green peas: #1 starch # 80 cal

  • 🙂 high protein — “Green peas are one of the best plant-based sources of protein” [1]
  • 🙂 high fiber
  • 🙂 … surprisingly filling in my experience
  • 🙂 relatively low calorie among starchy foods — ## low-cal foods
  • 🙂 🙂 often premixed with low-cal frozen veg, enhancing fiber and calorie
  • 🙂 cheap; easy to buy, store (frozen), microwave and serve with no seasoning required 🙂
  • 🙂 starchy and satisfying on its own, better than rice/bread/biscuits. I can eat this regularly and in quantity.
  • 14g carb out of 100g [2]
  • 🙁 over-eating may give you too much starch
  • 🙂 compared to banana — slight less calorie, 5 times higher protein, more fiber, less sugar
  • see the nutritional comparison with other starchy foods in ## lighter starch


[2] has USDA data

## medium-calorie non-addictive

These foods are relatively safe — medium calorie and non-addictive

  • boiled lotus root
  • [w] full-cream milk
  • yogurt — not addictive to me
  • [w] milk tea?
  • banana. I believe all other fruits are low-calorie
  • lean meat, fish
  • [w] millet porridge
  • [w=water content improves calDensity]

In  contrast, here are some foods considered “low-calorie” by my standard:

  • most fruits and vegetables
  • egg white
  • protein powder smoothie


rice pudding: bargain dessert@115 cal/100g

Should consider nonfat rice pudding. Full-cream rice pudding is still a medium-calorie dessert so portion control is needed. Luckily, I won’t eat 500 cal in one go.

Rice pudding is an affordable American dessert. My TraderJoe’s full-cream rice pudding is so creamy and rich, that I used it as companion for my raw carrot (heated carrot would not need companion)

As such, rice pudding is a calorie bargain.

The tastes is comparable to ice cream and cheesecakes, but much lower calories:) thanks to the rice base.

  • 115 cal/100g, about 33% of cheesecake 🙂 One pound of this pudding has 520 calories, less than 100g of my 东北小花生 !
  • 2.7g fat/100g #3g/half-cup
  • 3.5g protein/100g #4g/half-cup says it is lighter than other dairy desserts


milo+almond milk beats skim+whole milk#BMI

Half cup of skim milk + half cup of regular milk was my default “healthy” combination for years. In multiple offices, I enjoyed it for years often with microwave heating.

To my surprise, there’s a tastier yet lighter combination, thanks to my research.

choice: milo almond milk total at 50/50 realistically
70 cal + 60 cal/cup =
130 cal 70+50=120 #if less almond
choice whole milk skim milk default is 110 calorie fatter ↴
150 cal/cup + 90 cal/cup = 240 cal 150+80=230 #if less skim

–debate over BMI impact says whole milk, not skim milk, is associated with reduced obesity.

However, my family is not obese. For us, skim milk probably improves BMI.

## satisfying@low-cal@@ # often tasty

“Filling/satisfying” means “enough to stop me eating other foods

Filling AND low-calorie sounds contradictory, like an unbelievable bargain, too good to be true, but in reality this might be possible and my experience seem to prove it — I think with these foods and with delaying meals I was able to cut my starch intake by 75-90% and my calorie by half (a more precise estimate is not worthwhile)

Note we all need variety, though some individuals needs less of it. I just hope I can rely on these super foods as the base of my daily intake.

  • — unsorted:
  • soymilk?
  • 金针菇 — 37 cal/100g
  • ham — at 90 cal/100g #normal turkey/pork cold cut is 60 cal/56g
  • [t] liquid egg white — much lighter than whole eggs — what’s the calorie?
  • [t] heated tiny raw carrot — starchy, fibrous, fairly tasty
  • [tt] persimmon — quite filling and very tasty
  • microwaved carrot and cabbage — taste much better than raw, and extremely small calorie footprint
  • [tt] sweet potato? I feel a small one already fills my stomach. Good portion control.
    • In contrast, baked potato is measured as the #1 most satisfying food, but I consider it medium-cal
    • lentil? promising
  • banana? sometimes filling
  • [tt] edamame? relatively low calorie but more calorie dense than many starch foods including rice ..
  • raw veg  + chocolates? need self-discipline, but since I often eat 2 to 4 pieces only, portion control is generally easier than nuts and ice cream,
  • [t] my own ABC soup
  • raw veg + chicken/ham as a salad? filling but unsure about calorie
  • raw veg + light ice cream?
  • chicken breast? i think so, but I tend to assume lots of hidden fat close to the skin
  • [t] green machine? Is it filling enough for the calorie?
  • [tt] ice cream?? at 100cal/100g (low-fat or nonfat) it is still relative calorie dense. Satisfying if accompanying raw veg
  • chia?? filling but not very satisfying…. was sustainable for a few months.
  • — Now some of the tried-n-failed “solutions”
  • raw veg — by itself still hungry afterwards
  • cooked veg — calls for rice or other starch
  • yogurt — not satisfying
  • milk — not filling
  • [question mark(s) after the food indicates my suspicion ]
  • [t=tasty. tt = very tasty, stress-relief comfort food]

egg: white is low-cal n satisfying

  • For whole eggs, I would limit myself to one egg in 2 days, though Eating up to 3 eggs per day is safe for the majority of the population. Egg white is much safer than whole eggs, in terms of calories and cholesterol.
  • skeptical — Many researches indicate whole eggs are slimming but possibly based on tests with overweight people. A large egg has about 80 calories, 75% from the yolk.
  • skeptical — Many articles say eggs are satisfying but compared to what? I find both egg white and whole eggs reasonably satisfying but i still miss my starch 🙁

— egg whites in particular:

See for details on egg whites.

  • virtually fat-free
  • mostly water and protein
  • safe for weight-watchers
  • 🙂 satisfying yet low-cal 🙂 Unbeatable combination
  • easy to cook
  • can mix in chia seeds
  • good for salad too
  • low-cost iFF you learn to remove the yolk with a plastic bottle

carrot #frozen

As of 2019, Carrot is my #1 raw veg, eaten in higher quantity than tomato, cucumber…
As of 2020, Carrot is my #1 raw veg tied with lettuce at the same overall quantity, higher than tomato, cucumber, onion,

  • can eat raw, frozen, or heated, or add to a soup, each with a different natural flavor in each case.
  • 🙂 if frozen (rare), can go with ice cream, peanuts, cookies
  • 🙂 if heated, can substitute starch to some extent
    • fairly satisfying at low calorie — rare combination. I tried on 29 Dec 2019 and ate at least 0.9 of a full pound packet of microwaved carrot with fish 🙂
    • The carrot at Stuff’d salad shop tastes very starchy and satisfying. Not boiled like my wife’s. Possibly steamed.
  • ridiculously low-cal
  • cheap, available

Q: what to go with raw carrot? hummus:):) guacamole:) ham:) cooked meat/fish:) chocolate:) ice cream 🙂

The baby carrot is not always better tasting !
Warning — about 5-20% of the baby carrots I tried taste much less palatable though not rotten, and should be discarded right away. Usually the thick ones. Also, the big carrots in Singapore all taste less palatable, less sweet. The regular baby carrots have a slight sweet taste and free of grassy taste. I tend to believe the closer to the heart, the higher the chance of being slightly sweet

sugg — buy the thinner ones. Half the times I don’t notice the difference, but the other times I find the thinner ones more palatable.

Sugg — heating improves the taste 3 times, with a natural flavor.

starchy — For my tiny raw carrot from TraderJoe’s, heating brings out a starchy texture, better than the starchy texture in the boiled big chunks. Even if roasted carrot somehow contains more starch and calories, it is still a very healthy food.

— raw carrot milkshake, a good use of extra carrot at home.
#1 tip: remove the big butt that tastes less sweet

Carrot is not creamy as avocado, banana, mango. Therefore, i add peanut butter and milk.

Ice — dillutes everything but in a positive way. It’s prudent to add ice incrementally to avoid over-dillution. If over-dilluted, then add milk.

Sugar — is crucial just as milk and ice, but should not be added in abandunce. I added a teaspoonful of honey but I don’t know how effective it was.