than reading
  • A|B+[1993] English compo + speaking, much harder than listening
  • B|A[2010] java/SQL/Unix QQ. I am a natural and didn’t need to struggle too long to break through:)
  • C|C [2012] c#. I’m a natural, but it is still an uphill for most guys in my circle.
  • B-|C [2017] c++ coding drill. Huge effort but not huge improvement
  • A|B- [2019] no belly no medical condition, very healthy and fit except borderline cholesterol

.. rest are heavy-hitters, on steeper uphill. Note the C ratings set the benchmark.

  • C|C [2014] multiple properties paid up in full. Rare among my peers.
  • A|C [2017] c++ QQ, including focused coding experiments to learn rvr, TMP
  • B|B [2018] weight loss + chin-up
  • A|C+ [2018] yoga — many false starts. Really hard Unthinkable for my entire life until 2018. Huge effort despite limited progress
  • C|A- [2016-2018] ffree achievement and planning. Hard to achieve at my age, given my modest income

##slimm^fatten`habits through%%life

–slimming habits

  1. consistently saying NO to oily social snacks though attractive and socially popular
  2. consistently saying NO to mayo or salad dressing
  3. no interest in alcohol, coffee, sugary drinks,,, despite peer influence. Prefer water.
  4. I seldom even look at vending machines, which sells mostly fattening snacks, any time you want them. Vending machines are not attractive to me at all.
  5. consistently using pull-up and push-up to gauge my strength relative to weight
  6. more fruits than I want to
  7. vegetarian — as of 2003 I had repeatedly declared myself 80% vegetarian; in 2012 home dinners I often leave the meats behind.
  8. spot the visible fat. I believe every tidbit counts. I hate paying such high calorie “price” to gain basically nothing.
  9. self-restraint on oily foods like creamy, deep fried ,,, despite my natural tendency
  10. [f] delayed dinner. Some people eat dinner early and don’t feel hungry at night, but my body is different
  11. —  good diet habits beyond slimming
  12. picking vegetables that I seldom eat or hate to eat. My body probably need these nutrients more

–fattening habits before I recognized them

  1. late night big meal. Since Dec 2018, I can control the portion size.
  2. starch. Since Nov 2018, I can reduce daily intake by 30% (up to 70%)
  3. nice peanuts; ice cream; cheese in anything is attractive
  4. “finish off” a residual amount in home meal
  5. reluctance to discard food
  6. on social occasions accept peanuts that aren’t tasty at all
  7. cake-history buns once a day — once formed, this habit was hard to break
  8. heavy afternoon snacks of nuts, starch ..
  9. [u] pizza
  10. [u] creamy soup, white sauce
  11. [f=intermittent fasting, against the wrong-time temptation]
  12. [u=U.S. only]

##[16] too much/little time spent on

Update: [[effective engineer]] points out that most of the time we spend has low leverage, but that’s for another blog post

These are some of the most noteworthy areas where I spend either too much or too little time. Either preoccupation or insufficient “laser” focus

  • kid’s self-responsible habit. “Initiative” is the word I use.
  • preparing for  US –  requires quietime deep thinking
  • Appropriate – kid’s fitness
  • Appropriate – train him to check his own mistakes.
  • Appropriate – daily exercise including mini/quick cross training
  • Appropriate – c++ coding practice
  • Appropriate – blogging
  • —-Now the “too much” items:
  • unit trusts?
  • retirement planning discussions?
  • kid’s school marks?

##[16] disposable time: Burn #rmXp


k_tyrant_of_rmSelf   k_rmSelf_vs_xpSelf … k_mellow

By “burn or rot” I mean something specific. We each get some hours of spare time in a day. You can either use the time productively (burn) or let it slip through your fingers and drip down the drain (rot).

Here, I don’t include the “booked” time we have limited control over, such as commute, or paying bills.

So what spare time usages make me feel burning?

  1. tech xx — body-building
    1. finmath xx ? I feel less confident … long shot
  2. physical workout
  3. resume improvement
  4. work from home, so I can feel less guilty “loafing” in office next day
  5. going to office on weekends. I always end up more productive even if only slightly, because there’s no family distraction.

Therefore, with a block of free time, I would rather spend it on 2 and 5, away from the distraction. 95% of the burn is related to self-care, including self-improvement and body-building. This is /deep in my psyche/.

80% of the effort to help boy and family don’t feel like burning, but boy is “burning”!

Below are some of the “burning” things that I failed to recognize.

  • help out at home? A duty. It really makes wife feel better
    • grocery shopping with boy
  • learning new gadgets? The personal productivity apps can actually help professional and personal growth, but I don’t feel that way!
    • compare to learning IDE
  • expense tracking? I need to be objective and recognize the need to do this
  • financial planning, short or long term. Important but I probably spend too much time
  • help boy with renzi, piano, weight loss, including blogging

Now here are some of the controversial spare time usages, ranked by the amount of time

  1. outing with boy, as big reward
  2. boy character building (including blogging) — time consuming but See https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/2016/04/04/time-poorly-spent-helping-boy-with-study/
  3. read Chinese stories to boy, since he’s not willing to read by himself

Combined, I feel I spend about half of my disposable time on boy, including half-day outings and hours spent reading Chinese. So far, I don’t really feel productive (burning). Need to resolve. Either recognize it as burning or recognize it as rotting and correct it.

##looking forward to..

  • [15] getting over the hump with local system, so I could spend more days in sg, with family
    • also respect and appreciation
    • also satisfaction in the achievement
  • [7] visible progress with leetcode (medium) questions
  • thick->thin and xref, connecting the dots and reach the next depth of understanding
  • [1] study or coding in Burger King
  • [1] morning jog
  • basketball
  • [1] fancy fruits, indulgence foods
  • [7] visible progress with chin-up
  • [90] next family reunion
  • [90] next flight
  • [1[ more insight about parenting, self-discovery etc via blogging
  • [number like 7 = that many days … like a 7-day horizon]

MRP xp #powder no satiety

Without starch, even if I load up 2000 calories worth of powder, it will not fill my stomach.

Similarly, if I eat a small sandwich with a thick butter chunk (2000 calories in total), it has no chance of filling my stomach.

This is a challenge to the calorie theory.

Meal replacement powder (MRP) usually comes in 200-400 calories per serving, designed to replace the smallest meal of the day and offer slightly fewer calories than a regular meal. My GNC Meal replacement powder is rich in protein + fiber and also contains 3.5g of fat and 8g of starch in a 52g serving. In contrast to pure protein, this shake should be more filling. I asked the GNC salesman “Can I take another serving if still hungry?”. He said “Give it a day. Next day you may try two servings.” I could follow that and start 2nd day with 2 shakes each time. One bottle has 16 shakes, about 8 meals.

Don’t expose to temptations like cakes, biscuits, nuts etc. If you are unprotected from the temptation, then don’t expect this meal replacement to work. If no temptation, i think one “MRP meal” can last 4 hours. With temptation, it is 20 minutes!

A guy at Downtown Pharmacy (Marin Blvd) shared his experience that MRP can’t really replace a meal.

Overall, I feel powder (or any liquid) can’t provide satiety. I feel the meal-replacement feature simply doesn’t work for me. I get hungry faster than other people. Consider a 2000-cal peanut butter shake with ice cream float. I feel such a heavy drink may have a chance to work only with some solid foods like raw veg.

Consider mixing one scoop MRP + one scoop of whey + teaspoon of chia
🙂 cheaper than MRP alone
🙂 precise calorie budgeting and tracking
🙂 more filling
🙁 2 open bottles to manage

— 25 Jan I tried my first MRP exactly as prescribed — 2 level scoops mixed with cold water not milk. Should provide 210 calories. It looks like 10->20-25% of a regular meal. Indeed, to some testers, it might feel like 10% of regular meal. It’s unthinkable that this small shake is designed to replace a breakfast or a lunch.

Finished this meal around 4.15pm NY time. At 2.5 hour mark I still felt full. At 4hr mark, i felt a tolerable hunger, thanks to absence of temptation.

— 1 Feb I took 2 level scoops after 8pm 1 Feb. I felt slightly hungry within an hour but didn’t eat anything substantial until 10.30pm when wife offered me the left-over noodles

— 7 Feb after LIRR, in b@a lobby I had 2 scoops around 6.30am. Soon I felt hungry without obvious temptations. By 8am  in office, I felt very hungry, but I decided to /tough it out/. I only had some almond milk + steamed pepper around 10am.

## some healthy-sounding foods 被质疑