[22]no more envy: underpaid cf US for20Y

This is a deep and long “bruise” (imperfect metaphor.. LG), occasionally painful but extremely common.

For most of my life, I was constantly envious of nationals of richer countries. More resources, bigger safety net, more life chances. That’s until I became SPR.

— underpaid .. When I became a SWE in SG, for years I was envious of SWE in U.S. — Same workload, I was paid far less.

Now in 2022, I feel whether in SG or WSt (where I can work), I am paid similar to the highest paid SWEs i.e. in WCBA.

hist ^soul-search ^selfEval ^t_intro ^t_tectonic[def]

k_soul_search … k_tectonic

  • t_soulsearch .. is usually more broad, covers more than 2 domains (cf tectonic)
  • t_selfEval .. self-evaluation within a peer group or by a commona standard but not a competition, or https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/15615/sweepingEval/
  • .. Most but not all sweepingEval bposts also qualify as soul_search, but let’s avoid overloading those bposts
  • t_intro — these blogposts are deeper and most focused and most personal.
  • T_histScan — non-trivial insights from history… with a well-defined timeframe, often referring to specific years, at least a few years ago rather than the recent past.
  • T_histZoom — zoom in on one point, or from one specific angle.
  • .. eg: compare now to one point in history

Q: what if a blogpost covers 2 or 3 domains and is somewhat deep?
A: overlapping between t_intro and t_soulSearch. Judgement call.

— t_tectonic — is the simplest, purest tag among these related tags. These blogposts always cover at least four super-high level big domains[subset listed below], not a random list of low-level items scattered across these big domains.

  1. marriage, family harmony
  2. bonding with kids
  3. edu
  4. immigration .. GC, sgCiti
  5. (pre) retirement planning .. purpose, meaningful occupation, mental health, financial
  6. hobbies, recreations, time mgmt

Should be capped below the stated number of bposts.

A tectonic bpost is often a soul-search , and often a historical review.


##[20] Stealth overtaking{1998

k_tectonic … k_hongkong

See also

Trigger 1 — SG^HK .. this blogpost is triggered by the SG^HK tale of two cities. Keyword is “overtaking”, where the content is nothing new. So I don’t want to spend too much time.
Trigger 2 — immersion .. sitting in the library for another immersion, I recalled my post-NUS self-improvement years.

eg: Hong Kong, Switzerland, and Scandinavian countries used to be the envy of Singapore government and Singaporeans. From the turn of the century to 2020, Singapore quietly overtook Hong Kong and Scandinavian countries in GDP. Singapore overtook Switzerland in PPP-adjusted GDP. I feel Singapore has become stronger, smarter, more competitive on many fronts, due to decades of steadfast focus on the fundamentals (内力).
eg: NUS and NTU overtook many competitors .
eg: Millennium Capital — gradually and quietly overtook many competitors. I think it’s because of consistency

Over the same period, I feel I also overtook many of my (unnamed) peers in my cohort, not only those in financial or IT domains.

  1. — The heavy-hitter list, focused on “overtaking”
  2. wellness — 5 workouts a week; satisfactory intimacy.. see BGC:pull`ahead @the pack: personal (!!leadership) effectiveness
  3. career longevity .. dev-till70 in the harbor of WSC .. See passport2 WSC_harbor@the SWE continent
  4. cash flow high ground in terms of brbr, FullerWealth, debt, bare-bones ffree, nonwork income
    • retirement planning (a global concern across rich countries including SG and welfare states). I have adequate planning with medical cost “Cushions”, CPF-life, low-maintenance HDB rental yield.
  5. prestigious credentials in UChicago, Wall St, NYSE, hedge fund

Now some obvious, familiar or minor advantages I have created

  • beautiful kids
  • U.S. and SG “dual homes”
  • carefree since 2018
  • UChicago .. insider advantage

Those are the things we want. There are also things we don’t want . It’s so easy to forget that I am free of the unwanted “things” below that each afflict a portion of the population in my cohort:

  • no bulging belly — rather rare
  • no chronic condition (except borderline cholesterol) — sleep; toothache; neck pain; hypertension;
  • no marriage instability
  • no major sexual difficulties yet

— my effort, choices,,,, or dump luck? See post on locus@control
— mellow?
— detach?
— how do I pass on my success to my kids?
— with some exceptions, virtually all of these “overtaking” successes stem from personal effectiveness, rather than inter-personal effectiveness
exception: marriage required a lot of team work
exception: I could do my professional job reasonably well in 10+ teams.
— Q: Are there some areas where some peers overtook me in stealth?

  • personal investments in US stocks or property (A.Lin)
  • brank? Not my game.
  • ^^ I feel none of these examples are worthwhile. Nothing to learn.
  • More diversified investment portfolio
  • more healthy lifestyle.
  • more patience with parenting

— Raffles Place reflection .. at raffles place I see lots of young, well-dressed (mostly financial) professionals in their 20s and 30s.
I feel many are spoilt kids. But I think others come from poorer backgrounds perhaps in 3rd-world countries. Many are ambitious and hungry in the rat race. In contrast, when I was their age I was on the sideline, as a manufacturing engineer and later blue-collar programmer. I had excellent burn rate control (unaware), competitive on theoretical domains (unaware) but stuck in the less lucrative domains.

  • life chances .. The higher income has indeed provided more life chances to finance chaps, to me and my kids.
  • adaptation .. I have gone a long way in my adaptation for and within my fin-IT domain. I have figured out how to survive the competition and churn, how to gain an unfair advantage…
  • 4def .. At that earlier age, I was mostly driven by successC, but now I have reached a well-off carefree ezlife, and have shifted focus to successE anad successZ
  • deathbed .. successE beats successC
  • stealth overtake .. I caught up with the finance professionals in my cohort. I guess, without evidence, that for majority of them, their domains and roles are no more lucrative than Fin-IT. Even the traders and fund managers.

—  library immersion .. From my early 20s till early 30’s, probably after NUS, I often felt inferior to some in my cohort — techno-preneurs, the OC-effective young managers, the young MBAs, CFAs, the finance professionals on the street of Raffles Place, sales/trading professionals in rEstate or Prudential,,,, In SG, the blue-collar engineer has a low status compared to in the U.S. I felt like an ugly duckling, esp. in the dating game. None of the role models in the media or in the community was a blue-collar programmer.

In NUS (more so in China universities), library immersion is a long tradition, but after we leave the campus, how many and who would keep the habit? Remember Alina.Zhao .. In the national library, I would read tech books all day long, and those young men don’t need to read that much. They would read business or magazines, even newspapers. Some of them read about rEstate or stocks, as they have an early start on personal finance. I could only watch on the sideline. (Now I am ahead of my cohort on personal finance.)

I think my 5-10 years of self-study in the library was slowly charging my batteries, or building my infrastructure like China did, or building the system like SG did.

Since then, technology industry, esp. software dev profession has grown more important, more valuable in the national economies not only of the U.S. but notably in China. U.S. tech profession offers excellent market depth, better than many of those professions listed earlier, esp. the sales profession.

* I underestimated the $value of my QQ capacity, absorbency, continuous/inquisitive/integrative learning,,, the qualities of the growing swan. These qualities were once associated with the ugly duckling.
* I overestimated tech churn, out-sourcing. (I didn’t underestimate the younger competitors.)
* I overestimated the $value of their professional qualifications, experience and people skills.

Q: When did I quietly overtake the bulk of “them” in terms of pff + career longevity prospect? (Clearly, some are still ahead but at my age I don’t strive to close the gap.)
A: perhaps during q3sg

Library immersion provides a defining example of FOLB. In my 2021 assessment I still follow the same rat-race criteria, the same midlife timetable . In this blogpost, I have not mellowed up or grown wiser.

During NUS years, one valuable harbor was the fast-food restaurants in shopping malls such as Ginza plaza. I used to stay until mall closing time. For many years after NUS, my #1 favorite harbor was the library. I also used fast-food restaurants and MRT trains. I always brought study material + other reading materials.

Nowadays I worry less about opening hours because I could sit in bus interchange with A/C + free wifi. I fee lucky to have the library, the free wifi in various locations, the laptop, git-blogg infrastructure. Adaptation (see the blogpost) and resilience. Nowadays I mostly use therapeutic blogging to recover, restore, calm down, regain focus.

Maybe I should start using more study materials for zqbx, for burn. Get on the offensive?

##[15]G5 risky decisions]%%life #GS,BGC

  • Risky decision #1: move out of Goldman, while on H1b, with a single income and a new-born. GS was familiar, but discomfort zone…
  • Risky decision #3: train for preschool teaching. Low financial investment, but high effort investment
  • Risky: Manila property investment. Lots of unknowns.
  • Risky decision: move to US in 2007, shortly after wedding. Unthinkable if we have kids then.

–minor risky decisions

  • risky decision: abandon green card process, with long-term consequences
  • risky: invest with unknown developer MIH
  • risky: UChicago MSFM. I analysed for years. Less risky than the Manila investment, because the credential has some well-understood value. However, real effort involved.
  • Risky decision: send wife and kids to Singapore at end of 2010. Family separation. Staying away from my young son. There were precedents though.
  • Risky decision: avoid java in my job search in 2015, when on the bench
  • Risky: sell 600K worth of USDSGD options to earn a bit of premium. If exercised, I only had USD 200k to convert to SGD.
  • risky: chose White Plains job… hard to adjust without subway or Chinatown or easy access to interviews.
  • risky: chose KhengCheng for my son
  • risky: choosing regular school districts in US for my kids.

How did I become focused@alien territories@@ #yoga, raw veg..

Q: Since 2018, how did I gradually become focused [1] on such “alien” territories like yoga, c++, blood donation, raw veg, fasting, protein powder, buying pre-washed salad, climbing stairs,, ?

[1] I said “focused” because with a steady focus I started trying and seeing improvements. Focus is the key.

Most if not all of them were undreamed-of for my entire life, and completely alien to the younger version of me.

Some of them I tried and failed repeated and gave up hope — yoga, early sleep, raw veg, ,,,

Some of them were considered too expensive and not worthwhile — pre-washed, protein, yoga, ,

A: One of the biggest reasons is my discovery of my strength in self-restraint

A: One of the big yet hidden reasons is my disillusionment with tech muscle building, asset accumulation, brank…

##[15]Hedgehog 看家本领 Saved%% job+selfEsteem #self-learn

k_X_power_descriptor  k_tectonic

Despite my lack of OC-style effectiveness, I have survived many things. Below are the personal skills that saved my job and self-esteem/dignity

  • — unsorted
  • caring heart for my kids and my wife, even when I’m under work pressure . Not every man has it.
  • focus .. on work projects, localSys, learning, IV prep,,,, (collectively considered “deep work”); on writing an appeal;;;; Grandpa had the same 看家本领.
  • quality_focus .. developed over 20Y, I rely on my quality focus to avoid mistakes even when juggling multiple issues. I have earned colleagues’ trust.
  • wellness successZ — diet, exercise –> free from most illness that my cohort suffer
  • studies — Beijing transcript –> qualified for Hwa Chong JC
  • studies — physics and math –> earned me lots of respect from fellow students, teachers, and other parents.
  • studies — math, physics, English, Chinese –> qualified for NUS
  • studies — strong foundation + hardwork –> survived MSFM
  • resume-writing
  • unix learning –> i learnt unix quickly and moved up from programmer to unix SA
  • java learning –> i rose from a $2400 programmer to get a $5k Pac Net job in half a year (after I met Apple)
  • java learning –> in-depth java interviews ] 2007
  • JIV capabilities -> self-esteem
  • .. JIV competence .. not directly tested over the past 4Y, but I still think it is more important than OTJ competence.
  • GTD tech skills, including my “camp out” habit.
  • debugging skills -> salvaged my reputation, my project during production outages caused by my defects at GS, MS, NYSE integrated feed,
  • conserver lifestyle burn rate control -> housing -> self-esteem saved when my peers owned multiple properties (FOMO)
  • conserver lifestyle burn-rate control. For these few years I’m blessed with windfall in salary + pre-inheritance but I know it will end someday so I remain a converver
  • English –> saved my self-esteem. I put in so much effort for so long. i guess that’s instrumental to my resume and interviews
  • English –> crucial in dealing with FSC, CPS, NAVH, IMH
  • learning –> continuous, self-driven learning, with plenty of DRAM refresh/reinforcement, and note-taking –> to move out of perl, LAMP, ,,, into finDev –> saved my self from FOLB

Other qualities — not really “skills”, or didn’t exactly “save” me

  • education and … –> found a woman of my dream