When I turned down wife’s invitation to finish meimei’s left-over noodles at Vivocity, it was the archetypal daily battle. Wrong-time temptation is the opponent of this battle.
Every time I concede a heavy calorie casualty, it had better be a conscious decision, not a mindless action, going with the flow of the moment.
This conscious decision requires a certain tcost that I need to understand. Not tcost of nutritional research but a tcost of thinking through and making that conscious decision — tcost of fighting THE battle.
There are so many such battles everyday. The tcost adds up. However, there’s a huge roti for this huge tcost — as I change my habits, I would change my destiny.
Am not advocating impossibly tough abstinence. Am advocating conscious decision based on quick but highly personal cost/benefit analysis.
Earlier in the same day, I made a conscious decision to eat grandma’s cornflour bread, millet porridge with fresh onion, fish and long beans. That was a lighter and much healthier meal than the left-over noodles!
Later in the same day, I made a conscious decision to eat a sweet dessert at Vivocity Kopitiam. Less starchy, lots of ice, therefore much lighter.
Both meals are more satisfying !