Update: Fibers and fruits are completely healthy, but affect my fitness due to weight gain. More importantly, carb probably affects my fitness due to weight, even though relatively healthy.
A 24 BMI could be bad for many people but acceptable to your system, without visible threat to your heart, lung, liver, kidney or other organs.
Compared to the health effect, a 24 BMI is more likely to affect your fitness (though some bulky athletes are very fit). I tend to believe the lighter you are, the faster and longer you can run, lift yourself etc.Most of the fitness tests I care about is heavily dependent on body weight — running, jump, pull-up, sit-up etc. Am less focused on 1) strength or 2) flexibility
Each person’s “system” can deal with food differently. Individual differences are much wider than we assume by reading health articles. I can’t stress this point enough.
* many lucky individuals eat the “wrong” foods like carb, sugar and fat more than the population average, and still stay fit and healthy
* some individuals eat very little of those but still put on weight or get conditions.