t_fuxi^ PendingReview^ sticky

Why I spend so much time fine-tuning this scheme? Because without these tools we tend to lose insights, information ..

Beware the growing dependency on WordPress !

— sticking point with my “sticky” plan… I have no habit to look at sticky/draft/pendingRefresh … I have yet to develope this habit. Looks like a sticking point. To develop this habit, I have to “disable” publicationDate… (by leaving unimportant or new bposts on top)

If too hard, then I would continue to use publicationDate, and I may occasionally look at sticky/draft/pendingRefresh.

— ranked by visibility and accessibility:

  1. publicationDate .. has Highest visibility. I often post-date my favorite bposts, so these bposts automatically bubble up on top in the edit page. I feel this is the most effective and simplest, but requires many clicks and no way to mass-update.
  2. search+!searchBox
  3. STICKY flag– “curious blogpost to be reviewed”, often vague
    • sticky flag is a super fuxi-tag, offering mass-untagging
    • sticky flag is a “supercharged pendingRefresh flag”. When too many sticky posts, can we mass-archive a small subset to PendingRefresh? Yes. Sticky should outnumber pendingRefresh.
    • I am experimenting to implement snooze feature using sticky — “snooze” a batch (like 20) of posts for a while, then remove all sticky tags
  4. DRAFT and PendingRefresh flags .. less manageable than Sticky flag.
    • Like sticky, both offer mass-tagging/untagging, but less convenient.
    • Sugg: Can I assign some new, immature bposts (common pattern) to the Draft ? Yes
    • Sugg: Can I assign some outdated, “renovation-needed” bposts (more common pattern) to Draft ? Yes
  5. ^^^ draft,  sticky and PendingRefresh posts … incompatible with the Private status 🙁 but more accessible thanks to quick-links on top menu-bar (beside “Published”), but their specific meanings are obscure (hard to remember) because I can’t rename them. It’s like color coding.
  6. 0project_tag — see below
  7. !fuxi20 — tag for top 20
  8. !jolt20 — tag is similar to STICKY, but also shouts “Let me remind you again”
  9. t_bold — big bold claims and opinions, softer than jolt

—  fuxiTitle .. Given the growing number of blogposts, I feel t_fxt/t_fuxiTitle are more realistic than t_fuxi.

🙂 t_fxt sorts close to t_fuxi 🙂

  • 0project_tag — “current projects” This category ranks on top of all other categories, but still less convenient than “sticky”. I want it to be a temporary tag because it occupies the valuable real estate of the top spot.
  • t_fxt_11 .. a blog should be moved out of this after one refresh. If it re-enters here again, then consider moving it to
  • t_fxt_22
  • t_fxt_44
  • t_fxt_199 .. giving an estimate of the size. This tag name is better than a barename t_fxt.

anger@kids^work ^custSvc


It’s enlightening to compare 2 (up to 3) targets of my anger — parenting vs customer service.

— at work

Thank God I don’t feel boiling anger at work, esp. against the boss. I do feel frustration against my boss.

G.Guo was unhappy with boss for a while. He revealed to me “不爽老板” in a rare moment of openness. I won’t analyse him, since my focus is myself. A growing anger against the boss is pretty bad situation.

LG-n2h, LG-NoGuilt, LG2, LGpp, LGlp

  • lg NG .. let go no guilt
  • lg N2H ..let go as an optional item, nice to have
  • lg2 — let go as a 2ndary item
  • lg LP .. let go as a low-priority item. Less specific than lg2
  • lg PP .. let go and postpone
  • — consistency is a lglp and lg-n2h
    • Use any case
    • no hyphen needed

I think I picked up this let-go phrase and “mellow” from Theodore Rubin.

extremely powerful mini de-stressor

##[24]delightful tech hav`+ve impact@%%personal life


This bpost is another example of focusing on the positive experiences. Appreciation day.

[v=vague, not specific enough]

— xx and self-improvement in personal tech # this list is more specific 🙂

  • %% gmail archive management .. growing importance
  • wpress database capacity mgmt
  • fancy zone .. set up in cockpit4
  • finger_hook@smartphone .. found better design online.
  • learning the eavesdropping risks in free wifi
  • learning WPS as basic replacement for MSff

— %% tech hacks (kudos), comparable to DIY kudos

  • — half ranked by …
  • home wifi security .. MAC filter, rather than password
  • %% recoll system — notepad + wordpad, not MSWord
  • [v] use github to edit the same file from multiple places including office
  • [v] git-blogg on the go
  • carrying fake finger on flight
  • I bought 4+ cheap laptops, but total cost is below one expensive laptop!
  • VGA switch in office
  • header keywords

— delightful technologies having a +ve impact@my personal life… Be grateful for new technology.

  • voice to text in wechat+whatsapp
  • spreadsheet for assets.xlsx and other personal investment.
  • — half ranked by noteworthiness and t$value
  • free wifi in 快餐店 quietime-innovation since%%college
  • touch screen .. sometimes proves highly effective when touchpad is inconvenient
  • strawberry perl + git-bash as my c++ IDE for coding drill
  • low-cost laptops + printer + copier. In Jun 2024 I had a budget of $1k+ for wife’s new laptop but paid $399. Thanks to globalization, manufacturers have adopted low-cost produciton technologies.
  • [v] good use of 4 laptops and 2 cockpits
  • blog as searchable tech reference
  • [v] gmail draft .. git blogging
  • multiple big monitors in office
  • improving battery life in laptops

##projection@ self-inferiority #schools,kids


If you are personally associate with something, be it a person, a school, or a country, then there’s a valid reason to notice, highlight, or discuss its limitations. But the negative focus is often obsessive, distorted, one-sided, out of proportion, driven by a projection of self-inferiority.

The pattern — whichever group I find myself in, I tend to worry about its calibre and quality.

A important sub-pattern: those who chose me

— My Physics and math positions in HCJC .. I considered myself a second class top student from China, so if HCJC picked me to represent the school, it’s only because HCJC was also second class…

In reality, HCJC probably produced some of Singapore’s top math and physics students of the year. They were my HCJC classmates.

How about Java/c++/c among competing languages? These are respected, upstream tech skills.

— individuals who praise my English … (spoken or written) There have been many over the years. I tend to cast doubt on their judgement, and their own standard of English.

When I was more fluent in British English, I often felt British English was losing ground to American English.

When I went to U.S. and became more fluent in American English, I started feeling that American English was lower in /standard/ and quality due to detrimental influence of immigrants speaking improper, imprecise and broken English.

Projection? my self-inferiority translates to a lower opinion of the style of English I have acquired.

— I also felt occasionally inferior about my parents’ professional standing… Some classmates seems to have “greater” parents in Shiyan, but now I don’t recall anyone in my schools.

— I also felt occasionally inferior about my kids’ physical development, athletic/artistic talents…
In reality, they are very good. Even if they are mediocre in everything, the inferiority deserves no place. There’s no need for any competition with other kids.

My son’s talents tend to get similarly played down, such as his talent with gadgets, maps, piano, bi-lingual,,,

Projection? My kids’ talents are diminished because they are my kids. The same talent in another young person would not get dimissed likewise !

— my chosen country ..
As a Chinese citizen, the inferiority was a national malaise. Remember [[丑陋的中国人]]. Similarly, I think Britons feel a national malaise, as their nation’s standing declines over the decades.

As an immigrant, after you choose U.S. as your new home you may also start to project your inferiority. Look at R.Xia and others.

Limitations? Every country has limitations. When we are outside our home country and describing it to to a non-countryman, we need to be fair to our country. We can criticize it, but we need to avoid bias.

If I’m a CAD patient in Japan, I may worry about my country’s quality of medical care. I would worry that Japan doctors are not fluent enough in English…

— Beijing relative to other big cities .. My own inferiority is frequently projected to my beloved birthplace, a city I’m associated with _forever_.

When I’m feeling inferior (like half the time 🙂 I tend to focus on its limitations esp. relative to Shanghai and Shenzhen. Every city has limitations. It’s hard to be fair to Beijing, but I still feel attached to my birthplace.


wpress DB backup: mysqldump^phpMyAdmin

The mysql backup procedure is standard. Same procedure in wpress or another CMS.

https://help.dreamhost.com/hc/en-us/articles/215039758 is the article I followed.

In all cases, the artifact is a *.sql file of megabytes. It takes a second to generate this file

You need to save (notepad) your db hostname, db name, login credentials. Not hard.

— ssh/mysqldump is crude. I like this method because it gave me access to the linux host, and builds my confidence.

— phpMyAdmin is convenient.

  • artifacts downloads to browser
  • the data transfer can take a minute for a 20MB file
  • phpMyAdmin is fairly standard and stable, available in most web hosts.


[18]3common stressors4 U.S.middle class like me #bad commute

to be absorbed into another bpost?

  1. cashflow for livelihood
    • not enough savings for children’s education
    • lack of home-ownership -> net rental outlay? Not an unbearable stress.
  2. work stress
    • see separate blog post
  3. 2H+ commute eating up time for exercise, family, rest.. In NY most of these guys simply accept the long commute. Not me! I feel the higher salary is a poor bargain.

–outside the top 3:

  • weight, diet and health conditions that have to be actively managed
  • kids school problem — not so serious

boilerplate header for power-lists

I want this blogpost (esp. the title) to be /identifiable/ and as unique as possible, different from (possibly numerous) related bposts.
I want to avoid creating yet another /forgettable/ blogpost.
I want the list items to be specific, highly selective/discriminatory.

Below are some of the familiar/generic items, or high-level and vague items. Some items are indirectly relevant or /tangential/ to the original question.