##Let us accept #acute pains]fall`behind


  • Accept that he would have no desire to change the habit of sugary beverage.
  • Accept his fitness — no talent, no determination, no habit,
  • Accept that he could have more joy in a lighter-load learning environment but in reality he is unable to climb up there — trapped inside the tower at the hot section down below (the hell)…
  • [t] Accept that he will spend lots of his precious leisure time in ineffective homework + additional tuition, not learning much, but he doesn’t care.
  • [t] Accept that he might continue to wastes his time for hours after lunch, and then in the 11th hour suffer the pressure and fail to complete his homework, but he doesn’t care.
  • [t] Accept that because of heavy homework, he would have limited sleep, but he doesn’t care. Improved after P6.
  • [t] Accept that due to insufficient spare time, I would have limited methods to motivate him.
  • [m] Accept he would use calculator for everything.
  • [m] Accept that he may not acquire the pattern-recognition “vision” crucial in math word problems, and pattern recognition could remain a “don’t-care” item for him.
  • [m] Accept that he might continue to wander off in class, later unable to apply the new skill on his math homework.
  • Accept that he could remain very weak on P2 arithmetic skills, largely due to lack of effort
  • [mt] Accept that he might continue to refuse pencil, and continue to waste his precious time on correction tapes. Accept that he would NOT learn to cross out and quickly restart.
  • [m] Accept that he will remain too lazy to apply his mind or bother to recall what he learnt in the past.
  • [m] Accept my time spent “helping” him may continue to produce dismal results, leading to frustration, regret,,,
  • Accept that he would continue to lose his expensive belongings like bottle, calculator, goggle, pencil-box, glasses, MRT card,
  • Accept that even if he gets up 10 minutes in advance he would still leave home too late. Completely improved.
  • Accept he would continue to reach school late. Completely improved.
  • Accept that he could complete my math worksheets but refuse correction
  • [t=time-usage efficiency]
  • [m=math, esp. word problems]
  • [any number=category 1 to category 3 of acute pains]

Looking into the pattern of my anxieties, I think most of the acute current pains are related to falling behind other kids (of the same age group). Items below present themselves over a longer horizon.

  • Accept that his benchmark results may remain far below those “academic kids” including those “China kids”

[23]stressor profile after/around Bj15d+SepPEK

After SepPEK trip, (BJ15d even worse) was a high-stress period, even though a vacation. The preceding months also have many stressors. This bpost is a profiling+review. See also ##G3frustrations travell`2Chn

  1. boy screen time and study attitude .. a dissatisfaction blackhole
  2. epaJob: OKR project .. Genepai
  3. aging parents
  4. epaJob: compliance breaches [R.Teo, pre-clearance,] was a serious threat to my job security
  5. [$] night heat and mosquito over 2023
  6. epaJob: frequent BlueCoat strikes
  7. [$] Edyw was the biggest storm/burst@bubble in recent months since start of school term .. luckily, the wonder pill…
  8. meimei math difficulties as shown in the exams
  9. Bj15d: [$] smemo + git blogg .. inadequate note-taking facilities. I had to use phone 🙁
  10. [$=money can help]

If we don’t leave our comfort zone i.e. Sgp, we hit fewer bursts/storms/derailers.

Warning: Am growing more attached and dependent on my comfortable epaJob, so any derailers on the job tend to feel more painful than before.

I have put aside my recreational reading.

— There are also some –> delights [pleasant surprises] and progresses <– to offset the negatives. See also the +ve twsiter sections of bj15d trip

  • fixed: wifi deadzone in kitchen
  • fixed: Wife’s $9/M Giro uncertainty
  • fixed: ChnM Rmb 18/M high maintenance cost; high voice cost during my next Beijing visit
  • fixed: insufficient balance in ICBC account. Top-up in advance.
  • fixed: HSBC USD policy uncertainty
  • fixed: grandpa’s handset too low
  • fixed: no citrix in L360
  • fixed: booked CareCorner counselling to help desparate mom
  • fixed: HSR + flight taken care of
  • fixed: wifi deadzone around kitchen; no printer in Cockpit4 when needed
  • fixed: no family outing since after Bj15d
  • fixed: uncertainty how to use up $120 worth of bonus linkpoint
  • progress: Arnel A/C and renewal
  • progress: more chia seeds
  • progress: two successful intimacy sessions after Bj15d
  • progress: wireless@sg visit
  • — half-ranked
  • the ED pill ..
  • (emotional) closure on the Brazil investment.
  • boy’s piano Grade6; meimie’s grade 3
  • BGC title finally making progress
  • ants in #1169 under control
  • 159xxx ChnM package worked exactly as planned
  • MB.khm USD IR improving
  • — Well done
  • comm channel with boy … still maintained
  • bathing for grandpa .. important to grandma
  • USD 24k
  • [$] Poly EAE opportunity.. boy didn’t ignore it.
  • RSP position reduced, after a year of waiting
  • mid-year chat .. no down turn
  • [$] simlim shop to enable msff on L399, saved about $100 MSFF license
  • Boy’s NRIC
  • dental check to reassure myself “All is well.”
  • Citi and MB.khm USD renewal
  • hopeless mufu in OC account
  • Sep trip booked
  • mtg FPP 4 Jul
  • real fast progress on Phill project, esp. SMBC tbl
  • active days + diet … regain control

[16] bmark – accept big underperformance NOW@@

He has enough capacity to join the top 25% stream but I have carefully accepted he may not perform to his standard. I have accepted an above-average exam result, so long as Yixin puts in a “reasonable” effort.

Q: However, what if we leave him to himself and he doesn’t put in any reasonable effort and score way below his standard? Can we accept severe under-performance?

Acceptance means no scolding, no bitterness, no finger pointing, no regrets. Acceptance requires a big heart and 胸襟. Acceptance means unshaken confidence in him.

My answer — I am unable to but I’m working towards a rational, objective view. In such a situation, I would take bulk of the responsibility for not focusing on his ownership, self-drive, self-discipline, motivation.

[18]3common stressors4 U.S.middle class like me #bad commute

to be absorbed into another bpost?

  1. cashflow for livelihood
    • not enough savings for children’s education
    • lack of home-ownership -> net rental outlay? Not an unbearable stress.
  2. work stress
    • see separate blog post
  3. 2H+ commute eating up time for exercise, family, rest.. In NY most of these guys simply accept the long commute. Not me! I feel the higher salary is a poor bargain.

–outside the top 3:

  • weight, diet and health conditions that have to be actively managed
  • kids school problem — not so serious

summer bamboo mat

Too many choices. Need to establish selection priorities, influenced by advertising:

  • xp: thorns and splinters .. common in all cheap straw/bamboo mats
  • xp: foldable .. the roll-up models (all bamboo mats?) generally take up much bigger storage space.
  • product pictures: the more (Lazada) the better. Remember to top up the wallet and use up full balance.
  • durability
  • lglp: cooling … I foresee very small differences between products. I will rely more on A/C, and perhaps wet towel
  • lglp: flip side
  • lglp: weight

https://inf.news/en/home/6494332f8264f1793facd5ff94d614cd.html is one Chinese writer’s view.

— plastic or synthetic fiber .. I didn’t like my plastic mats, woven with plastic “bamboo” strips . Now, most economical rattan mats are actually rayon, made from real rattan but chemically synthesized. You can call it chemical plant fiber, not raw rattan! Raw rattan mat is rare and expensive. So if you don’t like synthetic material, then your best bet is the mahjong mat.

— Q: Do I have tBudget to experiment 3 models?

Given a total budget of $300, $Cost is likely to be a LGlp for each purchase. Focus on tCost of cleaning, storage,,

If no good, just discard and buy another, until we find a good model.

Shall we favor high quality, high confidence models?


EDyw: ask urologist

Q: EddieByGiddy? Both urologists have not heard of it

Q: Viberect?
AA: not available in Singapore clinics, though you could buy online, but without profession medical support when facing problems.

Q: I believe morning erections are good exercise for the tissues. Does it mean some penile exercise is also good using a pump?
A: Yes See ED_exercises

Q: I often wake up in the morning with an erection … does it mean I have problem maintaining erection?
A: No. Can’t reach that conclusion. Morning erection is unelated to sexual arousal. Once you get up (perhaps trying to have intercourse), that erection may soon disappear. Can you capture that disappearing erection to achieve penetration? Only with a fake vagina or ED ring.


hsbc movie cards: operational errors


— operational risk 1: forget to bring Rev card when needed

This risk is more likely than risk 2.

Therefore, I will use Rev card to buy a new one, when I bring a “single-ticket” movie card to GV.

— operational risk 2: too many unfinished high-value movie cards, leading to “misplacement at home”

I think … 3… is still tolerable.

Better reduce the remaining values.

— operational risk: forget to bring movie card, but I won’t discuss it here.

[15]outside tutor or self-teach like in U.S.

Many parents in western countries, and some in Singapore, tutor their own children without outside help. Some statistics even show that some US children don’t go to school but study with their parents and do better on average.

We need to be careful, objective and critical with these reports.

First off, Singapore primary school standard is higher, perhaps among the highest in Asia. East Asian countries tend to be the most demanding and rigorous in primary+secondary education. What works in the west may completely fail in Singapore.

Compared to Beijing, Singapore schools place less emphasis on deeper, understanding and more on drilling, practice, speed + accuracy. My math and science class at JC level show me Singapore is more about pattern recognition. This translates to heavy homework and more practice needed for exams.

Secondly, some kids at some age are willing to work with parents. Dabao is not there yet. He loves novelty and visitors. When I was a JC student I had outside tutors. No, a tutor is NOT a servant, but I felt well taken care of, treated like a little prince, catered for with full attention. I knew it was only 1 or 2 hours, so I concentrated very easily.

Is it possible to create the same conducive learning environment between parent and kid? Not impossible. Perhaps turn on A/C, shut out meimei, limit to half an hour each session. We could try but at this stage, my answer is – at his age, helping Dabao with studies is too inefficient and frustrating.

Dabao is good at sabotage. He drags his feet and acts stupid and waits for you to give up.

3rdly, I’m a different dad than other dads. I need constant study; I need to upgrade myself constantly; I invested so much in the U Chicago program I need to put in real effort; I am a heavy blogger; I spent hours each week on personal investment; I am more serious about regular exercise. In short, I have less free time than other fathers. Therefore, I’m willing to sacrifice something to gain a bit more time. With Jason’s help, I feel I save 3 to 5 hours each week.

I feel for piano practice we could hire a tutor to speed up his progress.