##[202405]this fortnight≅12M-peak

k_carefree知足常乐easy_life …. k_tectonic …. k_def_of_success … k_X_focusing_illusion

These few weeks might be one of the best times in the last 12M. The fact that I’m trying to find time to clear backlog in git-blogg and emails … is a telltale sign of stable stress and effecrive coping.

Many of the factors would start to /fade/ within a month but let’s live in the present.

  • — I like, and actually moved up, twisters (“_b_u_t_”)  and highly specific items ..
  • [j] grand parents declining _b_u_t_ finally moving into luxury DJDJ, with a franchise, trec and reputation.
  • .. I did my part to help out.
  • [z] meimei math .. falling _b_u_t_ daily drill with daddy. I did my part
  • [h] job satisfaction declining _b_u_t_ relatively stable job, unlike Frank.Fu during his final year, or Ash.S unhappy about his job
  • .. [z] engagement, commitment at work… with sense of urgency, growing confidence
  • my assigned projects (for this fortnight only) .. challenging, unfamiliar _b_u_t_ within my competence, with reasonble timelines, a lot of local help
  • [h] boy chat .. still going strong even after CAD
  • [j] intimacy .. still enjoyable even after CAD, on the back of a stable relationship, and supported by consistent workout
  • [z] pull-up.. still going strong
  • [z] body flexibility .. reasonable up-keep
  • [h] China capital control .. a real stressor. I have mellowed a bit
  • [j] income .. not decling; actually higher than ever, thans to successZ
  • .. [h] inflation .. affecting me much less than my peers or the general public
  • [j] declining mental capacity at work .. to my surprise, am not falling behind most of my (younger) teammates
  • [v] no illness .. skin, joints,,
  • [j] no sleep problem .. no mosquito no heat wave. I still sleep easy..
  • .. thanks to my workout
  • [v] no breakdown at home or in any hardware
  • [v] no pff challenge this month
  • — not exactly about 12m-high
  • BGC .. title progress albeit slow; rental non-stop
  • [v] parenting anxiety reduced from end of 2023
  • [j=not 江河日下 quick decline as expected]
  • [h=holding strong despite the widespread pattern of decline among other people]
  • [v=vague]
  • [z=successZ]

— Turning point?
Friday 31May chat with boss… gaining confidence, commitment,,, to localSys
Grandparents move-in … harmony

(More important?) Inflection points

  • CAD .. acceptance, adaptation
  • Grandpa decline .. acceptance and harmony
  • Boy’s O-levels .. acceptance and hamony
  • meimei’s math .. acceptance and consistent effort

Q: So, which tectonic plate strengthened the most during this “improvement”?
A: gz.

Many plates experienced small quakes (aging, academics, CAD, wellness,,,) but each plate has improved in flexibility, resilience and harmony, even if temporary… successZ

My successC declined, my successZ strengthened.

[22]carefree:与众不同 #by half

k_tectonic … k_def_of_success

see also

This bpost needs a more distinctive, identifiable, less forgettable title.

When I don’t feel carefree, this analysis might provide clues + perhaps a few tips/nudges.

Q1: living my “carefree ezlife”, perhaps in my bubble, Why do I feel so alone and uncommon like “outlier” (与众不同) among my peers?

The answer is invariably a combination of distinct factors.  Each time we apply one of the factors below as a filter on the global cohort population, half (or at least 20%) of the remainder drop out. I used to joke that the qualifying population shrinks “by half”.

  • — G9 hard [measurable, visible, less subjective] factors underpinn` my carefree ezlife: (See also list in
  • [22]幸福:2precious cornerstones: breakaway)
  • factor: CPI inflation worries beyond retirement .. related to “citizenship” and “cashflow-high-ground”. “Half” my cohort across many countries seriously worry about living expenses doubling every 10~20Y, progressively eroding/shrinking their retirement nest egg.
  • G9 pillar: fully paid home of reasonable size, in a clean, safe, actively maintained neighborhood … Not so common esp. among younger peers.
  • G9 pillar: cashflow high ground .. (for family livelihood) ..  Rare among my peers. I won’t elaborate.
  • G3 pillar: my citizenship.. my appreciation[confidence/faith, gratitude] of my adopted country .. is rare among my peers. A subtle factor, this “shield” gives me a confidence (-}carefree) distinct from that of my WSt friends.
  • G7 pillar: career longevity (based on WStC) .. rare among techies [dev-till70], and also rare across the entire cohort. Bpost [1] has more details, so I won’t elaborate here
  • Layer 2 foundation: stable marriage + bonding with kids .. is shared with perhaps half my peers. I score a B+.
  • Layer 1 foundation: wellness .. (all aspects) .. Note BMI/fitness (also tech bodybuilding) require successZ, rather than “LG-carefree”…

(Pillars rest on layers of foundations.)

Q4: why is my wife not feeling carefree? Why the big contrast between husband and wife? See “half-empty” section.

— harmony .. part of successE (elaborated below).  I feel improving (albeit inconsistently) in my harmony, mellowing up, letting go..
— failureZ .. a common weakness among my peers, and therefore affects a majority of them. Note successZ definition is simpler than successE but still nontrivial.
Bpost [1] examined my continuous, self-driven learning habit

eg: My annual health screening is one example of how successZ underpins my “carefree”. (I won’t elaborate) bone density; heart-healthy diet; cholesterol control; low-sugar, low-salt; research into various conditions/risks;;;; You can never become complacent and let your guards down 🙂

==== utopian/bubble.. Many people would dismiss my (or PersonB’s) “carefree” as utopian, short-lived or fragile. That PersonB could be an engineer, an academic, an early retiree, a pensioner… because everyone’s bubble is fragile to some extent.

I still have (long or short term) stressors in my current job, BMI, parenting, investment issues,,, I still need inner strength, serenity, harmony, zqbx

Q3: level of Fragility of this carefree bubble?

Any analysis/investigation into “carefree” inevitably leads to questions of  fragility/impermanence/vulnerability/defenses//… These questions explain why “carefree” periods are so rare. However, this bpost will skimp on them.

— A very realistic “rude awakening” .. see the missteps/swans in https://tanbinvest.dreamhosters.com/12221/resilience-against-ffree-derailers/

— Jan 2023 update: Miles of Sonic team .. (See also Sonic+Sachin+Anurag) a story about utopia, fragility, storms/bubbles/derailers/// This case illustrates that at any time, for any reason, without any sign, we could lose our comfortable job, or our health etc. This case sounds like a swan event, but there was also a personal misstep (self-acknowledged). My compliance violations are also missteps. These swans/missteps are serious derailers of my carefree bubble, but now is the quiet between the storms, so the other factors feel like better answers to Q1.

This “quiet” feels like a dream, or inside a bubble, rolling on high rails.

— Update after Sep/Oct 2022 .. I feel my carefree ezlife is diminishing/declining/ in some strange way. It takes effort to explain it.

The DIYHI created lots of conflicts, self-blame, zsms about tcost, involution.

Then in Nov, kids’ math exam results ..

Then in Mar 2023, EDyw was a real blow according to the rmSelf, but for the xpSelf, Edyw didn’t /knock me out/ of my carefree zone.

In the grand scheme of things, these pains/unhappy episodes would pass. The “carefree” felt so short-lived to the rmSelf, but (to the xpSelf) it soon returned.

==== wrong priorities .. a key “soft” factor to explain “why so many peers are not carefree”. (In contrast, see the hard factors eralier.)

Some of my peers score higher than me in “cashflow high ground” or “career longevity” (I refuse to pay attention to them) but I feel most of my cohort are fixated on their “half-empty” glasses, while I tend to focus more on my “half-full” glass.

Breakaway .. is a power descriptor. See [22]幸福:2precious cornerstones: breakaway

— successE .. I feel my peers don’t appreciate successE that much. Therefore, my successE is /uncommon/.

Beware successE definition is subject to interpretation.
— zzcl .. I feel many, perhaps majority of, my peers are not mellowing up to zzcl. I think many aim higher and try harder than I do. In doing so, they experience more frustration, less contentment.

  • improve kids’ grades
  • get better job .. objectively, my jobs since 2017 were good
  • get bigger home .. objectively, my home is big enough

— focusing_illusion .. by focusing on the half-full, I feel more contented, more grateful, more lucky, more optimistic… These feelings /seed/ a virtuous cycle of wellness, generosity, kindness, forgiveness

If I were to explain “wrong priorities” , zzcl, failureE, failureZ, harmony ,,, in an essay,  it would involve many power phrases. Many of my peers may not understand these phrases. A  phrase is often subtle, low-power, or poorly defined, and my definition often abstract, unnatural and non-trivial. (Contrast them with those handful “hard” factors above.)

— life chances .. personal! I am contended about my life chances. I pursue the right life chances that are important to me, rather than the wrong priorities of other people

==== a nightmare .. in a 2022 nightmare, I rejoined Macq and was dismissed again. I did my best again, but again was shown to be the weakest in the team, although another set of job requirements may prove otherwise. In hind sight, the 2015/2016 Macq job requirement was simply too high for me, more than the Qz job or GS job. How about Ash.S in his CTO job? CSDoctor’s job? S.Liu’s job?

If I were to benchmark myself with these so-called peers, or try to increase my brank, and join the exclub, I would get derailed, lose my carefree ezlife, take on lots of stress.
If I try, could I become a software architect? Not my strength.
If I try, could I become a lead developer like Ash.S? Not sure.

At my age, I have an implicit self-conviction that most of the higher-paying positions are too stressful, with exorbitant expectations. What I’m unsure is the salary hike of a “jump”. (My EPA job could be worth SGD 160k in another company.) What additional income is possible? After tax, 80k/Y additional? Not worth it.

I told grandpa that my successE [carefree ezlife + harmony, based on wellness and comfortable livelihood] is rare among my cohort, not because I’m wealthier than them, but because I don’t focus on the wrong goals.

The nightmare scenario is much more severe, harsh, harmful than CB2022.

adaptations: boy’s BM, earlyDinner #EDyw

Precise vocab is valuable, nearly indispensable, in describing psychological issues and attitude/perceptions. I’m still working on the vocab.

— Trigger event: 30 Jun 2022 my son saw Dr Nancy Tan again. I don’t recall exactly what they said, so I am retelling the story in my own words. My son’s body has to adapt to diet change [much higher water, veg/fruit intake, more frequent meals spread out,,]. She described that BM [ bowel movement ] varies among individuals, so each person need to deal with the signals that  bowel/bladder send to the brain. This signal can feel like random attacks, so the individual learns defensive tactics.

Hopefully, the individual gradually grows used to the signals and the underlying physical process. Perhaps a BM soon after a meal becomes the norm. Perhaps two BM a day becomes the norm.

— late night hunger .. Dr Nancy mentioned something about early dinner. I think she said that many people can finish dinner early and have no supper. I brought up the consistent hunger signal I receive at night. I told Dr Nancy that even if I have dinner at 8pm, I would still get the signal 4 hours later, around midnight. Therefore, anticipating the signal, I dare not take early dinner.

I said this is perhaps similar to my son anticipating urine/BM. The anticipation informs and affects our planning. But perhaps it doesn’t have to. The brain can adapt (be trained) to “deal with”[1] the signal, possibly suppressing it. This has been hard for me.

— OCD and phobia.. My son also brought up his OCD concerns to Dr Nancy. Later I told him my zip-checking OCD experience. I told him that nowadays I don’t care about my unzipped fly even in public — successful adaptation.

On the same day, I happened to pick up a book about OCD, and the author also discussed phobias — two related issues. Later I told my daughter about insect and needle phobia.

Again, the brain receives fight^flight signals and could over-react.

— EDyw and other sexual difficulties due to aging
As long as the individual adapts to the change and doesn’t let it affect family bonding, self-esteem, fulfillment of biological needs,, then successful adaptation. Some guys accept ED as a fact or life, but work to improve the situation. That’s also positive adaptation.

Some guys are fixated on ED, and therefore let it spill over to work, relationship, etc… Poor adaptation.

— [1] adaptation and harmony .. Dr Nancy used the phrase “deal with”. I call it adaptation, lifestyle adjustment and coping. Adaptation is crucial to harmony and carefree (successE). A common theme in my blogs. Adaptation has become a cliche in the mass media. Organizations (firms, schools,,,), industries, cities,,, must adapt to changing times.

In my son’s case, daily routine needs adjustment. Sometimes, we just need to get used to a change in the body, without lifestyle adjustment.

As long as the individual adapts to the change and doesn’t let it affect school, work, social life,,, then successful adaptation.

知足常乐/successE ^ successZ #contentment fat-n-happy


See also

Exec summary of a paradox: we need to harmonize/reconcile the positive and negative aspects of zzcl[知足常乐].

  • contentment [zzcl/知足常乐] is a positive attitude, related to successE. SuccessE is always defined based on wellness + well-cushioned livelihood, so constant effort is required by definition.
  • slippery slope from contentment to negative attitudes of laziness, stagnation, complacency, comfort zone, 生于忧患死于安乐, 安于现状.. collectively referred to as failingZ [opposite of successZ].

— burn-n-rot (time mgmt) .. I used to feel guilty about comfort. Comfort used to mean rotting, failing successZ,,,

I feel rotting usually in a context without adversity.

Nowadays I adopt zzcl to combat the poisonous burn-n-rot perception.

— fat-n-happy .. a neutral term. Traditionally not positive, but used positively in my blogs.

Obviously, we want zzcl[知足常乐] without complacency.

I feel fat-n-happy (in the positive sense), but not complacent or lazy esp. in my career.

— accept 碌碌无为 kids, non-academic kids, mediocre kids .. important to my zzcl[知足常乐]

— professions and companies with moat .. are enviable, admirable, even though they are associated with comfort zone and low drive for zqbx.
* eg of no-moat: Andy Grove “Only the paranoid survive”. The fat-n-happy won’t survive. 危机意识
* eg of no-moat: Singapore government guarding its position and staying exceptional. The leaders endure zqbx[自强不息] so that citizens and (the wider) residents of Singapore can enjoy zzcl[知足常乐].
* (main eg) My focus in this bpost is individuals, not organizations. So the main example is older doctors. They are the exception to prove the “Rule” that most of professions require us to stay actively engaged in continuous learning and self-renewal… zqbx rather than fat-n-happy.

On the other hand, doctors and some other professions [including WStC] are /entitled/ to enjoy the fruit of our earlier (decades of) labor, and enjoy zzcl[知足常乐]. This zzcl is not laziness, and not failing successZ[自强不息].

— Q: what if this individual adopts a relatively laid-back attitude, like Chonglei.Qi’s ezlife attitude, without struggle (See proactive^passive acceptance/Resignation)? How is his successZ?

I think it is fine if not too lazy, and not a dead weight to other people like the homeless beggars, or Tanko’s brother (based on hearsay). Basically, successE with some successZ is a good life, a decent goal.

Wellness is a key factor. Wellness requires successZ (自强不息, self-regulation, self-motivation and can include self-improvement). If an individual takes responsibility to maintain personal wellness, then she is unlikely to become a dead weight.

Similarly, frugality is a 2nd key factor. It too requires sucessZ (self-regulation).

Therefore, self-regulation is the basis of successE. In fact, it is a basis of all four successes.

A laid-back blue-collar worker in a welfare state like CA or Denmark can have quite an enviable ezlife and enjoy better life chances (and livelihood) than even the high achievers in an impoverished community. After they pass on, each of them will be forgotten due to 碌碌无为.

Women tend to become dead weight so women need 独立 more than generations before.

##[19]peaceful leisure@waterfront park: rude awaken`



See also

In 2020, I told grandpa that I often felt happy (satisfied!), peaceful (stress-lite),,, when spending time at a well-maintained waterfront park like east coast, Bayonne, Bishan park,,, Since then, this blogpost has slowly shifted focus from Happiness to Peaceful leisure. Peace meaning absence of stress. Now I think many individuals in many countries can enjoy the same /amenities/. But let’s focus on my peers in China, SG and U.S. Again, my immediate focus is the common or persistent stressors, because I’ve found myself rather sensitive to stress. Stress is the enemy of carefree, peaceful leisure at waterfront parks.

I realize that the VAST majority of the world population (and majority of my broad peer group) struggle against some common adversities, that threaten to spoil their brief peaceful leisure… rude awakening!

  • — a random list of rude awakenings, half ranked by the (unpleasant) impact on peaceful leisure. I prefer specfic details
  • [X] divorce or unsatisfactory marriage .. the severe cases. I now feel divorce has permanent legal consequences, though some divorcees do overcome those consequences almost completely (few “completely”).
  • family disharmony .. domestic aggression, in-law conflicts
  • [aLS] (chronic) health conditions, contributing to rising healthcare cost
    • infertility, eating disorder, hair loss, hearing loss (my mom), allergies, aging eyesight, sexual difficulties
  • [5] overwork, burn-out, work stress, abusive boss .. the severe cases
  • [5] lack of spare time for unwind, recuperation, recharge, and rest, perhaps due to long commute, long work hours, parenting, care-giver duty, long wait time on the phone
  • [5aLSX] housing cost, or poor housing condition including long commute.  Residents would presumably have less time but would want to spend more time get-away…
  • [5LSX] job insecurity (esp. older workers, unskilled workers), displacements. Remember the covid19 mass layoff affecting thousands of Singaporeans. Many are seriously worried.
  • mortgage rate hike as experienced in 2022 .. often increasing monthly int accural by $1k for many years. A rude awakening
  • See also [4]. This bpost was initially a 2023 snapshot of long-term recurring stressors
  • ~~~~~ the generic, the vague, not directly relevant to peaceful leisure, or items marked with [a],  ….
  • GreenCard long queue affecting Indian H1b holders .. often generates good news and bad news
  • [5SX] unhealthy lifestyle due to lazybones, overeating, busy work/parenting
  • conflict or grievances at work .. the severe cases
  • [SX] kid’s academic trouble, behavior, drugs, bullying
  • [S] short-term (effect of long-term) inflation, esp. in housing, education and medical
  • [L] major investment woes that threaten to wipe out 5Y of savings (250k).
  • bedbugs
  • [5aX] weight, body image, fitness # my son was slightly overweight
  • [5aLS] cost of basic (“luxury” for the cmcUS) education
  • [aLSX] below-average income, often due to lack of specialized skills # wife, Bayonne roommates… My kids may land there too.
  • — legend:
  • [a=these /struggles/ are long and hard, but the individual gets adapted to them so the damages don’t keep growing over time]
  • [L=livelihood stress]
  • [S=a focus of the Singapore nanny state, but NOT U.S. governments]
  • [5=affecting more than 50% of my peers]
  • [X=my own effort is at least half the reason for my carefree situation]

So yes most of us can find joy in a lovely waterfront park, but I’m more protected , more blessed than most of the people in the world.

— portrait of affluence .. The image of waterfront leisure park has been increasingly popular and prevalent, for 20Y+. This imagery is a common theme online among 1) the overseas Chinese 2) westerners [Caucasians]. These are two groups of authors having the deepest influence during my formative years.

The overseas Chinese authors often include the images as a /glimpse/ of their “good life” in the west relative to China. A related portrait would be a family road trip in a SUV, or the busy trip preparation, in a family yard.

This theme symbolizes affluence (or wealth) in time and $. That includes work-life balance, reasonable working hours,,. At a secondary level, it also suggests street safety, a sustainable ecosystem, a resourceful local government, plenty of well-maintained green space for a given human population (no overcrowding), ,,,

ctbz(寸土必争)[def]: micro-saving add up over5Y or involution #H2O

k_ctbz  k_X_power_descriptor  k_soul_search

In popular usage, 寸土必争 has a wider meaning, but in my case, ctbz := Once I set a realistic and measurable target for my endeavor, I push myself to execute my plan with ruthless, clinical precision, often semi-consciously beating myself up whenever I deviate visibly.

寸土必争 is often a daily struggle, tough for everyone. Therefore it’s actually my competitive strength! Most adults or young people don’t monitor their burn rate, calorie-quota or regular exercise. The cumulative effect would eventually show up.

Among these scarce resources, usable time is the most scarce, available up to age 60 (only 55 for some).

This is a killer talent and a visible personal advantage. Among the specific talents, the most significant (used to be $$) is calorie-quota budgeting. It has long-term health benefits.

Among these endeavors, my success is most visible and decisive in $$, and least in time-saving.

This is one reason for my carefree life at this age when my peers endure stress. This (and other) freedom comes with responsibility.

— warning .. ctbz can be hazardous. With cherry, other eaters would discard half the flesh. However, due to ctbz, i try to eat all the meat off the core. This is actually dangerous. When I do this without full concentration, the stone can get stuck at the throat or go down.

— domain: water.. in mid 2022, I found joy in saving water. The small actions make me feel /righteous/?/ and earn me self-respect. It sharpens my perception on numerous water wasting scenarios that are often overlooked. The small savings add up to a modest amount, but the sharpened perception will help me score big wins.

— domain: diet
Polyclinic dietitian said .. without precision, calorie reduction will be futile.

calorie-quota is a similar concept to carbon-quota. Each country each year is given a quota. If you over use bit by bit, then someday you need to borrow from the future quota.
— domain: workout
flexibility (+ muscle) declines with aging and requires periodic stretching, perhaps a few seconds each day — ctbz
— domain: burn rate .. my burn_rate_control (ffree) is the front page success story.
Some people save for months then spend all the savings at year end.  Other people waste numerous small amounts of money on a monthly basis. Over decades they “throw down the drain” a painful portion (like 10-20%) of their income. elaborate planning of NY/SG trips is a case study.

See also ctbz on small spends

— domain: time micro-saving
My Focus on time utilization is a great example of my ctbz habit. Many people spend time (and $) in “fun” places that actually don’t create a lot of pleasure.

Large number of small time-wastage is similar to large number of small $-waste. Some of us feel the pain only years later when our peers make progress in their spare time (or their office hours).

— domain: divorce dispute (if it ever happens) .. Grandpa said that in the unlikely event, we need to fight to resist and never give in
— my ctbz attitude/habit is effective (in some but) not in all domains:
With early rise, I feel my 寸土必争 attitude may be unnecessary, possibly counterproductive.

Weekly coding drill don’t need 寸土必争. Momentum is more important.


G9 Precious little gems: lost2the drain #criticalMass

Street road drainage with metal grill drain cover covered with autumn maple leaves Stock Photo - Alamy
What little gems could disappear in the drain?


See also steadfast focus

This blogpost is about the precious little gems that we could lose to the drain unexpectedly. Not restricted to carefree ezlife

[d=detach actively]

— G3 in gz

  • my c++ critical mass
  • [d] flexible hours, short commute, excellent medbx
  • [d] the nice office near the waterfront, with workout facilities

— G1 PFF domain is well-analyzed, well-protected, so i will only name unfamiliar little gems

  • Rbh .. out-of-country access

— G4 in wellness

  • absorbency [knee capacity] and joy of jogging
  • absorbency for chin-up, yoga
  • [d] strong bones .. my shin bones survived a hard hit during bike fall

— Beyond the top 9, here are some of the high-level-n-vague, the big (not “little gems”) the familiar..

  • [d] coreJava (and c, SQL, perl/shell scripting to a lesser extent) .. robust demand
  • [d] libido
  • [d] small belly
  • carefree ezlife based on plenty of buffer in spare time/money
  • inflation in SGD .. too high-level
  • loving family .. too vague
  • .. improving bonding with boy
  • .. nice bonding with meimei

[19]ComfyPosition]cohort #priorities


k_tectonic .. k_X_FOMO_v_livelihood

I have spent too much time trying to make the title more identifiable. The precise meaning of “comfortable position in my cohort” is crucial to this blogpost. Without a precise meaning, this blogpost will gradually but inevitably lose its relevance among multiple similar analyses like

Comfortable position means “well within the green zone and in no danger of drop-out.” Note green zone can be minority or majority. We instinctively know, to varying degrees, where we stand among our chosen peer group. On some games I feel unlikely to improve my relative standing, so I need to reconcile with these “amber zones”. They include:
* kids academics
* double income, white-collar wife
* brank — OC-effective leadership .. I didn’t say “income”. Consider the Siddeshes in my circle.

On other “games”, I feel confident to maintain my comfortable position relative to peers:

  1. — half-ranked by surprise, beyond the big5 topics like sg citizenship, wellness, cashflow (brbr, Fuller wealth, retirement planning, ffree). It’s important to de-emphasize these big, common factors so they don’t /overshadow/ the smaller, more “interesting” factors
  2. stable marriage, valuable support from grandparents
  3. top college insider insight — relaxed attitude towards and some insight into it
  4. lower fear of job loss, lower work stress .. thanks to contract
  5. HDB home ownership — low maintenance
  6. English proficiency … a growing fountainhead of wellbeing, (stress)protection, a foundation stone for self-care. Writing/oral communication, vocab
  7. coding IV — as benchmarked against my age group on Wall St
  8. QQ IV — coreJava and c++ are both fairly stable and low-churn over a 30Y horizon.
  9. mobility across multiple job markets, work-till-70, life-long learning, access to age-friendly job markets
  10. my primary lang@FT_job has robust demand

The list is similar to [21] G9 short-term factors4ezlife #escape pod

— Q: How did I achieve this comfortable position, this carefree, relatively complete life? (Note “complete” is measured against personal yardsticks.)

Actually, G5 Shields@family_livelihood is a more thorough, more rigorous analysis that’s relevant to this question.

locus@control: carefree high ground mostly due2effort also answers this question, from a different angle.

To further explain my well-protected carefree and ffree that’s uncommon in my age group, I decided to ask two questions below.

Q: how are my chosen priorities “different”, excluding the common, basic ones (like job security, stable family, kids)
A: here are some priorities that my peers don’t give enough attention

  1. career longevity till 80’s — instead of brank, salary bracket (exclub)
  2. healthy longevity — I still need to give more sunshine to my flexibility
  3. current nonwork income — instead of windfall appreciation. Instrumental to my early ffree.

A: here are some priorities of my peers that I don’t care much:

  1. luxury IMO — top schools for their kids
  2. luxury IMO — (usually big) home in a top school district
  3. brank

Q: my strengths?
A: top 3 strengths unranked:

  • brbr;
  • lifelong xx for IV
  • wellness, vitality

Beyond the strengths, here are some advantages:

  • healthcare + retirement provisions I have set up for my family in Singapore;
  • SG citizenship
  • stable marriage
  • property portfolio — including inheritance

— ffree — the poster boy of my comfortable position

Singapore is a success story in many ways. Its position in GDP ranking is the tip of an iceberg. Likewise, My fledgling ffree is the tip of an iceberg. My Fuller wealth rests on a foundation composed of my strengths and my guiding principles (priorities, habits) listed above.

The ffree draws disproportionate attention but is actually less reliable, less important than the G5 Shields@family_livelihood

Humble — My successE is not glorious, but it is rare, commendable, worthwhile. Look at the success of MMM, ERE author and other FIRE legends.

[22]no more envy: underpaid cf US for20Y

This is a deep and long “bruise” (imperfect metaphor.. LG), occasionally painful but extremely common.

For most of my life, I was constantly envious of nationals of richer countries. More resources, bigger safety net, more life chances. That’s until I became SPR.

— underpaid .. When I became a SWE in SG, for years I was envious of SWE in U.S. — Same workload, I was paid far less.

Now in 2022, I feel whether in SG or WSt (where I can work), I am paid similar to the highest paid SWEs i.e. in WCBA.