hedonic^homeostatic hunger


I think for many healthy adults, the homeostatic hunger becomes unbearable after many hours. If you are such a healthy adult, then a lot of the hunger you experience is probably not starvation-homeostatic hunger.

That’s why many healthy people can train themselves to fast for multiple days on a regular basis.

Most of the hunger in my life is predominantly hedonic hunger, though the two hungers represent two ends of a continuum .. See https://www.livescience.com/54248-controlling-your-hunger.html

Q: So am I saying that over one or more days on nothing but juice, skim milk, raw vegetables, fruits, occasional protein powder[3], your body[1] can survive the fast without long-term [2] damage?
A: basically yes but with disclaimers:
[1] Note your mind may suffer if you are forced (by other people) to starve, rather than trained and willingly undergoing the fast.
[2] short term health effects are hard to ascertain. Stomach may growl. Energy level may drop. Sleep might be hard on an empty stomach. If practiced regularly, such fasting reactions may subside. I think most animals and our ancestors are used to such fasts.
[3] In my fasting diet, I exclude starch, fat and cooked food. See also ## acceptable foods during standard fast #fiber,starch

—how is this related to my 3-temptation theory? Hedonic hunger is the main driver behind the temptations. Take for example the wrong-time temptation. Timing is “wrong” because my body experiences no homeostatic hunger

—how is fiber related? Fiber doesn’t provide calorie so not addressing homeostatic hunger.
Does fiber address hedonic hunger? Not at all in my experience. Best example is chia seeds, which make me feel full for hours, but not satisfied.

Most of the “filling” or “fullness” or “satiety” foods promoted in mass media suffer the same weakness. In contrast, comfort foods [meat/fish, nuts, smoothie and dozens of starchy foods …] each satisfies a specific craving and provides satisfaction , the key factor of hunger.

In starvation mode, people eat roughage [grass roots and certain parts of tree barks] to satisfy hunger.

—How is smoothie related?
The ice in smoothie satisfy hedonic hunger better than fiber.

It is extremely important for short-term hunger management, but it has no effect on homeostatic hunger due to calorie.  Without ice, I feel hungry within 30 minutes.

## acceptable foods during standard fast #fiber,starch

  • fiber? I think starchy foods are not, but fibrous fruits/veg are fine
  • carb? Frowned upon but I would say foods with hidden carb is fine, like green peas, carrot and sweet fruits.
  • starch? For me, staying away from starch for more than a day is tough, so I wouldn’t force myself to zero-starch. Low-starch is very good already.
  • lean protein is singled out as acceptable by the inventor of the 5-2 diet
  • veg and fruits, low-fat milk, low-fat yogurt — the mainstay
  • fats? no no

cheat days~controlled indulgence

mindful eating is related term.

Q: Diet counselor asked “Do you have cheat days?” I don’t have cheat days but I told her about my controlled indulgence:

A: When I was living alone in Singapore, sometimes I would have one or two ice cream cones. In the U.S. more likely I have a tub. Less often (but more cheating) I would have a piece of creamy cake, but always with lots of raw veg or chia seed.

A: sometimes stress also leads to binge eating, but not really cheating.

Like the ice cream: controlled indulgence, these experiences are more conscious, more managed. In contrast, unplanned loss-of-control due to home-cooked foods or office free foods,,,, is not cheat-day.

temptation=#1 challenge4diet provides a framework.

myth: fasting→muscle loss

— https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/11-myths-fasting-and-meal-frequency#section9 says ( and I choose to believe )

Some people believe that when you fast, your body starts burning muscle for fuel. There is evidence for and against this claim.

Contrary evidence — studies indicate that intermittent fasting is better for maintaining muscle mass. A study showed a modest increase in muscle mass for people who consumed all their calories during one huge meal in the evening (Trusted Source).

Intermittent fasting is popular among many bodybuilders, who find that it helps maintain muscle alongside a low body fat percentage.

myth: fasting→starvation mode #metabolism

— https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/11-myths-fasting-and-meal-frequency#section7 says ( and I choose to believe )

One common argument against intermittent fasting is that it puts your body into starvation mode, thus shutting down your metabolism and preventing you from burning fat. There is evidence for and against the claim.

Contrary evidence — Studies reveal that fasting for up to 48 hours can boost metabolism

skipping breakfast can be harmless for many

— https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/11-myths-fasting-and-meal-frequency says ( and I choose to believe )

” It’s important to pay attention to your specific needs. Breakfast is beneficial for some people, while others can skip it without any negative consequences.”

The bbc program (fasting: benefitS beyond slimm`#BBC) about fasting talked about many nutrition experts who skip breakfast for years (decades)

spontaneous,inconsistent fasting

See https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/6-ways-to-do-intermittent-fasting

There is method in the madness — calories + nutritional quality.

I like the advisory at the end of the article — Calories still count, and food quality is still absolutely crucial.

Even inconsistent, random meal skipping can be beneficial to some people. Some parents believe delaying a meal by 30 minutes can harm their child. It’s similar to the fear that a minute of sun radiation or 2nd-hand smoke can harm your health. Compare to my Egyptian roommate at Juliet St ( Bayonne ) who believed that breathing in the smell of any laundry that’s not 100% dried could harm his health.


[19] my 16/8 fast warrior diet

I have practiced a modified form of warrior diet for months without knowing it.

This regime has a name but not enough research or scientific endorsement. I think for some people Warrior Diet works because of calorie accounting + nutritional quality. See https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/6-ways-to-do-intermittent-fasting. Key points

  • eat raw veg + fruits during the day
  • instead of a huge meal, I eat a controlled meal at night.