ex-prisoner/parolees tend to lose self-control n reoffend

See also AAA

The U.S. probation/parole system highlights the challenges of individual freedom for individuals with limited responsibility and judgement. I don’t have statistics, but I think parolees and ex-prisoners often struggle with self-control and individual freedom. They are likely to become addicted to substances, gambling or gaming. They may also have problems with debt and personal credit. For these individuals, closer supervision and reduced freedom may help them avoid reoffence. In extreme cases, even when you are eligible for parole, you may be better off staying in prison, because the strict control is actually better than the “freedom” outside.

https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/issue-briefs/2018/09/probation-and-parole-systems-marked-by-high-stakes-missed-opportunities reported:

  • about 4.5 million, or 1 in 55 U.S. adults, was on supervision [i.e. probation or parole] in 2016
  • every years, about 2.3 million people exit probation or parole. Nearly 1/3 of them exit it with a unclean record. Among them, almost 350,000 return to jail.
  • About one-fifth of felony defendants were on supervision when they were arrested.
  • Rates of substance use among those on supervision are two to three times those of the general population. I think this contribute to their supervision offenses.


##blog▲▼read: parenting, Buddhism,,#学而不思

For years I believed I need to spend more time reading/learning than thinking/blogging. However, now I believe there are important 学而不思-prone areas where that belief doesn’t apply. This blogpost uses examples to illustrate the principle that oftentimes, we need ThinkMoreReadLess.

Other titles: ThinkMoreReadLess, BlogMoreReadLess..

I advocate “read less” mostly due to Diminishing return. If you read more you are likely to end up 学而不思, not because of laziness.

— earliest example: parenting… a well-defined domain, where _applying_ is more important than learning
See my 2019 blogpost t-effi: blogg^facetime,思而不学
— Eg: Buddhism teaching .. is a very specific and well-defined domain, where practicing is more important than reading
Suppose you learn, say, 20 high-level (or 100 detailed) guidelines and memorize them, share them with friends and family. In contrast, I only learn a one high-level guideline (with a few detailed guidelines) and try to practice them in my daily life. Serious “practice” is a struggle, with lots of thinking, blogging, discussing. I don’t read much since I focus on one guideline only.
— Eg: /selfcare/ [motivation, anger, anxiety, ] .. blogging is more important than reading new content. There are thousands of books but we may need to read only 1 or 10.
Many people use chat, email, self-talk as alternatives, but I find blogging more powerful and in-depth
— Eg: mgmt, interpersonal communications, assertiveness, leadership (vague) .. _applying_ is more important than reading. I have bought or borrowed many books and read many ..
— eg: reduce inactivity .. (active living) practicing is more important than learning. However in this domain there are not many books

##topics spann blogs #schooling,,

  • commute .. in 610610, tanbinvest and gz
  • schooling .. mostly in 61060, but SDXQ goes into tanbinvest
  • UChicago .. mostly in 610610, but also in tanbinvest and jobjob
  • U.S. migration .. mostly in 610610, but tanbinvest covers housing, commute topics
  • SG advantage over U.S. or China .. mostly in 610610, sometimes in tanbinvest
  • retirement destination .. mostly in tanbinvest, but some country comparisons go to 610610
  • absorbency .. split between 610610 and jobjob
  • historical reviews ..  a type of blogposts.. can belong to 610610, jobjob or tanbinvest
  • brain aging .. mostly in jobjob, sometimes in 610610
  • blockchain currency .. split evenly between tanbinvest and jobjob
  • salary figures .. salary figures in other blogs

I feel by default, homeless topics belong to 610610.

wins+control@appetite ]BayonneHome

One big reason I can’t accept the appetite on rampage is the 2018-19 winning experience. I think it’s important to focus on the recent winning experiences and not to focus on the recent losing experiences. I told the counselor that perhaps 2018 was so positive because I had a string of wins which created a positive feedback loop for more wins. Jolt: Actually I had many wins 2020-21 [1], but not in BMI !

The so-called “control” and “wins” in Bayonne was a theory to explain the BMI reality. They are perceptions (perhaps illusions) built on one pillar — my improving BMI.  In reality, compared to now, I had a similar number of control failures, if you count the office free foods, the ice creams, the starchy foods.

The real reason for the unheard-of BMI improvement? I am becoming less and less sure and more and more skeptical, but I guess my overall calorie intake was well-controlled, due to one huge factor (the elephant in the room) — I had full control over my home stash, so there was no unexpected enticing foods. When I give in to the appetite, I had effective damage control.

[1] now compared to Bayonne, I eat more cooked veg thanks to my lovely wife. I sometimes suspect that cooked veg has more calories than raw veg. Now I believe there’s insufficient evidence.

UltraEdit / EditPlus purchases: long shadow #printing mouse

These experiences cast a long shadow. Therefore deserves revisits. The long shadow is cast over similar buying decisions like …

— how I decided to buy both about the same time .. I first bought TextPad for about $40. Then I found some unique features in UltraEdit (USD20?) and EditPlus (USD 10?). By then I had known how useful and how frequent they are, so I invested a “small” amount to have 3 alternative choices to complement each other.

Jolt: Would be more worthwhile buys if notepad++ had not emerged. I underestimated 1) tech churn 2) quality of shareware

— jolt: the absolute amount I paid was small compared to other under-utilized purchases
Deep scar? Should be small scar. Deep is over-reaction. Trauma would be Over reaction.

Similar buys, but mostly hardware buys:

  • $60 百胜楼 mouse that print a label
  • head phones, microphones
  • samsung camera
  • $8 iphone earphone

bpost title: more memorable content #condense

Background: Most of the time a post becomes useful only via a search or listing, showing the title only. 70% of the titles are not memorable not distinctive

I’d rather pack some short-n-sharp reminders in the title, without making it too long

The verticle bar “|” is more compact than the plus “+”.

— To achieve the shortest titles, use Chinese wording, even though they are less valuable for sharing.

They are searchable.

— tags and category help provide context
Tags can be fairly specific keywords.
The slug can provide even extremely specific reminders.

##[21]G9 visProgress]home laptop usage #health++


Half-ranked by impact and value

  • [h] gd2() command to reduce risk of conflict. better backburner stress
  • 0.txt sharing via SD card
  • [h] more standing at home ..
  • [h] A95 touchpad .. less strenuous after battery replacement
  • duplicate task bar on both monitors
  • — EOR .. Now some items that are familiar, or minor
  • portable installers .. see separate blogpost
  • [h] tiny Bluetooth keyboard for dual-screen
  • clip as wire organizer .. not a “laptop” thing per se
  • [h] laptop wire lock in office .. better backburner stress
  • less overcharging .. better battery life, lower electricity, less heat
  • short date in system tray
  • [h] mouse pointer and default text sizes.. bigger, less straining on the eyes.
  • [h] powerline .. (powered-on-demand) more reliable in my perception, better backburner stress home wifi
  • thin task bar on the side, to increase vertical (and horizontal) real estate
  • [h=wellness]

[10] best manager for me #S.liu, Tanko

Nothing new to share — Just want to say Thank You again for giving me a lot of advice on working with managers.

Before GS, I had always avoided large companies, because in 2002 I had deeply negative experiences with large company politics. Then I decided to stick to finance. Now I can’t avoid large company politics any more.

I still feel the more Chinese-like, the worse I will suffer. I had Indian, Chinese, Singaporean and White managers. The best “match” are those relaxed, trusting, hands-off managers. Obviously, some of my Chinese managers are nice (forgiving and informal …) too. As a crude analogy, not all Chocolates are more bitter than all non-chocolate candies.

Inevitably, I will head back to Singapore and jump into the muddier water there, leaving behind the less-muddy water on Wall Street. I feel it’s critically important to find a “matching” manager, but I doubt I can tell over those telephonic interviews. I might be lucky to get a matching manager, but it’s more likely I will suffer quite a bit.

— in 2021, I told Tanko .. the perfect job/mgr is one who accepts me as a greying, low-energy, unambitious techie, who does get things done at a reasonable quality but slower pace. Tanko said some older managers are tolerant. Many team members are probably similar in productivity. Those fast workers are not necessarily more productive considering quality (rework, support issues…)

Tanko said he is older/slower than colleagues but more attentive to details. Sounds similar to me.