##projection@ self-inferiority #schools,kids


If you are personally associate with something, be it a person, a school, or a country, then there’s a valid reason to notice, highlight, or discuss its limitations. But the negative focus is often obsessive, distorted, one-sided, out of proportion, driven by a projection of self-inferiority.

The pattern — whichever group I find myself in, I tend to worry about its calibre and quality.

A important sub-pattern: those who chose me

— My Physics and math positions in HCJC .. I considered myself a second class top student from China, so if HCJC picked me to represent the school, it’s only because HCJC was also second class…

In reality, HCJC probably produced some of Singapore’s top math and physics students of the year. They were my HCJC classmates.

How about Java/c++/c among competing languages? These are respected, upstream tech skills.

— individuals who praise my English … (spoken or written) There have been many over the years. I tend to cast doubt on their judgement, and their own standard of English.

When I was more fluent in British English, I often felt British English was losing ground to American English.

When I went to U.S. and became more fluent in American English, I started feeling that American English was lower in /standard/ and quality due to detrimental influence of immigrants speaking improper, imprecise and broken English.

Projection? my self-inferiority translates to a lower opinion of the style of English I have acquired.

— I also felt occasionally inferior about my parents’ professional standing… Some classmates seems to have “greater” parents in Shiyan, but now I don’t recall anyone in my schools.

— I also felt occasionally inferior about my kids’ physical development, athletic/artistic talents…
In reality, they are very good. Even if they are mediocre in everything, the inferiority deserves no place. There’s no need for any competition with other kids.

My son’s talents tend to get similarly played down, such as his talent with gadgets, maps, piano, bi-lingual,,,

Projection? My kids’ talents are diminished because they are my kids. The same talent in another young person would not get dimissed likewise !

— my chosen country ..
As a Chinese citizen, the inferiority was a national malaise. Remember [[丑陋的中国人]]. Similarly, I think Britons feel a national malaise, as their nation’s standing declines over the decades.

As an immigrant, after you choose U.S. as your new home you may also start to project your inferiority. Look at R.Xia and others.

Limitations? Every country has limitations. When we are outside our home country and describing it to to a non-countryman, we need to be fair to our country. We can criticize it, but we need to avoid bias.

If I’m a CAD patient in Japan, I may worry about my country’s quality of medical care. I would worry that Japan doctors are not fluent enough in English…

— Beijing relative to other big cities .. My own inferiority is frequently projected to my beloved birthplace, a city I’m associated with _forever_.

When I’m feeling inferior (like half the time 🙂 I tend to focus on its limitations esp. relative to Shanghai and Shenzhen. Every city has limitations. It’s hard to be fair to Beijing, but I still feel attached to my birthplace.


noHunger到家..appetite out@ctrl

See other analogs in in libido ≅ Availability situation

— Analog 3: you sustain an injury [like a bruise] during a basketball game, you notice the pain when you take a shower, or carry a chair. The fixation of your attention during the game tends to numb your nerves and protects you from the physical pain, so the physical pain wasn’t felt. When the fixation is removed, the pain invariably kicks in. This has nothing to do with weakness or loss-of-control. In a similar way, I sometimes come home not feeling hungry because 1) been preoccupied with office “engagements” 2) no unexpected enticing foods in office stash. As soon as I reach home, the recent memory reminds me to look in the fridge.

  • If (on the rare occasion) there’s nothing enticing, then I would be disappointed yet relieved. Unaffected by any appetite out of control.
  • if there is some nice food I have avoided for a while, then usually the separation has intensified the craving.
  • if there is any nice food even if recently eaten, then automatically, naturally, in an entirely healthy and human process, the suppressed appetite wakes up, and derails my diet plan.

Q: However, in Bayonne home, my fridge did have enticing foods, so why was I in better control of my appetite?
A: unexpected foods ! Those Bayonne foods [ice cream, pudding..] were carefully chosen and well-hidden in my stash so that they won’t wake up the suppressed appetite.

The noHunger sensation is unreliable. It’s unfair to accuse myself as a weakling, based on complete misperceptions. The appetite on rampage is completely natural, and triggered by identifiable stimuli.

— reaching home after dining out
Q: re the unexpected food in the home stash, why it’s not a problem when I come home after a buffet?
A: no prolonged separation. no compensation-seeking.

Jolt: If a previous restaurant meal was a controlled_indulgence i.e. not satisfying enough, then the unexpected food in home stash would still awaken the appetite !

— prolonged endurance, on the verge
Analogy 2: after a 24H connected flight, I often felt “not sleepy”, but I would fall asleep often as soon as I reach home. It proves that the noSleepy sensation was unreliable.

Similarly, after fasting 16 (or even 20) hours, I often felt “no hunger”, but as soon as I release myself, the suppressed appetite would emerge. The noHunger sensation easily wiped out by any unexpected enticing food. It is on the verge, but a healthy human could maintain that sensation for probably a few days, pushing the limit of endurance.

As explained in prolonged separation intensifies attraction, a prolonged separation could appear to weaken appetite significantly, but the appetite is dormant.

— watermelon in Bayonne ^ TPY
In Bayonne home, when I return home after yoga and feel hungry, I sometimes eat lots of watermelon + other fruits to satisfy the hunger. Why doesn’t it work in TPY home? My answer is the availability of many unexpected enticing foods. Some hit separation->attraction. You can call it wrong-time, wrong-food, wrong-quantity temptation, but is very natural reaction.

teams who chose me≠2ndClass

Background: https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/45218/inferiority-projection/ describes a broader pattern. As a specific sub-pattern, People who _believed_ in my potential are often perceived as inferior, unwise, second-class.

Actually, they are often successful/admirable/attractive.

— Sgp (ICA, government or the nation).. did choose me for PR/citizenship, and for my wife’s PR/citizenship. For decades I felt inferior about Sgp. I wanted to emigrate to Europe, or N.A. See my email on 2020 National Day.

— my employers .. are comparable to the “women case” desribed later — they chose me, therefore perceived inferior. In reality, many of these employers are iconic — NYSE, Macq, Verizon,, Many of them are highly selective in hiring — MLP, GS, MS,, Many of them were market leaders [mvea, Macq, GS, volFitter, EPA,,,]

Limitations of the employer who chose me? Every employer has limitations. However, when we are still paid by a company (either as employer or client), we need to be careful about bad-mouthing (painting a negative picture). It’s indirectly biting the hand that feeds you.

— my alma mater ..(母校) for many years I projected my inferiority to NUS, HCJC/Shiyan, and UChicago (nowadays I recognize them as prestigious elite schools, with long track record of competitive excellence.). I considered “my school” as second-class precisely because they accepted me!

Now I think even if I am one day accepted by MIT, I would still question the reputation of the school after I witness some limitations. There are comparative weaknesses in every college. Some weaknesses would support my skepticism. In reality, UChicago and NUS have real quality in teaching, students caliber, exams, research etc.

After we graduate, we become lifetime ambassadors of the college, unless we have been mistreated (UChicago treated me well). Therefore, whatever negative comments, whatever shortcomings, need to be handled diplomatically, as ambassadors do.

Q: Which school, like an employer, actually chose me for my background, my self-presentation, rather than my (anonymous and objective) benchmark scores?
A: (Not NUS and Shiyan). UChicago chose me in an admission exercise of 10% selectivity; HCJC chose me with a big risk.

==== women who liked me or some attractive quality in me (including some white and some ethnic Indian girls)

(A woman who chooses me can be classified as a one-person team.)

One of the earliest examples: From primary school to college, some girls would notice attractive qualities in me, without a crush. I immediately classified all “admirers” as unattractive, or leftovers. This is a projection of my inferiority self-image.

In reality, many of these girls were truly perceptive, intelligent individuals and sharp observers. ChunMei is one of few individuals I would name. We were not friends for long before she got to know me pretty well.

In early 2015, I met my first “girl friend”, a PhD medical researcher, another sharp and intelligent lady.

— As to my wife, she is the opposite of those young ladies. However, the same projection continued i.e. I often feel, at different times, that she is inferior as a person precisely becuase she chose me. This example probably shows the depth of my self-inferiority.

In reality, what did the “similar”girls choose as life partners? I would guess a businessman, a manager, or a government official wouldn’t automatically make a better match. In fact these Chinese guys are less likely to choose “a pretty women without a degree”.

— White women are an interesting case. For many years I had (or have) held a racial bias which assigned a superiority to white women. I don’t remember too many individuals but a few white women actually showed appreciation for some of my personal qualities.  Same result — immediately I classified them as .. less attractive.

In 1993, after we moved to Pasir Ris, our family met with a British Chinese lecturer in Architecture, and his British wife. Some days later, for some reason, my mom commented that the Caucasian women was probably not the most attractive women in her community (she didn’t say “leftovers”), because she had chosen a non-Caucasian husband! I immediately objected my mother’s projection of racial inferiority — “I’m inferior human species. You chose me so you are inferior too.”

— Zoe Tay married an air force pilot. If I were him, I would question why my wife, this glamorous woman, didn’t choose a rich businessman. Now I think Zoe is one of the smartest actresses. She didn’t need a rich businessman, full stop. Successful actresses often choose someone reliable. As the chosen man, I ought to feel proud of my character, rather than inferior to the rich businessmen that were brushed aside by my beautiful wife.

— ex-classmates’ husbands .. When I think of a specific female ex-classmate, I often ask myself what kind of husband she may have. I don’t know any of those husbands, but I usually assume them to be 高富帅. A self-invented inferiority!

  • How about BMI and belly? I bet more than half of them are inferior.
  • How about flexibility? I guess 1/3 of them are even worse than me.
  • How about active days/week? I bet most of them are inferior.
  • How about bonding with the kids? I probably fare better than half of them.
  • How about retirement healthcare and income, long-term inflation protection, stable rental income,,, to support the family?
  • How about career longevity?
  • What’s more important in a husband — brank or health?
  • if you are one of these women classmates, what kind of father and role model do you want for your kids?

So I think for many of these women classmates, choosing a guy like me is probably smarter in hindsight.

If that’s true, then we should all agree that I am a decent man.

PotatoDay chat: screen time rationalized

See also

19 Aug 2023 (National Potato Day) I had a enlightening chat with boy about screen time. It revealed some double-standards and prejudices in my “system1”

I first set out a hypothetical scenario. A teenager AA around my son’s age, a 12H+/day screen user

  • factor-A: his/her academic progress is acceptable, not affected by screen time, not unable to concentrate or failing to complete homework
  • factor-H: his/her health is unaffected by screen time, including sleep, workout,,,
  • factor-F: his/her family bonding time is unaffected by screen time.
  • factor-S: his/her social interactions are unaffected by screen time.
  • factor-g: he/she doesn’t feel addicted to gaming

Somehow, I would still have problems as a parent or teacher of this kid. I would think this student has too much free time and is not “productive” in his/her spare time. See the bposts on burn^rot.

Then I told my son about a slightly better teenager BB, who spends average 1h/day of her screen time productively, either academically, or learning extra-curriculum content (like recreational reading [1]), or self-improvement in general. I would still say this teenager is less than really diligent, wasting so much free time.

Then I recalled a typical teenager CC in my days (1990s and late 1980s). More like Teenager AA, but instead of digital screens, he spends all his free time hanging out with friends, 打电话, 逛商场/公园/cinema, 钓鱼/捉昆虫, 下馆子(喝饮料),看小说, 看动漫, 看videotape, 看电视,,, basically 吃喝玩乐, while meeting all the factors above. I had the same contempt for CC but somehow more contempt for AA due to the screens. Why?

I told my son that many of those 1990s pastimes were clearly addictive, esp (personal experience) 武侠小说 and to a lesser extent other genres of  novels. But in my 40s I have more worries over adolescent screen addiction. Why?

[1] In fact, my son does spend a few such hours a week on average. He often uses video learning.

— mom’s perception. I guess she worries more about AA than CC.

— factor-S … my son said his screen time actually improves his social interactions with friends. I Choose to believe my son.

— factor-F … my son said he has sufficient family outing time, but I feel at home he is often absent-minded and engrossed in his gadgets ….

— factor-A … mom and dad feel his grades are inconsistent, often hovering around P/F (not enough to get into poly). He has no interest in exam subjects presumably due to screens.

— What’s reasonable vs excessive screen time?
I clock 10H+/day and I feel dependent on blogg … but not considered exessive .. double-standdard? (My recollection of my past and observations of other people are not as accurate.)

E-book and online reading is the default among the cohort 10Y after me such as my UChicago classmates, so a lot of screen time on e-books could be classified as productive screen time like learning.

Based on my observation, I doubt there’s reasonable amount of screen time with my son. It’s crucial to ask about the composition of boy’s screen time? We parents need to demonstrate trust in boy’s integrity when he answers this question. This trust is something rare and invaluable.

Wife and I have complaints about boy’s bedtime hours, eyesight, physical workout, motivation for studies, but look, majority of 13-year-olds have similar issues but their parents are not deseparate or fearful.

— the day after PotatoDay, I had a long call with an IMH counsellor.  Here are some pointers

  • ask boy what he wants. No judgement. Nothing to point out. Don’t lecture. Don’t even teach. It’s hard to be a counsellor for a teenager. It’s even harder to be a parent-cum-counsellor.
  • spend longer hours with boy. Be available for him. Be supportive.
  • Counsellor affirmed that I’m a dedicated father. I try to be the counsellor that boy wants. However, when I threaten to take away his phone, I lose that status.
  • Counsellor reminded me that I need to step away once a while.
  • wife is in pain and needs external help. A lot of the family disharmony seems to stem from her conflict with boy, but this is not a conclusion, not even a tentative conclusion.
  • boy is not too worried about screen time, studies or his future. More worried about his self-image.
  • technology is constantly challenging us parents.

yoga !=supposed2b %%#1weakness #realYoga


Each person, me included, has some flexible areas and some stiff/tight areas. My overall flexibility is (possibly above) average among men of my age. Most of the men I see are Chinese, Indian or Caucasian, with slight differences in average stiffness.

Even when compared to women regardless of age, I am probably average. I can recall my observations in Bayonne and the ClassPass yoga. Many women praised my flexibility in various poses. Many yoga instructors told me (quite honestly) that I’m not so extremely tight compared to many, but I tend to forget or brush them off.

Only in RealYoga do I feel a consistent and visible weakness. I feel like a weakling, a handicapped person. Unknown to me, RealYoga members are mostly advanced practitioners. RealYoga is possibly the wrong place to start for a self-conscious beginner.

Primarily based on RealYoga experience, I tell people my flexibility is my biggest weakness. It has become a body image problem.

Q: why did I care that much about my “handicap” in flexibility but not my handicap in .. stutter, slow handwriting, yellowish skin?
A: focusing illusion. RealYoga sessions always focuses my attention on the relative weakness and limitation. The focusing illusion exaggerates the importance of flexibility, and exaggerates my Relative weakness.

That weakness is also obvious when I compare myself to a published instruction on any yoga pose.

Q: what’s the published vs experienced difficulties (or dangers) due to inflexibility?

— Q: what’s the published vs experienced benefits of stretch, breathing or meditation?

The published studies are from different sources. Together they prove beyond a reasonable doubt that yoga has no major side effects. As to the benefits, studies often say “can improve …”. It reminds me of my myopic treatments in Beijing [laser, massage] and my Indian colleagues’ experience of ginseng.

Experienced benefits are more obvious (will not elaborate today) in CRE and strength. Some of those benefits are shared with (the strenuous form of) yoga.

Experienced pains of poor CRE/strength are more obvious (will not elaborate today).

Flexibility does (I believe) help reduce probability and severity of injuries. I also believe in delaying the decline of flexibility. The decline is inevitable for 99% of men, due to aging.

However, the yoga-style deep stretch may not improve flexibility, partly because the improvement has a half_life = 1week.

long-term ROTI=rare;prejudice about fun time with boy #600@高考 #500w

k_tyrant_of_rmSelf  k_mellow

What kinda individuals like to point a finger at a school and say “So many students have failed to score 600 marks on gaokao 高考”? Real long-term ROTI is as rare as a perfect exam score:

  • QQ and coding drill? yes long-term ROTI but feels so fake
  • localSys .. doesn’t seem to help me keep my QQ knowledge afresh, or help maintain my sense of long-term security
  • coding drill? Yes long-term ROTI but Only for web 2.0 shops
  • long-term roti in quant, c#, noSQL, meta-programming…?
  • long-term roti in my zbs xx — not financial return
  • yoga roti? yes I would say long-term ROTI, but it feels not lasting
  • per investment roti? mostly small scale and recreational
  • — more specific items
  • work out with kids — considered not burn and low ROTI (too much wasted time) .. Actually tough, and builds family bound. Arguably no less strategic than QQ
  • reading boy’s exam papers … doesn’t seem to help my career
  • prepare math worksheet — considered not burn, not hard enough, not strategic, not related to my career
  • strength training — considered not burn, not hard enough.
  • refresh zbs know-how — considered not burn not IV-relevant.
  • refresh GTD know-how — considered not burn not IV-relevant.
  • refresh QQ — considered not burn and not strategic
  • bring boy out shopping as reward for him — considered high tcost low ROTI but extremely important to his +/-ve feedback loop

.. So why the hell do I point my finger at family time, boy’s coaching sessions, outing with boy, fun time with boy, relaxed time with boy etc? Any relaxed moment is seen as too “easy” and not burning enough. Such a burn/rot view is poisonous. It’s double-standard because I seldom point my finger at

  1. myself blogging
  2. myself on recreational reading
  3. myself reading news, magazines
  4. my curiosity searches on google
  5. myself watching youtube
  6. myself listening to bbc
  7. my habitual comparison-shopping

I have been utterly prejudiced in my assessment of the value of family-time. I tend to hold highly negative views about my roti with kids, with yoga, MSFM, c#…. I have a habit to adopt a stringent standard (in a blatant double-standard) that invariably casts a bad light on my effort.

It’s like pointing out the imperfections in a beautiful woman.

Einstein doesn’t talk about burn/rot or ROTI. He plays the violin to entertain himself. My dad also listens to tapes for the same purpose.

Overall, I was fixated on materialistic ROTI (rmSelf) and self-discipline over the lazy self, to the detriment of self-esteem, family harmony, parental bond… What are the best ROTI efforts so far?

  • #1 long-term roti in my java QQ. Higher than c++, python, unix, SQL..
  • Top 5: long-term yoga — considered not burn and low ROTI… Actually extremely hard. Arguably more strategic than the coding drill etc,
  • Top 9: long-term roti in strength and endurance training
  • Top 20: long-term roti in my coding drill? It’s 100% interview driven, and not relevant to GTD.
  • long-term roti in renzi — even if my renzi coaching did enhance his renzi abilities and comprehension, you won’t see any improvement a few years later if he still refuses to apply his mind.

##lifelong struggles@@ Am battle-tested: diet++


When I describe to friends diet restrictions (mine or otherwise), we often feel “This self-discipline is achievable perhaps for a year, but not for a lifetime”. It is a Promethean struggle and demands a /herculean/ self-discipline.

Today I decided to challenge this perception. I think there is lots of evidence that I (you too) have fought many lifelong battles and they didn’t tire me down.

— resist the brainwash, cosmic-ray of self-pity in the context of peer-benchmark
wrong priorities
— eg@Promethean: yoga
On the other hand, my forward-bend daily practice in Sec 1 was clearly unsustainable, torturous
— eg@Promethean: chin-up .. see separate blogpost
— eg: coding drill .. a harder struggle for my peers than for me
— eg: English listening, speaking, writing … felt like a lifelong battle until middle of my NUS years
review English vocab .. not a battle for me, but for other peple such as millions of English learners
==== less specific, milder (but lifelong) struggles
— eg: take the stairs once a while when everyone is taking the elevator/escalator
— eg@Promethean: brushing/flossing teeth, esp. with fixed retainer
— eg: math .. a struggle for my kids, and most students until they can opt out like in high school

##reversible wellness decline

I think most wellness declines are irreversible due to aging, but in this blogpost I want to focus exclusively on the exceptions

— eye sight .. irreversible
— chin-up .. I experienced multiple declines. See separate blogpost
— jogging endurance .. Whenever I restart after a few months, I always felt “heavy” but I usually recover within a few weeks.
— lower back pains .. recovered
— heel pains .. recovered. Now I can ran barefoot again.
— BMI decline
— flexibility overall decline .. I improved shoulder (back lock) and improved lotus on hard benches or airport/cabin seats

the cool, posh, well-connected power elites #G.Maxwell

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghislaine_Maxwell is linked to father https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Maxwell and partner https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Epstein, two fraudsters.

Q: how reliable, how accurate is the wikipedia content? Legal case details there in should be reliable.

Even though G.Maxwell is more of a socialite, somehow these individuals remind me of the (all-male) high-flyers in and outside my /circle/:

  • the MDs, the CTOs, the executives
  • the bbcy enterpreneurs or executives
  • the start-up legends
  • ##[20] Stealth-overtake since1998 described others types of enviable high-flyers
  • ^^ 95% of the time, I have precious little knowledge, insight about these mere /acquaintances/

Look at G.Maxwell’s photo on wikipedia… posh, graceful, sophisticated and highly educated, gentle, well-spoken, upper-class, almost manipulative. (In contrast, my wife is simple, unsophisticated, not highly educated, and lower-middleclass.)

The fact that she is associated with two fraudsters didn’t bother me, because so many people and the mass media held her in high regard, given her education and business success.

I have always seen myself as a socially awkward nerd, a /minion/ on the slow track, out of limelight, without ambition and (after q3SG episode) without a promising future.

From my (low) /standpoint/viewpoint/perspective/, I have always admired the grace, the interpersonal/networking skills, the business skills of those high-flyers.

Well, I have zero understanding of the darker sides of those “advantages”. Essentially these individuals tend to have too much power [clout, prestige, position, credentials,,,]. Using this power, these smooth operators seek even more power and wealth, hungrier than before.

On the other side of the coin, the power corrupts them. A pure and simple heart is rare among the power elite of politics and business. (Pat.Liew) I think the iBank MgD are similar. If you aren’t hungry for power, then quit this game.

(Talking about “power… In the same vein, every Chinese communist party official is viewed as corrupt. They had too much power and not enough counterbalance for that power such as indepdent judiciary, free media, or opposition parties. )

After q3SG my self-image has remained, but my evaluation thereof has improved.

— communication skill, As XA.S mentioned in the 2000s, this skill is widely seen as more important, more valuable, more strategic than IV skills, GTD skills..

Posh .. is largely based on oral English. I remember a tall middle-aged shop owner/manager in Paragon, with a Singaporean posh accent. I guess he is proud of his location in Paragon. I can’t imagine (but there are) power elites having limited English proficiency. The elite status is mostly about appearance.