* his opening position: “IF (interface role) is better if this is a long term (5 yr) job. Otherwise, the dev role gives a better trec for your next job.”
why 5 years? “u need 5 years to master the art of ….” ZJ thinks it's quite an art to play the interface role. He said 3 years on that role won't give the orgro i need.
* To reach the goal of dnlg (and biz insight), the IF role is a fast-lane and a shortcut. “A commodity developer often is exposed to only a small chunk” — too small to develop any “helicopter view”, insight, dnlg, appreciation of the challenges and trade-off
* “sooner or later, a developer like u has no choice but move into a position with a heavy interface role. If u remain a developer after 5 years, then something is wrong.” (chandra the interviewer also said “people may question why u r still a hands-on developer after 8 years”.) I suggested that in 5 years i could move into PM or AR,
* ZJ agreed that a generic j2ee developers have a large number of suitable jobs to choose from, but i think he feels those jobs won't be very good. Look at Lin Yu and the rest. Seems many smart guys are choosing to move out of generic j2ee.
* “IF is less likely to get axed than a developer because there's so much insight accumulated”. I agree a generic developer is easy to replace.
* #1 argument: IF->dev is easier than dev->IF. Many commodity developers don't get a chance to move out of development
* “On the IF role for a few years, u will know what technical things to master, what to ignore…” This knowledge is perhaps unavailable to developers? If u want2b domain expert, there are probably too many j2ee/db… technical domains to master. Lin Yu and Da Shan don't seem to know everything in J2EE. Lin Yu even said “no need to be thoroughly familiar with anything.”
* In his past typical projects, there's AM, PM, delivery lead (ie team lead). The tech expertise comes from the consulting team, where a member consultant could be dedicated to this project or several projects. AR is provided by the consultant. Looks like PM is shielded from technical challenges by DL and consultant.
* Talking about project estimation, ZJ challenged me that a developer with several years hands-on may not make better estimates than the IF or a non-technical PM. The IF may even have better AR insight than the hands-on guy. Look at Da Shan.
* Perhaps Raj or SCS didn't have lots of hands-on — that's why he wanted to do implementation of the ICA mega-project.