YLD ,DALYs[ disability-adjusted life years] #CAD


Before DALY, people used YLLs. DALY introduced YLDs to the picture:

  • YLL [years-of-life-lost, or potential years of life lost due to premature death]
  • YLD [years-lived-with-disability/disease, i.e. equivalent[1] years of Full health lost due to disability / ill-health]

The DALY relies on a universal recognition that the most appropriate measure of the effects of chronic condition is time, both years lost due to premature death and years spent disabled. One DALY represents (the loss of) the “equivalent”[1] of one year of Full health.

[1] weightage of common disabilities https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disability-adjusted_life_year has a table of “disability weightage” for common disabilities like dementia, amputation, blindness…

eg: CAD may cost me 40Y of “healthy lifespan”. Using a weightage of 0.05, I would lose 0.05*40=2 DALYs.

T2dm (prevalent) feels worse. Total Gastrectomy (rare) feels worse… I won’t dwell on these depressing diseases and weightages.

eg: YY.T may sometimes feel his knee condition will cost him 50 years of “active lifespan”.

DALY was developed to compare life expectancy of two countries. DAYL is a societal measure of the disease burden or disability burden. However, I use DALY for individual assessment.

In 2019, Singaporeans were expected to live up to 74 years in good health, compared to 67 in 1990.

def[miswanting]: successC, deathbed

k_miswanting_blindFOMO ..  k_X_power_descriptor

  • — defining “miswanting” by example:
  • wanting many sexual partners even after becoming parents .. as young men, we were brainwashed to believe that the more sexual partners you get, the luckier you are, like taking more than one bite at the apple.
  • wanting lots of golf equipment and golf clubs .. exclub
  • wanting many shoes, handbags, and dresses .. to show off
  • wanting lots of fancy alcohol every month
  • wanting frequent business lunches and networking dinners .. but less time with family
  • wanting 酒量 .. it is not an indication of good health. ditto Capacity to binge-smoke tobacco …
  • wanting Ownership of expensive car … it is not a good thing, as it is more of a white elephant, rather than an asset.

— enculturation/brainwash .. the source of miswanting.

I feel both Chinese and Western cultures /glorify/ these symbols of successC, but Buddhism doesn’t. I think most religions don’t.

On your deathbed, these symbols become meaningless. Actually, they lose meaning progressively over the decades before our deathbed enlightenment, but only in hindsight we come to see the truth.

— deathbed.. see above
— def@success.. miswanting is mostly about successC, and neglects successE.

快餐店 quietime-innovation since%%college


— history .. I discovered this opportunity first in West Coast Ginza plaza. I often stayed till restaurant closing time.  I did the same in Bedok.

Then in the 2010s I had access to laptop + wifi. Quietime “effectiveness” improved dramatically. Effective in terms of

  • blogg
  • tech xx, coding
  • recreational xx
  • email

— $Cost is up to $2/session for an icecream or simple burger. I get to sit for hours in a clean, lively (no loneliness) environemnt with free wifi.

I always pick a non-peak hour, unpopular tiny seat like near the trash bin. I kinda prefer window seats, but those seats tend to be popular.

This experience/habit is an example of frugal indulgence. Middle-class and low-income individuals alike .. should explore this option without guilt or embarrassment.

hour-level time freedom #failureZ,retire,successE,,

k_quietime k_def_of_success

Overall, time-freedom is a vague phrase, not a memorable impact phrase.

— financial freedom vs time freedom
Time-freedom is the Level 4 of ffree, and a part and parcel of ffree. Jacob of ERE asked

Q: freedom to … do what?
A: Jacob’s question was presumably about time freedom measured in months .

My idea of time-freedom is more granular, like hour-level:

  • blogg
  • successZ: techXX for career longevity and to keep the mind active
  • successZ: workout
  • failureZ: screen addiction, including random news and curiositySou
  • recreational reading, but for-a-purpose
  • recreational investing
  • see other energySinks

Like ffree, time freedom is highly personal. Once you have a better understanding of what it means to yourself, you may realize that you could realistically enjoy time freedom while employed, at least for a while.

Soon after retiring, you may realize that you want the _freedom_ to work in a team, on a engaging project i.e. return from retirement.

See also trading time for money, in the context of sustainable jobs.

— failureZ (flip side of the same coin known as time-freedom).. too much time freedom leads to unhealthy sleep patterns
Some retirees lose their daily schedule…

— successE … I feel hour-level time freedom is a non-trivial component of successE

flexible work hours can lessen work stress, esp. if workload is lighter.

== retirement
— time-discipline due to work
If you love your job [personal interactions, engaging, purpose, in-demand,,,,], then yes your job will impose some welcome “time-discipline”.

Many retirees lose that discipline, and decline in health. See Lawrence Wong quoted in my blog

— daily commute .. a huge factor to _MY_ sense of time freedom. Paradoxically, some people treat the pockets of commute as personal quietime, as explained in the CNA article

Similarly, Flexible work hours prove to be another factor to my time freedom.

adaptations: boy’s BM, earlyDinner #EDyw

Precise vocab is valuable, nearly indispensable, in describing psychological issues and attitude/perceptions. I’m still working on the vocab.

— Trigger event: 30 Jun 2022 my son saw Dr Nancy Tan again. I don’t recall exactly what they said, so I am retelling the story in my own words. My son’s body has to adapt to diet change [much higher water, veg/fruit intake, more frequent meals spread out,,]. She described that BM [ bowel movement ] varies among individuals, so each person need to deal with the signals that  bowel/bladder send to the brain. This signal can feel like random attacks, so the individual learns defensive tactics.

Hopefully, the individual gradually grows used to the signals and the underlying physical process. Perhaps a BM soon after a meal becomes the norm. Perhaps two BM a day becomes the norm.

— late night hunger .. Dr Nancy mentioned something about early dinner. I think she said that many people can finish dinner early and have no supper. I brought up the consistent hunger signal I receive at night. I told Dr Nancy that even if I have dinner at 8pm, I would still get the signal 4 hours later, around midnight. Therefore, anticipating the signal, I dare not take early dinner.

I said this is perhaps similar to my son anticipating urine/BM. The anticipation informs and affects our planning. But perhaps it doesn’t have to. The brain can adapt (be trained) to “deal with”[1] the signal, possibly suppressing it. This has been hard for me.

— OCD and phobia.. My son also brought up his OCD concerns to Dr Nancy. Later I told him my zip-checking OCD experience. I told him that nowadays I don’t care about my unzipped fly even in public — successful adaptation.

On the same day, I happened to pick up a book about OCD, and the author also discussed phobias — two related issues. Later I told my daughter about insect and needle phobia.

Again, the brain receives fight^flight signals and could over-react.

— EDyw and other sexual difficulties due to aging
As long as the individual adapts to the change and doesn’t let it affect family bonding, self-esteem, fulfillment of biological needs,, then successful adaptation. Some guys accept ED as a fact or life, but work to improve the situation. That’s also positive adaptation.

Some guys are fixated on ED, and therefore let it spill over to work, relationship, etc… Poor adaptation.

— [1] adaptation and harmony .. Dr Nancy used the phrase “deal with”. I call it adaptation, lifestyle adjustment and coping. Adaptation is crucial to harmony and carefree (successE). A common theme in my blogs. Adaptation has become a cliche in the mass media. Organizations (firms, schools,,,), industries, cities,,, must adapt to changing times.

In my son’s case, daily routine needs adjustment. Sometimes, we just need to get used to a change in the body, without lifestyle adjustment.

As long as the individual adapts to the change and doesn’t let it affect school, work, social life,,, then successful adaptation.

optimism, faith #illustrat`abstract concept #XR

boy’s situation
SGD strength
Sgp inflation

k_soul_search .. k_CAD

— resilience, adversities are central to optimism
— optimism after WPress site block
— optimism with sexual difficulties
— optimism with BMI challenges
— optimism with boy…
— optimims with my twilight years
— Hi XR,

Optimism has a rich meaning. When I say a person is optimistic about a difficult endeavor [2] (undertaken by herself or an organization[3]), this person maintains her positive energy, her effort [4], her hope for that endeavor, at least half the time[5]. The hope and the optimistic perception is often based on some evidence[6].

Some pointers:

[2] The endeavor could be personal growth, family bond improvement, anger management .. If something doesn’t involve a long, difficult effort, then optimism is irrelevant. (As an analogy, without resistance, strength is irrelevant.)

[4] In most cases, optimism must translate to action. No action, no change. I am optimistic about U.S. so I proactively plan my career, my children’s education, my housing …

[5] For a difficult struggle like improving body flexibility, I frequently lose heart but at least half the time I am hopeful that my stretch practices would enhance my later life. My attitude on ahboy weakens my confidence and hope but half the time I’m hopeful.

[6] There is positive evidence and negative evidence, about a difficult endeavor. When we are optimistic about something, we tend to notice the positive and filter out the negative evidence. For example, I hear your son’s progress. Sometimes the negative evidence is overwhelming, putting our optimism to the test. I don’t want to describe examples.

In some cases, our optimism is not based on evidence… that would be “faith”. (Blind optimism can be reckless and I seldom see that in myself.) I donated blood a few times because I believe a good deed by a father will bring good luck to himself and his kids. Blood donation generates massive and lasting positive energy.

[3] Most of the time I feel optimistic about Singapore as a nation, despite its inherent limitations and comparative weaknesses. Also, I often feel optimistic about the U.S. economy and U.S. stocks. With my investments in Cambodia, I feel slightly optimistic about Cambodian economy. On the other hand, I’m less optimistic about Philippines where I bought some property.

By my definition of optimism, I don’t think you are all-pessimistic. You do show positive energy on parenting, on tech learning. You clearly prefer U.S. because you see brighter future for your family in this country than any other country.

— (realistic) Optimism in Leadership
Leadership in any organization always requires optimism. I see that in Lee Kuan Yew, in Obama. In my family, I can see it in my dad at a few junctures. He chose to focus on the positive evidence when other people see the negative. As leader of my family, I have a duty to hold up the optimism in the family. Can I choose pessimism in some cases? I would say rarely, and it would usually affect our energy level.

— optimism in competitive endeavors
Optimism in health, career longevity, family bonding … are non-competitive and less tricky. But some endeavors are fundamentally competitive, like getting into Facebook or enrolling my son into a top college. What if all other students are bright, motivated and optimistic? Not everyone can get into the top 10%. Tricky. In those cases, I choose to rephrase my goals. My dad had the wisdom and audacity of hope to tell me “I would be satisfied if my grandson graduates from a Singapore polytechnic or a U.S. community college”

def[ska]=self-knowledge advtg

— SKA .. Easy and commonplace self knowledge include

  • what foods/houses/games/movies I don’t like
  • what subjects are easy for me
  • when I get upset or annoyed

… but my idea of SKA [self_knowledge_advantage] goes far beyond. It requires plenty of talent + practice. Without this _ability_, you pay a huge price in  time and money (THE scarce resources), and waste chunks of your life on the wrong priorities which are sold to us via enculturation and brainwash. As a crucial skill, it is also an advantage in the same sense as interpersonal or cognitive or numerical skills

最强大脑 2021 has a theme on self_knowledge_advantage, as an comparative advantage. Some of the best examples of my self-knowledge advantage:


## fake_crises #serenity..

k_X_focusing_illusion  k_soul_search

I get into crises anxieties far too often .. I guess it has to with focusing illusion.
Let’s be slightly more rational and ask ourselves — what bad news (or other events) should be considered a crisis? Let’s list up to 9 high-level categories. I think they all have some timeline.

  • kids developmental problem
  • medical condition that should not be postponed indefinitely.
  • mounting financial loss
  • family tension [marital, parenting]
  • kids’ developmental [behavior] problems
  • equipment out@service but actually needed. Counter example: the bedroom door repair can be postponed.

Here are some storms-in-teacup i.e. fake crises:

  • ED .. growing difficulties .. There are many proven solutions, and I believe them.
  • air-con issues except in boy’s room … We seldom use these
  • work projects taking longer than “normal”
  • boy’s overweight
  • boy’s slow progress on piano
  • cpf fund not earning enough return — but no urgency
  • engagement honeymoon has ended
  • my time allocation differs from my ideal — so what?
  • my spare time is not generating enough ROTI — but when did it?
  • my workout time has reduced — but any real effect on my health?
  • visible result of my time spent on boy is far below my expectation — but real progress nevertheless
  • fall-below fees

Slightly less often we notice a shocking deterioration in our life, but irreversible, hence no big change needed. What we need most is the serenity prayer.
* skin, hair condition, perhaps due to aging
* c++ programmers’ life becoming tougher on wall st
* growing population of younger, brighter developers in Singapore job market

Which individuals have the serenity and the discernment? Grandpa, Josh?

##(naturalSelection) Adapt2environment||nature #dhost

yoga^BMI: opamp response to signals was written in the same week and offers a different perspective on some common topics.

To make this blogpost less vague, I will try to focus on the title theme. Adaptation is key to the natural selection framework and system. Successful species (are not defined-as but) tend to be those who adapt to their “environment” [i.e. forces, nature, obstacles, limitations,,,].
* Sometimes these individuals need to understand, accept and follow the environment
* Sometimes these individuals need to influence the (small) environment

eg: Engineering science provides vivid illustrations — winter driving; covid19 vaccines; anti-rust coating (my gate).
eg: Singapore, among many small nations, has to adapt to the (internal and external) environments.
eg: Malaysia Chinese have to adapt. Asian Americans have to adapt.
However, this blogpost is about common challenges in life. In this context, the concept of “enviroment we must adapt to” is vague, so here are some examples:

eg: The OC-effective mantra emphasizes the importance of the team as the real environment to work within, but I tend to perceive the self as the most important “nature” I must adapt to. The self is hard to understand, hard to control, hard to predict.

eg: kids .. are a major “force” that I’m learning to cope with. Requires lots of adaptation, trial-n-error.

eg: OPE (Other people’s envy), exclub, FOMO .. is a powerful “force” but it’s mostly learned response to a previously neutral stimulus, a form of enculturation. It’s impossible to stay insulated, so yes everyone must adapt to this force

eg: AMB? It requires adaptation + continuous learning

— Our own wellness .. is a the most important goal of adaptation. It doesn’t receive enough sunshine, presumably because most of those below 50 have not suffered “enough” ill-health. In contrast, look at Kenneth’s desparation ..

My body flexibility is an obvious physical limitation I need to accept and adapt to.

Wellness includes mental wellbeing, but I try to avoid the over-generalized term “happiness”.

eg: mosquitos .. many adaptations. One of them is wearing socks to prevent overscratch

— self-assessment of adaptation ..  Adaptation is always trial-n-error .. repeated failures. Successes are rare, and progress slow. Personal success is largely determined by how well we adapt and change our habits/perceptions. For decades, I saw myself as non-adaptive. That’s largely because my closest allies continually pointed out I was too individualistic, paying insufficient attention to conventions and customs. Now in my late 40s, I see myself as better adapted than average:

  • domain: formal education + lifelong learning .. role models for most. The obstacles include memory capacity, setbacks, competition,
  • domain: interviews + GTD on-the-job… I have gravitated towards the environments where I can easily adapt to. I avoid aggressive environments like GS or Macq.
  • domain: family relationships + a few good friends.. the obstacles are personality differences, communication preferences, and lack of time to hear each other
  • domain: wellness .. the limitations are mostly biological
  • domain: pff .. the “forces” include brainwash; limited earning capacity; property inflation (biggest obstacles to many Chinese);
  • domain: immigration journey… I was unsatisfied [“left behind on a slow track” by those in N.A./Europe] in SG, so I adapted and tried Canadian process. In 2006 I hit a plateau and adapted to try the U.S. U.S. realities forced me to change our plan and gradually returned to SG (“for good”) . Realities of q3sg forced me to adapt again, and re-enter U.S.

(I list my successful “adapting” mostly to illustrate what “things” I adapt to.)

A few “adaptation” blockbusters:
* [adapting to exams++] Chinese compo was my weakness in primary school.
* [adapting to English environment] English was my huge handicap when I came to SG.
* [adapting to IV] C++ was a tough nut to crack ever since my first encounters in college. Now am seen as a pro.
* [adapting to immigration obstacles] Was left behind. Now I have an enviable immigration status.
* [adapting to brainwash, exclulb..] I felt inferior about brank. Now I have found the WSC harbour .

buy`||fix`things → attachment #own creation #planks


This topic is “fertile” and needs a more memorable title.

The simple decision to buy something is a serious decision comparable to having (or adopting) a child, or starting a book… You not only have to live with that thing you bought, it also needs care and feeding. I feel the key factor is “liquidation” cost. Examples:

  • A child is not sellable. Full stop.
  • A book project ….if stopped half way, is a wasted effort
  • A house ..if you don’t live there and can’t rent or sell, will go to ruin without repair
  • some long-term derivative contract are very hard to unwind. In contrast, many financial products are easy to sell.
  • purchased vs free books/magazines .. purchased -> attachment

The bottom line … buying something is a decision with long term consequences.

— enhancement of an old or cheap product.. Eg: The glass bookcase .. I spent 20-40 min enhancing the base, the wall-anchor, shifting the shelves ,,, /optimizing/ it ,  so I have developed an attachment… to “my own creation”.

But this old bookcase could lose usability due to wear-n-tear. Expected lifespan is 2-6Y. So my attachment and valuation are … “too high”

— The spare planks … I collected like a dozen planks free of charge. My Attachment? Not sure why. They still entail a cost of ownership. They increase load on the shelves, complicate moving, rearranging and finding things buried underneath. I used to put them in meter rooms, but still they complicated “finding things”

I want to discard the big pieces, the particle wood pieces (keep the solid wood pieces)

— The Christian God created mankind in His own likeness. Therefore, He cares about us. In the same vein, we are deeply attached to our personal creations, not only our children.

eg: If you worked hard to enroll into a top school that you personally chose, then you tend to have more motivation to keep up your grades and professional reputation.

eg: If you spent lots of t$ transporting, enhancing the product, then you will have a hard time letting go or liquidating it (attachment). However, experimenting and learning curve, with the tcost, is part of life. A blunt measurement like ROTI can be ruthlessly unfair to the small but meaningful DIY projects.

  • eg: t-investments in legacy ikea desk [height, screws,,,] increases my attachment
  • eg: pink or white bookcase .. sagging shelf fix … t-investment  increases my attachment
  • eg: glass bookcase
  • eg: stand`desk handle fix