chain@credibility #dating/bccy


Trigger eg: [[MindOverBusiness]] author (Ken) is a high-school dropout without a degree. He pointed out that “master’s and PhD students are researching my work” but hey, what universities are these students in? Is the mention of Ken some one-liner in a 20-page research, along with 50 other entrepreneurs? So this author is trying to hint a chain of credibility. Some unproven “things” greatly benefit from or need a chain of credibility:

  • eg: new educational entity or product
  • eg: unfamiliar, unproven investment products
  • eg: bachelors on a dating market [1]
  • eg: candidates competing for a top-tier company or university [1]
  • eg: When applying for visa, PR, citizenship [1]

[1] Recurring theme: In general, the most important “product” in need of chain of credibility is the individual person. Branding, credentials/qualifications, quality-of-candidate,,, are the terms we use.

— eg: entrepreneurs [1] often badly want a reputable university affiliation. It can lend credibility in a crowded field.
Many start-up would try to recruit individuals with credibility, including graduates of world-renowned universities, and ex-employees of world-renowned organizations like WorldBank, BellLab, NASA, FBook

special case: a new bccy .. treated like a start-up .. See ##key players legitimizing bccy

— source_of_credibility: big reputable market player .. CapitaLand lending credibility to MIH
— source_of_credibility: government, but some governments lend more credibility, such as Japan, Canada, Germany
source_of_credibility: ambassadors… of Brazil invited at RitzG5 lavish dinner
— source_of_credibility: leading research institutions .. university branding (and national academies, but to a lesser extent) lend credibility to their researchers
— source_of_credibility: major newspapers (and news agencies) .. lend credibility to their journalists.
— source_of_credibility: international standardization committee
IEEE .. is an eg
— source_of_credibility: Swedish Nobel committee [1] over the decades.. Nobel committee lends credibility to the laureats… most commonly in Econs and bio-medical domains.
— source_of_credibility: top colleges … Note only top, reputable colleges can lend credibility
Their graduates [1] often stand out in the (forever crowded) dating “market”

When applying for visa, long-term pass, PR, citizenship, my top-college degree lent credibility in no small measure.

See also my email to Gary Guo [[branding of college]]

source_of_credibility: PhDs and professors [1] .. Most folks don’t question what domain, from which university

In some cases, the “professor” is just a short-term visitor or part-time teaching staff.


##GordianKnot cutters


See also ##gain` traction+vision {years@envy. In contrast to traction/vision, GordianKnot is always highly complex and hard to manage or visualize. Sometimes, it is a chronic headache.

A cutter is often simple/quick, bold and imperfect, sometimes costly or painful.

  • eg: #1169 water gun
  • eg: legacy lock .. The cutter — “Everyone carry 2 keys” but this cutter isn’t so simple
  • eg: Quark first adapter project to use pre-built delegate and core library
  • eg: in #1173 and #1169, external storage in meter rooms + corridor racks … to provide memorable, visible EMC for some “special items” [inexpensive, small and easily lost in a /heap/]
  • eg: flight search: initially, focus on a good-enough base plan. Ignore the millions of choices. Refuse the “BePerfect/Optimize” command.

T_fertile ^ k_X_power_descriptor


  • A fertile bpost is a topic not yet fully explored, worth further exploration or digging deeper, because it is rich beneath the surface, not merely an /underdeveloped/ topic
    Such a bpost may not have the Draft flag on, but is implicitly under construction.
  • a fertile bpost usually (not always) features a powerDescriptor, we could remove the t_powDescriptor tag.
  • powDescriptor .. valuable phrase to help me understand a complex situation. “Power” is shortened to “pow” as in python/c++/java. DESCRIPTOR is more accurate than “phrase”.

##more spare time can”Buy”me__ #XR

Now spare time is scarce, but in retirement, spare time would be too much.


See also

XR described to me that (lack of) spare time means so much to him — coaching his son on Chinese; coding drill; personal investment; … However, if he is given 50 hours of spare time, can he be productive in those 50 hours or just 5 hours?

update as of Oct 2020: My Spare time was more scarce esp. during UChicago days. Now I have a rare lifestyle with more spare time, so now I believe most people including XR would not be productive if given this much spare time.

Original title: What can more spare time including leaves “buy”me? Answer:

  • lower-body flexibility; cardio fitness
  • more therapeutic, reflective blogging
  • more (productive or fun) time with kids
  • more QQ and coding drill?
  • slightly more exploration of local codebase on my own, without time pressure.
  • more wellness research, for self-care and teaching my kids. Parents spend a lot of time talking to kids about wellness.
  • more calls to Beijing
  • Spare time did buy me lots of blogg→evaluation@life→more satisfactions

However, limiting factor is not only spare time (like O2) but absorbency:

  • insufficient absorbency for localSys
  • insufficient absorbency for jogging, stretch
  • insufficient absorbency for coding drill

Jolt: Before I scold ah-boy about his absorbency deficiency, look in the mirror.

##which weaknessES limit def[LifeChances] #driv`,stature


Everyone goes through difficulties in life due to this or that weakness. Among them, you will surely need to overcome or deal with 1 or 2 “key weaknesses of your life”– personal handicaps. I would say your limitations basically determine your life chances, like boundary conditions in PDE.

[c/C = I can see some specific life chances affected by this weakness]

  • Does CAD affect my life chances? It does if it hits me in my 30s, not if in my 80s
  • [C] handicap – exams… Many people are outside the top 20% at studies, but become successful professionally.
  • [c] weakness — office smarts, corporate maneuver.. seem to limit my “opportunities” within a corporate environment. However, as Honglin might say, my hands-on tech skills provide arguably better career longevity, which is a big part of life-chances.
  • .. Therefore, the hands-on tech weaknesses of those corporate managers might be a limiting weakness, too!
  • handicap .. Empathy was a personal handicap but primarily in office. Interpersonal and relationship skills are not so obviously weak.
  • — financial skills
  • [c] handicap — saving, self-discipline
  • [C] weakness — rEstate … In the East Asia context, not having a rEstate position early in your life limits your freedom and financial high/low ground.
  • weakness — stock picking… During each major downturn (1997 Asian, dot-com, SARS, 2008 GFC, 2020Covid), there were major buying opportunities. You won’t need stock picking per se, but stock picking would be the ultimate skill to improve your freedom, financial high/low ground…
  • — physical limitations
  • Weakness – my lower-(and upper-)body flexibility. This has not affected my life at all. (In older years this might increase my risk of injury.)
  • Weakness – coordination skills for basketball… Look at some of classmates in high school. Definitely affects self-confidence among peers.
  • Weakness – middle-distance running… This is a bigger thing in Singapore due to NS fitness test. Not a big problem in other countries. However, endurance does help heart/lung and aging.
  • intimacy .. see below
  • [C] Weakness – overweight… Much bigger impact, as it affects dating, health, longevity, parenting…
  • [c] Weakness – stature…. A bigger problem for guys in China as it affects dating.

— in this blog, life chances are something personal .. My life chances represent the chances I want for my life. I may want the same chances for my daughter, but she would ultimately decide what chances she wants for her life.

eg: Some active runners like YY.T would feel deprived in terms of life chances if affected by knee injury

eg: I want devTill70 as an “occupation”, so a drop in demand, or my JIV weakness would affect my life chance. For FIRE guys who want to retire early and enjoy life, this is not part of their life chances. See YY.T chat.

eg: You care about quality of intimacy into your 50s. But for your partner, intimacy is perhaps not part of her life chances. Sexual difficulties (like orgasmic dysfunction) doesn’t bother her.

— [c] driving vs [C] English .. Look at my friends Jun.Z and Alina… personal handicaps. English listening (more than speaking/writing) was a handicap in my earlier years in Singapore.

Many of my friends have a handicap in English writing. Consider my MLP colleagues vs Sophia/Y.Zhang/Rong.Zhu

Oral English has a lower entry barrier so fewer friends have that handicap but consider SY.Chang, Kevin/Gary, Rong

The English handicap affects half the “peers”, but driving handicap affects only me. Driving is a personal handicap, more physical than English language handicap. I need a much higher t$budget just for learning to drive. I already spent $2k+. Need to be $10k. The vehicle doesn’t have to be the strongest or “safest”. I would say average safety rating is sufficient.

Driving affects job choices, housing choices [SY.Chang was able to rent a home much further out from office], learning resources.

I would need a special budget for potential fines.

I also need a huge tBudget for learning and “managing” license + vehicle.

For the first 1 or 2 years, I should avoid driving the family at all. Even in local street, you can get hit or drive off the road and hit something dangerous.


Both: the blogpost Must be a question.

— t_sharpQ is for well-defined, short-n-sharp (jolt) often yes/no questions

— t_stickyQ is for non-trivial questions to be reviewed periodically due to real risk of crowding out.

Reality — Mental energy is limited. You can’t focus on many things for a long time.

T_fertile overlaps with stickyQ, when the question is important, and not yet fully explored.

[19] Am I improving ] yoga@@ Jess.Lin chat



After talking to Jess Lin of VirginActive, I concluded that … compared to pre-RealYoga, I’m improving though I don’t see it. I gestured to Jess that the improvement is mostly up here, pointing my index finger at my head. It is in perception (of the value of flexibility), attitude, daily routine achieved. “Mind-over-body”. The body improvement will follow in due course. The physical improvement will happen automatically over years and can be unnoticeable. The real control factor is my own perception.

  • When I engage in weekly practices, I am improving.
    • Weekly is the minimum consistency to start the ball rolling. That’s all in the mind. On the body level, perhaps daily frequency is the minimum, but the real battle and real progress is in the mind.
    • Jess said even 1 minute a day of consistent practice is not easy.
  • When I believe Jess that compared to others, I’m not that bad even in my Y-junction, I am improving.
  • When I stop asking disparaging questions “You mean I’m better than guys only, not women, right?“, I’m improving.
  • When I stop feeling hopeless about my flexibility. I am improving. Hope is priceless. Confidence is precious.
  • When I stop feeling yoga is a useless waste of time as I used to say, I’m improving.
  • When I compare jogging with yoga and see my double-standard, I’m improving.
  • When I finally see a glimmer of hope that I could possibly find a way to practice yoga consistently_for_life, I’m improving.
  • When, on my flights, I started sitting for hours with knees under armrest, I was improving, both physically and mentally.
  • When I realize the Grade-A flexible women are not stronger than me and I’m not hopeless at yoga, I am improving.

Q: why so many beginners try yoga and give up?
A: many of my mental blocks are blocking them too. In fact, many of them can improve physically and mentally, over years, but they can’t see beyond a few months. What they see is what I saw — that their body would loosen a bit then relapse.

Jolt: Relapse is the reality. Relapse happens in jogging, strength training, swimming, jump-rope, walking. Somehow, I fear relapse only in yoga and I don’t even notice relapse elsewhere? I think the real difference might be my subconscious peer comparison —

  • Somehow I see the grade-A women as “peers”
  • Somehow I see the leetcoders as peers.

Yoga feels like a whip and a no-win endeavor. Whenever my weekly yoga was suspended, I always beat myself up. Whenever I resume yoga, I still feel too easy and wasting time (and at the same time) too tough, unsustainable, and insufficient effort i.e. lazy self.

All the discoveries and improvements are mental (with a physical element). Real battlefield is in the head. Rationality is winning. Yoga is winning.

G.W.Bush: politicalCapital to spend{reach`ffree


See also similar concepts:

G.W.Bush famously said in 2004 “I earned capital in this campaign, political capital, and now I intend to spend it”. I have accumulated my political capital — layers of buffers and batteries, but these batteries are very different.

  1. career security due to c++/java, dnlg,
  2. career longevity due to WallSt contract market ,
  3. diversified non-work income, SG citizenship

How could I spend it, and on what?

  • I want to have more time with grandparents
  • I want to have more time coaching and giving reward my kids, 1) without losing my cool over 应用题 pattern-recognition 2) making a real impact
    • If insufficient leaves, then I would look to take some unpaid leaves? spending/wasting the capital
  • wellness: more time on yoga, jogging and group workout
  • wellness: buy more expensive healthy foods like fancy fruits