[17]what age4focused repetition practice(%%fixation

See also

My post on roller coaster set up a framework, albeit for academic studies — Abilities + Effort. Repetition practice is a major form of effort. Many kids at age 8 can take up mindful weekly practices (not mindless repetition). Lots of physical skills require it, such as swimming, handwriting and piano. Some academic subjects require it too.

— pingpong
Grandma and I saw a 9 year old girl taking individual pingpong lesson from a professional coach. The girl repeats hundreds of times the same action within 5 minutes. I asked the coach about interest. Coach said the girl didn’t resist the (high) intensity.

— swim
Serious swimmers at secondary school level (not sure about P2) need to swim a few km each session. Look at his attitude when we asked him to pay attention to his freestyle action. Qiu Yi said he didn’t put in the effort.

— piano
Alex said within one hour some students at this same level can complete the same piece 200+ times but Yixin could do 3 times. Given the heavy academic workload, Alex said  the only way to get more practice is (significant) increase in efficiency.

Looking at Yixin, Alex felt he may not be the personality to enjoy focused, high-intensity, fast-pace practices. Even if we can force him to do it, what about Grade 4 and 5? I feel it can be boring.

— handwriting speed-up
Less negotiable than the extra-curriculum . Therefore teacher basically imposed it on and pushed to his limit of green zone. So far he was cooperating. 厌学? Not enjoyable, just like the other domains, but required by the national education system. Basically, most kids must and can do it. Some struggle to cope — Look at Raymond’s son.

— xiezi
Biggest “weakness” in his academic benchmark profile. Lan Qing said “a bit late”. Mr Cheng said 很多会说的字但是不会写,这种情况很常见,只能通过多做练习来加深记忆.

— Chinese compo (my own experience)
I hated and feared this thing for years until I took up the challenge and became confident.

##deeper green: pre-diabetes, pre-hypertension,BMI


See also

— the two green zones .. I’m nearing the prediabetes zone, but I’m already in the pre-hypertension zone by some standard.

It’s important to know there’s no consensus about the pre-xxx threshold.

Q (for doctor): I am nearing prediabetes and borderline hypertension, which one is more dangerous for me?
DrLeow on 25/Apr/2024: in general, t2dm is more dangerous than hypertension, but you have neither at your current levels (5.4%, 120+/80+)

— famly history .. hypertension yes, not t2dm.

— progression with age .. likely for both blood sugar and blood pressure. I feel, without evidence, that hypertension looms larger than t2dm

— BMI deeper green zone .. I want to reach the safer zones of 20.0 .. See y slim down when I’m slimmer than most#Susan

[16] bmark – accept big underperformance NOW@@

He has enough capacity to join the top 25% stream but I have carefully accepted he may not perform to his standard. I have accepted an above-average exam result, so long as Yixin puts in a “reasonable” effort.

Q: However, what if we leave him to himself and he doesn’t put in any reasonable effort and score way below his standard? Can we accept severe under-performance?

Acceptance means no scolding, no bitterness, no finger pointing, no regrets. Acceptance requires a big heart and 胸襟. Acceptance means unshaken confidence in him.

My answer — I am unable to but I’m working towards a rational, objective view. In such a situation, I would take bulk of the responsibility for not focusing on his ownership, self-drive, self-discipline, motivation.

white^black swan(def) ]%%blogg #predictability


Repeatedly, I have found that Taleb’s criteria for black swan are way too complicated, abstract, with too many parts, and simply too long, for most lay public users of this metaphor. Therefore, users everywhere have rebelled (against Taleb), abandoned his criteria, and adopted simpler criteria. Therefore, imprecision and inconsistency (in criteria) is widespread.

The phrases “black swan” and “white/grey swan” have, to varying degrees, widespread usage in my blogs and in public domain, but horribly imprecise/vague. Not to deviate too much from original criteria, but also not to get bogged down by it, I will briefly contrast these 2 phrases as used in my blogs. Because white swans are less rare, there must be more examples of them, perhaps more in my blogs.

  • —— Black swan events are  A) rare and C) massive[1], with lasting impact on communities, B) NOT easily predictable/foreseeable, even though official definition says “absolutely unpredictable/unforeseeable”
  • eg: WSC harbor shrinks, but becoming less competitive thanks to web2.0 attracting young tech talents away
  • eg: finIT domain losing pole position to web2.0 and other tech employers
  • eg: epa job : WLB[workload, timelines, commute,,], appr [expectations, comp as an indicator]. I might settle down as a long-timer.
  • eg: Blk 177 massive appreciation
  • eg: SG tech teams adopting telecommuting, remote hiring, just like U.S.
  • eg: MLP long-timers retrenched without obvious underperformance
  • eg: difficulty for foreigner SWE to get Sg EP
  • eg: rising salary at this age
  • —— White (and grey) swan events are A) less rare than black swans B) easily foreseeable even without hindsight, but usually came as a surprise due to poor planning. I will add another criteria C) less massive
  • eg: quick ascent of NUS and esp. NTU
  • eg: China salary and rEstate levels rising too fast towards (or exceed) SG level, but work condition deteriorating
  • eg: my marriage crisis
  • eg: rate of marriage failure around me
  • eg: 2022 peak in our intimacy .. rewarding, fulfilling, and then growing dependency on pills
  • eg: credit events in my HY/PE, and Megaworld unscrupulous practices
  • eg: covid19 as an earthquake
  • eg: my family’s net asset [BVxD] growing fast by 300k/Y
  • eg: hardworking colleagues let go for no apparent reason

By definition, there are more white swans than black swans in my life, but this phrase is too weak and unimaginative. I used this phrase only when comparing black swan event.

Unexpected success ..

— [1] massive impact .. I often say “little white swans” for less massive swan events. “Little black swan” is also plausible.

By default, and in common usage, black swans all have massive, lasting impacts on many people.

2nd home router4deadZone #unconventional

Conventional wisdom in Simlim shops says that dead zones in your home require mesh router. They also believe that a good lone-wolf router would cost $500+. I think they didn’t know the simple technique in this bpost?

For a few years, I used an Aztech HAP (Home Access Point) built into my first (Aztech) powerline device. It provided a new SSID without any WebGUI. In 2023, again I am setting up a HAP. The devcie is a TPLink.

  • I had no luck with the RangeExtender feature as described in the TPLink manual.
  • I had no luck with the LAN-LAN set-up as described in https://hetmanrecovery.com/recovery_news/connection-of-2-routers-in-one-network-wifi-gain-shared-resources.htm
  • So I ended up with WAN-LAN. This is also the recommended set-up on TPLink manual.

It can be helpful to run a ping test in an endless loop in a console window, during a lengthy set-up process.

For smart phones, private/random MAC (the default) proved to be problematic.

Due to frequent reset of the HAP, I have decided to keep the default password and SSID .. on sticker.

— j4 extra t$cost

  • j4: lower mobile data usage while in the kitchen
  • j4: easier to move the HP71

— admin WebGUI access.. I think sometimes goes to the host rounter (DLink) sometimes to the TPLink 🙁

  1. unplug the TPLink from the powerline device, disconnecting it from the host network
  2. keep the TPLink on, so its WebGUI remains accessible.
  3. A cable between the TPLink and the computer is possibly more stable. In contrast, the wifi connection is perceived less stable but was usable at least once.
  4. now goes to TPLink WebGUI. Log in with root/se8.
  5. Now you can configure password, SSID,,,

Only after you gain admin WebGUI access, can you have confidence to proceed.



dual_earning=THEIR main advtg over me



This is a recurring sentiment about my US cmc peers. Most of my U.S. cmc peers have double income, well above me in terms of household income.
Jolt: Now I feel that’s about the only advantage they have over me.

  • wellness .. am better than majority of them
  • family harmony .. they are not better. Look at my bonding with my kids. YY.Tao?
  • marriage .. mine is more stable than many of them. H.Yi?
  • edu credentials .. mine is higher than most of them
  • long-term financial support by the state .. my gov is better than theirs by a large margin
  • pff .. despite their higher income, I don’t feel they are actually better off. This is just like latency race .. what’s enough? If we are well-off enough, then why envy those 50% richer?

— new: unstable marriage of two high flyers
[[Divorcing couples: a profile analysis]] finds “dual-earning couples often struggle with the management of multiple demands placed on them — earning money, the responsibility of maintaining a home and raising kids.” I have never questioned the advantages of dual_earning. Now I think there are a few DISadvantages.

  • the wife would be busier and have less time for kids
  • the husband must take on more parenting work
  • the wife (perhaps husband too) is more tired on more days
  • more conflict in marriage, leading to insecurity in kids.

Given the income disparity in my marriage, my wife is mostly supportive, rather than competitive and independent. Our parenting duties are well-organized.

Q (posed in 2020, 2021 or 2022): given the cashflow high ground, how could H.Y improve their marriage and communication.

A: professional couple counselling. This service costs a lot in the U.S.
A: hire a maid to reduce the home-making workload on each parent

Perhaps emigrate to a lower-income country where systems are less complex and everyday life simpler and more convenient.

Surprisingly, the high ground doesn’t provide enough of a buffer of protection against marital risks. The high ground improves risks related to family cashflow, but the high-earning wife is also very independent and doesn’t want to play a supporting role to the husband. Not a risk factor in itself, but in some cases, this can indirectly create new risks. Many divorce cases involve two high-income earners.

A lower-class stable couple (earning 100k/Y) look at the higher-class the Yi’s with envy. But would the Yi’s envy the stable marriage of the lower-class couple? I think Yi’s xpSelf would.

Now 100k/Y is well above the median household income, so why would this couple still envy the Yi’s. Would a $400k couple envy someone still higher? It’s endless like the low-latency arms race.

[18]how I achieved%% Comfortable Economic Profile by44


(I want to keep this blog in recrec or open blog, not tanbinvest. I want to be brief yet incisive.)

See 3 ffree scenarios: cashflow figures. What capabilities enabled me to achieved my current Comfortable Economic profile?

  • — top 3
  • by earning SGP citizenships
  • by developing my own investment strategies, via trial-n-error
  • by staying healthy
  • — the obvious
  • by high saving rate thanks to salary + low burn rate — efficiency inspired by SG gov
  • by consistent body-building with in-demand skills -> job security. I think rather few of my peers have this level of job security. Most of them work in one company for years. They may be lucky when they need a new job, but they don’t have my inner confidence and level of control on that “luck”. Look at Y.W.Chen. He only developed that confidence/control after he changed job a few times.

When I say “Comfortable” I don’t mean “above-peers”, and not complete financial freedom, but rather … easily affordable lifestyle without the modern-day pressure to work hard and make a living. In my life there are still too many pressures to cope with, but I don’t need to work so damn hard trying to earn enough to make ends meet.

A higher salary or promotion is “extremely desirable” but not needed. I’m satisfied with what I have now.

I can basically retire comfortably.

EDyw: am@higher ground than other患者


Q: can ED become a livelihood issue?
%%A: Not “likelihood” as defined in my bposts (le2S.Liu). However, availability and affordability of treatments is quite important to the wellbeing (of a man or his spouse), similar to dental, skin healthcare or basic education.
%%A: ED can jeopardize relationships, mental well-being,, and can become a livelihood issue.

In the extreme case, a dissatisfied partner can blame the man. Such behavior statistically increases the risk of break-up, esp. if no children involved.

When it hits an individual, ED is usually a small test of his overall livelihood condition [health, economic, support network,,,]. Actually, a real-life marriage is often a fragile union, and on it a family is built. ED would not be a “small” test if it affects fertility, marriage, family bonding. In such a scenario, a man would need to devote considerable resources to manage the condition and its /fallout/.

For some individuals, the t$cost of ED management can be heavy. Consider pills, medical grade pumps, rings, consultations, diagnostics, fancy treatments,,,

Q: Why do I feel “on higher ground” relative to other guys, even though I have ED issues?
%%A: EDyw is a widespread condition. Like a storm, it can hit anyone esp. as he grows older. When you are free of ED, you don’t notice high ground vs low ground. When ED happens to you, then you experience a rude awakening. My book [[中国男人书]] explains many difficulties faced by people on the low ground. In the Simlim adult shop , I also explained to the lady that I’m lucky on multiple fronts.

  • — half ranked by unfamiliarity, uniqueness,,
  • wife is staying home and not demanding, dominant, criticizing, under-fucked, frustrated
  • good sex education
  • no tobacco, alcohol habits
  • no medical conditions
  • no sleep deprivation
  • hour-level time-flexibility…  plenty of time for research
  • no Panx about fertility
  • BMI, frequent exercise
  • privacy for intimacy
  • morning erections
  • pill effectiveness

快餐店 quietime-innovation since%%college


— history .. I discovered this opportunity first in West Coast Ginza plaza. I often stayed till restaurant closing time.  I did the same in Bedok.

Then in the 2010s I had access to laptop + wifi. Quietime “effectiveness” improved dramatically. Effective in terms of

  • blogg
  • tech xx, coding
  • recreational xx
  • email

— $Cost is up to $2/session for an icecream or simple burger. I get to sit for hours in a clean, lively (no loneliness) environemnt with free wifi.

I always pick a non-peak hour, unpopular tiny seat like near the trash bin. I kinda prefer window seats, but those seats tend to be popular.

This experience/habit is an example of frugal indulgence. Middle-class and low-income individuals alike .. should explore this option without guilt or embarrassment.

Q:which country u call home

I can imagine a (legal or illegal) immigrant to the U.S. (or Sgp) without GreenCard. She has lived most if not 98% of her life in the this country (perhaps born here) and is more familiar with this country than her original country, but she has a relatively priviledged life in her original country (wealth, family network/relationships, status,,,)

Q: which country does she call home?
%%A: her original country, not the country where she spends most of her life ! In the U.S. she remains a second-class citizen (immigration status, skin color, wealth, Language,,,). She belongs to some sub-group, but not upper-middle class.

Aha: it’s your social strata within each country, that determine which country you prefer. You can call it exclub, FOLB or peer comparison.