BMI: slim but heavy bone||muscle

Multiple people have told me that if my BMI is close to the upper limit of green zone, then given my body shape I must have heavier bones or muscles. I usually dismiss them, insisting that I want a better BMI.

In hindsight, I realize these individuals are not uneducated, speculating or flattering. They know me reasonably well. Their words actually mean something.  Now I recognize that

  • if your bones are heavier than other people’s, then it’s probably a sign of better bone density
  • if your muscles are heavier than other people’s, then it’s a pretty good thing. Muscles burn more calories.
  • ^^ an athlete may have higher BMI due to denser bones + more muscles

My target weight is 64 kg. If it means sexual difficulties, losing bone density/muscle, or (like grandpa) losing taste in good foods (fish, meat, fruits,,,), then that target is an unhealthy target, not a worthwhile target.

Writing this bpost, I feel the 64 kg target is moving further and further away, but this sentiment is not based on facts.

BMI is one of the the most important single_indcators of overall health, but any single_indicator is wholy inadequate, misleading and can be detrimental if used exclusively. Analogy:

  • choose a car purely based on sales
  • choose a husband purely based on income
  • choose a school purely based on ranking
  • choose a major purely based on starting salary survey
  • choose a house purely based on school district
  • choose a SWE candidate purely based on hackerrank

5/wk: frq^ (incremental)duration ^intensity

This bpost is “trying” to be more focused, less forgettable esp. in its title.

The 2023 BBC [[Lazy guide to exercise]] asked “What’s the minimum amount of exercise to keep us healthy (I would add … and slow down aging)?” The producer primarily looked at the maintenance/upkeep of three target systems i.e. cardio-respiratory and major muscles. The conclusions are scientifically based, and reviewed by experts.

— frequency.. In my theory, sustainable_frequency is probably more important than intensity or duration. To hit the necessary frequency, I could build up the calorie amount incrementally throughout the day (BBC program), or I could try a short burst like 15 flights of stairs.

Workout frequency really boosts my self-esteem but can be unsustainable. It requires perception of reality, self-acceptance, fine-tuning/adjustments (tough).

when it’s hard to hit 5/wk,
* be flexible with shorter workouts. Start early during the day. incremental build-up .. For boxing, chin-up, squat and stairs, we can incrementally build up an active day.
* accept that it could feel like a chore

— duration .. 30-minute sessions are a well-known criteria for “effective workout”, including reasonable amount of rests + cool-down. So how much rest is reasonable? It actually varies greatly:

in swimming pool .. many swimmers rest 80% of the time. 60% is kinda average.
in the exercise corners downstairs .. many people rest 90% of the time. 70% is kinda average.
A class .. more disciplines than exercise corners.. instructor is the pacer.. typically 15-30%
my jog .. below 5%.

I prefer [10<-20] minutes of slow jog as my criteria. lists some workouts that are equivalent to 10-min slow jog (about 1.5 – 2km). There are actually two yardsticks of “equivalence”. I’m using “absorbency”, not “cardio/calorie”. Depending on the context, in each item below the upper limit in a range like  […-30] usually means “30 counts would match 10 min jog in terms of calorie/cardio”.  Notably Jogging has high cardio effect and requires the lowest absorbency as explained in star_rating of power-surges, so using something like jump-rope to match such a high cardio effect requires too much absorbency , too much to be impractical. I would rather set a lower target than setting my regime on a march to hell.

==== intensity (vs duration)
* Short but intense bursts do count esp. for cardio-respiratory health.
* short but light activities (like slow walk, housework, shopp,,) do count.

“Brisk walk” .. a popular recommendation. I used to dismiss it as “marginally better” but by walking faster, you do “score” more points for cardio-respiratory.

If your day includes a few seconds of dash to catch a train (if safe), it too helps you score more points for cardio-respiratory.

Weight as resistance can increase intensity , and shorten the duration
* with squat, chin-up etc (mostly against body weight), even the slowest workout has a real intensity.
* With boxing and jogging, slow means low intensity. Speed would easily triple the intensity.
* climbing stairs uses both weight and pace to increase intensity, and helps all three major systems named above.

— Qualified Yes .. When an active day is a “qualified-Yes” it is usually due to discontinuous squats or G-16 climb like G-9 plus some squats. In contrast, continuous G-16 is unqualified Yes. However, the research of BBC program proves that “Any amount or burst of activity adds up“, basically vindicating my “incremental accounting”.

In fact, a 2km jog is far more sweaty than incremental G-16 stair climb or 240 squats, but lower intensity and doesn’t stress major muscles. Paradoxically we do count 2km jog as an  unqualified Yes!

Most folks can’t hit 150 minutes/week (30m x 5) of moderate workout. For these individuals, short but intense workouts are often more achievable. This is the #1 practical finding of the BBC program. The HDB-hub cancer roadshow echoed the BBC guideline that 75m/week of “really” intensity workout also qualifies, but it’s futile to define what’s really intense.

blogg@availability≈@parent`,gz, QQ

As I transition from a livelihood-driven to wellness-driven life, one of the key focuses and priorities is BMI, which includes

  • Promethean struggle
  • daily battle
  • L@ctrl
  • availability .. the umbrella phrase I will use in this title

These are real problems, real pains. My blogging and analysis is finally paying dividends. Now I realize that this domain deserves more /sunshine/, more laser energy, comparable to blogging on

  • parenting
  • gz
  • QQ and coding drill

Apr21EAP: appetite失控 #compassion #poison


Problem description — You come home without hunger (like Bayonne), but when you see food you start to feel an appetite out of control.

Counsellor challenged me — Can you say to yourself right now “I won’t compare to the past. I will focus on the present and what’s within my control.” Well, I won’t give up and accept things like “my kids have disappeared, or my legs are now useless..” However, the environment changed hugely from 2019.

— out-of-control appetite.. I hope there’s a more powerful phrase like “appetite on rampage”, but “control” is a power phrase in my mind. See also wins+control ]Bayonne

Now I think the appetite on rampage is normal. How do you decide that’s not legitimate hunger? Your yardstick is elastic!

You find this new appetite so irrational (hunger is never rational), so random (it actually is), so out of control (human nature). But that’s probably the case with a lot of people, when they have not tasted that particular food for a long time.

— Compassion .. is a keyword from the 13 Apr 2021 Cigna counselor. See powerless guilt #self-hate for the opposite of compassion

I gave the counselor a graphic metaphor — patches of poison on the surface of an internal organ. This counselling session helped me open up, spot the poison, wash it off, while keeping, not rejecting, the organ. I felt cleansed. I know how ugly the organ looks, but it’s part of me and I embrace every part of me. I am OK as an fallible, weak human being. It’s OK to lose half the nightly battles. In unusual j4 S$7.50 salad, I recorded my chat with another Cigna counselor Bindi when I said “everyone is weak.”

Las Verrugas Anales | ASCRS

family shopping: who bought That entic`food

One typical example — family shopping trip to YueHwa. 80-100% of the foods we buy are detrimental to my BMI mission and hard to control in the home stash.

I am fairly careful choosing my foods. (So is wife.) My kids care less about discarding food, so they buy with less oth (I buy with oth). They often eat 10% [3] of each food and leave behind the rest.

Q1: what happens to the fattening foods I buy on such a trip?
A: I think deep down, from a young age, I have an aversion to discarding food. A lot of zsms about discarding food. So I would often struggle to slowly consume them.

Q1b: what happens to the fattening foods my kids buy?
A: I feel much less aversion, less guilt about discarding 🙂

[3] Q: is it a good or bad thing that they eat only a small portion of a sugary or oily food?
A (jolt): After they buy, as a parent I feel lucky that they eat only a small portion. I can give the rest to others (rarely) or discard.

##[21]subconscious brush-off @%%superiority]cohort

k_X_focusing_illusion  k_soul_search

(a good title is hard)
For decades, I tend to practice a slightly excessive form of modesty, bordering on self-degradation.

Opening example: I have worked my ass off to improve diet and BMI, but when I meet a OC-effective guy, or a humorous/witty guy, I often ignore my BMI advantage and regard him as superior.

If I can recall and name 50 “superiors” [Yang, Venkat, Shou,], 95% of them would have some serious inferiority such that I would hesitate to trade places with him. The exceptions tend to be people I don’t know so well…. I can’t know their inferiorities.

Overall, I think my habit has served me reasonably well. 谦虚美德. However, sometimes it’s slightly unfair and unjust.

  • inferior: Many of them (or their kids) grew up in an incomplete (if not broken) family. Many of them lost a parent fairly early.
  • inferior: half of them are overweight if we include the non-Chinese.
  • inferior: Most of them do not have my superior diet habits like raw veg/fruits, low alcohol, low starch, low fat, low frying
  • inferior: Many of them have experienced more wellness declines including sexual, bone density, endurance, muscle loss, BMI, eyesight, hearing, hair loss,,,
  • inferior: Unknown number of them have non-trivial but hidden issues in mental wellness, including sleep, relationships, stress, aggression
  • inferior: Most of those occupying higher positions have work stress and career risks far more than I have as a contractor.
  • inferior: Most of those high-flyers don’t have my career longevity. This is another “battery” I have built over decades but I tend to dismiss, esp. when I meet some high-flyer who is without this longevity but… superior ?!
  • inferior: majority of them have long-term financial concerns like medical + inflation, retirement income. Note some of them have no kids.

— reflections on the 92S27 reunion in May 2022

I told grandpa later on “not worth my envy: their cars, expensive homes, maids, top schools for their kids”. These are often white elephants.
This is part of my emerging wisdom as a greying and thinking adult.

I also told grandpa that my skills are in demand, with market depth in a growing sector.
I want to actively reduce attachment to the EPA comfort zone.

I tend to brush off my advantages in diet, workout, bonding with kids, brbr, cashflow high ground, lifelong learning.
Many of my advantages over these ex-classmates are in successE and successZ.

In whatever that matter to me, I don’t feel left behind. I am getting ahead, in stealthy footsteps.

not every starch is satisfying n addictive

Original title: not every starch is satisfying n addictive.

Countless varieties of starch are extremely attractive and satisfying to me, since I was brought up on starch as 主食. However, it’s useful, even important to correct my perception — No I ain’t powerless against every starch on earth [1] … No No !

  • specifically, white rice congee [大米粥] is less attractive than thick noodles, let alone rice.
  • .. Fairly low ccost. I disliked the China version from young, but the Singapore version is more tasty.
  • specifically, plain mantou [馒头] is less attractive than baozi. My wife often buys it hot but we usually eat half and discard.
  • plain bread is similarly unattractive. There are so many brands in any American supermarkets. I kinda feel lucky about my dislike for them.
  • In general, 95% [2] of all noodles .. are less satisfying than rice, bakery or 死面 (unleavened) food. In Singapore breakfast coffee shops, I often try a mix of many noodles (including rice noodles) and none as good as rice.
  • In general, 100% of anything made of rice flour .. is inferior to wheat flour

[1]A few movies share this same theme — the aliens in the movie are a powerful and more advanced species than humans, but many individuals of their species have weaknesses and not so overpowering and invincible. Some humans among us have the courage and self-confidence to defeat them.

[2] I can’t recall any exceptional noodle… perhaps Japanese udon?

How about konjac?

obesity: improve public infrastructure

Given that the real world won’t improve fast enough for my life and your life, some of us will have more BMI-life-chances due to personal effort, education, access to better jobs/nutrition,,,,

This article seems to play down the importance of individual effort and emphasize the environment factor. This article is a credible argument, but I maintain my perception — effort is the biggest factor within one’s control. Better jobs and better nutrition is also within our control.

— My reflections on, written by a FinancialTimes reporter.

“Obesity is not the cause of a problem, but a symptom. Over the past 50 years, no country has reversed the trend of rising obesity.”

Q: Given the increasing public awareness, consumer education, why are citizens not improving our waistline?

There is now a scientific consensus that whether or not someone becomes overweight is, for the most part, the result of the interplay between genetic predisposition (responsible for around half of variation in body mass index), and environmental factors… The ‘individual responsibility’ idea, that people gain weight due to self-destructive decisions that they can be enlightened out of, has proved false…Obesity shows us primarily what is being done to people, not what people are doing to themselves….”regularity of dietary habit is simply incompatible with irregularity of work and income​​”

Q: why are low-income families more affected by obesity?

The author points to stress, overwork, unreliable income, financial insecurity,,, I feel these factors are indeed important. An outrageous analogy — in an world of increasing work stress, food insecurity, income insecurity, and increasing availability of addictive substances [alcohol, sugary drinks, cakes,,,], is some form of addiction inevitable for most? I guess we already see the widespread addiction to screens, sugary drinks… the curse of our time.

“But if any country is to reverse one of the world’s most stubborn trends, its policymakers must recognize that the solution will come not from haranguing people, but from improving the quality of their lives and their environment.”

Q: will it help if employer (like mine and Macq) provide free fruits in office pantry?

Q: will it help if employer (like mine) provides relaxation facilities in office?
A: I doubt it. I guess most employees prefer to get as far away from office as possible.

Look at the overwhelming amount of food advertising, esp. in malls. How many percent of them are truly healthy like raw veg, whole fruits, skim milk?

Convenience .. is a key factor in our increasingly busy lives. Those convenient locations and food choices are mostly (like 99%) less-than-healthy.