Tag: t_NUS^UCh
NUS^UChicago: %%grades
— my academic race during NUS vs UChicago years
In my initial NUS years I was confident about hitting A’s. I was well above average in my cohort of mostly NS-men. I started somewhere close to the Dean’s List but gradually dropped to just above average. In the crucial Year4, I scored lots of C’s and D’s. In hind sight, I was losing my position in the more important “second half”. I ended up with Upper2ndClass honors. Probably I was outshone by classmates who caught up from behind.
In UChicago, I had the reverse experience. I started with low expectations — a pass in every subject. Then I emerged well above average and scored mostly A’s. I maintained high grades all the way, finishing in AAAA-. In the beginning I felt “A is long shot; B would be good; C enough” Perhaps I moved up the competition over the 3 years.
Q: was my UChicago grades as-expected and a foregone conclusion?
A: Obviously not. As the oldest student, I was hoping for a few B’s and mostly C’s. I impressed and exceeded myself, largely due to my outstanding effort. So the top grades are a real ROTI.
— dean’s list fixation.. We all have limited laser energy, unable to examine every concept in depth. The NUS dean’s list concept is never critically examined , and allowed to roam free, and often dominate my self-assessment of JLCJ (江郎才尽). Similarly, the 1stClassHonors concept is also poorly examined, and served to reinforce the same self-assessment. A Dean’s List student (Kar Peo?) may also suffer a JLCJ inferiority. She may point out that she only won twice, out of luck. She may lament about her current income, or her interview performance,,,
I tend to dismiss or forget my book prize, my 2Y EDB full scholarship and my academic achievements before and after NUS.
20 years after graduating from NUS, one thing I remember about my NUS benchmark performance (relative to my earlier schools) was the 2nd-class honors. In hindsight, I guess a big reason was the final year project (sinking), or perhaps having two D’s (sinking) automatically disqualifies me for first-class honors. There’s no point analyzing it, since we have no verifiable or inside knowledge.
After a good freshman year when I almost made it to Dean’s list, the NUS benchmarks gradually eroded/decimated my positive self-image as a top student, as benchmarked to my cohort. My self-evaluation went through an “NUS-recalibration“. In contrast, my primary schools, Shiyan, HJC, A-levels and Uchicago all gave me better grades than NUS. End-to-end, I developed very early a self-image (reputation too) as a competent, almost top student, up to NUS Y1, and finally revived it at UChicago.
I didn’t get near the top in NUS and finished just above average, but then in UChicago I scored well above average. In terms of GPA there’s no ranking but I assume I /finished/ near the top.
— the sinking feeling with the D’s .. As described in the “sinking feeling” blogpost, the two D’s in NUS brought down my hope of postgrad in a top university. I thought to myself “no chance for any postgrad in a top university, given the many D’s and C’s on my transcript”. In 1993, I missed the chance to get a branded degree. (K.Hu also mis chance, due to ill health.) By 1998, the prospect diminished further. I was lagging behind my peers, with their prestigious degrees in MIT, Purdue. The prestige really bothered me on and off for decades.
Shiyan also gave me a sinking experience in 1989 保送高中. Similarly, the Dean’s List is determined by the school based purely on academic competition (rather than students applying to an external entity). In this sense, UChicago treated me arguably better than Shiyan or NUS. Be Grateful to UChicago. 饮水思源.
— renaissance @ UChicago..
UChicago believed in me.. As explained in teams who chose me≠2ndClass, UChicago reviewed many applicants with self-statements and professor recommendations, and they liked my profile.
UChicago accepted my application despite my NUS grades. I ought to be Grateful. (I guess my application essay helped as it was very personal and truthful. ) My UChicago grades were mostly A’s with two B’s. Self-image restored. Grateful again. This qualifies as one of the G3 ROI’s of my huge allocation to UChicago.
Q: Between the two, do I rather have better grades at NUS or UChicago?
A: Obviously UChicago, because of the prestige and calibre.
A: also, I want my “last grades” to be highest, Ending on a high note. This result is much better than the alternative scenario: NUS [1st-class honors, Dean’s list] -> UChicago [mediocre grades]. I would have felt that I’m only good enough for Singapore , not strong enough on the world stage…
Without uchicago uplifting, my mental self-portrait would be permanently blemished with tiny scars, labelled with a B .. all due to the NUS grades [2nd class]. Look at Venkat of OC, Gary.G and the Shankar of Polaris. No amount of professional accomplishment would be sufficient to overcome that permanent label. The most one can do about that label, is to look at the big picture and refuse to be enslaved by the label.
Q: how common and unremarkable was my benchmark improvement after NUS 江郎才尽? Would I predict the same for other bright but mediocre students like Venkat (OC), Rahul, Genn,,,?
A: I won’t predict the same for them.
Looks like I fared much better in math than engineering!
Q: Did I end up on a high note due to luck, effort, or something else?
— coding IV vs theoretical IV.. self-perception
- The NUS grades “re-calibration” cast a long shadow over my self-confidence, esp. in the crucial game(s) of tech interview.
- Once I entered WallSt 10 years later , I started cracking a series of QQ interviews and regained my self-confidence in my mental power.
- Then came the web2.0 CIV. So far I had mixed but slowly improving results, as recorded in the Pass/Fail blogpost. Those Fail experience echoes the NUS experience of re-calibration at NUS exams. In my discussions with friends, I have repeatedly linked these two experiences.
Note multi-threading CIV and Probability IV (not CIV) are my favorite games. BigO CIV is a second favorite. Math-oriented CIV is a third favorite, including geometry, counting permutation/combinations. In these games, most candidates have no clue no insight, but sometimes I have some. The more theoretical and abstract, the less likely I get outpaced by other candidates.
I want my UChicago (strong) grades to strengthen my self-confidence in future interviews. Self-talk, self-explanation is key.
NUS→UChicago grades ending@high note
3Y^5Y undergrad: any difference@@ #Nigel.Chan
Q: TsingHua engineering Bachelor’s degree took some of my peers 5 years. I felt proud for them as the 5Y degree was a badge of honor. However, If you look at the difference made by the extra year, are these graduates stronger or just delayed by a year?
A: I would say delayed, not necessarily stronger. That extra year can get you a reputable Master’s degree from reputable universities such as my alma mater UChicago. My other alma mater NUS engineering also awards Bachelor’s + Master’s together in 4.5 years. These universities have comparable academic reputation to TsingHua, often higher!
Q: NUS Comp science Bachelors can graduate in 3 years. If you look at the difference due to the one year omission, are these graduates weaker or they saved time and money graduating faster?
A: I feel faster. Many students (me included) actually learn better on the job, so after 3Y in school + 5Y on the job, they could be more knowledgeable than a 4Y+4Y classmate.
When a TshingHua graduate and a NUS 3Y comp science graduate both go to the same company for coding interview, I would say the extra years don’t matter as much as the coding drill.
I hope my kids feel the sense of urgency and don’t waste time on some paper qualification.
— 3Y phD.. Nigel Chan, my Macq colleague, completed a PhD in 3Y, from reputable U of Sydney. What a bargain he got.
— Masters duration .. China masters take 2-3Y, but a branded masters from U.S. or U.K. can be 1Y+. To a critical observer, I think the China degree is not so worthwhile 含金量不高.
9M master’s from UChicago.. Many of my UChicago classmates graduated in 9M. Are they weaker than those who spent 2Y in a comparable master’s ? Not at all. In fact, like UChicago, Stanford Master’s can be completed in 9 months without research thesis..
UChicago, Stanford, MIT all have a 3-semester year. Each semesters has heavy (graded) assignments, (mid-term and) final exams. In contrast, British system (in SG and HK) has only 2 semesters a year and two exams. Therefore, UChicago has higher intensity than NUS. I guess it favored students like me, as I am slightly less consistent in my exam performance compared to other students.
delayed→earned higher-value degree: TsingHua^NUS #UChicago
See blogpost on Kun.H, LS and other students delayed by a year.
At age 17 to 19, I felt so bad about my delay in HwaChong. Now in my 40’s, looking back I earned a degree from NUS, better-known than all the Chinese universities “they” attended.
Fundamental to this outcome is the spectacular rise (in the league table) of NUS among Asia universities.
— how about the one more year in the 5Y degree from TshingHua? Clearly it was 1Y delay, so the students graduate 1Y later but why I never had any inferiority projected-onto these classmates?
Aha .. becasue TshingHua was desirable to most of my peers in China. I simply subscribed to that preference from the mass market.
Analogy — most Singaporeans seem to prefer Singapore condos, despite the low current income. To me, rental yield is the #1 factor, so I should NOT subscribe to the mainstream preference.
Analogy — most Chinese flat buyers prefer higher floor
Q: compare this 1Y delay in TsingHua vs my 1Y delay in HwaChong -> NUS?
A: the Chinese would think the TsingHua deal is better, because the Chinese buy that brand! On the job market outside China, I guess NUS has higher position, higher market value. English alone is a priceless advantage.
A: more importantly, NUS helped me and wife’s SG citizenship, which is worth 100 times more than a TshingHua degree.
Q: compare this 1Y delay in TsingHua vs my journey from HwaChong to UChicago?
A: in terms of branding, TshingHua is no match for UChicago. Just look at Nobel Prizes.
— TsingHua vs India Institute of Technology
( These colleges are vastly different, but it doesn’t stop people from comparing them.) They have very high standing in their respective domestic markets, but on the international competitive landscape, they are not that competitive.
— why focus so much on branding rather than quality?
Quality is too hard to compare between two colleges.
— https://www.channelnewsasia.com/commentary/failed-a-levels-academic-journey-singapore-673911 — The author (Raffles JC grad) spent 2 years in JC, then 2 or 3 years in poly, then 3 or 4 years in university. Lots of delays, but not necessarily a disaster, IFF the person handles it well. He probably graduated from university in his late 20s or early 30s. In the U.S. I was told many people go to college in their 30s, after they figure out what they want to learn.
self_esteem due2 UChicago
As an Opening example, SG citizenship is one of my biggest winning bets because Singapore has become more attractive, more highly valued after I “bought”. How about my UChicago credential?
Sometimes I see this pursuit as senseless “keeping up with the Joneses”, but this pursuit is not superfluous (show-off) as a designer handbag. In contrast, it’s comparable to “BQ” i.e. qualify for Boston marathon, as earning this degree requires real effort.
We ought to recognize that a prestigious degree is an achievement in itself. It builds my confidence, self-esteem,,, Some people choose to incur a high (t)cost to get a degree, be it prestigious or not, not only to further their career.
— absorbency .. renewed confidence in my absorbency for dry, difficult subjects for months and years.
— self-confidence / pride … in my talent and IQ, esp. in coding tests. Explained in MSFM^NUS grades: top student self-image
— renewed confidence in my math and in my academic career.
“top student in a top college”
— 江郎才尽 self-perception (undeniable, irremovable) now removed like a miracle
This prestigious degree completes my satisfying assessment “not left behind on any front”
Brank peer comparison .. brank battle: lost n letting go #mellow
— missed the boat (branded degree) .. In my younger days, I missed the chance to get a branded degree. Now I managed to get ahead of my peers. Most of my Shiyan or HJC classmates don’t have a branded degree.
— ending on a high note
quality@edu !=measured by college(research)prestige
My first hand experience on quality of eduction :
- UChicago uses all master grads as tutors while NUS strictly employs only PhD holders as tutorial teachers. A small part of the reason is the heavy assignments. Grading them requires no PhD holders. Stanford does the same as UChicago.
- UChicago: Two of the most important lecturers were PhD candidates, not PhD holders
- NUS tutorial class size is up to 20 students, as the 200+ students were divided into tutorial groups. In contrast, UChicago has one big tutorial class with close to 100 students.
- UChicago has 3-hour lectures, clearly lower quality than the hourly lectures at NUS.
Job interviewers mostly gauge aptitudes and to a lesser extent communications/personality.
The required aptitude needs learning and growing. In this learning process, the primary factor is motivation (beside talent). For this reason, quality of education matters.
For my son, internship would be a big part of “quality@edu”.
— why k.Hu chose NUS
his health condition at the time.
No scholarship available for more prestigious universities.
A branded college was assessed as “not worth the cost” at bachelor level. My parents also had a similar view.
— distance learning? Many people ask me how the UChicago MSFM is Not a distant learning program.
- We had a Singapore campus where projects and tutorials take place and where staff maintain offices.
- Singapore campus had conference rooms, library, project rooms.
- Exams were conducted strictly in an exam venue on campus.
- All lectures have live video link between Chicago and Sgp
- About 1/3 of the lectures were conducted locally and live-streamed to Chicago campus
- More than half the professors visited and taught at Singapore campus
[18]UChicago: commendable effort
Look at the recrec blog posts. Look at the xRef notes.
Look at the home work hours spent — at least one full day each week. I seldom copy other people’s before trying my own.
I focused on intuitive explanations, hoping for thick->thin. Even though I still can’t achieve thick->thin on most topics, I tried my best. No regrets. See Y no thick->thin in MSFM
Pace is more intense in UChicago than NUS. Ma Liang said “疲于奔命”.