the cool, posh, well-connected power elites #G.Maxwell is linked to father and partner, two fraudsters.

Q: how reliable, how accurate is the wikipedia content? Legal case details there in should be reliable.

Even though G.Maxwell is more of a socialite, somehow these individuals remind me of the (all-male) high-flyers in and outside my /circle/:

  • the MDs, the CTOs, the executives
  • the bbcy enterpreneurs or executives
  • the start-up legends
  • ##[20] Stealth-overtake since1998 described others types of enviable high-flyers
  • ^^ 95% of the time, I have precious little knowledge, insight about these mere /acquaintances/

Look at G.Maxwell’s photo on wikipedia… posh, graceful, sophisticated and highly educated, gentle, well-spoken, upper-class, almost manipulative. (In contrast, my wife is simple, unsophisticated, not highly educated, and lower-middleclass.)

The fact that she is associated with two fraudsters didn’t bother me, because so many people and the mass media held her in high regard, given her education and business success.

I have always seen myself as a socially awkward nerd, a /minion/ on the slow track, out of limelight, without ambition and (after q3SG episode) without a promising future.

From my (low) /standpoint/viewpoint/perspective/, I have always admired the grace, the interpersonal/networking skills, the business skills of those high-flyers.

Well, I have zero understanding of the darker sides of those “advantages”. Essentially these individuals tend to have too much power [clout, prestige, position, credentials,,,]. Using this power, these smooth operators seek even more power and wealth, hungrier than before.

On the other side of the coin, the power corrupts them. A pure and simple heart is rare among the power elite of politics and business. (Pat.Liew) I think the iBank MgD are similar. If you aren’t hungry for power, then quit this game.

(Talking about “power… In the same vein, every Chinese communist party official is viewed as corrupt. They had too much power and not enough counterbalance for that power such as indepdent judiciary, free media, or opposition parties. )

After q3SG my self-image has remained, but my evaluation thereof has improved.

— communication skill, As XA.S mentioned in the 2000s, this skill is widely seen as more important, more valuable, more strategic than IV skills, GTD skills..

Posh .. is largely based on oral English. I remember a tall middle-aged shop owner/manager in Paragon, with a Singaporean posh accent. I guess he is proud of his location in Paragon. I can’t imagine (but there are) power elites having limited English proficiency. The elite status is mostly about appearance.

visProgress^FOMO^ ocEffective^ envy^semi

k_X_FOMO_v_livelihood .. k_semi_kai3mo2

  • T_effectiveOC — personal capabilities, more specific, more narrow
  • t_FOMO — about the fear. more broad
  • .. FOMO^livelihood — more specific about the contrast, contradiction, misPerception. More specific than mellow.
  • T_semi_kai3mo2 [definition] — focused on specific and comparable individuals as kai3mo2[role model], usually with strength, character, rather than dumb luck. T_semiK3m2 is an abbreviation of T_questionable_roleModel
  • t_envy .. jealous, zi4bei1, but not some individuals perceived as in my socioeconomic strata
  • —– Above are the negative themes; Below are the positive themes
  • visPgress — is more general with a wider scope.

exclub: wealthy Chn investors@Jill !!superior #MAPIC


I met with Dr Soo for a short while, with Jill’s introduction. He described his China clients speaking of investing “至少一个亿 (RMB)”. I felt diminished and disqualified by the exclub (exclusive club).

  • doubt: talking vs investing… Many people talk about $X but when it comes to payment date, only invests $0.05X. I’m one of these “cautious investors”.
  • jolt: an even higher exclub… these same people would feel belittled when they meet a tycoon 10 times richer. Why do we have to feel belittled in the first place?
  • jolt: carefree ezlife .. How many of these people have a carefree easy life like mine at my age?
  • UChicago .. on a minor note, how many of these guys have a reputable degree as a personal achievement?

Q: But why the hell do I care about a f**king $100M when I have enough to spend for my lifetime, as MMM would say?
A: I think this is really exclub for the sake of exclub

Some similar experience:

  • At MAPIC, how did I feel when I heard about the multiple properties those guys own? I guess most of them are leveraged.
  • How did I feel when year ago I heard stock investors talking about the multiple stocks they own?
  • How did I feel about MD job titles my previos peers have earned? Perhaps double my salary, but also lots of stress and job insecurity.
  • How did I feel when decades ago I came across a graduate of an ivy league?

Now I have some insider info, my envy and FOLB (for these exclubs) is undergoing “release and unwind”.

— more important than the exclub of high net worth .. is the exclub of healthy longevity, i.e. the “club” of individuals who get to live a long healthy life.
Q: Who do you envy more? Which exclub do you choose if you can choose only one?

I never thought about these two choices. How obvious is it now !

— more important than the exclub of high net worth .. is the exclub of harmonious family.
Many of those wealthy China clients probably don’t have that. With their fame, riches, power and influence, they suffer.

Now I recall the Church gatherings. Rich families and modest families mingle, but I can’t tell the difference.


with%%well-protected livelihood, y FOMO[def1] high-flyers


See also

  1. ffree ^ envy+FOMO has a similar theme
  2. other blogposts under T_FOMO^livelihood
  3. 4 def@sucess provides a framework. In this framework, we feel the FOMO pressure/drive because we have yet to achieved (enough) success.
  4. ##wrong priorities@ deathbed|wellOff 

Case study: Jiang.Zhu is an unknown LeadEngineer figure that I last met in 1991. Both him and the Fenix CTO are largely unknown personalities, so my mental pictures of them are imagined/fabricated content fitted onto a half-skeleton. My team lead U.P is someone I know much better. He explained that out of 10 things about the firm, he was happy about 7, and the other 3 are important. He gave one example about “select me as a front runner”. I guess in these individuals, there is still a lot of untapped potential, a lot of drive, ambition. Compared to them, I probably look “lazy” (but how about zqbx?)

Jolt: Similarly to my “laziness”, my son may look lazy. In contrast, at age 13 I was more disciplined, more motivated, more ambitious than him.

Lazy or not, at my age whenever I look out towards the deathbed I feel the visible signs of success are ultimately unimportant.

Case study: Consider JackZ and Raymond’s situations. At my age and economic level, what endeavors are really strategic?
1) wellness lifestyle improvements like yoga, sustainable diet habits, BMI
2) dev-till-70 accu, plowback,,, including QQ and CIV
? academic parenting? No. I prioritize motivation, bonding, coaching, self-discipline
? prepare for relocation to U.S. including car ownership, burn rate control

I have a well-protected livelihood thanks to

  • SG Citizenship; wellness; family harmony
  • low burn rate; diversified income-generators
  • dev-till-70 career longevity, based on lifelong learning attitude
  • — beyond the G5:
  • globalization reducing basic cost of living
  • retirement destinations in MYS etc

Q: so why do I still envy those supposed “peers” who now earn more? Why do I need higher incomes?

— A: there are job positions where you can earn more without sacrificing lifestyle. You would need something (luck? skill?) to get into those positions….. Clearly I still want to earn more. Am not a Buddhist monk.
— A: financially disqualified — some exclusive “clubs” would reject me, my kids, or my family.
— A: basic livelihood (part of successE) is easy to achieve, but beyond that, FOMO, deprivation are deep-rooted fears in most people. They drive us to lifestyle creep towards fancy luxury, the new inventions of the last decade + bigger houses + top schools.

see the blogpost on khmer villagers and a reasonable minimum standard.
— A: (An indirect definition of) FOMO/FOLB/kiasu is in the Singapore DNA. I see FOLB in the unfolding story of SG as a nation.
Many government departments, mainstream media, mainstream schools … are often funded to promote adoption of new technology, new products/services.

I often say the biggest economic engine in the U.S. economy is technology improvement, evolutionary or revolutionary, far beyond digital technologies. Japan, Korea, Taiwan are often seen as competitive economies exactly due to their high-tech manufacturing sectors.

So a lot of national economies may grind to a halt if without new fancy offers esp. new technologies.

The steam engine was arguably the first in a series of new technologies to revolutionize world economy. Can you boycott this FOMO, in the spirit of Buddhism?

This also explains why we envy the start-up “legends” like Jiang.Zhu (whom I don’t even know)?

— Q: why envy the ex-peers who moved up like Siddesh, CSDoctor etc

A: brank, OC-effectiveness… are /potent/ symbols of power, success, admiration. Income is one element. If we only look at income then … not so potent, not so enviable.

— Q: why envy the lawyers (Zi Yang) or doctors (TTSH ENT specialist)

A: I told my son 人往高处走.. SuccessC/E. We parents want our kids to have (extrinsic?) motivation, with some FOMO.

A: life chances. More income means more life chances for my kids. But is this a 无底洞?

— burn^rot .. Somehow I feel a pressure to work harder (burn) and close the gap in terms of FOLB. If I ignore the gap, I feel like rotting. I feel those high-flyers are more “burning” — working harder on income/wealth. However, I doubt their zqbx.

Remember burn is basically successZ+C

young men’s(wrong)role model: 高富帅

“曾经有个非常不错的三十五岁哥们,人长得那是没话说,工作也好,车子两部,房子三套,即便算不上“高富帅”,也可以跻身金领的行列了” —, a common role model for students not only in China.

— ! car is a liability, not an asset. Since this guy is unmarried, 2-car lifestyle is a waste of resources, unjustified,
— ! quantity vs value of rEstate. See also HF.Sun discussion
— ! concentration risk.. it’s unwise/questionable to buy 3 homes in the same city. Better diversify to commercial properties, stocks, gold, bonds
— As a student, what would I envy him for?

  1. Sexual success
  2. salary. Without salary, his assets are a mere “handout” [lottery, inheritance] and won’t last

women with Grade-A flexibility≠stronger than me

Those teachers who criticize my flexibility are invariably comparing me to females, never my mere-mortal male peers.

That lady with grade-A flexibility

  • faces higher risk of injury. Chair yoga teacher told me many examples. I guess it’s rare to see an individual both very flexible and very strong.
  • eg: she met many flexible (but not strong) women
  • eg: Many athletes and dancers have injuries…. often push to their limit and over-stretch.
  • may not be able to make a living as a yoga instructor, as Ankur could
  • may not derive satisfaction and self-esteem from her superior flexibility
  • may be poor in balancing, strength and endurance in yoga, not even considering endurance sports
  • may not have so much willpower.
  • is probably not going to win in any yoga competition, but why bother with competition? So why feel inferior to them?
  • enjoys yoga just as I enjoy jogging. However, in terms of cardio fitness and weight improvement yoga is ineffective, so if I must choose I would rather have the jogging advantage than the yoga advantage.

My self-knowledge advantage helps me put up with the negative peer comparison and keep going on yoga.

I have hypolordosis (reduced lumbar lordosis). I once imagined that if I could surgically sever some connective tissue in my lower back, then I would be able to bend forward “like them”. However, whatever is too short in my lowerback is still vital for my body. I am grateful to that piece, when I can swim, cycle, climb stairs, jog, squat, twist, side-bend, sit-up…

##gain` traction+vision {years@envyP2: wellness+finance #w1r5

  • eg: to increase monthly flossing frequency … very hard over the decades … I devised to “trade” brushing and flossing. I also used flossing handles, which are inferior but better than not flossing. is the main blogpost

—- [] eg: better intimacy.. My traction secrets? Cardio
—- [] eg: chin-up 100/D was daunting.. my traction secret? Spread-out.
—- [] eg: change brushing to flossing sessions
—- [et] eg: raw carrot .. In 2018 I started trying. I knew right away it’s one of the tougher raw vegetables for me , while some people enjoy raw carrots.
My traction secrets? In late 2020, I have found one type of carrot slightly enjoyable, better than the U.S. baby carrot !
—- [ehmrt] eg: BMI — for decades I couldn’t break the 65kg barrier, 63kg barrier, and 140 lb barrier (like sound barrier)
My traction secrets? intermittent fasting; meal delay; veg/fruits; starch abstinence
—- [cmt] eg: hungry no eat … for decades I believed that when hungry, if we don’t have food to eat, we damage our body, but the BBC program proved that intermittent or multi-day fasting can be completely OK for many healthy adults. My vision was changed forever.
—- [t] eg: 30 pull-up in one go … My traction secrets? slowly and relentlessly building up from 15 to 30
—- [e] eg: great sex in 2020 … My traction secrets? workout 3 times a week and immediately before sex
—- [t] eg: late sleep … for decades I worried about long-term health effect of late night sleep, until I decided to find out from annual health screening. My vision secret? Ask doctors for professional opinion.
—- [et] eg: curl up … (and muscle-up): As of Oct 2020 I can go up 10 times without getting off the bar
My traction secrets? swing + (explosive) power

—- [ehrt] eg: yoga — better eg than jogging. I envied those (mostly ladies) who can do yoga regularly, sometimes at home. Way too hard for me.
My vision secret? How did I change my perception and then my habit? This is one of the hardest way-finding journeys, described in several blogposts. In short, aim at easy, short sessions.

  • sitting in lotus pose? Not successful yet but won’t give up.

—- eg: Even before teenage years I noticed many people taking very slow jogs .. waste of time. It slowly dawned on me that it was good for their health. In my 20’s I realized jogging improves stamina, gives an immediate boost to my mood, and my self-confidence — vision!

  • [e] Barefoot jogging gives me additional joy.
  • Running in the rain gives me additional self-esteem.
  • [c] The mass jogging atmosphere at the TPY stadium always gives me a boost.
  • [m] Just getting to the stadium even without jogging, would be 50% of the battle

— [et] eg: jogging outside stadiums — for years I envied joggers able to run on hard surfaces, until I somehow found a way to do it myself.
My traction secrets? I still don’t have many explicit techniques like livelyPlaces, goodFootwear, slow

Hidden barrier was some perception of boring, joyless experience.
—- [c] eg: jogging/workout 5+ times a week — I only found out around age 30 that my energy level (and sleep), self-confidence, resilience, self-esteem, self-image .. all or some of these metrics would reach new height after I hit 3+ runs a week.

Time and absorbency are two limiting factors for 99.9% of the people. 3+ runs a week is hard. My traction secret? For me, there’s some magic in jogging (my traction secret). In contrast, aerobic exercise was somehow less effective, including jumping, lunge. Aerobic class is almost as good as jogging.

Is this a defining eg of “traction“? Yes.
======== above is wellness, deserving more sunshine; below is finance, my strongest strength =====
—- [ce] prestigious college cost — My Asian friends all seems prepared for this burden.
My vision secrets? Inside tips like Kyle’s
— [ceh] eg: sdxq housing — price tag was unbearable esp. in monthly outlay. I asked around without solution. My Asian friends all seem to take on this burden.
My vision secrets? Then I noticed lease spread in 43R model.

Visible or hidden barrier: the buyers of these houses are wealthy, so you will compete with the wrong group.
—- [cet] eg: multiple properties — I had constant envy for those owning multiple properties but unable to afford a single $500k unit
My traction secrets? When I started investing in SEA properties, I had to tolerate credit risk, political risk etc
—- [eht] dividend income to exceed $1k/m. Was hard to achieve for decades. My traction solution? Give up on mutual funds. Use rental property instead.

Hidden barriers: expRatio;
—- [cem] stock picking
—- [] re my mail to Edmund of SCB, most retail investors have not found a vision secrets like mine. Someday I could copy the content from that email.
—- [em] eg (less related to the title of this blogpost): rental cost burden — many U.S. renters spend 30%+ of income on rental, and it’s too high. Some renters even borrow from credit card to pay rent.
My traction solution? Self-discipline to live with modest accommodations.

  • In SG I used to pay $300 on a salary of $3k. Increased to $600 (for two homes) on $5k salary.
  • In the U.S. I was paying typically $700 on $70k-160k salary.
  • After I had a baby, I was sub-letting with net outlay below $1400. Sub-letting required risk-management and flexibility — my tip on reducing the 30%.

I refused to follow the conventional wisdom and /fork out/ 25% of total income to get a more “comfortable accommodation”. in 2009, I actually spent more than 25% of my 6k/M (92k pretax) on the Newport home.

—- [cemt] heavy-weight example : bare-bones ffree —
For years I envied those who can afford to retire early if so desired.

My traction secrets? I found several secrets that make it possible for me, such as Brbr/FullerWealth, nonworkIncome, leaseSpread, SG healthcare, and the t_bizTime article.

I also realized how and why we achieved ffree several times in my family. See eg@personal ffree within%%family

##[20] Stealth overtaking{1998

k_tectonic … k_hongkong

See also

Trigger 1 — SG^HK .. this blogpost is triggered by the SG^HK tale of two cities. Keyword is “overtaking”, where the content is nothing new. So I don’t want to spend too much time.
Trigger 2 — immersion .. sitting in the library for another immersion, I recalled my post-NUS self-improvement years.

eg: Hong Kong, Switzerland, and Scandinavian countries used to be the envy of Singapore government and Singaporeans. From the turn of the century to 2020, Singapore quietly overtook Hong Kong and Scandinavian countries in GDP. Singapore overtook Switzerland in PPP-adjusted GDP. I feel Singapore has become stronger, smarter, more competitive on many fronts, due to decades of steadfast focus on the fundamentals (内力).
eg: NUS and NTU overtook many competitors .
eg: Millennium Capital — gradually and quietly overtook many competitors. I think it’s because of consistency

Over the same period, I feel I also overtook many of my (unnamed) peers in my cohort, not only those in financial or IT domains.

  1. — The heavy-hitter list, focused on “overtaking”
  2. wellness — 5 workouts a week; satisfactory intimacy.. see BGC:pull`ahead @the pack: personal (!!leadership) effectiveness
  3. career longevity .. dev-till70 in the harbor of WSC .. See passport2 WSC_harbor@the SWE continent
  4. cash flow high ground in terms of brbr, FullerWealth, debt, bare-bones ffree, nonwork income
    • retirement planning (a global concern across rich countries including SG and welfare states). I have adequate planning with medical cost “Cushions”, CPF-life, low-maintenance HDB rental yield.
  5. prestigious credentials in UChicago, Wall St, NYSE, hedge fund

Now some obvious, familiar or minor advantages I have created

  • beautiful kids
  • U.S. and SG “dual homes”
  • carefree since 2018
  • UChicago .. insider advantage

Those are the things we want. There are also things we don’t want . It’s so easy to forget that I am free of the unwanted “things” below that each afflict a portion of the population in my cohort:

  • no bulging belly — rather rare
  • no chronic condition (except borderline cholesterol) — sleep; toothache; neck pain; hypertension;
  • no marriage instability
  • no major sexual difficulties yet

— my effort, choices,,,, or dump luck? See post on locus@control
— mellow?
— detach?
— how do I pass on my success to my kids?
— with some exceptions, virtually all of these “overtaking” successes stem from personal effectiveness, rather than inter-personal effectiveness
exception: marriage required a lot of team work
exception: I could do my professional job reasonably well in 10+ teams.
— Q: Are there some areas where some peers overtook me in stealth?

  • personal investments in US stocks or property (A.Lin)
  • brank? Not my game.
  • ^^ I feel none of these examples are worthwhile. Nothing to learn.
  • More diversified investment portfolio
  • more healthy lifestyle.
  • more patience with parenting

— Raffles Place reflection .. at raffles place I see lots of young, well-dressed (mostly financial) professionals in their 20s and 30s.
I feel many are spoilt kids. But I think others come from poorer backgrounds perhaps in 3rd-world countries. Many are ambitious and hungry in the rat race. In contrast, when I was their age I was on the sideline, as a manufacturing engineer and later blue-collar programmer. I had excellent burn rate control (unaware), competitive on theoretical domains (unaware) but stuck in the less lucrative domains.

  • life chances .. The higher income has indeed provided more life chances to finance chaps, to me and my kids.
  • adaptation .. I have gone a long way in my adaptation for and within my fin-IT domain. I have figured out how to survive the competition and churn, how to gain an unfair advantage…
  • 4def .. At that earlier age, I was mostly driven by successC, but now I have reached a well-off carefree ezlife, and have shifted focus to successE anad successZ
  • deathbed .. successE beats successC
  • stealth overtake .. I caught up with the finance professionals in my cohort. I guess, without evidence, that for majority of them, their domains and roles are no more lucrative than Fin-IT. Even the traders and fund managers.

—  library immersion .. From my early 20s till early 30’s, probably after NUS, I often felt inferior to some in my cohort — techno-preneurs, the OC-effective young managers, the young MBAs, CFAs, the finance professionals on the street of Raffles Place, sales/trading professionals in rEstate or Prudential,,,, In SG, the blue-collar engineer has a low status compared to in the U.S. I felt like an ugly duckling, esp. in the dating game. None of the role models in the media or in the community was a blue-collar programmer.

In NUS (more so in China universities), library immersion is a long tradition, but after we leave the campus, how many and who would keep the habit? Remember Alina.Zhao .. In the national library, I would read tech books all day long, and those young men don’t need to read that much. They would read business or magazines, even newspapers. Some of them read about rEstate or stocks, as they have an early start on personal finance. I could only watch on the sideline. (Now I am ahead of my cohort on personal finance.)

I think my 5-10 years of self-study in the library was slowly charging my batteries, or building my infrastructure like China did, or building the system like SG did.

Since then, technology industry, esp. software dev profession has grown more important, more valuable in the national economies not only of the U.S. but notably in China. U.S. tech profession offers excellent market depth, better than many of those professions listed earlier, esp. the sales profession.

* I underestimated the $value of my QQ capacity, absorbency, continuous/inquisitive/integrative learning,,, the qualities of the growing swan. These qualities were once associated with the ugly duckling.
* I overestimated tech churn, out-sourcing. (I didn’t underestimate the younger competitors.)
* I overestimated the $value of their professional qualifications, experience and people skills.

Q: When did I quietly overtake the bulk of “them” in terms of pff + career longevity prospect? (Clearly, some are still ahead but at my age I don’t strive to close the gap.)
A: perhaps during q3sg

Library immersion provides a defining example of FOLB. In my 2021 assessment I still follow the same rat-race criteria, the same midlife timetable . In this blogpost, I have not mellowed up or grown wiser.

During NUS years, one valuable harbor was the fast-food restaurants in shopping malls such as Ginza plaza. I used to stay until mall closing time. For many years after NUS, my #1 favorite harbor was the library. I also used fast-food restaurants and MRT trains. I always brought study material + other reading materials.

Nowadays I worry less about opening hours because I could sit in bus interchange with A/C + free wifi. I fee lucky to have the library, the free wifi in various locations, the laptop, git-blogg infrastructure. Adaptation (see the blogpost) and resilience. Nowadays I mostly use therapeutic blogging to recover, restore, calm down, regain focus.

Maybe I should start using more study materials for zqbx, for burn. Get on the offensive?

prefer slim^brank@@ P1

See also earn/deduct points unfairly #weight mgmtHere’s a similar paradox —

  • At a mid-level VP role I would feel bad if overweight, and envy the slim (not “athletic”) contractor.
    • our Blk 155 Indian neighbor — not earning a lot more than me…
  • As a slim contractor, I often feel bad about my mediocre career progression and envy the mid-level VP in charge of 3 juniors.

So I feel bad about myself, either way.

That’s the first point of this blogpost. The other point is the question — Which one do you prefer if you must pick one?

My Answer: Slim Contractor. I won’t elaborate here.

##envy Them constantly; !!celebrat`family,achievements..

k_tectonic    k_mellow

Rewind to age 33 or earlier.

Q: Would I rather have a lovely wife or have a better career and bright kids but 随便找个凑或看着还过得去的女人?
A: When I looked into my real priorities, the answer is always unambiguous — I didn’t need such an outstanding career, or such bright kids, or big houses. If I don’t find a Suitable woman, I’d rather stay single indefinitely, and basically let go of those other priorities.

Over the last few years, I find myself falling into the same trap of inferiority (+ self-pity + self-contempt). Most of the time, the same few individuals capture my attention — the ex-classmates and now big managers in China….

But why I don’t celebrate

  • (unsorted but I want to highlight the unsung heroes)
  • my beautiful yet thrifty, hardworking wife
  • my healthy and capable parents, with their retirement benefits
  • my father with his wisdom, achievements, reputation
  • my smart sister
  • my lovely kids
  • retirement — my Singapore option. “They” are stuck with the Social Security
  • retirement — my well-thought-out plan including multiple properties
  • my part ownership of the Beijing property, something few of my peers have.
  • my level of Wealth by Fuller’s definition
  • my life-long learning attitude, habit, and capacity
  • my chosen country — U.S. age-friendly job market lets me work till 70
  • my profession — lets me work till 70 at high income…. See financial IT profession: !! so bad #longevity
  • my profession — software engineering and finance are both lucrative, strategic, and suitable for me (arguably better than pre-sales). It’s actually not easy to get into these domains.
  • my sub-domain — java and c++ are both deep, well-paid, long-living and hard to master
  • my widely in-demand skill set and excellent market depth in my chosen domain.  Do “THEY” have the same?

This blog post is primarily about celebration. On a second level, I’d like to focus on My 9 biggest achievements (not a rigorous list)

  1. found a woman of my dreams and had 2 beautiful kids, based on luck but also my personal qualities
  2. achieved Singapore citizenship, largely based on our education and professional job. We worked hard for it and made big sacrifices. Singapore citizenship means
    1. housing,
    2. affordable health care,
    3. relatively age-friendly job market,
    4. low-cost retirement destination
    5. decent education system
    6. reliable and low cost services beyond the “civic”
    7. safe, clean, supportive neighborhood,
  3. competed successfully to break into and remain in the finance IT domain
    1. portable skills that give me well-paying jobs in many countries and many companies. IV muscle building
    2. my depth in java language is rarely surpassed, not only in java concurrency
    3. my data structure understanding and skills are my 2nd stronghold
    4. I solved many hard algo problems on my own.
    5. received fourteen c++ job offers + more java offers
    6. moved successfully from back-office to front-office
  4. saved for years to fully pay off a nice Singapore home + several investment properties
  5. education credentials — higher than most people. No mean achievement. I worked hard in my 40’s to get it.
  6. no belly, BMI and chin-up .. at this age
  7. personal finance
    1. burn rate control over 20Y my entire adult life. It gave me extraordinary flexibility and deep confidence
    2. personal investments — fairly successful track record
  8. Plenty of life chances throughout my student and working career, thanks to English, nationality, IV skills, trec..