Tag: t_del_@
WFH: self-hate coping devices
Note time spent with kids can be highly regretful.
- localSys — refresh outlook, recoll,
- project
- QQ,
- (mini-)workout
- therapeutic blogging
- Take leave if needed. Don’t see it as a failure or weakness, but rather as a privilege and therapeutic.
Need to accept the reality of China firewall.. Don’t be bitter or resentful. China government is not completely without justification. Focus on solutions.
Note some workhorse sites [dreamhost, github,,] are accessible by wifi intermittently (such as the Wifi-101) but seldom permitted by ChnM hotspot. Therefore, Don’t rely on dreamhost for important info. Use git-blogg or SD drive instead.
- — For Local call n data .. Use local SIM
- — For call to Sgp .. (banks,,) use MLPhone + IDD from Beijing home
- — For Gmail (and whatsapp)
- .. cmlink roaming 10 GB on personal mobile phone. I can even pay a small fee for additional data if needed, but this is unlikely given the MLPhone.
— MLPhone as roaming hotspot
Issue: NoSim. I had to connect to a wifi to set up SIM
Issue: other devices can’t detect this SSID. I had to disable-then-enable the hotspot on mlphone. Once another device connects to this SSID, mlphone shows a green banner on top.
“For Monthly Data Travel APAC, once the current 2GB has been utilized , it will automatic activate another 2GB block @$15 per block.”
BGC yoga trainer examined back of my neck..
- daily head twist, stretch, rotation to loosen the back-of-neck inflexibility
- I probably “incur” too much looking-upward as if sitting below the screen level
I think neck pain is very common among my tech professional peers.
replace whole milk with lite ice-cream@@
Is ice cream fattening. It feels like similar to whole milk.
However, ice cream is more addictive.
As noted in another blogpost, the real challenge is not calorie per se, but temptation, addiction, loss@control.
[19] stressor profile:1st week]SG
- Stressor #1 new job ramp up during first month. First month passed with 80% effort. Some visible progress, but a lot more invisible progress.
- stressor #2 BGC payment
- stressor #3 satisfying sex. Not a destressor … why? I seem to take it as a basic need but many people don’t have it and still feel OK
- stressor: I took on the challenge to meet Ms Goh and address boy’s math challenge. Stress is largely due to choices
- [☆] destressor: blogging as a tool for focus, clarification, zoom-in
- destressor: short commute, with git-blogging. I don’t feel part of my precious spare time is “eroded” by commute
- [☆] destressor: early sleep
- stressor: diet and weight? but I started on a new diet under very challenging conditions.
- stressor: yoga discontinued … but I paid for a membership and created a powerful commitment .. highly effective
- destressor/declutter: cancelled Everyday ccard; cancelled multiple oc accounts
- [☆] destressor: SGD expense tracking provided clarity and reassurance
- destressor: the HY exposure reduced
- destressor: converted USD 5k, as 5k at home is a stressor
- stressor: unpacking. luckily I did most of it on 2 Sep
- stressor: ikea lamp: luckily i used it enough times. Accept that we have lost that part.
- stressor: insufficient outgoing minutes… cost overrun.. consider buying more minutes just to contain the stress
- stressor: data overusage. I added mobile data limit
- [☆ =effective]
pattern recognition]contrived wordy problem: wrong priority
PSLE math exam has roughly 60% of the marks allocated to word problems (problem sums). My son is confident with roughly half of these word problems (including the less wordy geometry and charts). I looked at the other half — the tough problems. I would say most of the “tough” word problems are contrived —
- they are tractable with equations but my son has not learnt equations.
- their presentation and construction is unnatural. In real life, no reasonable person would play silly games by hiding some information and asking you to guess. When I read the first half of a typical “tough” word problem I could predict what they are hiding !
Majority of these tough problems require pattern recognition (PR). Part of this PR is reusable abstract thinking skill, but the other part of pattern recognition is not really math skill but an exam-taking technique. This technique is 雕虫小技, not a foundation skill needed in further math learning. Strength and training in this technique doesn’t enhance a student’s capacity for abstract, logical or mathematical problem solving.
Assuming my analysis so far is not overly biased or incomplete, I would say that this kind of exam-taking technique is the wrong priority, wrong focus for a parent.
Whenever I lose my cool and become anxious about my son, half the times are due to these tough word problems — wrong priority!
— accept the weakness
Repeatedly I declared that I can accept the long term prospect of a mediocre boy, and I can accept if dabao remains weak on exam-taking techniques.
His current weakness (perceived or actual) in wordy problem is related to the long-term prospect and the “exam-taking” … so could I accept it with REAL peace?
— average kids can’t get it.
Apparently, only one student in his class is comfortable with the wordy problems. Sounds like everyone else is afraid and anxious about wordy problems. This says a lot about the quality and effectiveness of this education
Covid19: US nurses disqualified to get tested
Story below suggests
- U.S. medical system poor planning, preparation, coordination
- U.S. residents have lower confidence in the med system
On 2 Apr 2020, XR also told me that NY residents showing mild symptoms were turned away from testing centers even though testing was already “free” (used to cost $3k) confirms
More than a month after the pandemic hit the United States, the persistent test shortages mean that health workers are treating patients while experiencing mild symptoms that could signal they are infected themselves, according to Reuters interviews with 13 nurses and two doctors who described testing shortages at their hospitals.
Many medical centres are testing only the workers with the most severe symptoms, according to the frontline workers and hospital officials. As a result, nurses and doctors risk infecting patients, colleagues and their families without knowing they are carrying the virus, medical experts say.
In Michigan, one of the few hospital systems conducting widespread staff testing found that more than 700 workers were infected with the coronavirus – more than a quarter of those tested.
A NY nurse continued to work because her fever – at 102 degrees Fahrenheit (38.9 degrees Celsius) – was just below the threshold set by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for sending health workers home. But she had the virus, an infection she confirmed when she took it upon herself to get tested at a private clinic.
The continued test shortages – even for the workers most at risk – is “scandalous” and a serious threat to the patients they treat, said Dr Art Caplan, a professor of bioethics at the NYU Grossman School of Medicine.
[19]Apr backlog: job search …
- I want to maintain energy level on yoga and diet
- i need to reduce food shopping unless it doubles as reward/recharge/unwind
- –now the backlog + todo list
- capture motivation for coding drill
- –lower priorities
- reply to Amanda
- reach out to Ellen again as she believes in me
teamViewer: cheatsheet
- initial password — is auto-generated for you. You can change it any time
- TeamViewerId + password — are all your partner need to remote-control your computer
- remoteControl^meeting — are the two main usage modes. I think remoteControl is the #1 most popular. Conceivably screen-sharing had better use meetings.
- manuals — has online documentation and downloadable manuals
- cost — monthly fee for commercial use. Free for non-commercial