!! hungry]morning,should I eat raw veg@@ No

Q: Without any morning craving whatsoever , should I still eat some raw veg?

If I do, I worry that it might induce appetite. 80% psychological 20% physiological reaction.

Keeping the fast in this situation will help short-term and long-term weight management.

My current thinking — Eating those raw veg doesn’t satisfy any craving or make me feel better, but introduces (suspicion of) a risk of induced appetite.


skipp`breakfast: 100% safe xp

  1. I believe it’s OK to skip breakfast once a while. There’s a weekly 5:2 diet and a weekly 4:3 diet — see https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/the-5-2-diet-guide
  2. For some people, it’s safe to skip breakfast for years. See fasting can be healthy #breakfast/lunch skip

The cited BBC program echos my experience that skipping breakfast is the easiest fast, not totally bad or dangerous.

  • xp: in Macq, I spent about 1.5 Y skipping breakfasts and delaying lunches. In RTS I did similar things for most of the 12M. When I did eat breakfast, I ate mostly chia seeds, milk and fruits. Occasionally I eat some peanuts.
  • xp: the empty-stomach sensation in the morning is a very common (sometimes eerie) sensation, but not a real problem in my experience. I think some almond milk, half a slice of bread or a small biscuit can remove this sensation though I am cautious about the consequences [1]. Actually, the intermittent fasting diet encourages us to try and live through this sensation without any food. Presumably, every participant needs to get used to this mild hunger sensation in the stomach. For some, it’s actually easy to get used to.
  • xp: The hunger is 3 times worse in the afternoon/evening than morning. However, no need to feel guilty if you do eat a heavy breakfast.
  • xp: when I skip breakfast, I tend to feel not hungry after 12 noon, which makes it much easier to delay lunch. That’s why I don’t eat in the morning unless really hungry [1].
  • [1] +! craving]morning, should I eat raw veg@@ No


low-carb + intermittent fasting #Alex

Alex lost 60 pounds on a low-carb diet. He also knows several people who lost weight following a low-carb diet. It actually worked for each of them.

Now he is on intermittent fasting — no food for 16 hours a day

  • on weekdays, skip dinner
  • on weekends, skip breakfast

My plan — skip breakfast on most days, so no food from 10pm – 2pm (or pushing further)

Alternate-day fasting, which this study examined, is one option. Other popular ones include a 12-hour daily fast, a 16-hour daily fast (often called the “Leangains” diet), a 20-hour daily fast (known by many as the “Warrior” diet), or a 24-hour fast once per week.

fasting: benefitS beyond slimm`#BBC

See skipping breakfast: completely safe xp so far for my first hand experience.

see other posts in the fasting category…

Many years ago (early 2000’s?) I heard on BBC that for most adults except the underweight, reducing daily intake to 1/3 (i.e. by 66%) can be beneficial.

BBC Crowd science 26 May 2018 — many scientists showcasing health benefits of fasting:

  • skipping breakfast is the easiest fast, not totally bad or dangerous. Can be beneficial. https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/the-5-2-diet-guide has many followers including health scientists
  • skipping lunch is also common. I tried this for 2+ years in OCBC and Macquarie
  • One brain scientist (Mark… U.S. National Institute of Aging) skips both breakfast and lunch for many years (35 years skipping breakfast, and 5Y skipping lunch with 16H daily fast)
    • can improve brain performance for some people, as he experienced himself
  • A German fasting clinic puts guests on “extreme” multi-day (up to 3 weeks or longer) fast at 200 calories/day, but under strict medical supervision
    • instead of external food, consume internal food i.e. the fat reserve. Human body is not meant to be fed continuously; once a while we had better use up the reserve.
  • Refeeding at end of a fast can be restorative and beneficial if carefully managed. In a wood train, old furniture gets burned and at the refeeding station new furniture gets rebuilt. Need 3 days fasting to get into starvation mode
  • ketone — minimum 12H fasting to induce internal fat-burning, and ketone production with multiple benefits esp. on brain. Ketone also suppresses appetite.
  • A microbe professor skips a breakfast once a week to give his microbes a “big break”
    • “lawn mowing” microbes eat away bad linings in the guts during a fast. Cleans up and improves the guts.
  • The 5-2 fasting program is designed to address cancer, in addition to diabetes.

celebrate every deferral of starch+fat

Unsung heroes in my daily battle .. here is the most frequent combat I fight and win every few hours — put off eating starch and fat. I either eat nothing, or take some fruit, veg, or fluid including milk and sugary drinks. Sugar alone is not my vulnerability. My vulnerabilities are Starch and fat including most desserts, incisively analyzed in sugar+! starch/fat = !! addictive

I really deserve a pat on the back for every combat I fight. Each win is small, but together they mean a lot. They require a constant effort and /unrelenting discipline/. These postponements arguable constitute the core of my intermediate fast.