##deeper green: pre-diabetes, pre-hypertension,BMI


See also

— the two green zones .. I’m nearing the prediabetes zone, but I’m already in the pre-hypertension zone by some standard.

It’s important to know there’s no consensus about the pre-xxx threshold.

Q (for doctor): I am nearing prediabetes and borderline hypertension, which one is more dangerous for me?
DrLeow on 25/Apr/2024: in general, t2dm is more dangerous than hypertension, but you have neither at your current levels (5.4%, 120+/80+)

— famly history .. hypertension yes, not t2dm.

— progression with age .. likely for both blood sugar and blood pressure. I feel, without evidence, that hypertension looms larger than t2dm

— BMI deeper green zone .. I want to reach the safer zones of 20.0 .. See y slim down when I’m slimmer than most#Susan

[18]USD 10k to hit+keep63kg #Kyle

As I told Kyle,

You can’t swipe a credit card to buy weight improvement. Both calorie restriction and workout are daily battles to be fought day in, day out, both very very hard, requiring unrelenting discipline for a long long time.

In 2017 I asked myself, hypothetically, how much I was willing to spend if there were a way to buy “63 kg”. 63 kg was my lowest weight since 1991 when I came to Singapore and grew heavy. I decided at least USD 10k. As of Dec 2018, I achieved that goal with an expensive shift of focus. My MS work actually suffered from de-focus.

In Jan 2019, a few days before my birthday, I asked myself “How much are you willing to spend if there were a way to buy 60 kg and maintain it for 3 months?” I would say at least another USD 10k, because I now realize how hard it is to maintain 63kg.

Now I think two commercial offerings can help ease the struggle

  1. fancy foods such as whey and fruits
  2. personal trainer to manage the motivation and provice professional guidance

##risks outside BMI deep-green zone #lung..

  • bone health #CSY comment
  • t2dm !
  • lung !
  • cholesterol !
  • hypertension
  • various cancers — see
    • https://www.cancerresearchuk.org/about-cancer/causes-of-cancer/obesity-weight-and-cancer/does-obesity-cause-cancer
    • https://www.cancer.net/navigating-cancer-care/prevention-and-healthy-living/obesity-weight-and-cancer-risk
    • More than 1 in 20 cancer cases in the U.K. are “caused” by excess weight

prefer slim^brank@@P2 #completeLife

brank[11] mediocre
basic degree slim fitness: endurance,
commute beautiful wife
complete[1] complete complete complete No. 95%
No. 99.9% complete complete No. I would
feel unsatisfied
dismissible? tough tough no no no no no
painful[2] ? tough pain pain overweight
would be pain
pain tolerable pain intolerable
just how
bad most peers have it self-image For 30Y I have felt
defective about my
Y-junction flexibility
I have never
got used to it
note: prestige
peace [3] blissful peace peace unhappy “30Y” unsatisfied unsatisfied
but at peace

I see a fundamental difference between Brank and Slim. The same difference is explored by several related questions:

[1] Q: is your life complete without this “thing”?
[2] Q: Is your life tolerable without it after a while? Yes/No question. No “maybe” please.
[3] Q: can I live with peace and blissful happiness without it?

Conclusion — even without brank, my 50Y remaining life can still be full and complete but without slim body shape I would feel bad for decades to come.

Conclusion — lack of brank is not a pain I must “manage”. In contrast, Body shape and inflexibility are.

Once one of us retires early then there’s no brank to compare.

[11] How about robust career prospect till age 70? Not sure if it belongs to either category but my contract career is more robust than most of the brank careers. Ask Honglin.

prefer slim^brank@@ P1

See also earn/deduct points unfairly #weight mgmtHere’s a similar paradox —

  • At a mid-level VP role I would feel bad if overweight, and envy the slim (not “athletic”) contractor.
    • our Blk 155 Indian neighbor — not earning a lot more than me…
  • As a slim contractor, I often feel bad about my mediocre career progression and envy the mid-level VP in charge of 3 juniors.

So I feel bad about myself, either way.

That’s the first point of this blogpost. The other point is the question — Which one do you prefer if you must pick one?

My Answer: Slim Contractor. I won’t elaborate here.

vastly different BMI@same fitness

Q: On the street, when you see two equally fit guys, around the same age and weight, do you feel the shorter or the taller will live longer?

Intuitively I feel the taller guy will live longer because his shape is more slim, which protects him from a wide array of health hazards.

  • BMI deeper green
  • In an accidental fall, the lighter person will suffer lower impact and sustain lighter injury. Of course strength of the joints and muscles are more important but here I assume the two guys are equally fit.
  • For example, to be able to run 3 miles, the bulky guy needs to put in more effort. The slim guy may not need any practice.
  • For example, to hit 20 chin-up, the bulky guy needs a lot of effort
  • For example, in stair-climbing, the slimmer person has a clear advantage

I live differently from average slim person

  • difference — body image is not among my top 3 motivations
  • difference — (#1 motivation for slimming) am more aware of my genetic cardio risk — BMI deeper green
  • difference — am driving towards the lower end of BMI green zone. Very few slim people are.
  • difference — am more focused on flexibility than other fitness dimensions. I think a minority of slim individuals (predominantly women) share this same focus.
  • difference — i could grow more muscular but I want to be very very slim.
  • difference — I know my tendency to grow fatter and I know my slim figure was mostly effort.

## wellness benefits{weight loss

Safe to say that every time i lost a few kilos (3-5 times?), my fitness and health has always improved. No negative effect ever, always completely positive. Let’s look at wellness benefits of the late 2018 downsize:

  • #1 most obvious — chin-up. Virtually everyone good at pull-up I have seen is slim.
  • push-up
  • jogging — resuming after a 2-month stop, I usually feel heavy, but on 23 Jan I ran 4.8km (12 rounds) with 4 segments, feeling fairly light. Might be psychological.
    • Again on 24 Feb 2019 I jogged 4km (10 rounds) in Bayonne without feeling tired. This is unusual fitness after a month of inactivity
  • under-skin fat around the navel is visibly thinner
  • my cholesterol has improved with fairly intermittent Lipitor

y slim down further when I’m slimmer than most#Susan

Hi Susan,

You are the first slim healthy Chinese women asking me this same question. A number of guys I met asked the same and a few women with “average” BMI also asked. I can see all of them can benefit by slimming, but they wondered why I also bother to slim down.

  • Reason — self-control. It is an understatement to say I have a tendency to overeat (at least 1.5 times the daily calories intake of people my age) and put on weight. See binge. This is a result of a life-long eating habit since secondary school, when I typically ate twice of other boys’ intake, and I won a few eating contests, undefeated. Basically no one in my class could eat more than I did, period. As I grew older, my metabolism slowed, but eating habit and appetite persisted. I put on weight many times. For more than a decade (probably since my early 30’s) I have been monitoring and often controlling my intake level. Now it’s not about intake level, but all about calorie restriction. Once a while I relax my control and eat more in one meal than an average middle-aged man eat in a day. It’s either a binge, or a controlled release.

By slimming down, I either maintain or enhance control on my diet. When I see the result in weight, I feel a tremendous sense of self-confidence and self-mastery. Mind over body. I consider my recent weight improvement harder and more important than earning my Master’s degree. I would say very few things I have achieved in my life are harder than calorie restriction that I practice. Constant self-discipline. Daily battle. With 75% effort and 25% luck I’m winning this battle.

Looking back, achieving my weight loss was harder than the research, analysis and “legwork” involved in my property investments.

  • Reason — family history of hypertension and cholesterol, from both parents, esp. my mom. Low BMI is a major protection for my heart. In contrast, borderline-high BMI is more hazardous to me than the average individual. I once consulted a doctor about this point.

Based on my limited understanding, BMI was developed primarily for heart-health monitoring, prediction and management. My BMI is now around 20. I want to lower it to 19.5 and further down. In terms of BMI and heart health now I’m very safe in the green zone, and I want to get deeper green and then even deeper green. The more deeper green, the safer. I would have more healthy years to work productively, stay active and stay engaged, move freely by myself, and enjoy my life.

Green vs amber BMI is a life-n-death matter, impacting my longevity and quality of my later life.

Self-knowledge about our own health and genetic make-up is crucial.

  • Reason — fitness. I always run longer, faster when lighter. Now I’m the lightest in my adult life and can perform more chin-up than anyone in my circle, in fact, more than anyone I have met in my entire life. The most chin-up I have seen one guy did was in high school, at the age of 17 or lower, but I recently beat that record, largely due to my weight improvement.
  • Reason — self image. I always hate my fat around the navel. Now I have less fat around my abs than any time in my adult life. I have always wanted to have the abs on men’s magazine covers. It’s less about muscle size more about elimination of fat. It’s extremely hard to lose fat there, except for the professional athletes. Now my abs look that good — unthinkable all my life until a few months ago.