insufficient communications about slipp timelines

More than one GS project manager told me 1) my communication wasn’t enough and 2) my project management can improve.

I explained that i always inform PM whenever there’s a timeline slip. Separately, these 2 project managers gave similar answers. They both said I did inform them frequently about timeline slip, but such communication is neither enough or effective. PM can’t do much with that information. PM absolutely needs to know the reasons and the solutions.

Looking back, i believe i always gave my full analysis including the reasons or solutions i know. 知无不言, 言无不尽. What they need and expect from me is beyond my abilities. Dad said i already gave my best shots.

Maybe they expected me to find out from colleagues the reasons/solutions and report to PM.

I think GS managers simply expected more. They expect every team member to be as effective as the top performer. Making the “acceptable” effort is not enough. Do everything you can to get things done as fast as you can. If a colleague can do a bit more in this context, then you should too.

I guess these PM really want to get to the bottom — either you admit you are technically incompetent, or you are blocked by some external factor including a technical issue no one can resolve. As Lance (lab49) put it, clarity is everything.


Thank God for the gifts, for giving me these opportunities —

* E for apple
* brank
* hardcore Java in a mainstream financial contexx
* financial dnlg
* western workplace culture
* contexx — mission-critial, large system design

big move to newport — lessons

* use camara, but don't get addicted
* pre-move to ff
* clothes do add LOE
* avoid rush hours. take a full day off if u need
* foldable tables are good(one piece), so is the small CVS table
* many small packages take many trips, but are light and easy to squeeze into vehicle
* do plan for the meals before and after the move
* most troublesome —
** fragile –> ff
** important docs –> ff
** mattress. next time perhaps get 2 smaller ones
** HomeDepot rack has too many pieces and is too bulky.

early signs of breaking point

Zhu Rong,
(this is a diary. You need not read, but you are welcome to reply.)
I found more early signs of a growing impact (damage?) on my family life as I over-spend myself on my job. (“Over-spend” by the standard of my own comfort level. However, by the standard of ambitious individuals, my investment into my current job may be high but not yet over-spending.)
* I knew it’s strategic to get my wife into a nursing or medical assistant course. Before she became pregnant, we did spend about $3000 on a short-term course. Afterwards, we did plan for a 2nd, longer course … Now it’s put on hold partly because of my job — I feel i would have more job security and more time to help her if I get into an easier job than GS.
If this cause-effect is true, then my demanding job is affecting a strategic plan of my family.
* on this job, i always feel bad on Mondays and so much better on Fridays, more so than earlier jobs. Is this a sign of growing disatisfaction and burn-out? I guess in another job in US i might feel about the same way after joining for 2 years?
* I’m sub-conciously putting off my wife and baby’s visa application.
* I’m putting off my parents’ visa application.

##[15] insurance against job loss

* master’s from any university
* publish if you can
* pre-sales brank
* longer brank ] wall st
* brank in big brands. US has more.
* home ownership in SG. In US it may not be an “insurance”
* a bigger home you can rent out part of
* houses (if you can afford) you can easily rent out
* (fake) degree for apple
* better English for apple
* overseas trec outside your home country
* deeper zbs building rapport with other nationalities

job hopper?

* 1) Those frequent job changes were in Singapore, where the culture was different. Most of my Java friends change once in 1 or 2 years

* When I was a young bachelor, i wanted to try start-up and presales. Now I know technical work suits me better.
* Now I am married

* This may sound phony, but you are one of the most prestigous employers in the country. Why should I move?