[20]Deepak’s workout regime: 不简单

(This analysis is based on 5 min of chat + some brief email exchange, not a lot of data.) My perception of him affects my perception of my son and many overweight friends in my circle.

Deepak said compared to diet, exercise is relatively easy because he can do about 1H of exercise everyday. I tend to dismiss Deepak’s claim on exercise. Perhaps he was doing relatively light exercise, perhaps for 1H each day for a few months. Reality is…

  • ! Very few individuals (perhaps 1~3%) can achieve those targets that Deepak did.
  • .. perhaps grandpa, with his strong self-management, could at age 40 achieve something slightly higher than that. I’m not better than Deepak. I couldn’t do 30min every day.
  • even if this demanding workout regime is not maintained for a year, there’s a still a non-trivial health benefit for the overweight individual, in terms of weight + various organs
  • Arguably the biggest under-rated benefit is … self-confidence, self-esteem, self-regulation, determination,

week1@RTO: shift@focus #w1r2


“Self-care” is left without a clear definition, and includes some expressive writing such as parenting, stress mgmt.

— Q (asked in Jul 2020, and then in Aug 2021): the most positive elements of my first week back in office?

  • — my Jul20 answer
  • [1] no distraction. Is night hour at home comparable? I would say yes
  • .. [4] I now miss my kids again, rather than having “enough of them
  • no wrong-time temptations. When I feel 70% hungry, the food at home would be irresistible, but in Bayonne home or office, I have limited (and only healthy) food, so pushing-the-limit is now possible, and I find myself in control of the situation, and on the offensive against the temptations. However, the battle is shifted to “reaching home” or supper time.
  • [2] can call people (esp. grandparents) in the comfort of office, without distraction or stress. Also has good speaker phone.
  • [3] jolt: can print lots of blogposts+tech notes, and capture the absorbency for QQ/zbs, GTD, localSys. Printer proved a huge boost comparable to monitor.
  • — my Aug21 answer:
  • I can work out on carpeted floor .. more spacious. At home, I would do so in a playground.
  • I feel the energy to work out at riverfront
  • yes [2,3]
  • — my answer within a month into RTO
  • standing desk is much easier than at home.
  • mini-yoga can be easier at ACM lawn than TPY .
  • — my answer near end of Sep going back into WFH
  • yes [1,2,3]
  • — my answer in early Jan 2022
  • yes[2,4]
  • more yoga studios near office; more variety of jogging/workout locations. I can leave stuff behind and go out for a jog.

— reminders: Don’t break any MLP rule (like Rbh). Follow strictly.
— [1] The recurring loss of family harmony and quiet time .. is the most common need/purpose/value for the harbor (of office). The library/stadium/Interchange are also helpful, but harbor offers:

  • stay for hours
  • safely leave belongings behind when stepping out
  • possibility of work, workout, yoga
  • diet options
  • many workout options at office
  • printer, big screens, big table

— Historical scan: The two acute stressors that require the harbor of office — WW) job expectation/demand, HH) loss of quiet time, similar to [1].

  • In Dec 2021, I had HH alone. WW was very light.
  • In Jan 2022, I had WW alone.
  • But in Apr-Jun 2020 i.e. first lockdown, I had WW (heavy) + HH (kids HBL). That’s the worst months that required the harbor.

相形见绌@interviews: wellness advtg

When I meet an interviewer (or join a new tech team), I often notice a few individuals with superior technical capabilities. Most of these “superior” geeks are plump, less fit, with less healthy diets.

A minority of them, regardless of English skill, are also better communicators than me, but mostly am focused on tech competence — where I often feel 相形见绌

To a lesser extent, I have similar experiences when I was trying out pre-sales and independent sales. I encountered many sales dragons. Similar experience when I meet an OC-effective peer like Shuo or Lunuo.Qiao.

Somehow, subconsciously and automatically I would brush aside the wellness differences, playing down my advantages!

Let’s fact it. Looking back from the deathbed or when already well-off (https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/wrong-priorities-after-becomwell-off/), what is more important? Personal Wellness or tech capabilities?

ice cream ^ fancy bread

In terms of BMI impact and calorie impact, I feel ice cream has 2 advantages

  • lot of ice/water
  • … filling like Smoothies with chia:)
  • .. Lower calorie density like Smoothies 🙂
  • portion control — for a few years, each time the amount I take is usually beslow 1.5 cones. In contrast, fancy breads (breadtalk++) tend to get consumed in much bigger portions.
  • … perhaps due to social norm as stable food

Cakes and Breads have some advantages

  • raw veg — to be developed as a diet habit, and fine-tuned. Now ice cream can also help me eat more raw veg but cakes/breads are usually more effective.

eg@宝山battle over supper #w1r1

Update: the big struggle is a sufficient and probably necessary post-condition for meal delay.


Fri 17 Apr 2021, compared to previous 2 days I ate more in office including small amount of claypot rice + congee [1]. I did so partly to reduce the “prolonged separation intensifying attraction” impact but now in hindsight, I’m only 51% sure that there was any reduction.
[1] I probably overestimated the starch intake, and felt too much self-hate.

I came home feeling no hunger, no serious temptation even when I saw the unexpected enticing foods in kitchen. Now in hindsight I know this was insufficient evidence (jolt) of a stomach too full like 80%, like after a buffet. I told wife that I just had dinner, but perhaps was 20% full only (jolt). At that juncture, I didn’t decide what to eat, when to eat, so at least for a few hours there was no battle to fight.. no such stress on my mind.

The smoothie I made around 8pm was high ice, high chia, with some congee (I think I also ate 2 carrot + cucumber) … and helped to postpone the supper. The movie also helped postponement. After the movie, I was finally facing the stark reality, and realized I was not ready to fight the battle. The temptation [unexpected enticing foods] was overwhelming, probably too high even for the 2018 Tan Bin in Bayonne.

jolt: Guilt and self-hate is counterproductive, possibly more harmful than the calories. So I didn’t beat myself up (self-hate), even though I knew the BMI improvement over the last few DAYs could be lost, like a Promethean struggle. I guess I had a controlled release and Let-Go.

jolt: compassion .. even more compassion needed next time. home-cooked food,starch..≠opium

I didn’t want to resist and I decided to let myself enjoy some of the enticing foods, in a small bao3shan1 battle:

  • b3s1: I slowed down and made the right decision to box up the 丝瓜 as it is not really enticing.
  • b3s1: I decide to eat the meat portion in meimei’s leftover claypot rice. Didn’t eat the claypot rice ! How I managed to resist? I guess the earlier starch controlled release “rewards” in office … somehow helped.
  • b3s1: I didn’t touch the ice cream, cakes or red-bean buns at home. These are the unexpected foods that don’t exist in my office stash.

Cigna Counsellor would probably say “focus on your circle of control, not on your circle of concern.

Overall, I fought a brave battle, and lost, just like in 宝山. I lost (no “surrender”) the /gains/ of previous few days (Promethean). This result is completely human given then 10x hazard rate. In the tornado of unexpected enticing foods, just about every strategy is too weak:

  • strategy: no eating if no hunger .. I used this to postpone
  • strategy: postpone 1st and last meals … I did so for many days and on this day
  • strategy: eat more in office
  • strategy: lots of veg + fruits + chia + smoothie
  • strategy: minimize starch, fat, but more meat
  • strategy: move leftovers to /office-stash/
  • strategy: b3s1 .. worthwhile

BMI=sole yardstick4healthy weight#tunnel vision

See also my 2018 blogpost celebrate starch reduction (!!elimination) #even+!weight drop

I have the wisdom to actively reject the tunnel vision that “return is the only yardstick in equity investment”. https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/18479/3-profound-mis-perceptions/ listed other tunnel visions.

In diet I suffer from tunnel vision. What matters to my subconscious, my inner voice, was and is BMI. BMI has always been the biggest yardstick for my diet regime.

My current diet had many good features like raw veg, fruits, smoothie, low starch, low oil, low sugar, more cooked veg (thanks to wife), better proteins,,, possibly more strict than Bayonne, but subconsciously I consider my diet a half-success, based on the one yardstick.

Jolt: Putting aside personal bias (as hard as it is), in reality BMI of 21 may not be inferior to deep-green BMI of 19. It depends on the individual person, in terms of

  • his cardio/lung fitness
  • his cardio risk
  • his bone density
  • his strength
  • his metabolism
  • his sexual health


[20] dribble,stretch: wrong priorities


  • As a teenager, I wanted to be good at shooting basket, then I found dribbling as a less noticed but important skill. Ultimately, I wanted to be a better basketballer, not just in school, but for life.
  • Now in my 40’s i see dribbling, or shooting skills as secondary to 3) muscle/bone strength 2) flexibility and 1) heart/lung fitness. Among these factors, Fitness is the #1 factor in terms of impact on quality and length of my life.
  • So in conclusion, better focus on fitness rather than dribbling or shooting per se.

This is an example of other people’s envy and “FOMO” as the “wrong priority”. This is a common theme in my life and the lives of many.

— Why is top school, trophy college so important to parents? Wrong priority !

— why is big car, big house, big vacations so important? Wrong priority !

I think many would agree livelihood is more important than that wrong priority.

I feel Brbr, disposable income are more important than that wrong priority.

I think most would agree the ffree is more valuable.

— why are OC_effectiveness, slowTrack, brank peer comparison .. bother me so much? Wrong priority !

I feel career longevity is a good target.

I feel health and family harmony are more important than those wrong priorities.

I personally think carefree is more important than those wrong priorities.

wellness2receive same sunshine as in 2018

For a couple of years (2017-2019?) I valued wellness higher relative to FOMO, benchmark exams… Now in mid 2020, wellness is retreating to take a backseat.

Q: How can I change my fundamental perception+belief to get wellness /restored to its rightful place/?
A: I may need to consciously downplay the other preoccupations.

Q: after a yoga/pull-up/diet/bmi improvemenet, how do I derive the same positive feeling (like pride) as derived from an investment success or job offer?

unusual j4 S$7.50 salad

For the 2nd time I bought the $7.50 Novena salad.

J4: I would say the home cooking $cost of an equivalent meal is $2-5 but some of the ingredients are unavailable at home!

At home there are almost always some temptation like wrong-time, wrong-food temptations. By paying extra to the salad shop, I “buy” a small level of protection from these temptations.

This is a dependency on salad to fend off the temptations. This dependency is a weakness I choose to accept. Counselor Bindi asked “What would you tell the 10-year old TanBin?” I would tell him that everyone is weak, so everyone appreciates and often needs protection from temptations. No one is pure and impeccable in self-restraint.