mental image: HappyMediocreChild having limited zqbx


I need to keep this image of my kids. It is a good + practical goal

I can see that if academic pressure were lower (as in the U.S.), and his relative academic weakness were not so visible, then everyone would be happier.

In fact, I think his P1 and P2 years are just like that.

with numerical scores (not grades), situation would appear worse.

— For the long horizon, I have told myself to accept a happy mediocre child. This prospect feels similiar to my personal weaknesses in FOLB:
* Chinese compo weakness in Grade7-8
* limited leadership capacity

— For the short term, I need to accept a below-average level of zqbx, mtv, determination, confidence, drive, self-control, goal/desire…

Grandpa calls it immaturity.

fruit as breakfast@@

If you search online or ask some doctors, you may hear a similar comment to Dr Lau’s. However, my gastro doctor told me it’s better than skipping breakfast.

I see an important pattern — The unconventional proposal deviates from standard advice, so professionals would not endorse it, but it is probably better than nothing. I believe this pattern shows up in multiple places:

##[15]anxieties over last 10Y ranked

–anxieties ( I didn’t say “stressors”) ranked roughly by … health effect

  • * [CI] #1 boss warning about performance. tremendous Blow to self-confidence. In GS, I used to get up in the morning feeling worried about my projects.
  • * [A] forced to look for new job. Remember GS and the shitty job at OC
  • * [AI] bitter quarrels with wife or parents
  • * [A] moving home
  • * [A] personal trading like FXO gone wrong. Requiring constant watch. Worst when it’s too big and complex
  • * [I] kids’ school marks .. (far) higher stress than non-academic subjects. See
  • * [I] weight (once 71 kg) and diet. I tend to have reasonable control.
  • * worry about specific health conditions. I tend to manage them systematically.
  • * [A] UChicago exams. See
  • * [C] kids’ weight problem and unhealthy diet
  • * [C] not making progress learning anything serious
  • * [AW] kids on a rampage
  • * too much stuff at home, clutter
  • * [W] too much stuff hanging everywhere in home
    [A=acute, usually over a short term]
    [I=widespread and deep implications]
    [W=unique to wife]

–small stressors that don’t make the list, but could add  up

  • * [A] kids lagging behind academically. No such problem. Lucky we have bright kids.
  • * kids’ poor reading habit. Now much better.
  • * kids unable to become more careful@exams
  • * [A] accident – something broken
  • * low retention rate in UChicago — more like disappointments, negative feeling, rather than anxiety
  • * FSM poor return
  • * accident – misplaced something
  • * [A] accident – bought something wrong.. regret but unable to get rid of it

examples: earn/deduct points unfairly #wellness++

Compared to ##加分不够: effort,improvement…  this blogpost is mostly about wellness. In all of these personal experiences, the improvement, however small, required an disproportionate effort to overcome really tough obstacles. I deserve a lot of reward. Same for my son.

  • eg: When I was unsuccessful for months with weight loss, I felt a crushing load of guilt. However, when I endured tough diet regime and finally achieved some visible weight loss, the satisfaction didn’t last more than a day  — unfair
  • .. see 63kg was very hard for 20Y
  • eg: Yoga offered a similar illustration. I wanted to continue yoga after arriving in the U.S. I was unable to and felt deeply guilty and disappointed with myself. When I finally restarted yoga practice and managed to keep it up for a few months, the satisfaction lasted only a few days — unfair


## extremely calorie-dense food ranking

  1. 900: ghee is more pure than butter. This is the max possible calorie density because pure fat is 900 cal/100g and protein/carb is 400 cal/100g
  2. 700+ butter and mayo — tied at 720 cal/100g, but luckily I seldom eat them directly 🙂
  3. butter cookies and pastries
  4. 600: peanuts and almonds — 550-600 cal/100g, but more heart-healthy than animal fats. Has fiber
  5. 500: brownie 500 cal/100g
  6. 400+ croissant (butter) 410 cal/100g. I saw small croissant at 300 cal and I can eat four in one meal.
  7. 400: cheese 400 cal/100g
    • 🙂 i don’t eat cheese in bulk
    • 🙂 cheese alone isn’t tempting
  8. 300+ cheesecake 300+ cal/100g
  9. potato salad with mayo. Due to the fiber, I probably will stop after 1000 calories. Without mayo, it’s only 110 cal/100g
  10. ice cream is often 600 cal/pint but the range can be 300-1200 cal/pint. I think the H2O concentration is much lower than in my milkshake.
  11. avocado 250 cal/mid-sized piece, 160 cal/100g
  12. white sauce

Pattern — Every item is fatty, and many of them sugary or starchy

Water content can be a saving grace but not in creamy soups

##[16]biggest recurring time wasters #Bishan

New list for my solo months in Bayonne:

  • checking credit scores, bank accounts etc
  • slimming — shopping + cooking + blogging
  • gym
  • overspend on blogging? No. This accusation is unfounded and witch-hunt
  • laundry

(There’s enormous value in statistics even in a casual statistical look, not using any data)

  1. –[2016] ranked in terms of total time wasted per year
  2. [f=D] commute without an engaging /read/ (noun, just like “think”)
  3. [f=ww] investment – was 3h/week during OC/Stirt.
  4. [f=w] shopping (including ikea), esp. returning merchandise

[f=w] TV including Phoenix
commute to gym/library + shopping afterwards
[f=m] shopping or playground time after a movie/lesson/meal. I tend to get nothing out of the 30 min or whatever.
[f=m] lunch meet up with friends?
[f=w] outing with boy — no measurable benefits like knowledge
** but outing between ANY parent and ANY kid seldom has ANY measurable benefit.
[f=m] family outing? I feel huge time wasted on the commute
[f=w] bring kids to playground. Sometimes I do get 5 to 20 minutes of exercise, to be more tilted towards flexibility training.

[f=frequency. d=daily, ww=avg twice weekly]

[16]spare time accounting #LukeSu

Luke Su pointed out each week we have around 60 hours of usable time like
+ 25=5h*5 — 7pm – 12pm on weekdays
+ 34=(24-7)*2 on weekends
= 59 hours a week

So how is this time used? Someone might suggest a pie chart and Gap analysis between US, my UChicago days …, but this is like the expense tracking exercise — extremely time consuming

--The categories (current est}target)
cat(15}10) kids learning sessions (including the preparations); blogging ; dddddddiscussions
cat(3 }4) exercise including the buffers
cat(2 }3) work projects; UChicago
cat(3 }5) study on tech or fin, including blogging. Need /quiet/ to make real progress.

cat(3 ) [s]research (blogging, meet-up, emails) about US, tech career,
cat(4 }3)[s]at-home fin planning -- inv(tcost); property(tcost); Au; bx; cashflow mgmt; retire
cat(6 }) [s]misc research (blogging, emails)

cat(10 ) eat + basic clean-up;;; shower
cat(5 }6)essential home maintenance; help wife, parents, friends
cat(2 ) [s]shopping including the buffer
cat(6 }) family outing including eat-out, pingpong, excl. study sessions in library

[s=sinking in lots of time unknowingly, or a tendency to do so]
!!! None of these categories meet a measurable goal.
!!! In fact, most of the common measurable goals are despicable, such as school marks

Which category received the 20h UChicago time saving? Kids; study; financial
–see also
blog on biggest time wasters

2015 weekend – all the small bits of time add up