%%renzi regime^R.Teo’s approach@math

infinite patience + infinite time investment.

Accept low commitment. Accept short attention span. Accept give-up attitude (Mrs Goh’s observation).

I guess Sakamoto teacher is similar.

Jolt – Looking at my effort on renzi in his P1-P2 in hindsight, I feel the hours spent on his renzi was too so high relative to Raymond’s!

If you plant a cucumber and it doesn’t grow well, would you blame the cucumber? No but you need to assess the tcost.

flight2BGC: high cost@micro-managing boy’s study

2019 Scenario: on flight to Manila, I just did some QQ or coding drill and can continue but i noticed boy had been watching TV for a few hours, so I told myself Let’s take a break and help boy with some math practice. There are multiple problems with this line of thinking.

* the hours on flight are really precious. After the flight, I often remember the productivity level for a long time. This long-term memory has a deeper impact on my self-image and self-assessment than weekend productivity. It has even higher impact than commute productivity. Self-assessment is crucial.

* my ROTI is actually very, very, very low. The real progress would come from within not from parents. There’s a deep-rooted cultural bias that parents ought to keep spending more and more hours with kids (like Raymond), and should never give up on the kids. It ignores the ROTI and opportunity cost of parent’s time.

* on flight, boy was not in the mood to study. Again, I tend to brush it aside and feel (with determination and persistence) the obligation to change his habit . It becomes a confrontation and a struggle. Now I think this form of insistent control is too costly as it drains a parent’s time and emotional energy. We should NOT ignore these costs.

I live differently from average slim person

  • difference — body image is not among my top 3 motivations
  • difference — (#1 motivation for slimming) am more aware of my genetic cardio risk — BMI deeper green
  • difference — am driving towards the lower end of BMI green zone. Very few slim people are.
  • difference — am more focused on flexibility than other fitness dimensions. I think a minority of slim individuals (predominantly women) share this same focus.
  • difference — i could grow more muscular but I want to be very very slim.
  • difference — I know my tendency to grow fatter and I know my slim figure was mostly effort.

left-over starch@outing: poor bargain, daily battle


When I turned down wife’s invitation to finish meimei’s left-over noodles at Vivocity, it was the archetypal daily battle. Wrong-time temptation is the opponent of this battle.

Every time I concede a heavy calorie casualty, it had better be a conscious decision, not a mindless action, going with the flow of the moment.

This conscious decision requires a certain tcost that I need to understand. Not tcost of nutritional research but a tcost of thinking through and making that conscious decision — tcost of fighting THE battle.

There are so many such battles everyday. The tcost adds up. However, there’s a huge roti for this huge tcost — as I change my habits, I would change my destiny.

Am not advocating impossibly tough abstinence. Am advocating conscious decision based on quick but highly personal cost/benefit analysis.

Earlier in the same day, I made a conscious decision to eat grandma’s cornflour bread, millet porridge with fresh onion, fish and long beans. That was a lighter and much healthier meal than the left-over noodles!

Later in the same day, I made a conscious decision to eat a sweet dessert at Vivocity Kopitiam. Less starchy, lots of ice, therefore much lighter.

Both meals are more satisfying !

sunshine on boy #grandpa

grandpa has plenty of confidence, patience … for boy. When I hear grandpa talking about his observations of boy, I wish he could live till boy graduates from college.

I feel sunshine is related to Buddhist principles.

Sunshine doesn’t mean “loose”. Sunshine works well with “logical consequence” methodology.

Sunshine on myriads of individual plants…. Sunshine as a personal metaphor means unconditional … abundance, consistence …


Atul [[why doctors fail]] insights

https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/p02c6s41 Keith lecturer, a world class healthcare professor recounts story of his own son…

He found the one leading surgeon in the world, who figured out how to perform a certain procedure. Everyone else in the world is lacking that knowledge.

-> I can see that on certain academic topics, my dad is the only one who knows, probably the only one in the world.

Patients need to know more about their doctors and the treatment options. Singapore patients are “lazy” and too “trusting”.

Now I feel there are serious limitations (what Dr Atul refers to as ignorance + ineptitude) in the current knowledge of the human body. For example, how BMI interacts with heart health, longevity etc.

Luckily for my physiological “system”, the effect of diet on BMI is more predictable (not “better understood”) than in other people’s bodies. Still there are many uncertainties and mysterious how my long term BMI will evolve.

## incredible achievements@Mar CZ300 flight #burn

Note yoga and coding are high burning and some of the toughest chores requiring lots of absorbency. The 20 hours spent on this flight has the highest “burning” rate.

  • did more yoga than any earlier flight, 20-40 minutes
  • no movie no magazine
  • read DougLea with enjoyment
  • read ProgrammingPearl
  • did coding for 3-5H
  • experimented with TMP
  • flossing under the retainer about 3 times

[17] family-level stocktaking #10 items

  1. GC on-track
  2. wife career growth
  3. good, well-adjusted, healthy kids
  4. healthy grand parents
  5. long term (+retirement) cash-flow well-planned thanks to properties and the excellent environment of Singapore
  6. tech career longevity esp. in the U.S.
    1. still no growth direction
    2. mgr prospect dim .. painful to compare with them
  • — the unremarkable
  • stable marriage
  • good education ….
  • reasonable income
  • health


[07] question`U.S. trec

@55, US trec is likely to beat SG trec on the job market, even though

* perhaps lower positions in US. Consider LN in China
* SGD and SG salary level could rise relative to US

Somehow US, Europe, Jap trec have d halo for the past …. years.

blog category: gtmp^orphan best practice

  • “Orphan” has a specific meaning — after due diligence, I decided there is no category
  • gtmp is temporary or general
  • (misc is vague. Avoid)

My best practice:

  1. for homeless items, first dump into gtmp
  2. once a while, review them. If still homeless, then move into orphanage.
    1. This is similar to generational jGC
  3. Once a blue moon, review the orphanage