##life hacks + underrated habits


See also DIY home repair —  many clever hacks I invented.

https://www.lifehack.org/articles/lifestyle/100-life-hacks-that-make-life-easier.html often feature

  • inexpensive objects, /repurposed/
  • memory aids to help you remember or recognize
  • [u=underrated lifestyle adjustments, not necessarily hacks]
  • [New icon = innovative ]
  • [$ = high monetary value]
  • [i=scratching a big itch(such as an persistent annoyance), satisfying]

— now the list, half ranked by value and unfamiliarity

  • fake finger and fake coins in my pouch
  • before you throw away a post-it note, run it around a key of your keyboard, to collect some dirt.
  • [i] to add cushion inside backpack for laptop, I found a big bubble foam wrapping sheet
  • [iuNew icon] standardized abbreviations of people’s names
  • [u] periodically clean up contacts, imp docs
  • clean out lotion bottles (ideally with a lid) to keep phone out of sight from minor theft. Better put a name on it.
    • Usable in office, on vacation etc
  • [iu] English vocab blog to help me refresh
  • [uNew icon] toilet roll dispenser tends to become empty and left empty , causing real inconvenience to me the next user. I decided to put a huge roll high up in a corner, similar to first-aid box in any U.S. office.
  • — 66_wellness
  • slow jogging in my slippers
  • — 44_tech
  • I freeze wpress version(s) for some of my blogs. This way, when the auto-update blogs experience issues after upgrade, I have a live comparison.
  • [u] small bundle in c:\0 + bigger bundle in c:\0x to ease back-up
  • [i] a single bpost comparing a group of related tags and categories
  • —  22_vacation:
  • [$] do something unusual when locking your home gate before a long trip, to help you remember you have definitely locked it.
    • spit on it?
    • talk to it?
    • punch it?
    • take a picture
  • when heading home, dump soiled clothing into a plastic bag, then toss in some scented soap complimentary of the hotel.

[2]] academic coach`: focus@my ROTI

bigger picture — In my parenting effort, if I don’t monitor my current ROTI, I would eventually feel the pain. Analog: if you don’t monitor your calorie/burn rate, you will eventually suffer/experience the cumulative effect.

Specifically, if some coaching effort is not effective (usually due to losing my cool), then cut losses right there, even if boy is suffering in numerous ways, even if I look like a quitter…

Basically, I can waste more time by trying to “help” him…. Sunk cost fallacy.

jolt: my deep (vague) disappointment with my renzi effort was largely due to the worldly, materialistic “progress”.
No progress, then i feel time wasted. That’s materialistic and sign of impatience.

##[17] extra tCost – U.S.^SG lifestyle


What’s a better title?

Compared to other people, my happiness, stress level, career success, and ability to achieve my goals … are more dependent on the time available to me. In other words, the extra tcosts hurt me more than they hurt another guy of my age. It’s like an allergy. These tcosts are small costs that really add up. (On the other hand, I am unaffected by some common “allergies”[1] ) In this post, I will try to be rational and objective about the extra tcosts in the US.

  • + school work is less
  • + I might be able to work from home sometimes
  • – house repairs — I may have to DIY. Condo might be better. – car maintenance
  • – driving everywhere
  • – fewer holidays (but I still can take unpaid leaves).

— [1]

  • food choices,
  • clothes,
  • small home
  • lack of car convenience
  • average schools
  • hair loss

5 rating schemes #smiley

Most of the rating schemes are well-established in specific industries

[w=quasi fixed-width]
[ww=fixed-width, great as bullet point]

— [ww] smiley 3-levels only .. 🙁 … 😐 … 🙂
more about experience/feedback rather than recommendation/endorsement
— [ww] 👎 👍 thumbs 2-level only
less granular than stars with half-star, but offers negative
— star-rating as in hotels .. Sometimes I prefer star rating with half-stars ★☆
eg: https://btv-open.dreamhosters.com/wp-admin/post.php?post=24863&action=edit&classic-editor

— [ww x] small integer grade.. Sometimes I prefer a numeric rating from 1-5 or 1-10
This is the most flexible, most granular rating scheme
— [x] triple-A as in credit_rating .. Sometimes I prefer S&P + Fitch rating symbols — https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Credit_rating

  • AAA+ > AAA > AA+ > AA > A+ > A > A—
  • The +/- feature is more granular than half-star, but less granular than numeric rating.

— [w x] letter grade as in exams:

  • A+, A-, B+, B-
  • B is often above-average
  • C is often below-average, but in some contexts need to be presented as “decent effort”.
  • D and possibly E for more granularity
  • F for fail
  • The +/- feature is more granular than half-star, but less granular than numeric rating.

— color scheme
deep green
standard green
light yellow
standard yellow
light amber
standard amber
dark amber
light red
standard red
dark red

personal branding: UChicago > NYSE/GS

In terms of personal branding, I would say the alma mater has more impact than a past employer:

  • reason: a branded university has better longevity, durability and sustainability. A branded past-employer may lose much of the brand value over a few decades esp. in technology and esp. online .. Sohu, Motorola, Merrill, Microsoft, SUN, Bell labs, HP-way, big-blue
  • reason: degree is easily and routinely verified
  • reason: a much larger number of individuals can put NYSE or GS on the resume after a very short work project. No differentiation between long-term, high-ranking employees vs short-term junior contractors

What types of personal branding would have even higher impact than the alma mater? Nobel prize. Gold medals. high-profile publications/inventions

## def[sinkingXp]

k_soul_search  k_sinkingXp

See other sinking experiences

心里一沉(“sinking feeling” as in [[6parenting crisis]]) is often a watershed_moment, associated with a single, memorable downward-turning point. After that, the situation is basically irrecoverable. Nothing much can be done to recover anything.

In this blogpost, I want to focus on the most traumatic experiences. Why I bother with collecting these experience? They are among the life-transforming , defining moments of my life. Lots of insights to be uncovered.

By the way, Some huge setbacks were less traumatic on me , less than on my peers, thanks to my self-protection shields — psychological defenses. H.Yi …

— [t] 1993 after A-levels, receiving rejection letter from classmate. Classic sinking feeling
Similar:  1999 My NUS secret love interest told me (by email) that after she fell out with her ex, she had found a new boyfriend.

Strangely, the interview rejections bear a weird similarity in terms of the sinking feeling.

  • When I heard Venkat got into SquarePoint and Indeed.com
  • When I heard that Henry Wu got into Bbg . Actually, I nearly passed bbg interviews twice.
  • When I heard that Gerald Robinson and Rahul got into FB

— [ip] when marriage counselor told me to imagine family break-up… It was a simulated sinking, in a safe, controlled environment, so the sinking was scary but felt like a nightmare.

At present, my marriage is secure and stable. I hope to make it resilient.
— [hprw] 2019 trespass .. receiving the court ticket was a sinking experience 一念之差. I hated myself.
[i] I was scared of impact on my green card and my entire U.S. immigration plan for the family, as if trespass was comparable to theft or violent crime !

Now (2021) am less desperate about U.S. The more desperate, the deeper your sinking.

— [hr] 1997 cut-loss 壮士断臂自救 .. when I was considering to close my commodity trading positions, there was a sinking moment
Q: Another sinking experience in the future?
A: Already diversified. Risk capital needs right-sizing. At the moment, a 20k realized loss probably won’t give me a sinking feeling.
A: Need to be aware of the dangers, but not babysitting !

win10 passwd/account tips #renaming


— Microsoft account — avoid. Favor local account. So much simpler.
Microsoft account login and preferences are saved online and the synching is unreliable and not simple/straightforward.
— rename login .. poorly implemented. Folder name etc are unchanged. https://superuser.com/questions/371382/where-is-username-variable-defined explains some registry settings that are not updated consistently.

Based on this experience, I would never rename a login name in windows10. I’d rather remove the misnamed account and create a new. Note you may need up to 1GB just to create it.

== password hint — is more practical than password recovery question. (Therefore, I pick random questions and give rubbish answers)

Note password hint is only accessible in ControlPanel not the new interface 🙁

Warning: this feature doesn’t work on the unlock-screen

Sugg: You can jot-down the same hint on paper as reminders.

— If I need to give password to my son, I usually change it to a “safe” value and rely on password hint.

talk slowly: 3 little techniques from CignaEAP

These are important techniques in a tense situation. Even in everyday conversations you can practice them.

I told the counselor that my mom could be too old, but I still have an opportunity to learn these techniques.

— 1) talk more slowly. Pronounce each word slowly.
This style is not so common, but not so rare either.

— 2) Pause after saying “Well, I think ….”, and think about what to say next.
Some great speakers simply pause for a few seconds.

You can do this after you speak or (more often) after the other person asks a question or puts forward a point. If the other person’s flow of words is not in receptive mode, then you don’t say this.

— 3) after the other person stops, wait 5-10 seconds for him/her to finish. If he/she has no more to say, then you can talk.
How about “hmm”? Not the same as the silent wait, according to the Cigna counselor.

Y feel`lucky2have boy+girl

Before we had kids, people often say, from experience, that having both boy and girl is the best outcome for a parent. I didn’t understand at all. Recently I met some friends with 2 (or more) boys. I also met friends with 2 (or more) girls. They can be happy families for sure.

Now I agree that having both sons and daughters is better than having a single child, or having multiple kids of the same gender.

I feel my wife is lucky to have a daughter. Having a bunch of boys can be a challenge for the mother.

Similarly, I feel lucky to have a son. I am a physical touch type, but I can’t touch my daughter as much as I can touch my son. I have more common language with my son.

Having a duty to set a role model (for my son) is life enhancing. Compare to those fathers without a son.