##devices2help remember passwd #DRD

k_passwd …

— #1 tip: DRD [DramRefreshDrill]… I like this homegrown jargon as it leverages existing term “Dram”
practice monthly .. use google calendar

— tip: save hints to a text file ..

— tip: hints on post-it

— tip: use “hot” sites for practice .. Say you just changed passwd on someSmallBank.com, but you seldom log in there and may forget it soon. You can use the same password in office computer, which will “require” you to enter it frequently, therefore commmitting it to memory.

  • office LAN passwd
  • mlphone
  • home laptop passwd, not PIN

horse riding: y many ignore high risk@@

I don’t know why many (usually white) Americans enjoy horse training and riding. Statistically, it’s very dangerous. Whenever you fall, there’s a real probability of injury. I sometimes envy their enjoyment, but that enjoyment is not so important to me, whereas the risks are important to me.

I guess that many motorists won’t wear helmet if no regulation. These individuals choose to ignore the risk even if they attend a safety course..

How does it compare to motorbike or car driving?

How about keeping a dog? I think there’s a real advantage — my kids would be more confident about dogs. Dogs are quite common in the U.S.

How is yoga in comparison? Is yoga that important? I guess it motivates me to keep working on flexibility. In that way it is life-enhancing.

##lifelong struggles@@ Am battle-tested: diet++


When I describe to friends diet restrictions (mine or otherwise), we often feel “This self-discipline is achievable perhaps for a year, but not for a lifetime”. It is a Promethean struggle and demands a /herculean/ self-discipline.

Today I decided to challenge this perception. I think there is lots of evidence that I (you too) have fought many lifelong battles and they didn’t tire me down.

— resist the brainwash, cosmic-ray of self-pity in the context of peer-benchmark
wrong priorities
— eg@Promethean: yoga
On the other hand, my forward-bend daily practice in Sec 1 was clearly unsustainable, torturous
— eg@Promethean: chin-up .. see separate blogpost
— eg: coding drill .. a harder struggle for my peers than for me
— eg: English listening, speaking, writing … felt like a lifelong battle until middle of my NUS years
review English vocab .. not a battle for me, but for other peple such as millions of English learners
==== less specific, milder (but lifelong) struggles
— eg: take the stairs once a while when everyone is taking the elevator/escalator
— eg@Promethean: brushing/flossing teeth, esp. with fixed retainer
— eg: math .. a struggle for my kids, and most students until they can opt out like in high school

##[21]subconscious brush-off @%%superiority]cohort

k_X_focusing_illusion  k_soul_search

(a good title is hard)
For decades, I tend to practice a slightly excessive form of modesty, bordering on self-degradation.

Opening example: I have worked my ass off to improve diet and BMI, but when I meet a OC-effective guy, or a humorous/witty guy, I often ignore my BMI advantage and regard him as superior.

If I can recall and name 50 “superiors” [Yang, Venkat, Shou,], 95% of them would have some serious inferiority such that I would hesitate to trade places with him. The exceptions tend to be people I don’t know so well…. I can’t know their inferiorities.

Overall, I think my habit has served me reasonably well. 谦虚美德. However, sometimes it’s slightly unfair and unjust.

  • inferior: Many of them (or their kids) grew up in an incomplete (if not broken) family. Many of them lost a parent fairly early.
  • inferior: half of them are overweight if we include the non-Chinese.
  • inferior: Most of them do not have my superior diet habits like raw veg/fruits, low alcohol, low starch, low fat, low frying
  • inferior: Many of them have experienced more wellness declines including sexual, bone density, endurance, muscle loss, BMI, eyesight, hearing, hair loss,,,
  • inferior: Unknown number of them have non-trivial but hidden issues in mental wellness, including sleep, relationships, stress, aggression
  • inferior: Most of those occupying higher positions have work stress and career risks far more than I have as a contractor.
  • inferior: Most of those high-flyers don’t have my career longevity. This is another “battery” I have built over decades but I tend to dismiss, esp. when I meet some high-flyer who is without this longevity but… superior ?!
  • inferior: majority of them have long-term financial concerns like medical + inflation, retirement income. Note some of them have no kids.

— reflections on the 92S27 reunion in May 2022

I told grandpa later on “not worth my envy: their cars, expensive homes, maids, top schools for their kids”. These are often white elephants.
This is part of my emerging wisdom as a greying and thinking adult.

I also told grandpa that my skills are in demand, with market depth in a growing sector.
I want to actively reduce attachment to the EPA comfort zone.

I tend to brush off my advantages in diet, workout, bonding with kids, brbr, cashflow high ground, lifelong learning.
Many of my advantages over these ex-classmates are in successE and successZ.

In whatever that matter to me, I don’t feel left behind. I am getting ahead, in stealthy footsteps.

[19] LifeChance4Boy: U.S.imt SG #edu resource

“Life chance” is relative to his peers. Given limited resources, some students would receive more than other students. Singapore system is based on benchmarks — meritocracy.

In the U.S. system, good schools provided more “life chances” but students must be motivated to “get it”. So I think perhaps the best resource for my son is a good school with motivated fellow students.

In the U.S. you might be able to enroll in such a good school by renting in a good school district.

Some schools have special resources in the form of programs in outdoor activities, or arts, or …

Some high schools offer more AP courses than others, but it’s up to the student to work on them. U.S. system is like buffet.

Ebbinghaus forgetting curve – 2 phenomena

http://baike.baidu.com/view/408793.htm points out 两种现象


第二种现象为过度重复学习,复习的频率过高 (really? who?),每一次复习的时间都是在一个学习内容记忆犹新的时候就去复习,学习的效率不高,影响学习进度。
