dual_earning=THEIR main advtg over me



This is a recurring sentiment about my US cmc peers. Most of my U.S. cmc peers have double income, well above me in terms of household income.
Jolt: Now I feel that’s about the only advantage they have over me.

  • wellness .. am better than majority of them
  • family harmony .. they are not better. Look at my bonding with my kids. YY.Tao?
  • marriage .. mine is more stable than many of them. H.Yi?
  • edu credentials .. mine is higher than most of them
  • long-term financial support by the state .. my gov is better than theirs by a large margin
  • pff .. despite their higher income, I don’t feel they are actually better off. This is just like latency race .. what’s enough? If we are well-off enough, then why envy those 50% richer?

— new: unstable marriage of two high flyers
[[Divorcing couples: a profile analysis]] finds “dual-earning couples often struggle with the management of multiple demands placed on them — earning money, the responsibility of maintaining a home and raising kids.” I have never questioned the advantages of dual_earning. Now I think there are a few DISadvantages.

  • the wife would be busier and have less time for kids
  • the husband must take on more parenting work
  • the wife (perhaps husband too) is more tired on more days
  • more conflict in marriage, leading to insecurity in kids.

Given the income disparity in my marriage, my wife is mostly supportive, rather than competitive and independent. Our parenting duties are well-organized.

Q (posed in 2020, 2021 or 2022): given the cashflow high ground, how could H.Y improve their marriage and communication.

A: professional couple counselling. This service costs a lot in the U.S.
A: hire a maid to reduce the home-making workload on each parent

Perhaps emigrate to a lower-income country where systems are less complex and everyday life simpler and more convenient.

Surprisingly, the high ground doesn’t provide enough of a buffer of protection against marital risks. The high ground improves risks related to family cashflow, but the high-earning wife is also very independent and doesn’t want to play a supporting role to the husband. Not a risk factor in itself, but in some cases, this can indirectly create new risks. Many divorce cases involve two high-income earners.

A lower-class stable couple (earning 100k/Y) look at the higher-class the Yi’s with envy. But would the Yi’s envy the stable marriage of the lower-class couple? I think Yi’s xpSelf would.

Now 100k/Y is well above the median household income, so why would this couple still envy the Yi’s. Would a $400k couple envy someone still higher? It’s endless like the low-latency arms race.

## fake_crises #serenity..

k_X_focusing_illusion  k_soul_search

I get into crises anxieties far too often .. I guess it has to with focusing illusion.
Let’s be slightly more rational and ask ourselves — what bad news (or other events) should be considered a crisis? Let’s list up to 9 high-level categories. I think they all have some timeline.

  • kids developmental problem
  • medical condition that should not be postponed indefinitely.
  • mounting financial loss
  • family tension [marital, parenting]
  • kids’ developmental [behavior] problems
  • equipment out@service but actually needed. Counter example: the bedroom door repair can be postponed.

Here are some storms-in-teacup i.e. fake crises:

  • ED .. growing difficulties .. There are many proven solutions, and I believe them.
  • air-con issues except in boy’s room … We seldom use these
  • work projects taking longer than “normal”
  • boy’s overweight
  • boy’s slow progress on piano
  • cpf fund not earning enough return — but no urgency
  • engagement honeymoon has ended
  • my time allocation differs from my ideal — so what?
  • my spare time is not generating enough ROTI — but when did it?
  • my workout time has reduced — but any real effect on my health?
  • visible result of my time spent on boy is far below my expectation — but real progress nevertheless
  • fall-below fees

Slightly less often we notice a shocking deterioration in our life, but irreversible, hence no big change needed. What we need most is the serenity prayer.
* skin, hair condition, perhaps due to aging
* c++ programmers’ life becoming tougher on wall st
* growing population of younger, brighter developers in Singapore job market

Which individuals have the serenity and the discernment? Grandpa, Josh?

ctbz(寸土必争)[def]: micro-saving add up over5Y or involution #H2O

k_ctbz  k_X_power_descriptor  k_soul_search

In popular usage, 寸土必争 has a wider meaning, but in my case, ctbz := Once I set a realistic and measurable target for my endeavor, I push myself to execute my plan with ruthless, clinical precision, often semi-consciously beating myself up whenever I deviate visibly.

寸土必争 is often a daily struggle, tough for everyone. Therefore it’s actually my competitive strength! Most adults or young people don’t monitor their burn rate, calorie-quota or regular exercise. The cumulative effect would eventually show up.

Among these scarce resources, usable time is the most scarce, available up to age 60 (only 55 for some).

This is a killer talent and a visible personal advantage. Among the specific talents, the most significant (used to be $$) is calorie-quota budgeting. It has long-term health benefits.

Among these endeavors, my success is most visible and decisive in $$, and least in time-saving.

This is one reason for my carefree life at this age when my peers endure stress. This (and other) freedom comes with responsibility.

— warning .. ctbz can be hazardous. With cherry, other eaters would discard half the flesh. However, due to ctbz, i try to eat all the meat off the core. This is actually dangerous. When I do this without full concentration, the stone can get stuck at the throat or go down.

— domain: water.. in mid 2022, I found joy in saving water. The small actions make me feel /righteous/?/ and earn me self-respect. It sharpens my perception on numerous water wasting scenarios that are often overlooked. The small savings add up to a modest amount, but the sharpened perception will help me score big wins.

— domain: diet
Polyclinic dietitian said .. without precision, calorie reduction will be futile.

calorie-quota is a similar concept to carbon-quota. Each country each year is given a quota. If you over use bit by bit, then someday you need to borrow from the future quota.
— domain: workout
flexibility (+ muscle) declines with aging and requires periodic stretching, perhaps a few seconds each day — ctbz
— domain: burn rate .. my burn_rate_control (ffree) is the front page success story.
Some people save for months then spend all the savings at year end.  Other people waste numerous small amounts of money on a monthly basis. Over decades they “throw down the drain” a painful portion (like 10-20%) of their income. elaborate planning of NY/SG trips is a case study.

See also ctbz on small spends

— domain: time micro-saving
My Focus on time utilization is a great example of my ctbz habit. Many people spend time (and $) in “fun” places that actually don’t create a lot of pleasure.

Large number of small time-wastage is similar to large number of small $-waste. Some of us feel the pain only years later when our peers make progress in their spare time (or their office hours).

— domain: divorce dispute (if it ever happens) .. Grandpa said that in the unlikely event, we need to fight to resist and never give in
— my ctbz attitude/habit is effective (in some but) not in all domains:
With early rise, I feel my 寸土必争 attitude may be unnecessary, possibly counterproductive.

Weekly coding drill don’t need 寸土必争. Momentum is more important.


G5 health issues in longevity individuals #heatmap

Here are my top 5 health concerns in my 95-longevity plan.

Note death is only part of my concern.

  1. heart – variouis conditions add up to be the #2 killer in SG
  2. cancers in various organs – is the #1 killer in SG
  3. bones .. as CSY warned
  4. stroke – much lower in SG ranking
  5. Pneumonia – the #3 killer in SG

— SG: risk factors behind the most death+disability combined, based on http://www.healthdata.org/singapore

  1. tobacco
  2. t2dm (High fasting plasma glucose)
  3. BMI
  4. hypertension
  5. LDL
  6. alcohol

https://vizhub.healthdata.org/gbd-compare/ is a treemap/heatmap, where color represents growth rate, and area represents incidence measured in DAYLs. I chose Singapore Males 70+. Need to choose “Cause” and “Death”. This data is not published by Singapore MOH.

  1. heart including hypertension and various cancers are the biggest two causes of death.
  2. lower respiratory infections — is an infection, probably not chronic like cancer or COPD
  3. — Above are the big 3. Below are the other major items
  4. t2dm + kidney
  5. stroke
  6. Alzheimer’s
  7. hearing loss

[21]look beyond college admission

See also

  • my letter to Kyle about two mothers
  • my letter to Kyle about inside advantage

Many middle-class Chinese parents tend to come under a powerful /spell/ (re Emperor’s new clothes). The spell limits their horizon to no more than college admission. My wife is one of them. She tends to judge a parent’s success solely based on the branding of the college the child gets into. If we put aside the caveats [some listed below], I think we can see how short-sighted she is. If we do look beyond college admission, and look at the 4Y experience, look at the post-grad, look at life-long learning, look at employment prospect, I think most of us would agree that college admission is grossly overrated and not really the make-or-break of a person’s life.

(Admission to ) A branded colleges vs later success is like a trophy wife vs fulfilling marriage. Note “trophy wife” has a rich meaning with many elements, and therefore an interesting analog.

I think many Chinese parents actually realize “Yes short-sighted”, but still find it hard to break away and reject the herd instinct. I think this is exactly why I found it hard to persuade myself to accept a 5-rated SDXQ like South Edison or Bayonne.

Now the caveats:

  • caveat: my wife also understands (probably agrees) that if a marginally more branded college costs much more than a slightly smaller brand, then the former is overpriced and not a worthwhile choice.
  • caveat: my wife also knows that the child needs to like the college, regardless of the brand. Even if mom likes the brand name, the child may not like the college or the course.
  • caveat: my wife also knows that a student can graduate from a lesser college and then j0in a branded college for post-grad, like I did.

##gain` traction+vision {years@envy P1

k_bedBug_wisdom  k_tectonic

See also ##GordianKnot Cutters

Need a better title. Old title: “##gain` traction+vision {years@envy”, showing

  1. Gaining (temporary) vision after years of shooting in the dark
  2. Gaining (temporary) traction after years of spinning the wheel

This blogpost grew to become /unwieldy/, so I split it to a sister blogpost on wellness+finance

  • [c = even a SINGLE effective strategy / tactic would put me above the clueless majority]
  • [m = I or someone can teach a class like the master class run by the Value-Investing or e-commerce gurus ]
  • [r = reflective writing proved instrumental]
  • [e = I envied for years, until I figured out some secrets, and now becoming the envy of others ]
  • [t = reached a decisive turning point]
  • [h = hidden barrier]

—- [c] eg: boy’s math coaching… My vision secret? put aside benchmarks and try to increase his intrinsic motivation by 1%. Possibly insignificant (I don’t think so). Definitely better than nothing.
—- eg: secure foothold in the U.S. the land of opportunities. Gaining traction year after year. I am reaching my turning points steadily. Last one was my priority date becoming current.
—- eg: find a women good enough, who likes me. Turning point was 2005.
—- [] eg: underfucked for years
My traction secrets? intimacy calendar. See https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/47636/21-jan-counselling/
—- [ct] eg: ROTI family outing — The tcost of outing was prohibitive. ROTI was always underwhelming if 5H+
My traction secrets? jogging
—- [cmr] eg: bedbugs — some consider them as untreatable. My vision secret? See bedbug heuristics:where, how many,spreading speed,weekly check
—- [ch] eg: use paper as /dashboard/ — more effective than technologies
hidden barrier of effectiveness: access .. paper is far more accessible in writing or display
—- [chm] eg: mosquito .. screen is economical, durable. Additional traction secret: avoid tear at the edges.
hidden barrier of effectiveness: inconvenience.. The suction lamp takes 10% of the effort of other solutions.
—- 1169 main door too heavy and need 3 magnets… My vision secret? friction pad underneath the door is cheaper, far easier to install (no drilling) and more effective
—- [h] door closer detachable middle rod ..
hidden barrier and vision is the tilting angle… when too sloped, it would rub hard on the top surface of the swinging door, and cause a growing problem.
—– [] hair drooping over forehead .. I always had to visit a barber. My vision secret? This part grows faster than all other parts, so I could cut it short by myself.

===== as student
—- [et] improve English vocab and aim to have enough to express myself in writing and carry a conversation
—- [et] improve English listening and aim to follow BBC radio
In terms of listening, this goal is harder because the other person can’t slow down and repeat for me.
—- [et] earliest defining example: Chinese compo — My “traction” secrets to start gaining traction?

  • Use as many nice phrases as possible to describe details;
  • Develop sufficient vocabulary to describe vague or complex sentiments
  • free-flow writing

Is this a defining eg of “traction”? Yes.

===== career
—- [hmt] eg: java (and c++) IV stardom — Is this a defining eg of “traction”? Yes.
My traction secrets? I failed many interviews until I found out what valuable questions to focus on

C++ journey was more winding. My traction required more interviews and easier interviews.

HFT c++IV are still too hard.

hidden barrier: need to impress the interviewers in some tech domain
—- WallSt-pro status — achieved in 2010 after GS.
My traction secrets? not GS trec, not dnlg, but java IV skill !
—- [ce] tech career longevity — against churn. We all envy the doctors.
My vision secrets? I found a “way” to this goal, via WallSt contract market
—- [et] c++ IV, and c++/java combo — envied for years those who can pass C++ interviews. This battle is much harder and longer than the java battle. My traction secret? Here are some

  • bet on the topics. Go skin-deep [1] on a wide (wider than java?) range of paper-tiger topics, but go deeper on several core topics. See c++11,sockets,IPC in QnA IV #Ash.S
    • [1] earlier I overspent myself on too many secondary topics.
  • Use HFT c++ interviews as training only; count successes only at Type1 and Type3 c++ interviews. Focus on outscoring the competition at these easier contests.


##[18] life enriched: 5 subtle factors #yoga,wifi


  • frequent exercise classes
  • wifi in many shops nearby. Ever since 1995 Ginza Plaza McDonald’s…
  • —food: healthy, tasty and high-end
  • lots of fancy fruits
  • fish — but not fried
  • breakfast porridge
  • green-machine

—home location factors .. expensive  not “subtle”

    • well-maintained street
    • short commute by bike (or train). Unlike many of my peers, I just can’t get used to long commute
    • parks or waterfront nearby? actually not so important. See Parks: less important than well-maintained street
    • time for exercise, family .. rather than long hours “wasted” on commute or in office.


[21]shift`fixations since q3SG #othRisk

It takes too much time to keep this list. In each item, there are too many important details.. like pulling out a thread from a knitted sweater:( … Once I start pulling I can’t stop pulling.

  • [early 2016] renzi
  • [mid 2016] boy ownership, heavy workload, efficiency, kiasu parents,
  • personal finance, including bx and property investment
  • [Mar – Sep 2016] fitness including yoga
  • [Sep 2016] (after coming back from Beijing trip) marriage – risk of break-up
  • [m] UChicago
  • [m] c# body building —- ended in 2013. I tried several US jobs.
  • Saxo/Oanda —- subsided after my Saxo options expired in Nov 2015. Failed experiment
  • [!m] FSM —- more than 3H/week for most of 2013 – 2016
  • boy Eng reading —- Late 2014, before his P1, we enrolled in Mind Stretcher and KentRidgeTutors. In P1, we engaged home tutor mostly for English reading (and writing).
    • [m] renzi —- In P2, my focus shifted to renzi. I brought boy out on weekends to read on MRT or in library. Very poor ROTI.
    • ownership^bmark —- initiative, efficiency, study habits … was a focus since early 2016.
  • [m] Jill’s, BGC and Phnom Penh — minor focuses
  • b@a —- dominant focus after the chat with Ilya Oct 2014 – Mar 2015. Went to office on many weekends
  • post-b@a —- dominant focus Mar – May 2015
  • ramp-up at Macquarie —- major focus for Jun – Dec 2015. Weekends…
  • H1 —- dominant focus from Dec 2015 to Mar 2016. This includes all the analysis, discussions and decision-making.
  • yoga —- became a minor focus in Feb 2016. Took up lots of time and energy.
  • unstable marriage for a few weeks after waigong came.
  • Boy fitness —- signed up with flexifitness in Jul.
    • [m] my jogging —- I started jogging with them then with Ashish. My ROTI is excellent. This also includes yoga and swim.
  • [m=measurable target]

In hind sight, overspent on boy, investment, basically same tendency in HIS19 !