#[17]preparing for 1st week]U.S.: focus@livelihood

I jotted down this list in Jan 2017.

  • Will stay in Chinatown hotel, Flushing, 8th avenue, or possibly Xia Rong’s place, attending interviews + exercising.
  • medical — will need to use Chinatown
  • Chinese Church support if needed, because professional advice is extremely costly — see artificial complexities ] US systems
  • books — send by post early
  • exercise tools — carry only the very light, like jump-rope
  • laptops — need to bring  possibly 2.
  • Aiming to start on a new job quickly and then green card.
    • Can ask the employer to find something easy  and short term.

— livelihood is front and center in my planning… In hindsight, I noticed all of my key items are related to burn rate containment and essential support