— eg: (OC) effectiveness through leadership vs individual effectiveness
- “You can’t remain a hands-on non-lead developer past 40..”
- “communication skill is more important than technical.”
- “If you don’t deliver what the boss wants, then your hard work won’t be recognized” — is propagated by those who has that talent, like my ex-classmate lsagain.
— financial planning
- eg : burn rate and non-work income — am good at these two fronts, so I consider them important to everyone. I still believe most people at my age struggle
I think ffree is indeed valuable to everyone, but my approach of ffree involves tough sacrifices like creature comfort, FOMO, and credit risk.
- retirement planning — those who can claim how important it is for everyone
- contingency reserve — those who has it claim how important it is for everyone. When disasters strike, this reserve is indeed important for everyone, but the unprepared still survive.
— wellness:
- eg: yoga — The practitioners believe from young kids to older adults, daily yoga practice is often required…
- eg: BMI green zone — since I found a winning formula, I now advocate various fasting schemes
- eg: daily exercise — some 4% of the population can work out 4 times a week and then believe it is important for everyone. Jenny Lu (MS) .. dev-till-70: 7external inputs
- eg: longevity lifestyle — those who are able to follow such a (strict) lifestyle often advocate the importance of longevity, but for some people, the prospect of dying at 66 is not so regretable.
- eg: healthy cooking — those who can cook claim we are what we eat…
— economy
- eg: those countries able to “get into” life science claim that this industry is vitally important.
- eg: those countries able to secure a strategic position in energy sector claim that energy security is about our survival.
- eg: those countries able to maintain a strategic role in upstream digital transformation or knwoledge economy claim that it is the future.
— Other examples:
- The citizens of China … boast of the advantages of “大国“.
- eg: harmonious family, family activities — those who can achieve it often claim how important it is.
- eg: “A happy child makes a hapy family”
- eg: “train your kids from very young age to be independent”
- eg: weekly 2-partner private time, common interest within a spouse… —
- eg: “Every adult should learnt to drive, learn to cook”
- eg: humor, joking is so very important…