average^median: which one for my domain

  • Average reflects entire population’s level. Over a given period, each member’s change is reflected.
  • Median is useful when you want a typical/representative value. Average can be highly misleading

— domain: percentile ranking of my schools (about 5 of them)? Median is better
— domain: my grades in a given school: average is slightly better
— domain: cost of each stock position, among 100+ stocks? average is better
— domain: wealth among Singapore households? Paradoxically, average is misleading
— domain:

basketball: %%years@practices→mediocre player

In my high school, there were a few focused self-practices that failed to create a visible lead over my peers

  • English
  • fwd bend
  • basketball? I improved my drible and shooting significantly but not enough for a competitive game.
  • leadership
  • humor, esp. with girls

How did I react?

How can my son learn from it?

Despite the “no growing lead”, I would say I have reaped dividend for years iFF I let go of the fixation on “lead” and look beyond the competitive scene. I was able to enjoy basketball much more, and take part in many non-competitive games. My fwd bend is a good part of my tight Y-junfction.

unlimited desire: human nature


#1 theme of the blogpost: Buddha observed that human desires are satisfied only temporarily.

I don’t desire eternal youth. I do want healthy longevity. Limitless desire? Yes if scentifically achievable. About the only unlimited desire in me is healthy longevity. SuccessZ and successE, but not really a successC !

I don’t have endless lust or craving for novelty in sex life.

Financially, since 2018 I have felt satisfied with my current cashflow high ground. I do long for even more assurance of family livelihood, in terms of career longevity, inflation protection, healthcare assurance … The “assurance” appeals to my successE desires more than successC desires.

I am more and more aware that “financial livelihood” (including healthcare resources) is easier to control than personal health. So my current level of livelihood protections are adequate and I do not need to long for ever higher assurance.

— Q: So what imaginary role model do I envy most?
Not a big manager with his work/life balance and stress level. I guess cash flow higher ground is enviable, but I’m not that bad.

How about the founder of Xinmin School?

speak slowly when.. #stutter

Speak slowly when…

  • when speaking to someone new
  • when speaking on the phone rather than face to face
  • when speaking about something sensitive or important
  • when speaking to an audience
  • when nervous

.. no one speaks too slowly. I remember Roger Lee. Most people including me would speak too fast at least once a while

— In most contexts, it requires skill to speak slowly and in low voice. It’s a learnable skill.

In public speaking, this is the most valuable but challenging because pauses are unusual, and can really arouse the audience. Speaker needs an iron nerve to handle it.

— stutter .. If you have a tendency to stutter, then slow speaking can reduce it. If not eliminated, then slow speaking with stutter is a kind of unique personal style. It’s not perfect but it can be disarming and earn you trust.

[19]U.S.edu system offers more options #Alan.C#w1r1

  • option: Rely on parenting esp. if wife stays home. However, I think many working parents don’t have the time/energy to do that.
  • option: good public school district
  • option: Honors-class in a regular public middle- or high-school.
  • option: Private schools, charter schools
  • option: Private tutoring aka “after school”. I feel this feature is more effective in U.S. than in Singapore. Many Chinese parents in the U.S. choose it but I think most non-Chinese parents don’t choose it.
  • option: serious non-exam programs that my son may actually enjoy. Alan himself fell in love with robotics. In SG these are sidelined by the exams because exams are 100% (rather than 50%) of the admission criteria.
  • — tertiary
  • option: transfer from a community college to a 4Y university
  • option: transfer from an ordinary to a branded university
  • option: adult undergrad enrollment is more widespread in the U.S. than in NUS. I remember the conversation in the RTS pantry with the American colleague
  • option: apply to branded post-grad program, even if your undergrad grades are mediocre like in my case.

Alan said “A lot more options”. Now I think Alan hinted that in the U.S. system, the advantage of academic vs non-academic route is not so decisive.

— compare U.S. to Taiwan systems.. Some would say that at age 18 Taiwan students have fewer options beside college, even if the student doesn’t like academic studies.

— Singapore education system is not too bad and offers my kids some additional options ..
UK/Australia colleges accept  GCE A-levels and Singapore poly diplomas

I thought: medical professionals confined to SG market

background: I am now feeling blessed to enjoy the low-cost carefree comfortable[1] life in Singapore. However, for decades I felt superior to doctors who can’t make a living outside the tiny city of Singapore. Here’s my reconciliation, mostly related to livelihood:

  • both doctors and people like I can aim lower and choose stable income, not rising income
  • I no longer seek career growth or leadership
  • brbr, Fuller wealth .. are the foundations of my carefree ezlife. Inflation is addressed by my “portfolio”.

[1] I didn’t write “low-cost good life” because of conflicting connotations

— what if Singapore declines?
I’m not 30 any more, so if this starts to happen in my 50’s I can cope even without leaving Singapore.


(self)respect !! tied to benchmark

Nothing much new, but a useful revision.

I told a Cigna counsellor, what’s really important to my job satisfaction is respect, but the elephant in the room … is benchmarking.

GS is the most direct experience. Respect from manager, peers, users and even self-respect is mostly based on benchmarking within your own team, and within the bigger department.
My ErrorMemos user in Texas gave me exceed, perhaps based on his past experience with other developers. Yet my manager found me nothing spectacular.

Users and External peers and users may not know what the other team members are able to achieve *if put in my shoes* so no benchmark per se. Yet these evaluators have an expectation and based on it, a level of respect to you

— Among performing artists (and visual, literal artists), some artists are loved by their audience, but Question: what about the ranking?
My answer: the ranking doesn’t matter to their audience. If I’m an audience of a particular writer, composer, singer … then I see unique value in her, regardless of the ranking chart.

— students in general
My kids don’t need to be outstanding to learn useful things and have a meaningful experience in school
Excellence is measured on personal growth. This is within the student’s circle of control.

— researchers like my dad

— my piano practice and yoga .. is a different form of “self-respect”. I exceed my limitations and my inertia and I derive various benefits, all without benchmarking.

2 advtg: underscore^dash

wells_planA is better than wells-planA

— Reason: click-to-select would select both parts as one word

works on all devices.

— reason: the underscore is a more visible delimiter of the two parts, and better resembles the space.

— reason: in short title for a file or blogpost, I often use q( + ) or q( = ). The dash becomes confusing.


## my pencil annotations/symbols on textbooks #cloud

Cross (X) means – ignore, unimportant, already figured out
Tick means – done

/ or in the margin means — attention

— power couple:
Circle (or cloud) means — doubtful, unsure, unclear, ambiguous
? means — no clue , or confusing, more than merely doubtful
! means — unusual, counter-intuitive, need to internalize
square means –  research, ask
5-pointed star (as on kids’ homework) means – Excellent
▲ ( U+25B2 ) means — important
▼ ( U+25BC ) means — less important

$ means — high monetary value


## keywords related to FOMO

The influence of FOMO is pervasive i.e. deep and wide , in my mentality and in our society, culture and /collective psyche/. It takes many shapes and forms which required different descriptive words and metaphors.

I am a person of written words, abstract words, precise words. I need these words to reason, analyze, clarify, solve problems, discover and understand myself.

— FOMO/FOLB is a good pair. Compact form, good for blog titles
— kiasu  — rich meaning in Singapore. Same scope as FOMO.
— inferiority complex — rich meaning
— exclub — short acronym with fairly rich meaning.
This word has no online literature as FOMO/kiasu have. I have a /free hand/ to define its usage scope
— vainity — (虚荣) an actual English word !
— 虚空 — rich Buddhist meaning, different emphasis from FOMO.