考研 #benchmark #hearsay observations


— 3 types in China system — 学术型硕士,专业型硕士,非全日制研究生


— selection criteria

中国研究生院校招生主要以考试为主,通过全国统一的研究生入学考试,对学生进行考试成绩考评,成绩达标[1] 的学生进入面试环节(复试),以面试结果确定最终录取结果。

统考的科目有数学、外语、政治。 专业课主要由各招生单位自行命题(加入全国统考的学校全国统一命题)

[1] This is a strict pass/fail criteria. 分数线  .. 主要是考研国家线国家确定的初试成绩基本要求,包括应试科目总分要求和单科分数要求。Exception: 自主划线是经教育部批准的部分招生院校可自主确定 “考生进入复试的初试成绩基本要求”及其他学术要求。只有34所高校有权自主划线。

##Chn salaries=seldom match`SG #w1r2

We often hear stories of rich China people.. My U.S. peers often lament their low income compared to classmates in China… See wage+homePrice: (statistical)biased views@cmcUS colleagues

I believe most Chinese citizens are not the 0.1% employed in the top web2.0 shops. Somehow, in my mind this tiny group is the typical China salary… misperception due to brainwash.

Many urban white-collar Chinese tend to dismiss rural peasants (including rural migrant workers) as if second-class citizens of China, to be treated as excluded data points. Beside peasants, there also are millions of

  • (half ranked by population and by clarity of well-defined scope)
  • [p$] teachers/instructors — pre-schools, tuition centers, language, arts, fitness
  • [p$] accountants … few would rise up to finance director like my sister
  • shop assistants, restaurant waiters … a low-skilled job, so “20% of them will rise to become rich businesspeople” is naive.
  • factory workers,
  • [p] nurses and medical workers “below” physicians .. some are unskilled
  • street vendors, pushcart vendors .. They can’t afford a permanent shop.
  • [p- v$] junior engineers, technicians, mechanics, handymen
  • [p] software engineers/testers, network engineers outside the top software teams! They are well-paid (like USD 80k/Y) only in the U.S.
  • [v] full time drivers — taxi, truck, delivery team
  • [v] bank clerks, post office clerks,
  • [p] newspaper or book editors .. peripheral to the “star” authors
  • [p-] junior civil servants,
  • [v] junior rEstate agents, insurance agents, vehicle salesmen
  • most musicians .. don’t become rich and famous
  • cleaners,
  • junior policemen .. very few earn high income
  • [p$] journalists, photographers, visual artists .. few high-earners
  • full time security guards,
  • [v] receptionist and frontline call center customer service (non-supervisors) .. few are white-collar professionals
  • [v] postman, mailman
  • tour guides, [v] tour agency staff
  • junior air stewardess and [v] airport staff
  • [v] 美容美髮 barbers, massagers, workers in facial shop, nail shops
  • [v$] support staff in showbiz .. I think some of the creative professionals might be well-paid
  • [$] junior chefs
  • junior librarians, museum curators
  • [pv$] junior dentists, physical therapists
  • [$=this group have high wave earners]
  • [v=a salad bowl group, or a vague, less well-defined group]
  • [p=professional training or accreditation, degree required. p- means “some of the population is professional”]

Now even though these professions are unlikely to pay RMB 1000k/Y, some of these groups esp. those tagged “[$]” do have high wage earners. We should not look down on them.

2020年5月,中国总理李克强在人大会议期间曾说中国有“6亿中低收入及以下人群,他们平均每个月的收入也就1000元左右”。这与世界银行根据每天每人5.5美元标准对中国贫困总人口的估计基本吻合。(CNY 12000/Y/person.)

Median per-capita disposable income: 根据中国国家统计局的数字,2020年中国居民人均可支配收入中位数为27540元/年。农村居民人均可支配收入中位数为15204元/年, 城镇居民人均可支配收入中位数40378元/年。

In terms of household  — 根据麦肯锡公司《2020年中国消费者调查报告》50%的中国家庭 disposable income [可支配年收入] 达14万至30万元人民币. I think this is in the cities. If typical family size is 4 then this number is consistent with the 40378元/person/年.

Chn: smoker population profile

One study found that 45.2 percent of surgeons surveyed in China were smokers.

— https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpubh.2020.00177/full is a 2020 China research

In male participants [smokers, presumably], the daily cigarette consumption was 17, and the mean age of smoking initiation was 21, and becoming lower over the years. (Recent decades have seen younger starters among smokers, perhaps due to wider accessibility.)


There are more than 300 million smokers in China, nearly one-third of the world’s total. More than half of adult men are current tobacco smokers. In addition, over 700 million non-smokers in China, including about 180 million children, are exposed to second-hand smoke (SHS) at least for one day in a typical week.


Two-thirds of the young men in China start to smoke, mostly before age 20, according to a study, led by researchers from Oxford University, UK, the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and the Chinese Centre for Disease Control. Around half of those who start smoking cigarettes as young men will eventually be killed by tobacco.

In recent decades there has been a large increase in cigarette smoking by young men…  The proportion of all male deaths at ages 40-79 that are attributed to smoking has doubled, from about 10% in the early 1990s, to about 20% in 2015. In urban areas this proportion is higher, at 25%, and is still rising.

def[involution] #Chn 婚介/dating club

— defining involution (more searchable than 内卷).. Involution means many things to many people. In my blog, it means inefficiency, zero leverage, questionable productivity, limited value-creation,,,  Competition is a key factor in the “contemporary China usage”, not in my blog.

内卷 ^ 躺平: 一个指向“过度竞争”,一个代表“退出竞争”,折射出年青一代对中国社会竞争白热化的挫折感。内卷成为2020中国年度“十大流行语”之一。

内卷在中国的语义与竞争白热化高度联系在一起。(somewhat similar to midlife crisis) 年轻人不断感受到竞争的压力,如果不努力、不竞争就会落后、淘汰、出局……但他们一直在同一个水平上,像一个陀螺被敲打,却没有突破,他们最直观的感觉就是很累,觉得自己重复性的投入没有形成突破,看不到意义。– 社会人类学教授. Involution is not really equal to hyper competition. Involution is a subset of hyper competition. Negative harmful competition.

NY1: China young professional’s involution is “the experience of being locked in a competition that one ultimately knows is meaningless,” — Xiang Biao. It is acceleration without a destination, progress without a purpose, Sisyphus spinning the wheels of a perpetual-motion Peloton.

Feature of involution: no real growth or personal improvement; no seeking real happiness or long-term companionship.

  • top example of involution: coding drill for CIV. Can you lay flat? No I take it as a mental exercise.
  • example: HFT arms race. zero-sum game.
  • eg: proliferation of bccy, without creating real value

— based on https://finance.sina.com.cn/chanjing/cyxw/2020-11-25/doc-iiznezxs3570352.shtml
在婚恋市场,内卷这个词也是很有解释力的。比如女性客户会去整容,这个现象越来越普遍. 在其他条件没办法短时间内去改变,这种相貌上的改变是立竿见影的,男生的参与度和后续联系都会更好。







wind energy capability in Chn++

As of 2019, wind provided only 5% of China’s power.[4] This is much higher than the 0.1% I heard years ago.

— as of 2019 , total wind power generation capacity in gigawatt. Out of global total of 650 GW

  1. 240 GW / 36% by China
  2. 105 GW / 16% U.S
  3. 60 GW by Germany
    • 190 GW by EU including Germany
  4. 40 GW by India

Above is capacity in watts. Below is actual amount of energy produced.

— as of 2017, total annual production of wind energy, in terawatt-hour

  1. 300 TWh by China
  2. 260 TWh by U.S.
  3. 100 TWh by Germany

%%prejudice: China’s innovation

I have a growing prejudice that China is an imitator, follower,,, not an innovator like U.S. or Europe. But consider

  • 拿来主义 is positive attitude. A country too arrogant to 放下身段 and learn from other cultures will pay a price over the long run and decline.
  • Japan is the first Asian country to open up and reform to adopt western systems …
  • Korea, Taiwan,,,, try very hard to innovate but aren’t more successful than China.
  • The west also picked up many things from India, middle east, and East Asian cultures…

Math (and comp science to some extent) .. China didn’t invent any, but China students have very strong foundations.